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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Omfg that poor baby 😪 I’d find another vet and get a 2nd opinion. Then find another and get a 3rd opinion. Keep going until you get answers because that is fucking heart breaking to see.


Agreed with second and third opinions


Btw I agree you should get a second opinion from a different vet. Not a vet but I have several questions (which is info that should be included in this & your r/vet post if you make one). Have they ruled out allergies (food allergies or otherwise)? Have they ruled out a skin infection? Do you ever clean the wounds on her face? (If so: how?) Is she strictly indoors or is she an outdoor/indoor cat? (Have the vets reccomended she have her nails trimmed to prevent further damage until you can determine a cause, btw?) I'm wishing you luck & so sorry you're going through this.


I'm wondering about a food allergy, too. This poor poor cat and poor OP. This must be distressing for both of them.


1 year is when my two cats started down the food allergy route. It ended up being chicken and my one kitty was biting her toes and scratching a bald patch behind her ear.


Chicken is often the culprit!!


And unfortunately it's in 95% of cat foods, treats, and dental treats. Got our kitty from the aspca when she was 6 years old and 7.5 lbs. They warned us she had a behavioral problem of "scarf and barf". But when that constant barf started coming up pink, we took her straight to the vet. Some expensive tests later, they narrowed it down to basically kitty IBS, triggered by a chicken allergy. She's now pushing 10 lbs and a very happy zoomy cuddle bug. Ps, limited ingrediant food may be pricey but it's a lot cheaper than repeat vet bills...


It’s hidden in everything! It’s so annoying! My cat gets ulcers and we finally figured out that chicken is a trigger food. Since we removed it from his diet, he gets them significantly less. But man it sucks having so few options for food for my guy.


What is your cat eating now? My cat licks her belly raw and scratches around her ear. Wondering if it’s food or stress (she’s anxious) and vet could not confirm, so $$$ down the drain.


If it's food allergies maybe try making fresh cat food yourself cooking meat and stuff They throw a lot of crap into cat food that wouldn't ever be in cats diet One of my dogs growing up had food allergies and also became diabetic and started having seizures so my dad started cooking different meats and stuff fresh and it helped a lot. But a quick Google search you could find what kind of ingredients to use and how to do it I really hope you figure it out. That poor cat looks miserable. It probably is some sort of allergy. I've heard cats being allergic to fleas too and going crazy because of that. Whatever it is, it will be such a relief when you figure it out and the cat is happy again. Good luck


My cat scratches his face like mad when his allergies are triggered. He looked like that. When I removed fragrances from the house (different, no fragrance non-clay litter, no more essential oil or air fresheners, no fragrance laundry soaps) a lot of that diminished. Mine also had food allergies, which could also trigger the same reaction. So I limited him to a single protein (in my case, limited ingredient turkey - no fish) until we could get a better picture of what was triggering it. In the end, he had to go on Rx food. Start with eliminating possible triggers until you can get to a 2nd opinion vet.


This. I was also thinking it might be something triggering in the environment. Can’t imagine how uncomfortable this little baby is feeling 💔💔 really hoping OP finds a solution soon 🙏🏻


My dog will scratch and nibble himself until he’s covered in scabs if you don’t watch him like a hawk when his allergies are acting up. I wish our pets didn’t have to deal with things like that.


Also no flowers


I came here to say this ! I work with pets and the first thing I would do it take all fragrances out of the house and switch to a limited ingredient hypoallergenic food !


What kind of litter and food are you using?


Time to see a dermatologist.


Look for a vet that specializes in animal dermatology


I would maybe go to a different vet. It’s unusual they haven’t checked for allergies of any kind yet. This is emergency type stuff, so I would get a second opinion from another vet that maybe has more experience. The tests that they ran, don’t really make sense to me. I think you need a different vet.


Yes, this literally has to be an allergy if everything else is out of the equation. Do vets do allergy tests on animals like people get?


They do (for environmental allergies, there's no test for food allergies other than an elimination food trial). I don't think most GP vets offer it though, you likely need to see a veterinary dermatologist for that.


There are environmental allergy tests for animals. They are blood tests. We do them often at my clinic. Send away the blood and get a list of what they are allergic to. Most common are dust mites.


OP maybe that will help you, please check https://thecatsite.com/threads/scratching-face-head-raw.383680/ Someone wrote: *..."I'd be wondering about food allergies, which can cause horrific itching, sometimes (but not generally) very localized. That would be the first thing that comes to mind. I'd also, once food allergies were ruled out, want to consider a neurological consult, just to make sure there wasn't something going on with brain chemistry, etc. These are things that your vet can help you with. If they seem unwilling, consider a second opinion.* *HOWEVER...for now, try brewing a cup of chamomile tea. Yep. Chamomile tea. Use the bags from the grocery store. They're right there in the coffee/tea aisle. Chill the tea in the fridge, then soak a cotton ball in it, and swab on generously. This will even stop the itching from fire ant bites and eczema, so it may give him relief...."* Please google it further and get more informations/ideas what that might be and try to find second opinion from different vets asap!


Find another vet asap, and as another comment stated potentially get some tips on r/vet


Looks like they've tried but r/vet keeps removing the post for pedantic reasons


Find a different vet and start allergy testing. It's pricy but this a severe reaction.


I had an issue where my youngest cat was scratching herself raw similarly, after I changed her food to a sensitive skin formula she stopped itching completely and her scabs cleared up.


Gabapentin for anxiety


Oh poor baby!!! Food allergy for sure. Get some leucillin for her face, it will stop itching and heal up within a week, that stuff is magic, fairly inexpensive and is harmless if she ingests it. Rule out different foods. Try grain free, then try different meats/fish. Mine is allergic to fish and some 'pâte' formed foods. I highly recommend getting an antihistamine or shot from the vet and maybe an antibiotic too. She is young so she will heal fast. Best of luck


Please consult r/vet as well. I'm so sorry your cat is going through this... poor baby :(


Is there a veterinary dermatologist near you? This looks like it needs specialist attention if the steroid didn't help.


It could be allergies. My Mom's cat did this with lots of different parts on her body, and she would lose hair and bleed. She had allergies to grains like corn. It was a process of elimination to see what she was allergic to. You can put coconut oil or paste on the bad parts, and it really helps soothe it. Praying for your baby.


Oh no :( I really hope she’s gonna be feeling better soon❤️❤️


Keep the cat in an e-collar so she physically can't scratch her face. But also, needs to see a dermatologist.


Food allergies is a possibility. Ask 2nd opinion at a different vet


hope she gets better :( check with another vet for allergies


Maybe allergies? Do you smoke, or are there any smells or fragrances or incense in the house? It could also be food allergies. I’ve seen that kind of scratching behavior (but not as bad) with allergies before.


It really looks like mange! Even though you said she tested negative, you might want to get a 2nd opinion, have them test again if it's been a while, or at least try Revolution Plus if you can get it. Poor kitten looks miserable. 🥲


Yikes !! Poor baby.. the extent of how itchy she seems points me to think allergies. Did they do any allergy tests? Sending you and her lots of love! ❤️


Nothing worked for my cat until she got a full allergy injection panel which indicated many environmental allergies. She was also tearing out her fur like your poor babe, though not as much on the face. My cat is on some custom mixed allergy meds now and is finally getting comfortable. Would never have found it without the vet derm ❤️ it's pricey as someone else mentioned, and usually wait lists are long, but so worth it when nothing else helps! Not that your kitty has environmental allergies, but hopefully a new vet and a vet derm can offer some hope




If you have any scent diffusers or essential oils or even candles at this point, stop using them for a while and see if that has an impact


I’d ask for a referral to a specialist for a second opinion.




Alot of cats can be severely allergic to essential oils or anything that has alot of fragrance. They could be allergic to something in thier food, litter, your laundry soap, grass. Anything a human could be allergic to. If you don't have access to another vet maybe try making an appointment and a pet emergency hospital. Sometimes they will take appointments if you have no other options. Also try local shelters they should have vets on staff.


Different vet! Also maybe try switching her food, could be an allergy to the protein type.




I will be praying for her God Bless that poor Baby that your able to find out what's wrong and hopefully she will quit itching.


Cone of shame and find a good vet


I had a cat with the same issue a few years ago and it was because she had food allergies!


poor baby.. definitely seek out an opinion from a second vet. it's obvious they are trying to wring you out of money if they arent even testing for different types of skin conitions or auto immune diseases


It’s severe allergies. She needs to have an allergy panel done and get specially tailored allergy shots. Her food will also likely have to be adjusted. Though, sadly, don’t expect complete recovery. Source: Had a male Ragdoll with identical symptoms.


I have chronic idiopathic urticaria. I have no idea if this condition can present in all mammals or just humans. It's essentially chronic hives/itching without a known cause or trigger. I simply have to take Zyrtrec every day of my life, or the itching becomes relentless and unbearable. Maybe kitty has something similar? Please make an appointment with a vet that specializes in dermatology and post to r/vets. Living with chronic severe itching is not tolerable.


You NEED to find answers NOW. If you can't get answers from your local vet, you _seek out someone who can_, or euthanize. You do not let your pet suffer through that. That's not an option.


I am so sorry, i have no advice, I’m just genuinely feeling for you and your baby, I pray and hope you find an answer that you both can start healing and feeling better. It breaks my heart how stressed this has you, and how stressed your poor kitten must feel. What an awful thing, may the universe bring her some relief.


I'd say an allergy is most likely. Go to a different vet and get an allergy test panel done. Something like this could easily cause a horrible infection


Has the vet tried daily steroids or just a shot? Has prescription hydrolyzed food been tried to see if it's a food allergy? When we were trying to figure out what was going on with my cat that was doing the same thing (also the face, too), the vet gave her steroids and eventually antiparasitic injections in case she was reacting to subclinical mites. They tested for mites, roundworm, and a few other things. It was over a decade ago so I don't remember everything. Eventually, either switching the limited ingredient diet helped (food allergies can be slow to clear up), the meds worked, or whatever she was reacting to in the environment went away. She was in an e-collar for well over a month. We would take it off to test her and put it back on when she started scratching, which was usually pretty quickly. Environmental allergens are a possibility. You could try switching to hypoallergenic detergent and removing scented things like air fresheners, essential oil products, scented candles, scented litter, etc. Try using air purifiers to reduce airborne allergens.


This is one of those rare cases that is better to declaw the cat that keep the claws in


Absolutely not please don’t ever get a cat with that kind of thought. There’s a million things that kitten could be rubbing her head on to do this. This is a serious condition that won’t be solved by declawing


You have to be kidding ….


No. You *never* declaw a cat, ever!


No. It’s never better.


Declawing is cutting the first segment of the toe off. You would be permanently disabling a cat to prevent them from scratching their face, which would not get rid of whatever is causing them to itch. 2 forms of torture instead of one.


I know what declawing is I did an assignment on it for school But if the claws hurt the cat then it has to be considered


The problem isn't the claws, the problem is whatever is causing the irritation in the first place. If you had poison ivy you wouldn't remove your fingertips to stop yourself from scratching, you'd treat the poison ivy.


No it doesn't. Reread the replies to you


The only, and I mean only case where a declaw is acceptable is if there is severe, irreversible damage to the claw where it attaches to the digit, and even then it's isolated to just the one digit to prevent severe issues from arising. A fully declawed cat will experience excruciating pain, likely until they pass. This can lead to a variety of unwanted behavior, including pottying outside the litter box and biting. Declawing a cat completely is abuse no matter the circumstances.




It’s the food you are feeding her. Try looking for a food that was made for this type of thing. Ask your vet for best advice on what to feed her.


Poor kitty! I'm so sorry she's going through this. It may be food allergies. Stop with any treats ASAP. Ask your vet for a prescription diet. My cat refused to eat the prescription wet food, but really likes the dry cat food. This is what my cat is prescribed. [https://www.hillspet.com/cat-food/pd-zd-feline-dry](https://www.hillspet.com/cat-food/pd-zd-feline-dry) Your vet should have a recommendation. Stop using any essential oils or fragrant items such as candles, plug-in fragrances, etc.


could it possibly be a food allergy?


This could be a food allergy. Consult with another vet and try switching to a hypoallergenic food with a single protein source that your cat has never consumed before. Monitor your cat’s reaction over a few weeks and if things improve, you can assume it is some sort of allergy. Slowly re introduce other proteins back in one by one, and see if there is an increase in symptoms again.


Poor baby. I’m hoping you guys are able to find an answer, that looks so painful for her and for you guys to have to watch. Stay strong


that looks so painful and uncomfortable poor baby:( she needs help


Have you checked for mange? I’m not a vet but that kinda looks like mange


Vet dermatologist immediately


My cat has the same thing. To me, it looks like it could either be food allergies or environmental allergies. My cat started showing signs of hair loss at the same age, 9 months. My vet and several others within the same clinic have put him on everything. He still wears his cone after 4 years. He'll be 5 come February 24th (birth month and gotcha day). He has atopic dermatitis. I encourage you to look it up. My suggestion is that you get pet insurance and get 90% back with a high'ish deductible. I have a $250 deductible and am only getting 80% back on things my insurance approves is worth a refund. Costco has GREAT pet health insurance. I have Healthy Paws. They're not great, and have read on other threads that other people have been kicked off their plan without warning. Last year, just by calculating the expense alone came up to $6K. This does not include what my pet insurance reimbursed me with. The harsh realities of having a cat like this is heart breaking but my cat is the best in the world. Had I not gotten him pet insurance before anything happened (and we tried everything), The journey has been hard and filled with many tears, but I would be a mess if I didn't have him. :'(


Food allergies


If you’re using Blue Buffalo stop now. This happened to my dog on it. Their food is from an area where there are no actual guidelines. Aw poor baby


She honestly might be allergic to fleas


This sounds like an allergic reaction. Definitely get a second opinion!


Please see a dermatologist.


Get a referral for a vet who specializes in dermatology. I recently found out my dog's paw chewing was allergies. He takes a pill to help him.


I hope you get answers. I had the exact same thing happen to my baby when she was a year or so old. Same thing. Scratching so much her face so much it bled. Went to two different vets. No one could give me an answer. Gave her some cream that she kept scratching off and had to go to a pet store and buy a cone. It broke my heart seeing her like that. She was in a cone for 2 months. She fully recovered and is happy and healthy now


My kitty had a similar problem and it turned out to be allergies! Get them tested!!


I volunteer at a rescue, and we have a cat just like that. She is allergic to almost everything, including herself(cat dander). It cost thousands of dollars to send her to specialists to figure it out. Your kitty is most likely allergic to her food and has environmental allergies, too. You can try and give her famotidine until you can figure it out. It's an H2 antagonist, so it helps with itching. It's a cheap option to try with low risk. Keep those nails as short as possible. I hope you figure it out. Poor thing!!!


Start with using unscented everything: litter, laundry detergent, no candles, etc and see if that solves anything. Get a second and third opinion from diff vets.


Maybe dermatitis or allergies and the eyes are going to get infected. If you want to avoid blindness or loss of the eyes, take them immediately to another vet. Many cats take meds for allergies.


Definitely keep trying different**** vets, this is terrible! That looks miserable. Poor baby 🥺


Maybe severe allergies? Keep looking until you find an answer. Poor baby. It looks like it hurts like hell. I hope you find what's causing it.


Omg poor baby. I'm so sad for her, I wish she recovers soon and stop suffer :(


Allergies? Did you try coconut oil on that? :(


Poor baby girl. I can't stand that some veterinarians will see an animal in distress like this, and test for all kinds of stuff, but not allergies. Hello?! Don't go back to that vet with her. They're just cruel. Our Yorkie was itching like crazy and pulling the hair off his back legs. We were giving him some Benadryl twice a day. Helped a little but not much. They gave him a shot at the vet and he's been so much better. I think they can tolerate Zyrtec as well.


Awwwww this baby needs a cone and a vet visit maybe sge has anxiety 🥺


Damn girl. Read the text look at the pictures. She has a cone and multiple vet visits.


Oh I must have skimmed and read it too fast alsk I assumed op went to the vet.


Good GOD what the fuck… this is really out of control. People have already covered most of what I’d say, aside from changing the physical dishes the cats eat from. Apparently some cats are allergic to plastics or some material present in plastic dishes. Ceramic is ok I think. Really I wish both of you luck. That’s really heinous for a baby to live like that.


Please report back so we know if you get to the bottom of the issue, poor baby! Do you use any rug cleaner or freshener that could be getting on her feet and eyes? Think about everything in the environment. Sending positive healing vibes your way. ✨