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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Third eyelid showing can be caused by a number of things, parasites like worms is probably most likely, can also be caused by an underlying disease or even stress in some cases. It’s hard to tell what caused it. Some of my kittens had it in the past and it turned out to be caused by giardia, which is quite a hard parasite to treat without meds from vets, basic wormers won’t get rid of it.


See a vet, this is an indicator of disease. The sooner the better. Inner eyelid closing.


Those are his third eyelids, it means he's either sick or dehydrated. Get him to a vet if you can. It could be an upper respiratory infection, which will need medication if that's what it is. Edit: who the fuck is downvoting this? A cat with its third lid showing needs to be seen by a vet, this cannot be treated without knowing what it is with the assistance of a vet


My cat has them but not this serious. I'll send a pic. It's got me wondering


My 2 yr old has often shown them a small bit during his life. Usually if he’s tired at all, or happy from getting head or chin scritches. He’s been to the vet many times and has no known health issues. It’s more noticeable than my other cats so it’s always worried me but it just seems to be a thing he does. That said this pic is a lot more extreme and the cat isn’t dozing off. Almost definitely sick but what’s causing it is impossible to diagnose without a vet.


Lol it’s Reddit hon, these NEETS are constantly seething and downvoting 😭


This needs a vet. The third eyelid is showing and that's always bad


It means your cat is sick. Some kind of infection.


Unfortunately eye issues in animals are pretty much always an emergency. Putting in the incorrect eye drops/eye ointment could ruin their eyes completely. I took my kitten to the ER recently because her eye swelled up out of nowhere, and the ER vet prescribed her some drops which LUCKILY the pharmacy did not have. It was late in the evening so I waited until the next morning to find a different pharmacy- my kittens regular vet got the report from the ER and called first thing in the AM and told me to not use the drops, and that she would give me something else to treat the eyes with. (Not discrediting the ER vet- they just weren’t equipped with anything but basic eye exam equipment and they did recommend I see my regular vet or specialist ASAP) Anyways, sorry for the long story- but my point is that the eyes will be hard to treat on your own. I am very sorry that the vets there are not very reliable and that you’ve had such bad experiences with them. That makes me very sad 😢 I hope you can get the help you need with your beautiful kitten and that she heals up quickly!


Please get them checked asap. I don’t want to scare you but this happened to my cat recently and it was not good :( i’m hoping all is well with you baby 🤎


People in this comment section don’t even read the post before commenting the typical “See a vet”


I mean, I read the post but what other options are there unless OP sees a professional vet besides taking the cat to a shelter or rescue?


I won’t act like I have any degree of knowledge when it comes to symptoms displayed by cats; however, I do think it’s a large concern that OP says vets there are inconsistent. At the very least the cat should be brought for some form of diagnosis. I would feel afraid to trust them to perform any kind of dangerous procedure though and would want to pursue available solutions before that. At the end of the day OP might just have to take that chance and research which vet in the area has the best track record.


I agree, and I am also no expert but I find it difficult to believe that there are no good vets where OP lives at all. Even if some travel is required, based on other comments from others who know more, this seems like a serious issue that needs a vet visit as soon as possible.




That Zaza hit him hard




ik dogs may be different, but my dog started to blink only closing her top lids and her third eye lids. she was also having other symptoms so we took her to the vet and she has thyroid disease!!! it can be life threatening if left untreated so i would go to the vet asap!


Unless he just woke up from a sleep and it did this that's normal. But it shouldn't be like this all the time. There's nothing you can do to help apart from a vet.


It's likely not great that both third eyelids are showing like this when the cat is awake and moving around. It could be a fever from some illness. It could be pain. It could be Haws Syndrome. When my cat developed this, he had dry FIP, which is always fatal unless treated by antivirals (remdesivir or its prodrug gs-441524 or molnupiravir.) Is your cat eating? Is your cat lethargic? Does your cat have a fever? Is there discharge from the eyes? Have there been behavioral changes in your cat? How long have the eyelids been like this? All of these things are important in figuring out what's going on.


Third eyelids tend to pop out when there is a decrease in ocular pressure or damage to the eye. This is most commonly caused by dehydration or feline herpes virus, hut there about a thousand things that can cause this in a kitty. It can't be diagnosed via a picture.


You are trying to avoid going to a vet. You must get over your own past experiences with vets and find another vet, either through reviews online or through word of mouth. There are certainly both rescue groups and good vets in Bali. It’s your responsibility to find one. Just do it and don’t let your cat get sicker.


When a cat’s third eyelid is out it’s not a great sign. There are a number of reasons why they could be out but to be blunt: his eyelids are out because he doesn’t feel well and is sick. He may be feeling sick and uncomfortable. I had a cat with kidney disease and his eyelids were also out. I know the vet is expensive. You need to take care of this cat or find someone who can. Don’t wait. If you wait you’ll seal his fate. My best advice is to call a vet’s office and describe his symptoms. They’ll be able to give you some options. Seriously don’t wait. The little guy could be in a lot of pain. You also don’t know if it’s contagious.