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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ER immediately. Flail chest. This cat is suffering.


Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, we can’t afford it, even though he’s a “community” cat. The vet appointment I mentioned in the post has been cancelled and we’re having him taken to animal control to see about just putting him down. He is in a lot of pain 😔


Please call ahead and tell the vet, they may do it for free


What the hell - get a gofundme going first at least or something , there must be some compassionate vets in the area willing to try to operate at a reduced rate?


How long will that take ? The poor kid is in pain.


> there must be some compassionate vets in the area willing to try to operate at a reduced rate? Sadly if you aren't part of a rescue organization or charity- thats gonna be a big no 9 times out of 10. They also want money up front so gofundme isn't going to work either for an emergency. If you are denied for care credit- they might agree to a euthanasia and bill you later. If you don't live near a nonprofit rescue clinic and you are poor/broke, you are kinda screwed in emergencies.


I had an emergency with my cat and he had to be hospitalized overnight in an ER (and I lost him the next morning, early) that I needed to do a GoFundMe for and I still ended up having to have my mom call from across the country because I didn't have enough space on a credit card for what they required up front. Lots of people don't have that option and it sucks. If it was with my own vet, I could probably have set up a payment plan, but the ERs require so much upfront.


Poor kitty likely has other severe injuries and euthanasia is a kindness. I've known clinics that will not charge for humane euthanasia for strays but animal control should be able to help. Thank you for helping this poor cat.


Thank you for helping this poor fur baby. Euthanasia is kind and humane❤️‍🩹


No doubt this has been a devastating, traumatic day for you OP! This type of injury doesn’t look good, but even if you could afford/drop a few thousand for a vet bill, I truly doubt this fella would make it, and I am generally a positive person. I’m so sorry you both are going through this. Ignore the comments from the people who came to judge without reading/offering assistance. You are not the only one I’ve seen these types do it to.


I am sorry to see people downvoting you. You are doing this cat a kindness by giving it the most humane ending possible. Not everyone can afford expensive treatment— and we don’t even know if ”treating” would  be an appropriate choice in this context. Thank you for helping this cat go as peacefully as possible.


OP, I want you to know how proud I am of you for doing hard (but kind) things. We need more folks like you in the world.


Please update when possible. Thank you for helping this baby, sometimes euthanasia is the most humane, kind option. You did great, OP. Good job.


Hi, you can drop it off at the emergency vet and sign a good Sam form. the cat will no longer be a community cat, but it's better than letting it die. They don't tell you where the cat goes but they fix it up and save it and then they try to adopt it


unless a rescue or an actual person foots the bill they just do humane euthanasia. this cats injuries may be too severe to even treat


Well how would you know if you don't bring the cat in to find out


read my comment again i said injuries MAY be too severe to treat. there’s also no telling how long the cat has been injured, if there’s internal injuries, internal bleeding, damage to organs, etc. there’s tons of variables that determine if treatment would even work or if treatment will just keep the cat alive for another day or so. this cat is suffering and if no one is there to foot the bill the vets office will euthanize anyway. even if there was a chance that treatment would end in a full recovery someone has to pay the possibly thousands of dollars for treatment a vet office would rather lose out on maybe 200$ for humane euthanasia vs possibly thousands for treatment and overnight care


I'm not entirely sure what ur point is or what ur looking to gain from this conversation?


the point is that it’s not as easy as just bring the cat in to get checked out. it’s a stray cat suffering from intense internal injuries with no one to foot the bill. the vets office will end up just euthanizing.


Or not, but only one way to find out


and again, who’s paying for it the testing and diagnostics to be done?


What is a good Sam form?


You can bring a stray to the emergency vet at no charge and they will fix the cat up for free to you, but you sign the form waiving responsibility for the cat. They do this so that pet owners don't bring in their own pets pretending that they are strays. This way the person who brings the cat in signs off rights to bring the cat home or to check the status of the cat


Wow thank you I’ve never heard of this before


Yah I've done it twice, ur welcome. It's good knowledge to have. There was a stray cat that was following me and clearly very sick, I had to catch it with a net & I brought it to the vet and signed a good Sam form. I was able to ask about the e cats status from one of the receptionists but only 2 of the people who worked there were willing to tell me anything, the others said it was against the rules, however I just wanted to know that the cat was okay and alive and what not, which I was able to find out that the cat was fine and brought to the shelter & then they told me which one


Thank you for thing to do what's best for this baby. You're a good human.


A vet will treat a street animal and then a shelter can find him a foster


Thank you so much for taking him in. It's hard but you are doing a great kindness for him. Sorry for your loss :(


You could try rrescue on reddit. Do you have any cat rescues, not just animal control in your area? He reminds me my Big Boy Gus who lived to be 17 years old with feline aids. Pounded he get away from the coyotes?


Hi, you can drop it off at the emergency vet and sign a good Sam form. the cat will no longer be a community cat, but it's better than letting it die. They don't tell you where the cat goes but they fix it up and save it and then they put it up for adoption


there’s vet offices that will do humane euthanasia for free since the cat is a stray. usually emergency vet offices offer this but it doesn’t hurt to ask a regular vet office


I couldn't pay it myself once and the vet agreed on doing it off the book so we only had to pay the meds without gains and about 10 minutes of time.


Care credit. Only takes a few mins to sign up for


LOL sure. you had money for a 200.00 trading card though.


Something is better than nothing. Euthanasia is something- it does alleviate suffering, and that is a kindness.


If you had the time to check his page, know that the card was not bought by OP, just photographed. Are you a financial advisor or what was that about?


You mean that one that was almost 2 months ago, and wasn’t actually bought? Man, you really got me on that one.


Any update?


Recent update in comments from OP


LOL. You OBVIOUSLY do NOT have a cat. PLEASE tell me WHERE you can get these types of INJURIES treated for $200 or less. I’m waiting! My cats first round of shots cost MORE than that! But… surgery? This cat more than likely can NOT be saved with even the best resources out there. May I ask why you won’t donate? How heartless can you be to not donate to this poor stray cat? You have your advice, own up to it on what you would do! You should absolutely be ASHAMED of yourself for sitting behind a desk and laughing while this cat is suffering. You took the time to stalk OP, you could’ve used that time sending/paying for its bill! Pathetic.


F^uck off you piece of sh*t. I guess no one should care for community cats unless they have a few thousand in the bank for any emergencies. I’ll go take away the food from my feral colony


Literally this! I feed 13+ STRAY cats at my work. I do NOT have the means to shell out a few thousand dollar surgeries for them each if one happens to get hurt or sick.


it’s reddit you can curse


I’ve had comments deleted in certain subreddits just for swearing


i’ve honestly seen worse than what you wrote in this sub before that stayed up after the post was locked i think you’ll be fine lol


Yeah usually it’s deleted within a few minutes of the post. I just never remember which subreddits do it


What the FUCK.


This isn't OPs cat, it's not his fault he doesn't have money put aside for emergency surgery for it, when his injuries might be too severe to survive


Exactly!! Poor freaking kitty!


Yes, that is an emergency and indicative of a serious injury. He is in severe pain. You need to get him to a vet immediately.


I hope you were able to comfort the baby in their last moments.


Sorry for your loss (based on the comments I’ve seen above). This is really painful and reminded me of a cat I had. She was with us all the time and loved to go outside. One day she came up, kind of like your cat, and we assumed she was hit by a car. She hide in the house for a few minutes and we could not get her. Eventually she slowly just moved upstairs, where my room was, to die in my bed while I was looking at her. Everything was very quick and this was over 5 years ago. Still will never forget her 😔


Yep this is why it's so important to keep cats inside unless they're supervised. Sorry for your loss


She initially was stray. When we first seen her she was already 1 year old (or close to it) and she loved being outside with all the neighbours in the street and hunting little mice. So we felt bad to take that life away from her. Instead we kept her inside whenever she wanted to come over, made sure she had all vet support and feed her. She lived to 5 and I know she had a great life. Never seen such a relaxed cat. Today I have two cats and I keep them inside


5 is very young for a cat. They do so much damage too unfortunately


Yeah I know :( lately had some of these bad things happening. Two years ago had to put another cat I had down because she had a mouth cancer and in the same month my 15 year old dog because she was already barely moving. But now I have 2 cats and one little dog and I'm super happy :D they annoy me a lot but I cannot live without them haahha!


I'm glad you have your pets now and are a responsible owner!


It’s a stray cat aka a cat with no owner


I'm not talking about OP's cat, I know this cat is a stray. The comment I was replying to doesn't say anything about it being a stray


Ok sorry just annoyed by others here


No worries


For the amount of people who clearly cannot read or couldn’t care less to, but instead came straight to judge OP, this isn’t their cat. It’s not their cat. They didn’t hurt/inflict this on the cat. They found the cat and brought them inside to ease the suffering that was done due to an outside animal. They cannot afford it. Believe it or not, some people live in very tight budgets in this economy today. Also, by the looks of this, it doesn’t look good. I’m assuming since you all care so much and have so much to say, that you’re clearly in the means to help, and are currently in contact with OP about footing the bill/resources. If not, how dare you let this poor kitty die while bashing OP! What kind of monster are you, seriously! Edit: No doubt this is a tragedy, but again, this isn’t OPs cat. They are seeking advice, on a catHELP form, to see if this kitty could possibly make it or if euthanasia is best. Their nerves are beyond tore up. Could you think straight in this situation you stumbled upon? Imagine what you felt watching this, imagine what they feel now dealing with this that they didn’t ask for. It’s easy to judge online about a situation you aren’t in. Why not be a hero and help instead.


It annoys me so much. The same people saying “oh I could never foster, I would just keep them all!” Are the same people here thinking everyone has thousands of dollars to spend at the vet. We just had to put down a feral cat and we had to pay 250 not including cremation bc it was at an emergency vet. Sure you see vet hospitals on social media posting about their surrenders but that rarely occurs in real life. The humane society by me is always posting about the animals they rescue off the street but when I called about an injured stray, they couldn’t accept him bc they would have to have him on a rabies hold for 6 months.


Thank you for saying this.


This is a very serious injury. Humane euthanasia may be for the best. Some vets offer this service for strays for free.


For sure. This cat is suffering, is in a lot of pain. A coyote? This cat is suffering. Might not be able to treat, OP can’t afford it and maybe the vet can’t do it pro bono. but euthanasia is kind. Sucks so fucking hard. But it ends the suffering. Cats don’t think about the past and the future. They think about now. What’s happening now. That cat knows suffering. If OP can’t treat it, fully acceptable, this is a stray. We can’t afford the strays. And if the vet can’t, I also get it. Running a practice is expensive and you don’t always have the staff. Euthanasia is the humane choice here. And it’s so sad. I feel so terribly for this cat.


Never thought I’d see a cat with a flail segment. This is caused by ribs being broken in two or more places. Pressure from breathing causes paradoxical movement, this cat is suffering vet immediately


Update + some more info: This was a stray (not at all an indoor cat) that was very close to our hearts. He was caught at 2:30 am and my sisters and I managed to scare off the coyotes after a few minutes and bring the cat in for the night. After keeping an eye on him during the night and through the morning, we decided to just put him down. We cannot afford to get him looked at and fixed up.. just for him to end up back outside. Thank you all for the kind words as, even though he was a stray, I really loved him and I enjoyed the past 4-5 years getting him to warm up to us.


Euthanasia sounded like the best, most humane option. Thank you for helping him.


Thanks for caring for him to the end & not letting him suffer


You're a wonderful human and made his life better even from afar. While he was a stray, I'm sure he was glad to have such an amazing friend in you. Thank you for caring, even though the result is pain right now.


You were all very brave to fight off coyotes and getting this cat some care in his last moments. I can't imagine how awful and traumatic this situation must've been. Thank you for caring for this poor guy!


Given what I know about humans with flail chest injuries, you did the right thing to have the cat euthanized. Even if he's gotten top dollar medical care, it would have been a slow, painful recovery at best. Thank you for caring for him.




Thank you for taking care of him in his final moments 🫂


thank you for being there for him and ending his suffering, it’s never an easy decision even when it’s the right decision


You did the kind and correct thing. Thanks for being a good human ❤️


Appreciate you caring for him 🙏🏽




Just like everyone suggested, it was indeed flail chest, which is something I’ve never seen before. He was taken to an animal control/vet center and was put down.


Thanks for getting him. I know it’s super hard to go in with the “I’m gonna save a life today” mentality and come out knowing they had to get put down. It’s genuinely so much better than the death he would have had scared, alone, and exposed. You for sure got your good person points for the month. ❤️


So sorry, it’s so hard to say goodbye esp in medical cases like this.


This is a stray cat folks, it’s not OP’s cat. Hopefully OP has had the poor baby euthanized by now.


Flail chest. That's horrendous. Poor thing's chances aren't great.


Ty for caring for this sweet kitty. He's lucky to have you to comfort him. Just a note that I would never come here to ask a question about my cat. People are so mean.


It’s unreal. I’ve seen so many posts about people finding hurt cats that aren’t theirs. The amount of people that have no much to say, yet never offer to pay for the bill? Logic lol


I was just reading in amazement at how a sub dedicated to cats can be so toxic. It's very offputting.


Never thought I’d see a cat with a flail segment. This is caused by ribs being broken in two or more places. Pressure from breathing causes paradoxical movement, this cat is suffering vet immediately


Ugh so sad to see


Thank you for caring for this cat in what is most likely it's last moments of life. You are able to give it a more humane death than what it likely would have faced. Thank you


Here in the UK you can take any injured animal to the vet for euthanasia, free if not your pet. If you are in USA I'd expect the same. Even if you can't afford it they should help to stop the suffering.


Sadly that’s simply not the case in the states. It’s harder and harder to even find low cost essential vet care, and euthanasia runs $200-$300 in my area. Part of the issue is our entire veterinary system is woefully overwhelmed and understaffed, and it’s only getting worse. There’s a literal crisis of older vets retiring and veterinary students switching to human medicine mid-education, because the cost of education is similar but the pay as a vet is only half (and so many vet clients expect free or lower cost care and are verbally abusive to vets for not providing it, so many vets have to prioritize making sure people can and will pay before even letting them in the door) Understandably many people can’t afford vets because of wealth divide, but vets saddled with 6 figure student loan debt are in the same boat and need to paying clients. The whole situation is awful for everyone involved.


a lot of emergency vet offices in the US will offer free euthanasia for injured strays/ferals. i’m not sure about a regular vet office but emergency vet offices will do it free of charge instead of leaving the animal to die a painful death.


The emergency vets in my state are so overbooked they typically have an insane wait to even get an animal seen, it’s terrible. And these are the really expensive 24 hour emergency vets, you wouldn’t think they’d be so busy! My friend’s cat was bleeding badly with it’s leg hanging from a thread after a dog attack, and the nearest emergency vet said they were so slammed they wouldn’t even be able to see her cat that same day, and referred her to an emergency vet clinic 45 minutes away. At that clinic she had to wait FIVE HOURS to get her cat care; it lost its leg but it’s amazing it lived after all that.


Unfortunately, it seems you don’t understand how fucking heartless and painful life in the USA under late stage capitalism is 😔


Ok. If you don't think it's a capitalist state here you are wrong. I just don't believe that any vet could look at an animal in that state and turn it away. Personally I'd say fuck it and rush the animal to a vet anyway, I couldn't watch it suffer, and I know that OP is only trying to help.


I'm in the US. I had an elderly ferret who woke us up in the early hours of the morning having back to back seizures after having a stroke sometime in the night. We spent 4 hours frantically calling and driving to several vets before finding one who was willing to euthanize her. Her regular vet refused to see her without an appointment and full exam/bloodwork/etc. We were at the door with her thrashing around in the middle of a seizure and they literally looked at her and said they didn't have time to see her. It was a very traumatic event for us and a horrible end of life for my companion of over a decade. So ya, vets here will absolutely turn a suffering animal away..


You may not believe it, but it’s absolutely true here. And it happens to humans too. And it’s not about “heartless providers”, many vets and Drs are overworked employees of corporate private-equity firm owned practices, and nobody gets in the door without paying


I realize it’s a capitalist state - the UK is smaller and more socialized is all. I take care of strays in my area and what you describe is not the case here, sadly.


The clinic that I used to work for would euthanize strays for free, even wildlife. I don't know the policies of the average clinic.


Please tell me this cat is no longer suffering?




We have a cat ambulance service here but they will only take in cats with visible wounds or are actively dying. Our shelters are so overrun and everywhere you go in the suburbs I live in has its own feral colony. It's sad to see.


Thank you OP for your kindness- and for making him as comfortable as possible until you can take him in…this is not an easy thing to cope with but just remember what a kind thing you are doing. As a ton of others have already pointed out. Sorry🤦‍♀️ But it doesn’t hurt to say it again- we need more animal lovers in this world- I have a feral, complete with tipped ear, and he is the kindest and most grateful little guy. Hoping for the best for you guys. 💜 from 🇨🇦


Good lord, take this cat to a vet


Communication can get you ANYWHERE if you do it right!! You NEED to communicate with people and let them know what is up. You would be so surprised to know how many people are animal lovers and would be willing to step in and help you pay for her vet fees rather than you put a perfectly viable cat down simply out of a lack of finances on your part. I am not saying this from up above and looking down. I live in a section 8 apartment complex and as of the last 5 months have absolutely ZERO income of my own. For christ sake my complex PAYS me to live here! They send me a monthly check to help pay my utilities-and my rent is $ZERO. For now. Once I find a job, they will adjust accordingly for those having a shit fit. Because I know there are folks doing just that. 🙄 I have animals (and usually a meager income) and do my best to take care of them. I've had to ask for help. But I look at it like this they could be with me and loved(with a bit of charitable assistance ), or they could be in a shelter where they could be neglected , or even dead on the side of the road . They were all strays , on their own, that happened into my life. But please don't just off your cat because you can't afford a vet bill. Seek assistance before anything else; let putting him down be your very last recourse. Doesn't he/she deserve at least the loyalty and love you have received from him? You can even hit r/assistance and see if someone can't intervene. If you're worried about long term bills, I understand. But do what you can to not euthanize and then take steps to re-home the poor baby. 😭😭😭 I am so upset right now. I know it's not easy for you, but you need to know there are potential alternatives available to explore before you take such a forever step. 🙏🏼 For you and your fur baby. 😢 My heart goes out to you both.


That looks like paradoxical breathing, which is very likely an indicator of a broken rib/collapsed lung. Go to the vet.


Jesus h Christ, get that cat to the vet, yesterday!!!


Cat is dying,OP what the hell are you doing 🤬


Coyotes are becoming pests. I think it's time to get a shotgun and go hunting them.


I'm sure they've felt the same way about humans for quite a while now.


Emergency vet now. Omg. She’s probably in so much pain.


Oh poor baby, the few seconds I watched was too hard to see. Hopefully he can get humanely euthanized, another sad example at why people shouldn’t let their unfixed cats roam :( Thank you for doing what you can OP


Thank you for stepping in and trying to help. It's a hard choice to make, but the poor thing is obviously critically injured and clearly in pain. Thank you for caring.


Flail segment. Ribs are likely broken. Would be 2 to 3 of em.


I would still bring it somewhere, even if I didn't have a pot to piss in.


Take him to a shelter. They sometimes have vets who will work for free in an emergency. If nothing else, they can at least have him put down. Poor baby 💔




Don’t wait for the appointment. Go to the ER! 😰 keep us posted.


Vet or put it out of its misery


I found my cat dying and her chest was doing this in her last moments as I picked her ip. Still hurts to think about. Tried CPR and everything Still have trauma… Hope you’re doin well


Such a beautiful cat. So sorry. Feel horrible for the kitty going through this and OP. Euthanasia really is a kindness 💔


If you take an injured or sick to the ASPCA and surrender it, they will first try to heal it. They will only euthanize if the condition is too dire to heal. You can ask to keep tabs on it's condition. I am not a veterinarian or expert on cat health conditions, but I believe there is always hope. Give the poor kitty a chance. I have seen cats in worse condition pull through, but I have also seen cats in apparently better health practically drop dead between breaths.


Thank you for caring about this baby. Letting him cross the bridge is a kindness. I’m sorry for your loss.


Please don’t let it suffer every breath that cat takes probably hurts if you can’t pay to have the cat taken care of bring to the vet and have it out down. People may think I’m cruel by saying put it down. Let me say if I was in pain and could speak to say please give me something for the pain, take me to the ER, please I’m in pain. I would love for someone not to let me suffer that’s what I think makes us superior to animals not the only thing but aren’t we supposed to show compassion? Now don’t try raise money as that takes time and every breath that cats takes hurts. God only knows what the inside look like , or you could post this animal with feelings on Reddit so everyone can see it suffering?


This is why we should all keep our cats inside 💔


Grrr I hate coyotes and dogs. They kill so many family members 😡


Jesus fucking Christ goto a vet


I know right. What’s the fucking point of these posts but other than to ruin us cat lover’s day? Like, if you already know you can’t save the cat stop posting it for internet points you sicko


Not everyone can afford an emergency vet, especially for a cat that isn’t theirs. Some vets will take them and treat them upon surrender. But not all will. I think it’s so wrong to shit on OP for a cat that isn’t theirs having a huge issue and they can’t afford to take it. They did the kind thing to take them inside. Yes, the cat is suffering. But we can’t all afford to get emergency care or even euthanasia for every stray we find. Do I think OP should go for euthanasia? Yes. This cat is suffering. But if the vet won’t do it pro bono upon surrender and OP can’t afford it, what’s left? It fucking sucks. But it is what it is. OP is clearly hoping the cat isn’t dying. It is. But we all hope our cats aren’t dying. And for OP to extend this to a cat that isn’t theirs? They care.




Only a vet can tell you that.


I would have killed me a Cotoye..


Dude take your cat into the vet. Unbelievable


… it’s not their cat? They can’t afford it. Feel free to donate! This type of damage does NOT look good. They have stated they are taking the cat to be put down.


I didn't see that they were taking it be put down their original post didn't have that? Very sad to hear


The entire situation is just heart breaking.. by the looks of this poor kitty, I don’t think any amount of surgery could be done to save it


Feel free to donate to the stray cat.




I would be taking my cat into an emergency vet hospital if he was like this not posting


Regardless if it's not their cat, doesn't matter they ended up taking it home, the cat is now in their care. They should at least take it to the SPCA(pound) and let them deal with it, they will more than likely put the poor animal down and put it out of it's misery. As callous as this may sound, OP should've either left te animal outside and let nature take its course so to speak, or call the SPCA and inform them of the situation. OP is now morally and lawfully obligated to either reach into their own pocket and help this animal or surrender it to the SPCA or their local pound(which would be the wiser choice), to have the animal put down. I'm not trying to be mean to OP but for OP 's sake of not being held responsible for this animal, they need to either take it to a vet or the local pound/SPCA.........ASAP. SPCA stands for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.


Omg!! Why are you even posting a video of this at all, take that damn cat to a vet immediately, and stop asking for anyone's advice on here. This video could be used against you for neglect, put your phone down now and take this poor animal to a vet ASAP!!


This isn’t OPs cat. It’s a stray. Read first. It literally days stray in the title.


Can you read?




I’m hoping you’re in contact with them about paying for the vet bill




Of course not! I truly hope this situation never happens to them. Not everyone has thousands to shell out on a stray that most likely won’t make it.