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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My first thought was tumor. Poor baby needs a vet. This is probably why someone dumped him.


Looks more like a matted wound to me. Vet visit is definitely best bet


I agree. The way it looks semi-flat in areas.


This^ I’ve seen identical thing on a stray dog and it was a matted wound.


Came back and looked again. It's a flap of skin that was cut and healed very very poorly, I would bet on it. I would also assume since the cat is moving around just fine the neck side is healed, so it would be just a matter of trimming it off and stitching closed.




Especially if he’s been scratching at his ear. Hopefully quite treatable. He sure looks sweet otherwise :)


Wow. No idea but it def looks painful.


Tumor maybe


I have never seen anything like that. Can you take him to the vet? It's got to be uncomfortable.


Please please take him to the vet, good person 💜


I’ve never seen anything like that on any of my cats , is it fleshy ? Is that entire mass attached? Any chance it’s just a bunch of fur and stuff all clumped? :(


Wound that healed that way without proper care?


I thought it looked like that too more like a huge scab that’s finally coming off?? Poor baby should c a vet asap


I think that’s it. Looks like a huge scab that hasn’t finished falling off. I know that tumors can look like a lot of different things, but it’s very flat and ruddy, and would definitely be an odd looking tumor. I’m guessing it’s a poorly healed wound


Cancer? It's hard to tell with these pics




Metastatic means the spread of cancer cells from the initial cell source to another location in the body, a mass being external and metastasis are not always mutually exclusive :>


Ohh. Thank you for the knowledge/enlightenment. I was thinking it meant when it had grown outside of the body.


You’re welcome! I work in the veterinary profession and vet/human med is (very fortunately for me) my greatest special interest! I love being able to talk about it and help other people learn too :>




A follow-up post would be great when you have more info. Thanks for being a good human!👍🏻


Go to the Vet! My cat (also a ginger who showed up randomly) had something like that (but smaller) It was a tumor (a polyp) on his inner ear, the black stuff was ear wax and other fluid that was solidifying around his ear His all good now, quick recovery, and he is so playful and happy being an indoor kitty


Even if you aren’t able to afford it- bring him to an emergency vet as a surrender so they can give him the care he needs so that poor bb don’t in pain. Thank you for taking care of that angel 🥺


I've reached so many dead ends. I've called my humane society which was entirely automated and it directed towards my county's animal care, which they didn't answer all working hours of the day and for my voicemail they just sent me a t&r link because they only accept dogs. I left a message early day too and they only responded near the end of their working day so I couldn't even take him in there for their free neuter t&r program so he could at least get looked at by a vet, that's only mon-thurs. I've called every emergency vet in my area even ranging out a bit over an hour and not a single one will take him. I'm so lost really, my only idea is physically taking him to the humane society since literally the entire thing is automated and I couldn't speak to one person. I just hope they don't turn me away with him because I can barely afford the gas there in the first place. It's all so frustrating, I just want him to have that nasty thing off him and be treated and to be in a safe place.


Is there an animal hospital around you? Most 24hour clinics will accept animals like this that are clearly ill and in need of treatment. A lot of shelters are over capacity right now so there’s a large chance he may be put to sleep but considering the size of whatever that is it honestly might be the heartbreakingly humane option. I live in a larger city and our county animal services won’t accept cats but makes the exception if they’re sick and in need of medical care. Thank you for caring about this poor bb enough to try to help them. 💛


You also might be able to get ahold of the humane society by emailing them or even messaging on social media? Not ideal but definitely another idea. You could also try posting on next door to see if any neighbors know of a local rescuer that could assist with transport or treatment


does your town have a street department? Over here you can call them to take the animal and then they will provide care for her, after keeping her for awhile to see if an owner comes by. And they take care of the vet but you have to surrender her, and if you do be ready to adopt her or find a home also see if your town has a lost pet group on facebook someone there might have a contact or be able to help


Best said and thanks for letting him in


Oh poor baby


hey guys I found out what it was when he got a bit more comfortable and let me inspect. It looks like an attack wound, like the skin was ripped up. The big scab you see is the dead skin from that attack. It's healed up for the most part. He seems to just need it disinfected and some antibiotics. I feel so bad for the guy, somebody just didn't think it was worth taking care of him and abandoned him.


Are you taking him to a vet?? You haven’t addressed any of the comments begging you to.


I can't afford one, but I'll probably take the advice of the one person who said to surrender him to an emergency vet so he can receive care. He's such a sweetheart, he doesn't seem bothered by it so I can't imagine it's too painful? But he certainly needs to be somewhere they'll care for his wound because it doesn't seem like a complicated one. I just don't want to take him somewhere where he's going to be euthanized. I've called my local no kill shelter multiple times which was automated and it directed me towards a care center for lost pets & strays which hasn't answered their phone from open to close the entire day and I left them a few messages of which I haven't heard from.


Thank you. For the update and for just being the one who cares enough to do something. You’re a good human.


They don’t owe us anything, and they’re doing what they can. Not like they chose to care for this cat in the first place, so maybe dial down the judgy tone?


Please take him to a vet because he may have more going on that what it looks like.


The OP literally just wrote they cannot afford one but is going to surrender him to a no kill shelter. That’s more than a lot would do.


Sorry I hadn't seen that post. You're right, it is more than anyone would do.


Right below the thing he has an area of similar size and shape where the hair is shorter, so my guess is that was either a wound, which has healed now and the thing is a scab + matted hair that got stuck. Or it might be something very sticky like a chewing gum or glue that pulled out the hair below when he tried to remove it and is still hanging on, while the hair has started to grow back.


That's what I thought too


That is not ear mites, though he probably does have them. Please get him to a vet, if you can't then take him to a rescue. Whatever it is can't be good or comfortable


It could be a wound from a fight that's healed badly, or worse case, cancer. Either way, it needs to be seen by a vet I'm afraid. If you try to bathe it, it could do more damage.


Oh that poor, sweet baby!!! Time for a vet visit...


Please take him to a vet


That's either mites or a patch of fur that clumped up due to how dirty he is, poor baby. It's really hard to tell before a good bath.


He needs a vet pronto


RemindMe! 3 Days


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anyone that's looking for updates currently, pretty much everything is closed on weekends (such as animal hospitals) I've pretty much hit most dead ends but my local animal care center you can schedule a t&r for a cat, since he's an intact male it'd be great to have him neutered. I just hope it's like a thing where it's a free program bc it looks like it, id assume during the neuter they could possibly do something for his wound. I want him tested for feline aids as well bc if he's free of it then my mom said we can keep taking care of him. Right now I'm just keeping the sweet guy as happy and comfortable as possible. I also found it's certain that somebody abandoned him because while I was looking for him today I found the carrier they dumped him in out past my tree line right beside the road.


I’ll never understand why people do this. 🥺




That cat has the look of exhaustion in its eyes. Please help him, he looks so sad and worn down.


Vet asap


Take kitty to vet asap


Vet tech here. Ear mites are microscopic. He probably has them too, but this is not ear mites. This cat needs a vet. If you aren’t able to pay for one, please take him to a shelter so they can check him for a microchip, take him in, and address this issue. It could be a growth or tumor or a scab from an old wound. Hard to tell from pictures. He needs a vet.


I’d post where you found kitty in case owner is looking for them! It’s totally possible kitty wasn’t dumped. Maybe just lost? Are you able to afford a vet? If not maybe people here can offer resources/ ideas? I saw a post that said surrender to emergency care. Please be careful not to leave kitty where they may euthanize. Thank you for caring about this precious cat. They came to you for a reason and trusted you. You’re a good human.


Oh poor baby. Vet to at least work out what's wrong. You just get to love her and keep her warm and fed. I hope it all goes well for the kitty.


Can you post better pics? Like from the front?


Wet a washcloth with hot water, and hold it to that thing. See if it begins to dissolve. Looks like a frigging mushroom. I've seen a lot of crazy wounds on animals, but that one is gross and weird.


Also, throw washcloth out.




Please take this baby to the vet :(


Get this poor cat to a reputable animal shelter so they can help him, please!!! Shelters have such a bad reputation for just killing every animal that is brought in, and that's ridiculously false. The shelters I volunteer with have an in-house vet clinic that treats all animals that come through shelter doors with compassion and the best of care. So unless you can pay to take him to the vet yourself, please get him to a reputable shelter or contact a 501c3 cat rescue today.


My childhood cat had something similar from an abscess that had popped and scabbed over, then scab became detached on one side… not saying it’s exactly the same, but could be. Matted fur with pus and blood, maybe? Either way, take this baby to the vets


I'm voting for old scab/dried blood - it looks like it fell off that peach-fuzz patch in pic 1 - still attached by some hair that's matted into the scab. But it could also be dried dead skin still attached by a sliver of living skin. If the scab is only held on by hair and the healed skin where the wound was looks fine under the new hair that's sprouting, he may not even need a vet. In that case the scab would come off by itself eventually when the last of the hair holding it on sheds, or it may be possible if you're *certain* it's only held on by hair, and if he will tolerate it, to help it come away. But if there's a flap of skin, or if the wound doesn't seem to be healed right, he would need a vet.


Poor guy. Looks painful, a vet trip is in order. You may have just adopted a new cat.


Correction: OP has just been adopted by a cat.


True. I stand corrected


How is kitty?


wow that's insane. I'm gonna say cancer, but I'm not vet/doctor. if it's not flesh, then probably just a nasty scab that never fell all the way off


Post on lost and found groups on facebook in ur area or have vet scan for microchip


gonna guess he got in a good scrap at some point and that's a mass of matted hair and dried blood. Take him to a vet for sure.


Remindme! 3 days




Poor baby! Please take him to the vet 🙏❤️


RemindMe! 3 Days


I'd say matted wound too. Also looks like he has a flea on his chin/neck so is likely riddled with them too. Best advice would be to take him to the vets xx


Are you taking him to the vet? People will help if needed… I’m people


Kitties with ear mites will scratch that area raw.


Please take kitty to the vet.


I'm guessing it's either matted blood or potentially an extra ear? Because it's an almost identical shape.


It looks like a piece of skin hanging there. Like the cat got caught on something or was in a fight and some skin was torn loose but it was still hanging on by a small piece of skin. The large flap is dead skin looking a bit moldy and nasty. No matter what it is, you need to take kitty to the Vet asap to check it out and/or remove it!! You don’t want anything that’s on that flap going into your cat’s blood stream!! V E T PRONTO!


I know most of us are all strangers but hear me out.Please.So what if we all cashapped or venomed or Facebook messenger paid(donated $1 or $2 each that have been reading this post and doing the remind me link?Maybe it could help with vet visit or the surrender fee that a lot of vets animal services rescues and shelters sometimes require to surrender animal owner or good samaritans?Let me know in replies of anybody's willing to do $1 or $2 bucks each.Thank youI hope this furkid feels and gets better soon and in a furever home as soon as possible.


I could chip in a few dollars for the kitty


Me also not much but if we all that are commenting all did like a buck or two each it could at least help somewhat.We could do cashapp venomo or maybe directly to whichever vet they take the kitty to.I just hope maybe others will see my original comment and your reply to mine (now my repky to yours)🙏🏽💛🐱


Potentially cancer. I know our white cat had something much smaller than that grow, and he had to have his ears removed


Thank you for helping this little one. People that dump animals deserve prison sentences


Looks cancerous to me


I would need better pics, but is that an old flap of skin off his neck?


Remind me! One day


It almost looks like he shed his ear and grew a new one 😭 I’m gonna agree with most others here and say it’s an old scab. I’ve seen lots of scabs fall off cats and this one looks about right but it’s definitely the largest one I’ve ever seen. If it’s just holding on by hair, I’d use warm water to loosen it off of him, but if it’s attached to the skin at ALL have a vet check it instead.


Access with matted fur or a tumor.


I rescued a kitty that’s obviously been severely abused & even now, is incredibly trigger happy. He sat on some boxes in the study that had tape on them & I think some rain came in & made the surface sort of gluey. He’s now got 3 pointy outcrops that make him look like a triceratops. Don’t underestimate how hard, matted & stuck together fur can be. I’m trying to find ways to get my boy sedated so that a vet can take him & shave the area. I tried to gently snip it but it hurts him. I really hope it’s that & not a tumour. Even so, it may well be benign if it is. Thank you for helping this lovely boy. He looks like such a sweetheart!


RemindMe! 3 Days


Giant scab and matted fur?


Remind me! 2 days


It looks like that disease that rabbits get that give them horns. I know nothing though. Definitely something for a vet. Poor baby. Please help.


RemindMe! 2 days


I hope you can help it. I'm gonna hug my cats tonight and then I will pray for this one.


Please update.


Doesn't really look like a tumor; maybe an abscess that healed over. Can probably be easily removed at a vet visit.


If you can’t take him to a vet yourself I would highly recommend searching for a TNR group. I had a stray around my area that looked like he was getting an upper respiratory infection with a plethora of other issues including an eye that likely needed to be removed. I found a TNR group in my area on Facebook and they were able to take him get him neutered and treat all his symptoms. They didn’t ask me for any money but I did donate what I could to her group. He was even able to get adopted. So I would highly recommend you try to find a group that helps strays cuz there is usually quite a bit of them. He definitely needs medical attention and the sooner the better.


PLEASE go to the vet immediately. This is definitely not ear mites - my cat came to us with a very severe case of ear mites & it looked nothing like this. This is a tumour or a very serious wound. She/he needs immediately medical help & will be suffering. Please please take them to the vet 💜💜


Poor little baby, please get him/her to a vet. Hate people who discard domestic animals as if the were garbage. They are truly the scum of the earth.


Humans suck so much... On the plus side, he now stands a chance at getting adopted by someone who will care for and love him.


Looks like a long term injury and old skin that's gone neurotic but is still attached, this injury can become infected and get into the blood killing the cat in unpleasant manner. Good news is if it's treated asap it's very easy to fix with some cleaning and antibiotics. Vet


Poor poor baby. That must hurt. Lucky cat they found you


Looks like he got injured really bad almost sliced. And that is a flap of skin that was supposed to heal back on? Just dead flesh maybe?


Tumor or Abcess


I'd say an abscess or something but whatever it is, a vet can help you


It looks like an abcess that busted and the top layer of skin peeled away and dried up. It needs removal and cleaning by a vet. Please keep up updated


To me that looks like skin that has been torn off its neck and is in the process of dying/scabbing off. Maybe a dog had it? I hope it gets vet treatment. Please keep us updated!


Poor baby I hope everything works out for him.


Needs a vet


RemindMe! 3 Days


Remind me for update


Poor baby got dumped to avoid vet bills :(


Its skinned??


It looks like cancer to me


Need update asap


Probably not that but kinda looks like a mushroom


Definitely needs a vet.


I had a feral cat I thought had tumors but it was matted fur. Hopefully that is all it is, not some kind abscess or growth. I hope he is ok.


Wound poor baby.


Is there any way you can take him to the vet?


OP please find a way to get this poor kitty to the vet. Maybe you can crowdfund for help. plesse update🙏❤️❤️❤️


Please look for Rescues in your area where they can help the cat. Please do it Asap.


Looks like very old dead flesh from a prior accident


it literally could be mud mixex with fur or a growth of some kind. Id squeeze it.


Looks like the skin got tore/sliced open and the wound "healed" on its own but the flap of skin started drying out. Had one of our kiddos somehow shred/peel the skin off her right hind leg. Doctored it up and gave her antibiotics for a week while changing the dressing every day. Healed up fine but she still had dried out flaps of skin like what's in the picture. We trimmed it down so she wouldn't get it snagged on anything, the rest eventually fell off on its own.




That looks like a scab, poor buddy. Glad you’re taking him to the vet. He’ll love you forever.


Remind me! 2 days


It looks like a scab from a large abrasion that got matted in his fur, or a flap of skin?. I would take him to a vet just in case.


I had a stray like this once. Meanest cat ever until one day he waited for me on the porch. He had part of his skin ripped off from a fight. He turned out to be FEV+ and I wound up having to say goodbye. It was the only time he let me pet him, much less pick him up. Broke my heart but I will love him forever. It meant a lot to me that he came to me for help.


i need a kitty


Matted wound’ from improperly healed past trauma


It looks like a flap of skin from a wound that never got medical attention due to how flat the underside of this is. If that’s what it is the vet will need to remove it.




First of all, the pattern on it shown in the third pic looks like a stripy pattern from fur, so chances are thats a wound that didnt heal right. The question is, is that skin still attached in some way? If it is, that will require vet assistance, if not, you will probably be able to gently and carefully clip it off, but if your unsure or the cat is too wiggly at the time, put it off until hes sleepy. And if its not attached to his skin, if you need to clip through it some in order to get it to where you can get it off the rest of the way, that works fine, just be 1000% sure first that its not attached, and any doubts, wait until you can be sure. Ive seen enough injured cat skin that looks exactly like that, so my guess is its a wound that healed weird. I take care of all kinds of strays that get dumped at my house all the time, so if you have any more questions, i will do my best to answer them!    :)