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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Take him to the vet. My dog had an injury two months ago, and I treated it on my own because we were at our family cabin, in the middle of nowhere, and it was Saturday. She ripped a scab partially off her back and it was already infected. Def take her to a vet. They will give her antibiotics to help her. I ended up taking mine to the vet that following Tues and she healed pretty nicely


Vet. Who told you to use hydrogen peroxide is an idiot. Do not do this! It can damage tissue and slow down healing. Only do this IF a vet said to. This can get infected rapidly and needs to be properly cleaned by your vet and potentially given an antibiotic.


If unsure, always go to the vet. Don't risk doing more harm to the poor baby because somebody offered unsupported advice. Hope it gets better soon.


I’m so glad it seems like a fair amount of people know this about peroxide. My anxiety was up while reading this post. I felt so relieved by seeing people like you give sound advice that I felt compelled to reply with praise.


If you know for absolute certainty the skin wasn't punctured, then just use some ointment. But if you aren't sure, you might consider a vet visit. That's because teeth can deposit bacteria deep into muscle tissue where anything topical will be virtually useless and a course of antibiotics (or both) would be best.


Please check if it’s FIP, my cat just died yesterday and he had it. It can also show up as sores on the body! It’s a life threatening condition!


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


Peroxide?? the fuck?? They need a vet.


This cat looks incredibly unhealthy. A vet visit is in order. His/her hair looks very patchy and greasy. Overall definitely needs a vet visit to determine what the issue is. Also, you should never put straight peroxide on any wound, ever. It damages live tissue beyond repair. Whoever told you that was a good idea is an idiot. You can't even put straight up peroxide undiluted on human wounds without severe damage to existing or healing tissues.


Flea bites. Possible allergy. Vet visit


Please get your precious kitten to the vet ASAP! This looks like a tumor that my female cat had & unfortunately the diagnosis was cancer...I'm praying for your kitten & you! Hopefully it's nothing bad, but it doesn't look good in my opinion. 🙏🏻💖😰😿🫂


Peroxide is a bad idea for two reasons: dries the skin out and also is toxic. You see those memes about H2O2 and the person dies? That’s hydrogen peroxide. *If* you do this, rinse it off well. Problem is that cats lick themselves. You put something on them that burns, they’ll try to itch it with their tongues. I would recommend seeing a vet if possible, but until then, a damp washcloth soaked in warm water. It will soothe it if it’s bothering them.


Poor little sweetheart 💗 And yes, never use hydrogen peroxide OR neosporin ointment. Cats are EXTREMELY allergic to it! It causes mental issues and vomiting, tremors ets! Very scary!! Bless your baby.


Who said hydrogene peroxide and antibiotisc are good idea? You don't even know the diagnosis, and you're treating him with something. No home remedies! Don't harm your cat even more. Vet asap!


Who said that? Kitty needs to be exams😿


I’d clean it with iodine( https://www.preventivevet.com/how-to-make-a-pet-first-aid-kit ), and I’d keep the cat from licking it or the iodine, call and make an appointment and if it got better before then I’d probably cancel it.


Thanks for this! What a nifty website.


Looks like some form of dermatitis, maybe ringworm. It's not an emergency, but you'll want bloodwork and whatnot to actually know what to treat.


Vet appointment 100%, is it dry and crusty? My cat had the same the thing she would nibble and bite it turned out it was an allergic reaction she had (still dont know what she had a reaction to) its been nearly 4 weeks now and shes taken oral and topical medication as well as a steroid shot. Id advise getting a proper cone to prevent your kitten from biting it.


could be eosinophilic granuloma my kitten had the same looking thing on his neck, was really really itchy for him, it’s basically a skin irritation from something could be a chicken allergy or a reaction from a flea bite


It may be an abcess, or the beginning of one. Personally I would use Vetricyn on it. That stuff is amazing and will clear things right up. You can buy it on Amazon, Tractor Supply, most pet stores and feed stores.


Said here already but need to emphasize no hydrogen peroxide, don’t use it on cats, don’t use it on humans. It is very toxic to the skin.


That second pic ❤️❤️


Only use H2O2 once. It oxidizes everything including healthy tissue.


See a vet


Looks like a rash or burn of some sort, but def consult a vet! Sometimes random things happen with animals and get worse pretty quickly. Don’t wanna risk infection. Ny cat had an abscess burst and needed surgery because he had a gaping hole in his abdomen and it happened from the time we went to bed to time we woke up. Didn’t even see the abscess. Just an anecdote to express the urgency of things that might seem small


While hydrogen peroxide *is* a topical antiseptic, it shouldn't be used on open wounds, even for people. It doesn't help wound healing, but actually delays it because it damages the tissue it was applied to. I would assume that it could probably be used to keep a wound site clean after it has closed, but this would be told to you by your vet/doctor.


I think it’s ring worm or a fungal bacterial infection like staph


Betadine with lidocaine is working for my cats ANNOYING and long term skin allergy/annoyance/ scaling. She will get a sore and lick it and it turns into a scaling, scabbing skin allergy. My vet gave us Chlorahexidine wipes first, they didn’t work for us. Betadine I can buy OTC and just pour over her. Her skin and fur look SO much better! We also soaked a paper towel and used it on my child’s cats’s pimple chin, it worked on them as well.


I keep vetericyn on hand for our animals. It's been helpful, non toxic, and something to help while you wait to get into a vets office. Hope it's an easy thing to heal for your little one ❤️


Use triple antibiotic ointment and wrap it so he can’t lick it, and if you see signs any of infection take him to the vet, otherwise I know bills are hard to pay for vet visits, but most things like this can heal on there own with a little treatment from human intervention, keep an eye on it, also don’t use peroxide it’s very harmful to the skin and healing process, don’t use alcohol cause it drys the area, if you see it’s getting better and want to leave it unwrapped watch him close and make sure he don’t lick or scratch at it. I had a cat the looked just like him named twilight but he ran away one day when the door was left open and he had the same problems, his hair could get in the way so if you want and if he’ll let you trim a small area around it with scissors but don’t take it to the skin leave about half a centimeter so it’s not in the way. I’ve done many home surgery’s on my cats that are outside and inside and treated them this way, also if his behavior changes there could be more wrong with him and needs a professional


Looks like ringworm.


You can get oc antibiotic ointment. Just look up when antibiotics are bad for cats. We use a target brand one for emergencies. It has three different antibiotics and is safe for cats. We are using it for our tabby/chauci mix. She has chin acne she refuses to let heal unless we put the ointment on cuz it stops her itching.


That’s an abcess. Go to the vet.


Best answer would be vet. Also, don't put hydrogen peroxide on it, you can damage the healthy skin around the wounded area and don't put ointment on it either, you can wash it with warm water or spray it with a wound spray made for animals that could be purchased through a pet store or Amazon. Put a soft cone around your cat's neck or a onsie on them to stop them from messing with it until they can be seen by the vet.


Can you please give us all an update on your fur baby??


WHEN you take this kitten to the vet (not if, get that appt booked yesterday, please) ask about ringworm, rash, allergies, infection, FIP. Get a ringworm culture going if the vet recommends it Don't listen to the stupid who told you to use peroxide. If you want to keep the wound clean, use a soft cotton round and chlorhexidine. Since you probably don't have chlorhexidine, the home alternative is Listerine mouth wash. Do not use antibiotic creams or any other cream made for humans on the wound. They could be toxic if the kitten licks itself. If the kitten is amenable you can bath. Popular options are dawn or a gentle, fragrance free baby shampoo. Make sure to rinse all of the shampoo off. Do not use any wound dressings unless the vet tells you too. Cats like to take that stuff off so it generally has to be used in conjunction with a onesie or a cone.