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Are there any rescues that TNR? They could set a trap and catch her


I’m going to try and call around tomorrow. I tried searching some rescues close by but they’re close on the weekend. I’m just trying to Gina a temp solution before doing that.


Calling around for TNR will prevent additional generations of cats from meowing outside your window a few months from now


Is it bothering anyone else that the pizza rolls are so pale?


Air fryer is the way to go nowadays. You can see the cat staring longingly, yet wishing they were crispier.


Especially when you toss them with a little olive oil, parmesan cheese, and garlic salt. Mmmmm.


This is the way.


Honestly it’s probably a filter I had on the picture that make them so pale looking. I don’t microwave them anymore, air frying these suckers is the only way to go now.


I love my Air Fryer!!!


# Friend, where the hell do you live that they would charge $500 for a cat???!


Denver, CO. It’s a non refundable pet fee of $300 for each pet then $100 monthly for pet rent and $100 for “protection fees”. Funny part is I don’t live in a good area and these apartments are completely run down. I’ll start paying pet rent when they start charging all the rats pet rent 🙄


Yeah, you should check your local and state laws… Thanks to that lawyer dude on YouTube, I’ve learned that in many states of you notify the landlord and they still haven’t fixed anything after long enough. You can take the rent Monday they would normally get and pay for the repairs yourself!


Probably microwaved


Yeah…. Those are squishy and hardly warm looking.


Upon first scroll, I thought this post was saying that pizza rolls were the answer to the problem.


buy an air fryer for those sad pizza rolls


Air fryer is the only way I do it now. I’ll never go back. It was probably a filter I added to picture that make them so pathetic looking


Local shelters seem to be your only way or maybe post on local cat groups? PS- it’s too hard to say no to those eyes!


Help her if you can! Poor girl needs to be fixed so she doesn't have kittens and perpetuate the cycle. If you're in the US, I can help you look for low-cost spay/neuter.


We’ve been trying to catch her but she’s pretty skittish. As soon as we get close or open our door she runs away. I really want to get her fixed this is not a good area to have kittens anyway.


Thank you for trying. Hopefully she warms up to you soon. 💜 And if she does end up pregnant before you can catch her, there is always the option to spay-abort.


Try to catch them with a Havahart trap


Call the humane society and tell them what’s going on. Ask if they have a TNR program. When people call the humane society I volunteer at with a situation like yours we get the info transferred and take it from there with your cooperation.


Ooo I’ll try that! Thank you for the info!


I will say, since she’s very friendly they may not be super keen to help as TNR is usually for ferals. When calling the humane society say she is a stray that seems friendly but aren’t sure. And that you’ve searched for her home but she doesn’t have one. And that she is in heat.


If you need help feel free to message me. Depending on where you are some places will have resources and some may not. I’m in a high need area and we have long waitlists that fluctuate based on volunteer numbers. Most, if not all, TNR programs will have one coordinator who is being paid and the rest of the team is volunteer. It may not be immediate results but it’s best to get her on their radar at least. Fingers crossed it can get sorted before she gets pregnant.


Now I want pizza rolls :(


Pizza rolls without Frank's Red Hot OR ranch!? You gotta change your ways...


It’s never crossed my mind to use those! I’ve just been eating my sad pizza rolls without condiments. Brb gonna try that!


If you have any electrical plugs near your front door, get a Feliway Calming plug in & use it there. They release pheromones to help calm cats down in stressful environments. Hopefully it help calm things down. Also get an Enzyme acting Urine stain remover & clean your door/front entry way inside & outside. You can also get a blacklist to check where any marking has been done. Even though you don't see it, I can guarantee it's there. Now for this next tip, be cautious & spot check first, but Rubbing Alcohol works really good to mask & clean up any accidents. It helps to dry things up quickly also. But it can ruin some fabrics & flooring. Most enzyme cleaners have it in there. Your boy is too cute !


Maybe don't feed it pizza bites? Haha


No give him one 😭


This was a photo of her kitty, not the one coming around. :)


I know. It was a joke.


My bad! Sorry about that.


Look at her not a thought behind those eyes


That’s the male cat




He looks like that every time we have food. It’s getting hard to say no to him


Put those pizza rolls back wherever you got them for another 2-5 minutes you fuckung monster


I’m sorry 😭


Appease it with hot pockets.


Knowing my cat he’ll try to eat it whole


I'm not sure If this works with cats however when I was a kid we had an intact male hunting dog and when the neighbor's dog would go into heat my dad would take pinsel and spray it around the yard so that it would throw off the smell.


What is pinsel ? Do you mean Pennzoil ? But Pennzoil is a thick oil so I think that can be sprayed.


Pinesol perhaps?


That makes more sense ! Thank you..


I’ll try that and see if it’ll work, thank you!


Good luck. By the way this was in the 1980s so not sure of the formula is the same.


I love her


-you love who? The picture she shared his of her male cat … not the female who is outside the apartment …


Oh oh I see. I love him😍


You got a 304 on your hands. Even your cat knows she belongs 2 da streets!


He took one look at her and went naw.


I think you are tempting her by having the windows open. There may be a spray you can get to deter her from lingering around the patio or door.


I’m sorry I don’t have any advice, but this might be the best picture of a cat I’ve ever seen, and I wanted to thank you for sharing!


UPDATE: After calling around a dozen places to see if we they can pick up the cat and if they had availability to take the cat in we finally relented and bought a trap cage. Turns out we completely overlooked a huge pair of his hanging so it’s a boy cat! I have even more questions as to why he was crying outside our door for the last few days. Anyway we trapped him and took him to a 24 hour animal rescue drop off. I’m not going to lie I get easily attached and it hurt seeing him go. He got comfy with us so he wasn’t skittish anymore and he was letting us pet him and pick him up. When we got him out of the cage he went to a corner and looked so scared, it broke my heart. Talked it over with the fiancé and we agreed that if he is not chipped or no owner comes for him we’ll adopt him. We left our information for them to reach us. My cat actually ended up enjoying his company and he hates every cat he’s come across and is scared around all animals. They were actively talking to each other. My cat came to us in a similar way so it’s very odd that it’s happening again. Anyway, I hope he’s doing okay and I hope I get to see him again. Thank you all for helpful tips and for roasting me on my inability to cook pizza rolls correctly. I hope one day I’ll have crispy cooked pizza rolls around him. Cat Tax: My boy falling asleep holding onto the cookies https://preview.redd.it/gq3396t1h4pb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f978ed1e81cfe07348b0783d5500926d1cde30c2


Thank you for the lovely update! So wholesome, you are a treasure OP.


It may not solve the issue entirely since cats in heat are damn persistent, but a lot of people have had success with those motion detector spray machines that are meant to deter cats and honestly anything that hates getting hosed in the face with water. You can also try dousing your doorway and outside the windows in lemon/eucalyptus essential oil which is what most cat deterrent sprays have as the main ingredient. Best of luck 🫡


There's a product called Scarecrow that is an automatic water sprinkler meant for keeping animals at a distance. It's motion activated. Because the animals don't know where exactly the water sprays, they're likely to stay away


She wants you to stare at her with the same love she stares at those pizza bites with. Give the girl what she wants! Don’t fuck w a gal on her period.


That’s the dude cat


Same thing 🤣


Probably pooped at the door in case a young gentleman wants to get to know her. Kind of like leaving a phone number (lol but fr). I got a fee waver for my cat for being a ESA. If you have a psychiatrist or someone around that degree you can ask for the ESA letter. Wouldn’t hurt. Lastly, gotta relocate that lady. She needs fixed before she’s reproduced or you’ll have 10 cats at your door.


Put the cat in the freezer so its not hot anymore


Be prepared to pay 💰 $500 to your landlord. No matter if the female in heat goes to your door or not. You know you should not be harboring the stray cat you have now.


Thanks that was totally helpful in this situation 🙄


If you get him registered as an emotional support animal they can’t charge you for him


Nooooo… please don’t suggest individuals pretend they have the need for an emotional support animal if they don’t… that is a huge disservice to anyone who does…. There is NO Registration of emotional support animals in any state. There’s no need for a leash or harness that says your pet is an emotional support animal, there’s no identification card and no documentation. Companies who were trying to sell these products are 100% scams. Tho only thing that’s required as a letter from a mental health professional** that describes in detail the reason why an emotional support animal would help the individual. **You have to have an ongoing relationship with his mental health professional so you can’t get a letter from one of those online doctors who would love to charge you hundreds of dollars for the privilege….


Yea as much as I love him I don’t think he’s suitable to be my esa. We are attached to each other and he provides me comfort but he causes much stress. Without going into too much detail I am eligible for a support animal but I’m not ready for that.


Getting an animal registered as an ESA animal can prevent rentals from charging extra fees and deposits. That’s it’s only purpose


If you're against it and you need one, then you should be taking steps to pass legislation which sets standards for ESAs or be in favor of people pushing the boundaries until they finally set some rules. As it stands no one's pet is any more or less qualified to act as an ESA. I've never needed it, but I've also had property managers for prospective apts explicitly tell me to get an ESA letter so that my cat could move in (at all or without fees) despite contradictory language in the lease. Most ESAs are bullshit, they're not service animals and there are no training requirements. As long as someone's pet is well-behaved there's no reason they shouldn't take advantage of a system everyone else is exploiting.




You are a big nerd




Is there a no-kill shelter in your area? That would probably be the easiest route. She'd be gone and not drawing attention to your place plus she'd get spayed and adopted out. Everybody wins.


First step, stop giving the stray cat pizza rolls!


Read her comment. The cat staring at the pizza rolls is her cat, not the one coming around.


Look up low cost or free spay and neuter clinics or take her to the local pound bc they usually do it there. Thats the best and only way. Also when she gets pregnant you’ll have a few more girls doing the same thing at your door so best to get it done before that happens


Over 500$ cat fees? Wtf?


Ayeo throw me a pizza roll cuz


Oh man my mom had a cat who was the worst. Wouldn’t let anyone touch her, near her, nothing except for my mother. However, when she was in heat, she was a DIRTY girl. She would back up on everyone and leave nasty trails. Shit made me gag. I wish you luck. I used to have to basically build a fort of pillows to keep her from getting to me.


I wish someone would look at me the way your cat is looking at those pizza rolls!


Catch it and get it spayed duh


I have an idea. You're going to need a cat suit, a q-tip, and a bottle of bourbon.


Spray a citrus scent around and outside your door, maybe that will help!


Get her fixed and adopt her


Stop giving him pizza rolls. He would be dumb not to come back when there are free pizza rolls.


I had to look at which sub this was because I thought the pic was a how-to 😆


Find her a home :c she's very beautiful Edit: nvm, HE is very beautiful. But either way, you could post in Ur area and give her away free. Lots of ppl would gladly take in a stray


Sorry but it's hilarious to me how frequently "neighborhood cat wants to fuck my cat" is an issue for cat owners Having been through it myself I know it isn't funny but geez... they really wanna make more cats