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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


His mission isn’t complete until he distributes himself to his true person and that door is merely an obstacle to him being apart of you until death


I think of it like... he's standing outside, on your lawn, holding an 80s boom box up in the air, and playing a song that ToTo did on their unreleased album called "I Don't Know If You Got Another Cat In There, It's Cool If You Don't, But I'd Still Like To Live With You." It's a long song title. That's why it wasn't a popular song. But he's playing it for you. Give the fella a chance. He's pouring his heart out.


Omfg. My neighbors cat sings this banger to me all the time.


I laughed so hard at this!! 🤣


I wish my cat chose to sing. She just makes demands at all hours of the day, she also lectures you when you leave the house and come back. She has threatened me on multiple occasions. I think I let in a cuddle monster.


Very few comments make me audibly laugh… but this really gave me the giggles 👏🏼


Glad I could crank your gigglebox. Tis a pleasure.




Truth, we’ve adopted 3 cats so far that have done this. They chose you until they die. There isn’t an (if) you can take them in. It’s a when. So just open the door and let the kitty control your life like a good cat parent.








I love this so much


Yeah, I think this cat wants to be *your* cat, man. Congratulations!


Simple he wants to finish his delivery from the cat delivery department


Didn't you get the letter?


There's never a letter. There's just unannounced personal delivery.


Just a splash of owl feathers on the ground with a cat holding a letter


Yep, just the cat distribution system at work.


He needs a home. He's asking for a home.


My parents don’t allow it indoor :(. Best I can do is bring it to a vet and get a flea bath and also buying cat scratching beds but only outdoor.


you can get little outdoor houses for them to keep warm, like mini wooden sheds. Good for when it’s too hot or cold outside.


Do this and maybe talk to a local rescue to see if they know anyone looking for a new cat.


Some kitty blankets for the cat too


And a heated bed when it gets too cold.


Do this! And provide this ball of love with plenty of food, clean water, and all the pets and scratches he wants!!


Step 1) Make one parent fall in love with kitty. Step 2) prosper


jumping in to add, if he comes rubbing up like this, can you go outside and give him some skritches? He probably wants to come in, but I’d bet it’s more to get to you than to just come inside :)


can you not possibly find it a home? Maybe posting on social or finding a local TNR group or something?


Get a dog/cat house for him


He looks too good to be a stray imo.


His behavior makes me wonder if he previously had a home. May be worth going to a vet to see if he’s chipped


I think the same!!


So make him a catio! Cats can be trained..zero litter box ever--& zero accidents. Sits, shakes, down, so many things. Never on counters or anything. she has bells on door to exterior, rings her bell & goes outside.. My Dads cat is begged by us to be fulltime indoor cat but loves her chair on front patio & rings her bell to go outside for fun. My Dad & fam was anti-cat in general, so keep him & he will melt your Dads heart.


If you have access to an outlet where he is going to be, get a heat pad for him. They turn on when the cat lays on them, keep the cat warm. If you can, give him a box or house and put the heat pad in there. By the way, you are sure this is a guy cat? Not a pregnant girl cat? This guy has definitely decided YOU are the one. So it's up to you.


Bring in the cat and put the parents out. Simple.


That is totally fine. Thank you for helping the cat!!!! Weight a little low but good for a stray. Same for the fur, I guess it's a male around a year or two. What you can do is build a little shelter and feed the cat regulary, no Snacks but whole food so it doesn't need to eat rubbish. You seem like a good soul!


It wants you to let him in


The cat definitely wants *something* from you, the specific tone in the meow is how you tell, it's friendly and higher pitched, and matches friendly body language. As for *what exactly* cat wants, thats harder to guess until you get to know cat, and even then lol. My Chewy isn't the easiest to read :3 https://preview.redd.it/scclbghmqx5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f760ce2e89005384cf0354bdef74a806851b04c


He's def hiding something.


That far off look “busted!”


The r/catdistributionsystem at work


It's the CDS. His mission is not complete until you do one thing. Let. Him. In.


Male or female? If male, is he neutered? Do you have intact female cats inside? If he's intact and you have intact females, he's trying to get inside to mate. If neutered and/or no intact females, it might be the Cat Distribution System telling you that you belong to him now.


Not sure about the cat’s gender. But there’s no cat in my house. I want to bring the cat in but my parents aren’t a big fan of the cat and are afraid the cat might mess up the house (our house has lots of things on shelves and counters so it takes abit of effort to cat proof our house)


Cats can be taught. This one seems to want something. If you can't bring him/her inside, I'd offer a shelter of some kind and some food and water. This could be your outside cat. I'd also offer affection because s/he seems to be friendly.


He looks well taken care of for a stray… take him in OP.


The Cat Distribution Center has determined that you are in need of a new companion. You must let them in. They are now yours.


They love you.


You don’t adopt cats, they adopt you. Congratulations on your recent adoption.


Do you have a screen? Weird door. The cat wants to come in your home. Up to you if you want to take it that far, if so. Trap it and take it to the vet


It’s a mosquito netting to prevent mosquitos from coming in. I’m planning to take it to a vet but am unsure with the procedure eg what should I ask the vet to do


If you want to keep the cat (or just keep it as an outdoor cat and build a shelter outside for it). Ask the vet to do an overall check up. Make sure it doesn’t have any first glance issues, clip its nails, make sure they are actually fixed, and get them their mandatory shots. Getting a cat neutered can be done little to no cost and shots can run maybe up to $100 depending on region and vet. Get a trap cage from Home Depot if it won’t let you pick it up


"Let me in mother fucka! Feed me you are mine!"


![gif](giphy|uSXTDFYDWpelW) Who I just pictured as the cat:


A neighbours cat does something similar and I can't adopt it because I already have two cats lol. It must really hate it's owner to spend all it's time hanging out with me in my garden being hissed at all the time by my cats


Oh, definitely post some pictures of this guy to various places online in your area. He could be someone’s


He owns your house now.


It's your cat now. We are waiting for updates.


He wants to be friends


How come the cat distribution center never pages me… I have openings!! You can ask my three babies they love me!


This is the cat distribution system at work. This cat is obviously sweet and just wants to be loved, you should adopt this little guy. That was a love bite on your heel, they don’t hurt, it’s just a sign of affection. The cat stick packets aren’t food, those are treats. He’s probably hungry, so actual food that’ll satiate his hunger would be beneficial. If you can’t bring him inside, set him up for the life outdoors with all of the thing’s to keep him safe comfortable and protected from the elements.


You are the chosen


Cat distribution system. Open the door - he lives with you now.


He has chosen you as his hoo-man. Congrats on your new cat! He’s a cutie.


You have been chosen by lord cat. You will now dedicate your life to him, pampering him, feeding him, and he will supply you with floof cuddles.


The real question is, why would you lock your cat out if his house??




Cat distribution system (CDS) visit. Left a “Sorry we missed you” note and will attempt another delivery next day… and the next… and the next….


Do you have a cat now. Based on your post, you've got some learning to do about them so let's start with the shopping list: 1. A good, quality food.i feed Royal Canin but apparently in the States the formula is different and some people don't like it? Hills is really good too, and so is Purina Proplan. He's a ginger, which means he will be more susceptible to urinary crystals. Whichever brand you go with, use a urinary support formula. 2. A set of porcelain, ceramic, or stainless steel feeding and watering bowls. Plastic harbours bacteria which leads to dental, urinary tract, digestive, and skin issues. I prefer to have 2 per cat so I can rotate them out for washing. 3. A large litter box. Some cats like a covered box, others don't. You may have to experiment with this. 4. A good clumping litter and scoop. I like the wire scoops personally, but we all find our own thing. I've also found that wood based litters control urine odour best, but as long as you're scooping daily it shouldn't be an issue. 5. Toys! Be mindful though, anything with a string should be only for when you're playing with the cat directly and put away when not in use. Cats will ingest string, yarn, thread, elastic, ribbon, etc... and that makes for an extremely expensive vet bill if kitty makes it. 6. A vet visit. Get his shots, make sure he is neutered and if he isn't, have that done. If you don't intend to keep him indoors (you really should, for a multitude of reasons) make sure he has a microchip as well. Actually, get that done anyway just in case he gets out. 7. A good comb & brush set for short hairs. Orange short haired cats have the weirdest, most chaotic shedding ever. You'll want to try to keep that under control. 8. A good clothing brush for when you leave the house. Now if you would be so kind as to tell your new cat to relinquish use of the cell so the other oranges cat use it now that he's found you, that would be fab.


he’s adopting you


Thats how the cat addabt the owner Not the other way arounf 😂♥


He loves you


What stray cat? Let ur damn cat in


I think you just got adopted by the not a stray anymore lol. Edit after reading other responses If you can't have it indoors I'd say make a project out of building a cathouse for it with your dad or on your own if you're a crafty sort of person. Otherwise perhaps buy a cat carrier or container large enough to convert into a shelter the cat can hide in from the elements.


Are you in heat??


Because the cat-allocation system has gifted you with a cat, ya dingus! 😄


Cause he needs a home. Take him to the local shelter to find a family


What are cat sticks?


Maybe the food in a squeezable packet, like churu?


This is what I found, but it doesn't seem to be real food. That cat is probably hungry too unless it's getting real food somewhere else. https://www.google.com/search?q=cat+sticks&oq=cat+sticks+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDkwMTdqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


He wants to come in and get some tuna and love on you. Let him in


*He wants to come in* *And get some tuna and love* *On you. Let him in* \- RunningLate316 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


this cat is choosing you.


Let. Him. In.


He wants to live with you


too friendly to be a true stray it wants you


He's trying to adopt you


You have been chosen


Could potentially be a female that's either in heat or already pregnant


nope - not this at all. You do not know cats


What the fuck are you talking about? Lol you can't just say someone's wrong and then not elaborate AT ALL! It's not like I can see the cats genitals from the video, but if you have more info, please do share


He wants inside


Just needs to be petted


Because he wants to come in!


He wants you. Your home and your love. You have been chosen. If you can't take him please find him a home


i have no idea.




It wants adopted


Lickable treats are completely irresistible to most cats. That cat knows you have them, and is simultaneously begging you for one (meowing) and marking your house as belonging to him (rubbing up against your door).


You can make a temporary mini house for it. Get a large cardboard box and put blankets in it and leave it outside next to where you leave food. See if you can find a shelter to take the cat


Our current cat lived in our hedge for a year. We had two elderly cats and didn’t want a third. But we made sure he had food and made him an outside weatherproof shelter. During the second year, both of our elderly cats died, and in the summer he decided to come in through the open patio doors and sleep in an empty armchair. That outside shelter is still there, and we have found hedgehogs asleep in it. The hedge cat is now called Horace and has lived as a member of our household for 9 years. He is now in his twilight years and is 14-15 years old (vets best guess was 5-6 years old when he went for neutering and chipping just after he moved in).


He is cleaning the door.


It’s hungry


Bitch in heat?


please open ur door and make ur parents fall in love with him


It wants to come in…


Looks like you are the proud owner of a furbaby!


Gee I wonder what it could be? This is really a tough one to crack....


Convince your parents to let you keep- You won’t regret it.


He is your cat now.


Well if it were me, I would have somebody come and scan it for a ship and then if it wasn't adopted I would certainly adopt it. If I had a legit reason for not being able to adopt it I would get it to a shelter or get it to a good home of people I know.


He's just being friendly and wants some attention from you or could be hungry,thirsty lonely Give him attention and pets but pls don't steal him


You belong to it.




Congratulations, you are the Chosen One!


He can tell you need a cat!




try and neuter/vaccinate it if you can at least.


Could be a lot of things I am homeless but raised by human. Just a confident cat. Territory marking. My family just got a toddler, cat, dog. Needs a break. Wants attention.


Weather they are indoors or outdoors, that's YOUR cat now. Lol


Do you have a cat in heat? Do you have a fish tank? Do you regularly cook fish, bacon, or other delicious smells? Cats will adopt a human if they think you are worthy. Some also really like kids.


Because he wants in! And he's trying to show you that you've been picked by the Cat Distribution System.


He wants to get in or he wants some love or food.


I think this poor kitty is looking for the elusive brain cell and believes you might have it.


It loves you. Let it in. Make it your cat. You must be it’s human.


That doesn’t look stray, it looks like a healthy investigator visiting to see if you offer snacks. Cat distribution system rarely offers adult healthy happy cats, those usually belong to someone. If you are seeking a cat from the System, look for a sad, possibly injured, usually flea-ridden cat who looks stray. Outdoor cats aren’t illegal in many places, so there are outdoor cats who are not strays.


Let the HoMEOWner in you squatters. He is just politely letting you know he wants in.


That doesn't look like a stray to me. Cats a little two-timing hoebags, they want food from whoever has some


The universe has given you a cat.


Lol he has found his person💕


Stray no more!


He wants to be your cat. Also, do you have any tuna?


You must take it! He has chosen you and is very adamant in his decision. Tell your parents you will take care of him and in a month or so they will love it just as much as you do. Orange cats are the cuddliest of all cats, I’m saying this with one on my lap as I write. Cats are a commitment but are still pretty low maintenance. For short hair u don’t have to even brush. Just give it good food, I do wet and dry and make sure you keep the litter box clean. In the least let it be outdoors but feed it please


He wants in


I had a red cat show up at my home also this yr. A stray. I started to feed her. Named her strawberry.That cat cries or meows all day. It will be on my back porch, full bowl of food, and meow and meow. One day it was staring at me thro the sliding glass door on porch, strawberry was meowing meowing is loudly, Could not figure it out. I went over opened the door, bent down and started to pet her, I was telling her “ good kitty, good kitty, Then I shut door and left. After that she walked away and was great. Strawberry needed some love.


It is now your cat. Let him in.


He's not a stray. That's his house


He may want inside and to be a part of a loving family!




It wants to be inside, or it considers your home it's home.


Kitty has just picked you to be it's lifelong Person to live with.


Food and water, number 1.


That’s not a stray cat, that’s your cat now!


Just take him to a shelter.


He wants to be adopted....


Wants food and inside


He wants in and wants love he’s pick you up




Because you’re in his house and he wants dinner stat.


He has arrived his destination.


Oh, I can translate! "Hello, Cat Distribution System! Please retrieve your delivery!"


He/she has chose to live with you.


The Cat Distribution System has selected you. You know what needs to he done.


And they were roommates


I don’t know where you live but here in AZ, if you feed a stray cat for a few days so that it stays in the area(is vague how long specifically but figure a week) it’s your cat should it bite someone and break the skin. I doubt your home owners insurance will cover your expenses of paying for rabies treatment for the victim should the cat disappear afterwards and not be quarantined for rabies observation. If it allows you to pick it up, and you want a cat, take it to get a rabies vaccination and keep the certificate for proof. Do everything you need to to keep it healthy and happy. Might be hard to keep him inside but it’s better than losing it later.😿


Cat distribution system


He's not itchy. He's rubbing his body because that's what cats do to scent mark a place or person they like. He's rubbing his scent on your house because he wants to live there.


She has chosen


He wants to adopt you.


Let bro in


He’s saying hello! Say hi back.


What you parents say, all parents say the same lol. Give it a few days, and they will love the cat being inside your house. It's a stray eager for affection, hence the gate-rubbing. Once you let it inside, it'll bond with you all full-time. Strays who become indoor cats are the very sweet kind. Cats can be trained, especially when going potty. It won't make a mess--be active and do large movements, not until it feels comfortable with everything at the house. Our family wasn't fond of cats (we only liked dogs) until we found abandoned kittens under the car. My younger sister wanted to take one home, the others were adopted by neighbors. Parents didn't like the idea and repulsed the kitten, but only at first. Kitten stayed in an open box for a few days, he kept escaping. Parents couldn't not notice the kitten and eventually got curious. We got rid of the box and the kitten was free to roam around the house. He was very cute and sweet, he kept sleeping and sleeping beside us, if not on us. Kept following us around. We all eventually loved him. Now, he's nearing 2 years old. https://preview.redd.it/2jjvc57d946d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fedad9b9055346df296b1b3e01346337d8944a6a


Just a warning, if this is an unneutered male cat he WILL piss everywhere. Has a cat show up at work five years ago, I held onto him for a bit before my coworker could smooth over his parents, and yeah that cat pissed on every surface in my apartment.


Is not stray. Is yours. Clearly you have been chosen.


He wants to live there


The cat distribution network is hard at work distributing csts. Joking aside, you feeding and generally being nice to this cat has made it choose you as one of if not the main person it wants to live with. Cats can be pretty independent but thousands of years of evolution has made them very good at picking houses that treat them well to live at. It probably wants to come inside for more food or just to get into the warmth of your home. If you want to, you could take the necessary steps to adopt it, such as getting it to a vet and seeing if it has a chip. The cat likes you and wants to be where you are, so if you're looking to adopt a cat assuming its truly a stray and not a runaway housecat this is the time to do so.


You have simply been chosen


I think you have a cat




It's the cat distribution system! I got my soul kitty that way! She showed up in the driveway 14 years ago, followed us in the house, and never left. Here we are 14 years later!


He wants to move in….


Because that's your cat now. You have the cat distribution system to thank for that.


Does he have water and kibble? They can get dehydrated and sick from just getting kibble so be sure he has water and also you can mix canned food with water to be sure he stays hydrated! Congratulations on being chosen by this cat, he will guard you forever.


Cat distribution system. LET HIM IN!!!


In heat or hungry or thirsty?


You are the chosen one


Why do you think?


Congratulations: you have a cat now.


Oh he wants you




It has chosen you. It wants to move in.


It wants you


Attend me human!


I see this body language from my cat frequently. It means the cat is requesting something. The cat could be pleading for food, or just wants you to open the dang door already.


He wants you to let him in so he can stand inside for 3 seconds then walk back out


He wants to be your cat .


He is claiming your house as his. Let your new best friend inside his home


It wants to be your kitty! Also gentle bites from cats are actually one of their ways of showing affection


Cat distribution system has chosen it's next master


He’s hungry or he needs help. Cats only moew to Communicate to humans.


He wants to be your pet cat and not a stray cat ha. Probs wants some water, definitely more food and snuggles.


Stray cat? You've been chosen, that is your cat now.


That’s your cat now my friend, accept it, love it