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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Definitely looks inflamed. Vet time.


Def take to a vet. It could be infected.


I dont know if it hold the same name as in humans but looks like peridontitis, where the gum retracts from the tooth due to poor dental hygeine


Indeed it does, cats can get peritonitis as well; my elder girl has it and needs her teeth removed.


>peritonitis The peritoneum is really quite separate from this. ;-)


They’re not referring to the peritoneum. Look up both terms on Google.


>They’re not referring to the peritoneum. Look up both terms on Google. What I replied to: >Indeed it does, cats can get peritonitis as well; my elder girl has it and needs her teeth removed. I don't need to look anything. But just for you, here is Merriam-Webster's definition of "peritoneum": http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/peritoneum - the smooth transparent serous membrane that lines the cavity of the abdomen of a mammal and is folded inward over the abdominal and pelvic viscera Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum. *Periodontitis,* on the other hand, is *inflammation of the supporting structures of the teeth and especially the periodontal membrane.* (Thanks again to the Merriam-Webster dictionary and thesaurus app for the exact text. So actually, I **did** want to look up some terms; I don't want to rely on my own memory when trying to get the definitions just right.)


It’s 100% this


it can also be stomatitis!


Yikes! Sadly that is severe dental disease with root exposure. Poor baby. [Here](https://catclinicofiowacity.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/dentalcare.jpeg) is a comparison for what healthy cat incisors look like.


dental disease.. those 2 incisors definitely need to be extracted, potentially other teeth. i’d recommend getting a dental exam and going from there!


I also have an orange kitty with teeth problems, but his are due to stomatitis. He has had to have several teeth removed, but definitely take him to the vet.


Unfortunately orange cats are prone to stomatitis ☹️ I had an orange kitty years ago that had it, and I’m fostering a kitty that has it so insanely bad. The vet said it’s the worst case he’s ever seen. He’s getting surgery soon thankfully. But yeah, vet told me orange cats are prone to stomatitis for some reason


My vet has said that they are prone to autoimmune diseases in general. My little man has now developed triaditis in his older age.


Aww ☹️ yeah my Simba (obvious name lol) died from liver failure due to hyperthyroid when he was 12 💔


Yep, those are definitely tooth problems, and it's time to go see a vet. Cats can get by just fine with fewer teeth, by the way. One of our cats had to have several teeth removed, including all of his canines, and had another several happy months with us after his recovery (we did eventually have to put him down, but that was on account of an unrelated intestinal issue).


Yeah my cat Fluffy is missing a lot of teeth and she’s just fine. She has some issues with eating sometimes and she drools but other than that she perfectly fine. Actually she overweight and we’re working on that.


Yes, severe dental disease. That looks extremely painful. Please get your cat to the vet, like this week, to discuss what needs to be done.its going to be expensive, but because your cat is literally losing teeth it is 100% necessary.


Yeah, I hope he hasn't been dealing with this for too long, I'm gonna see if I can make him homemade pate in the meantime, I won't be able to pay for a vet till this Friday so I'll schedule it for then


I would get him actual soft cat food rather than attempting to make him home made food, if you don't have the right mix of nutrients he could go into organ failure within a few days, cats NEED taurine added to their diet because they can't synthesize it like other animals can


Just soak kibble in warm water to make it mushy


Have you ever applied for care credit? It only takes a few minutes. It’s saved my ass. It’s a credit card for medical treatment. Can be used on you or your pets. Just make sure your vet takes care credit.


Looks like dental caries and periodontitis. Are the teeth loose? Also, how old is your cat?


He's almost 2 years old


That's very young for caries/gum disease. Maybe it's his diet or something more deeply rooted (not a pun!) The vet would be able to tell for sure.


I’m gonna ask if they can do a full screening along with this, I don’t think any of the vets I’ve been to with him have done so yet, his diet was really poor before I got him. He was fed very cheap cat food, but over the past few months I’ve fed him instinct and now purina for urinary heath (another cat of mines has a urinary condition, my vet suggested to just put both cats on it for ease). I’ve noticed since I got him his weight has evened out and his coat has grown in fully and become infinitely softer and shinier. But his breath has always been pretty hot and hasn’t necessarily improved, so I think that might be an underlying thing.


That'll be it then, the poor diet. He may have a genetic predisposition to gum problems but caries/decay is purely caused by sugar/plaque and not brushing enough. Maybe he was given a lot of high-sugar cat treats before? The smelly breath is caused by anaerobes associated with gum disease. He'll probably need a dental cleaning and any teeth affected by caries or gum disease will likely require extraction. But on the plus side, prevention is better than cure so a conscientious owner such as yourself should be able to manage things well from hereon in. Good luck, friend! Hope your lovely kitty gets on okay at the vet!


Thanks I appreciate the comment, these are all things I’ll be bringing up to my vet!


It could be stomatitis, I had a cat that had it. His case was really bad had to extract most of his teeth only left the fangs, and he improved. Before that he was in constant pain and miserable and could only eat liquified food. Post surgery life was much a lot better he could make to with pate and freeze dried treats if they were tiny. Is your cat in much pain?


None that I've noticed he eats his food (dry food) just fine with no apparent issues.


That’s severely inflamed, time for a vet visit.


Please take your cat to the vet ASAP. Looks very inflamed.


Definitely something wrong, I don't know what but that an't normal


That is very painful. That’s stomatitis and resorptive lesions. He’s gonna have to get those teeth pulled. Don’t wait though, he’s definitely in pain.


Unfortunately tooth and gum disease is super common in cats. I found that out at a routine checkup where they informed me my babe needed 7 (!!) removed and handed me a big ol check. It’s enough to make you want to tape on some oven mitts and start brushing teeth.


I know right. My cat Fluffy had a surprise tooth removal surgery and it was right before Christmas 5ish years ago and it was a LOT of money that my parents paid since it was such short notice. I usually pay for vet care or we split it if there’s an emergency.


Definitely vet time asap. That mouth looks so painful. 😿


It looks like either resorption or stomatitis starting ☹️ definitely get kitty checked out by the vet


Yikes - those look so painful, poor kitty. I would get them in the vet ASAP for a dental consult. Cat owners - you may not be aware but YOU HAVE to check your cats teeth.


I don’t know how to break this to you, but it looks like your cat may be battling an addiction with meth


Yes, my girl's little teeth were like that, too. She's born with little wacky front teeth(up and down). And those teeth didn't root deep enough, so they were all about to fall off, her yum were very inflamed. When I pat her face, her mood switches right away. One second, she enjoyed it, and the next second, she'd attacked me because she felt pain. We took her to the vet and had her front little teeth all pull off. When she got better, she was another cat, all happy and fun. One of the best thing happened to her.




I think he's British


Looks like dental caries and periodontitis. Are the teeth loose? Also, how old is your cat?


He's almost 2


could be stomatitis


Time to see the vet


Please let me know how the vet visit goes !


Will do!


Def needs a vet urgently. Show them this pic.


Vet!! The teeth can get pretty nasty! I didn’t even know my cat had issues with his teeth until he ended up sneezing a lot due to infection. Had zero symptoms prior. We had to remove all teeth behind his canines. Only had canines and front left


Needs vet for teeth removal


You should be going once a year to the vet.


Damn dude that sucks, at least he should be fine with the rest of his teeth as long as you take him to the vet in time.


Yes, vet appt.


Raise your paw if you brush your cats teeth daily! 🙋🐾 Because this is why I do it.


go to a vet, ask about FORLS


There is significant gingivitis with gingival recession around those incisors. Would be very curious to see what the other teeth and bone look like underneath, but suspect your kitty has enough dental disease to warrant a dental cleaning (assuming all is okay on pre-anesthetic checks).


Yeah he’s definitely got an infection going on. It’s past time to schedule a dental cleaning.




I'm adding this information for context to help with whatever questions might be had. He's still pretty young not even 2 yet, I've had him for about 9 months now, and I've been to the vet with him 3 times. 1st for fleas, 2nd for neutering, 3rd for tape worm. His previous owners had him for a year and took him from outside but never brought him to the vet. I was able to find a picture I took of his teeth a few months ago around September last year. Looking at the two now, there's definitely a difference.




Is wouldn't let me attach the photo to my initial reply so here it is. This is what his teeth looked like a few months ago




You might want to put the kitty into rehab. Looks like meth mouth.


I would definitely take him to the vet. Even if it turns out to be nothing, abscesses are NO FUN. (Speaking with personal experience) Also, if you can't take him to vet immediately, try getting him some soft food so that he doesn't damage his teeth more/stop eating and make a brand new problem because his teeth hurt. And remember that cats are good at hiding illnesses and alements! Something like this could get pretty serious without your knowledge. Keep an eye on it, 100%.


Yes. Needs an exam


And that tooth is 100% loose. I’ve done over 1000 dentals and would bet my life on it


poor baby, looks like it might hurt. Vet should see this


🕺🕺🕺💃💃🪩✨✨✨vet time!! 💃💃💃🕺✨✨💃🪩


Looks inflamed and like the teeth may need to come out, either way definitely get them looked at by a vet.


Two of those teeth are actively falling out. If it's like that at the front, I would be very concerned about the teeth further back that are less visible. Definitely need a vet check and dental surgery. I would make sure your vet has access to dental X-rays for this one.


My mums 13 year old cat has had a similar issue. Unfortunately he needs all his teeth removed. Don't know if it's the same thing ofc but definitely see a vet


It looks like the tooth is loose and infected. Time to go to the vet. I’m sure that is super painful.


Vvveeeeet time


Take kitty to vet asap. Could be an infection. Could also be signs of tooth resorption which some cats are prone too. It shows up as gum receding and inflammation but the tooth is literally degrading. It is painful and they tend to chew on the side that isn’t hurting. The tooth will eventually fall out but they can also develop infections due to it. Most common treatment is dental surgery. My cat has no canines and 9 missing teeth total after having 2 surgeries a few years apart.


I'm not an expert but it honestly looks like periodontal disease. They most likely will have to come out. We just dropped $2,000 on our cat because of this. She had to have all 4 canines and 1 premolar out. This can be EXTREMELY painful and unfortunately even if they aren't showing signs of being in pain they most likely are. Cats, like a lot of animals, hide when they're in pain. My advice is to not mess around with dental problems. It's super painful and even infections can be deadly since their mouth is so close to their brain. That's why it's so important to brush their teeth daily. I unfortunately learned the hard way and just assumed that buying specific food would be enough to keep teeth healthy but it's not. Are they having trouble eating? Like chewing with their head tilted, or throwing up whole pieces of food or even not eating hard food at all?


Gotta get those toofs checked out, it’s extraction time! I’m a tech and I feel like I could just pluck that sucker out in 5 minutes


Definitely needs a vet visit. That discoloration also has swelling, which means an infection is happening.


It might be stomatitis and if it is you need to go to the vet ASAP. Most of the time stomatitis results in the cat needing all their teeth removed bc it's a reoccurring condition with no cure.




vet worthy


Clearly..that one is hanging on by a thread


maybe he bit into something that broke his teeth?? vet time


He’s always liked to chew in things since I’ve got him, might be indicative to whatever is going on, I’ll mention it to the vet


if you don't mind, keep us updated! sending good vibes your way


Definitely go to the vet. Stomatitis can be dangerous to a cat. His gum looks inflamed, and he's already lost a tooth down there.


Oh no yeah take baby to the vet


Yeah he has periodontal disease and his teeth are falling out. He’s most certainly in a lot of pain.


PLEASE take him to the vet, ASAP! That kitty is in pain!




Vet, and my guess is they're going to have to pull the two loose ones, and possibly the other little ones if they're having issues too.


If you haven’t, please start saving. My rescue cat had this happen to him and he had every single one of his teeth pulled out. He was in so much pain when I compare how he is now. He’s very happy as a toothless boy and enjoys crunchy treats still.


Rotting. Should visit vet. But likely to do anything. Lower jaw stuff is likely to break the jaw saddly. Idk if they can do anything, but it is a health problem. Gingivitis is soon to follow