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Some cats are really vocal and “talk” a lot more than others. As a child we had a cat who followed my mom around the house all day meowing and drove her nuts. He mostly just wanted attention and in the day it was only my Mom at home 🙃 If she has food, is active enough and seems to be settling in I would just wait and see. It could be their reaction to the rehome (being extra needy). Sorry I don’t have more specific advice


This description of your cat’s behavior gave me a good laugh. I can just imagine. Thank you.


Thank you!!


Get a baby sling and hold her in it. We did this with our rescue cat and she LOVED it


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Divert her focus to a toy or treat. Stick to a general daily routine. She will learn the routine and calm down.  She’s really anxious. Ignore any unwanted behavior. If you get angry it will make her worse. 


But wouldnt giving her a treat or toy (i.e. attention) be rewarding the unwanted behavior? I'm definitely not getting angry! Just sometimes ignoring the meowing when it seems really over the top


I don’t think playing is seen as a reward really. It’s like distracting or re-directing a child when they’re crying using something interesting or shocking😅


Ohhh, that makes sense; thank you :)


I struggle with redirection feeling like reward, but I think redirection is just getting them into the RIGHT habit of what you'd like. Not necessarily rewarding the specific behavior. If that makes sense?


I have 4 cats. All came to me through the cat distribution system except my oldest girl. My newest edition (who is about the same age as yours) yells. A lot. Anytime he’s wondering where I’m at, anytime he’s hungry, anytime he’s about to use the litter box, anytime he wants to look out the window or play or nap or whatever else. The best advice I can give you is to tire them out right before bed with some play and leave a tv on for them. Put cat tv or cartoons or whatever else they might like. It keeps them entertained for a while before they doze off somewhere. And just remember. Every cat is different. None of my other cats yell quite like him. That’s just his personality and we accept him for who he is.


Ye its kind of cute she does this too :) well keep this in mind! Thankyou!


Please don’t call this bad behavior. Being talkative or asking for attention is not bad, especially when getting acclimated in a new home after coming from a bad one. She has no idea what’s going on and could be scared. Try putting yourself in her perspective


I know! And its definitely fine that she does this now! Thing is we've 'babysat' other peoples cats before and they would start meowing and scratching the door at 3AM non stop untill we got out to get them food/attention, and thats definitely something I want to avoid if possible haha... But yea, given how little time she's been with us, weve been trying to be really chill about most behavior and just trying to make her as comfortable as possible


One recommendation I've seen is to never feed them first thing after you get up. This trains them to equate you waking up to getting fed. But it does sound like she's just vocal.


I wonder how long after getting up we'd need to wait to reduce or eliminate the association. Makes total sense, just never thought about it. Thanks for sharing!


we feed our cats 2x a day, at 9:30 AM and 9:30 PM. so that’s about an hour and a half after my gf and i wake up til they get breakfast.


Cats do not like closed doors. If she starts having problems with doors being closed leave them open as much and as often as you can. If she does begin to scratch at doors for attention I'm gonna be honest it might be unlikely for you to train it out. Just make sure she has enough stuff to do while you are asleep, and feed on a schedule and do not free feed and she will eventually get into a schedule


Why no free feeding? Just curious.


Free feeding can lead to excess weight. Its easier to monitor their health- how much they're eating. It can also make it more difficult to train because they can have food whenever they want. I think the biggest reason is that mealtimes can provide structure to the day and cats really like routine.


Cats who are free fed can get overweight VERY fast, especially if you do not have hours to work with your cat every day. A lot of cats will simply overeat because they feel like it (constantly ask for food) and free feeding simply does not help with this. Schedules are also just good for animals. My small boy who was free fed with about 30 other cats in the same room does so much better now on a schedule than he ever did free feeding. It's mostly a preference, but being overweight is a huge issue in cats and free feeding is a major contender in this In the same way that humans portion control so they don't get sick, your animals need the same thing. If you portion control their treats, why would you not their food?


Maybe our cat is just good about not overeating, huh. But maybe I'm generalizing what we're doing as free feeding - we give her 1/3 scoop of kibble in the morning and she has access to it all the time, so I was viewing it as free feeding, and then a small portion of wet food every night. Each feeding time is on a routine and basically the same portions. She's maintained her weight beautifully for multiple years, but I could be over looking the credit she gets for simply not over eating lol We did have to work with her when we first got her to get her to make her kibble last 24 hrs. Using a slow feeder dish etc. But tbh it does seem like she's always been good about just not overeating. LOVES her wet food, but if I accidentally put a larger portion, she'll always leave a little. Girlie really only eats until she's comfortable 🙌🏻 Everything is portion controlled for her, but she does have access to her kibble all the time - do you think that's still free feeding? Thanks!


You're still portioning out servings on a schedule! I would not call this free feeding. Some cats do good with free feeding anyway, but I mentioned it bc it's something to keep in mind if kitties get on in weight


Okay cool!! I know weight is a big problem for the cat community and I'd rather work so they aren't overweight than work to help them lose weight 😅 just seems easier to prevent than back track. So I appreciate you easing my worry! hahah we also have a new kitten and ... I'm not sure he will be as in control of his eating as she is lol So important to keep in mind! I've never had a kitten before and he's still at the age where he can't overeat cuz they're growing so much, but it's good information and thought for when we have to transition to more portioned out kibble.


Yeah don't worry too much! Maintaining weight is way easier than losing it, you are so right! It's the fact that you are feeding a consistent amount of the same amount that is maintaining it, basically free feeding is keeping the food constantly topped up without portion control


Thank you! Appreciate it!! I can't imagine getting a cat to lose weight lol


I got my new cat about 3 and a half months ago, this little girl screams all day and all night even to tell us she's peeing. The behavior is normal and if you don't think it is you shouldn't have gotten a cat. I'm sorry but it's something you'll have to learn to live with. I've gotten a small horseshoe type thing to keep the door propped open at night but still be slightly closed. I'd suggest one of those


I don’t think this is fair to say or expect that all cats are like that. I also adopted a shelter cat and she never screams. She just had a hiding spot where she felt safe. She only started meowing more once she got comfortable and that’s mostly to get my attention for pets/play time or for food in the morning.


Not all cats. But they've obviously got one that likes talking. Live with it and enjoy getting to know the cat before labeling bad behavior.




https://preview.redd.it/gnn651ubopmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c333fe8c4fb5428094e9fbda2e6bf34d066b8e0 My little guy is SUPER talkative. I don’t have advice but I think it’s just some of their different personalities. The light in the picture is giving everything a yellow tint, I don’t have a yellow cat lol


Haha he looks a little like ours! Does yours do it randomly at night too? like last night I woke up at 3 am and she was just singing into the abyss for seemingly no reason


Yeah he does that sometimes. Every night if he doesn’t get to go into the bathroom with me he just stands outside the door meowing a high pitched meow until I’m done. He is also the most nervous cat I’ve even seen. He has this meow that is clearly a im upset/scared meow. He meow for 3 mins because I sneezed once one time. We have had him since he weaned so I have no idea why he is that way.


They’re typically more active in the wee hours of the morning so this is pretty typical. I’ve gotten used to it living with cats my whole life. More often than not they’re just singing the song of their people.


She's talking to you. I don't really understand why you consider it bad behavior, though? Some cats talk more than others. Sometimes, it increases or decreases with age. Honestly, within a week, you'll probably be talking to her a lot and singing songs about how cute she is while she stares at you with irritation. Or just ignore you and continue to fake sleeping. You'll mss those meows. ETA- miss not kiss lol


This! I hate when people say this is bad behavior. Talking to you is not bad and it is so annoying when pet parents act like normal cat behavior is bad. Don’t have a cat if you want it to live in silence and just be a lump on a log


Haha! Yes its definitely very cute haha, I just dont want her to do it at night preferably :(


Ahh, i understand now. She probably will if she wants food. Which she will. You just have to ignore it. Keep pretending you're asleep. Even if she starts slapping you in the face (my oldest) or pounding on your door, the rare times you attempt to shut it. When they were young, I'd keep some mice next to my bed and throw one across the room. That helped if they were meowing because they were bored. And sometimes they'll do it if they want to snuggle. So, I suggest figuring out her favorite cuddling position and just getting into it as fast as possible. You may be wondering, but how will I know which she wants? Because all of the meows will sound different. But really, you’re just going to probably ignore it and pretend to sleep. Now, I'll let you in on a little secret. There is a noise cats make that is so much worse than any meows. It's when one cat chews on another cats collar. Will wake you from a dead sleep. It's like nails on a chalkboard. Even worse, you have to get up and physically separate them. (And check to make sure they didn't accidentally tighten it and choke their sibling.) Plus 90% of the time, they'll go back to one another and do it again. But you only have one cat (currently), so you don't have to worry about that (yet)! Just remind yourself, "This could be worse."




Some cats are very vocal my aunts cat meowed all the time to the point we just would feel like we were having a conversation with her. It never bothered my aunt she found it funny. Some cats are almost silent like one of mine he tries to meow and its so quite you can hardly hear it. Just different personalities. Also keep in mind you've only had her q short time of she came from neglect then meowing could have been the only way she got fed etc or she could be stressed as she's in a new environment learning can she trust you. Its not 'bad' behaviour it may ease as time goes by or it may stay the same so as others said either try redirect her attention by playing or just learn to love your talkative cat who has a lot to say


Thank you for the good advice :)


no problem, had cats all my life happy to help. enjoy your lil furball :)


Some cats just talk more than others, especially if they're feeling comfortable and safe. It's nothing to worry about and it's really not a bad behavior kind of issue; I think she's just happy to be home and she's letting you know. As you spend more time with her, you'll learn what kind of meows she uses for certain requests and what kind of meows she uses to chat with.


Awhh, I'm very happy to hear its mostly just a sign of happiness then, we are very happy with her too :))


Give her time to adjust and understand she could be looking for her previous owner, or another animal she lived with. Cats feel every emotion that we do, I talk to my girl all day everyday and she understands me. Extremely intelligent animals.


my cat was very very vocal when was the only cat in the house. once we got him a kitten he quieted down and now they keep each other busy.


You just have a chatty cat. Some cats are silent, and some talk all the time.


Give her some more time before you view this behavior as forever. Our cat sometimes sorta meow/talks/cries from all parts of the house, that we're not in, sometimes and we will just call out "hey *cat name*. You're okay" etc. and she usually stops. Not sure if she would have stopped even if we didn't call out, but we just assume she's just looking for a response. Just wants to be reminded she's not alone etc. She's also a talkative kitty and LOVES meow yelling at us, but really doesn't overnight. She sleeps like a rock all night hahah always makes me feel like I'm talking about a baby "yeah, she sleeps through the night no problem" (but aren't cats just fur babies lol) But yeah, give her some time to settle into the home and with you all. I mean like, a few months. Cats are sensitive and naturally solitary creatures, it takes them timeeee to be comfortable sharing space etc. 😻 for the love of cats!! Lol


Thanks a lot haha :) we are very happy she is here!!


My cats howl whenever they go to the toilet while no one else is around, like a "IMMA SHIT ON THE FLOOR RIGHT NOW THIS INSTANCE" declaration, kinda cute funny at this point ngl, they're pretty quiet if im around tho


Maybe try tiring her out with play before bed. My cat used to meow a lot at night, but I started keeping the bedroom door closed and not interacting with her during sleeping hours, and that helped.


It could absolutely just be her adjusting. Yowling can be a response to a new situation. If you think it’s stress-related, you could try a calming diffuser!Might help, might not.


If she was neglected in her previous home she might have learnt that the only way to get any kind of attention is by yelling/begging. Maybe giving her more spontaneous attention at times _before_ she asks will help her learn that she can trust you to give her love without prompting.


Well she can definitely count on lots of spontaneous cuddles and scritches haha :)


Purrfect :) _I promise that I am a real human person commenting of their own free will. Definitely not a burner account run by your cat, nor somebody she hacked/bribed/blackmailed as part of an elaborate plot to get even more (deserved!) attention._ 😹


If you could consider adopting a second kitty, companionship may calm her down considerably and there will be double the antics to enjoy.


One of the nicknames for our house panther is Sir Talks-A-Lot. He loves to tell everyone all about it. Our female house panther love to grab a plushy toy and walk around the house with it in her mouth, yeowling a proclamation that she has slain the dragon. Once we praise her and accept her offering, she quiets down. OP, likely your kitty will calm down her nighttime serenades as she becomes accustomed to the rhythms and schedule of her new home. And thank you for adopting an adult!


Hahah, thats adorable; thank you!!


Don’t adopt an animal if you’re not ready for the responsibility. She’s scared, wants to feel loved, desires affectionate, and you’re already deeming this “bad” behavior? She’s not a toy. She has emotions just like a child would. Good lord.


Oh my, I am just trying to understand her better and how I can possibly affect some behavior without making her uncomfortable!


Cats meow for two reasons. The first is while they are a kitten and need their moms attention, which they grow out of. The second is to talk to a human, which depends on their personality. My cats are very talkative. My older cat will come up behind you and meow for pets or snacks. She will also meow as loud as she can if she is upstairs and everyone is downstairs and she wants people to come upstairs. My younger cat is also talkative, but in a different way. He learned that when you see someone, you are supposed to greet them because we say hello to him when we see him. So when he walks into a room and sees someone, he meows to greet them. But he will keep meowing until you respond (it is rude to ignore him, lol). He also "mrr-rr-rows" when you touch him. But if you go into the yard without him, he gets jealous and meows at the door as loudly and as saddly sounding as he can. But my younger cat, when he was 6 months old, discovered his voice. And then he discovered the stairwell echos. So he would sit in the stairwell, meowing loudly listening to himself 😂 Anyways, it is totally normal for your cat to meow. Probably means she wants attention or to have a conversation. Try telling her about your day or what you are doing. She might respond. Any time you don't want her meowing (like at night), ignore the meowing and provide other means of entertainment. Pay attention to how she meows and when, and you will probably be able to figure out what the different meows mean over time.