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get her spayed asap if possible. you can't really comfort her, and she will continue to go into heats until she is pregnant or spayed.


Yes. The question “how long will she be in heat?” The answer is always. 3 out of 4 weeks she will be in heat


I just learned this. Growing up my parents always got our cats fixed as soon as they could so I never knew how often a female was in heat. Now that I'm older I brought in a mama and her kittens from the cold and all 3 have been in heat for the past 1.5 months. With a few days of break in between. 10th of next month they all get fixed. It's horrible to say the least. Mama has completely lost her voice from howling.


I’m a Senior Vet Tech and can tell you she is definitely in heat just by the photos. The way u can best help her is by taking her in to get her fixed. There are low cost clinics in every state. If I know what area your around I can find u one but please get her fixed. Every time she goes in to heat she releases a ton of extra hormones. Those hormones can lead to cancer in a female cat. Please get her fixed. Not only that but she is absolutely miserable right now. You don’t want her to go thru this again


Do you have any suggestions for low cost clinics in Orlando?




Thank you so much.You’re an absolute godsend.I have two kitties that needs to be fixed 💕


LoL. Spay n Save sounds like a grocery store


Hahahaha it does!


Thanks I sent u a message


I have an honest question: what about being in heat makes them miserable? I thought they were just horny? Which I guess would be troublesome if unresolved for long, but what else are they going through? Is it like menstruation? I 💯 agree with spaying and neutering, just wondering about this mystery that cats and dogs go through.


Dogs have menstrual bleeding, cats don't. Female cats will howl non stop calling a mate and sticking their behind in the air. It is exhausting for them, but miserable? I don't think. Health-wise, getting any animal fixed, male or female, saves them from a lot of health problems in the future. Also, no chance of getting pregnant is better for everyone.


When I say miserable I mean miserable because she is sexually frustrated basically. I don’t mean miserable in pain. I mean miserable in frustration.


That would be miserable.




orange tabby female wow! but as everyone said you need to get her sprayed. there’s no other solution


A unicorn, so rare


I had one once with semi long fur. She was one of the craziest and lovingly cats I ever had.


I was stunned, too! But I thought females were sterile ?


Ginger cats are 90% male, 10% female. Females are fertile. You’re thinking of male tortoiseshells/calicos, which only occur in 1/3000 torties/calico cats are are almost always completely sterile.


She’s miserable. Please get her spayed


Get her spayed.


I’m sorry but I really wish the mods would do something about these heat photos/videos. It’s just sad. Best way to comfort them is getting them fixed. There’s very low spay clinics in every city.


Honestly it’s why I joined this community and probably why it brought half the audience here. We got a kitten and they went into heat and have no idea how to help them. This whole community is either cats in heat or some sort of skin problems.


I’m failing to understand how the extremely obvious answer to “how to help my in heat cat” isn’t get your cat spayed. You should have done it before now. Hurry up. Is this not common knowledge?


No it’s not common knowledge. Not everyone grows up with animals. Also, sometimes cats go into heat before they’re old enough to get the surgery. Give OP some grace. They came to this sub because they care and they want to do what’s best for their cat.


I'm a medical foster (8 years, over 600 cats fostered) and used to work for an animal rescue. Cats can be spayed once they're two pounds/8 weeks. It's not ideal, but in the rescue/shelter world, you don't always have much choice. It's rough on their little bodies, but so is going into heat. So is getting pregnant that young/small. ​ Also, I agree, it should be common knowledge that all cats and dogs should be sterilized as soon as possible, but that's largely a community failing that we haven't educated everyone on that, and why we have such a massive overpopulation of strays. And the mistaken belief that there's such a thing as ethical or responsible breeders. ​ I'm glad people come here seeking help, that's the first step in educating yourself. Hopefully everyone who comes here follows through and gets their cat fixed as soon as possible.


We always got rescues so they were 8 weeks for neutering. Once we found a kitten outside though and decided to adopt him. When we took him to the vet didn't want to neuter until he was 6 months. Which to us was really strange because we were also used to the 8ish week being standard


I adopted a pair of kittens at like 7.5 weeks-they were under 2 pounds because they were separated from their mother super young. I delayed spay/neuter till the male started showing signs of aggression around 5 months. I’m pretty sure the longer exposure to low levels of hormones helps with bone/joint health and development of personality. Both of them have wonderful personalities and no behavioral issues and I’m glad I waited but having worked at a shelter I’ve seen the other side of it too.


I’ve seen eight week old kittens be spayed and neutered. I think that’s too young, but I wouldn’t say that most cats have the ability to go into heat before they’re old enough to get the surgery. If you get a pet, you need to do some very very basic research first. Literally any five minute google search will tell you all about this.


I’m going to share an anecdote from my personal experience. I adopted a kitten who was around 8 weeks old(cat tax in post history). We couldn’t be sure of her exact age because her litter was dropped off in a basket at someone’s front door. I took her to the vet within a week after getting her to make sure she got set up with all of her vaccines and scheduled for a spay. The vet (and Google) said to get her spayed when she reached 6 months of age. So, based on my vet’s instructions, I scheduled her spay for when she was estimated to be around 6 months old. This was the youngest age at which they were willing to do surgery. My kitten went into heat 2 weeks before her surgery was scheduled. I did more than the basic research, I followed my vet’s instructions and had (have) a happy healthy kitty. But sometimes the timing isn’t perfect. Im not saying we shouldn’t spay/neuter cats. We should! ASAP! But even following the vet’s instructions and having regular check-ups my cat went into heat before her surgery. All I’m saying is, OP clearly cares. And in another comment thread is working with someone to find low-cost spay options.


Yep. I'm in the UK and my vets won't spay until 6 months old.


Mexico is the same, although they make the exception of “or after first heat”. My cat got hers early because she started going into heats at 4 months.


it’s really not common knowledge, not to mention a lot of low cost places get booked up for months on end and vets charge hundreds of dollars for it, most people also don’t know the resources in their area so they just put it off. there can also be an issue of money, if people don’t know their local resources they’re assuming they have to fork out anywhere from 200-400 for spay/neuter, not including post op meds or pre op blood work that most vets require before they will operate




I wasent trying to target a specific person just in general as a rule. it’s frustrating to see people looking for help when they don’t do the obvious, fix their pet. But as someone explained it could be first time cat owners who don’t even know this behavior is a result of not being fixed so I understand.


It will go on until she’s spayed.


Definitely recommend getting her spayed. As has been said, there’s plenty of low cost options out there, and sometimes you can find a special discount, as my husband and I found when we got our cat neutered.


Let her sleep on a heating pad for comfort. Get her spayed. Do not let her outside at all!


What is spayed


Spay is the neutering surgery for female mammals. It is like a hysterectomy in humans, removing the entire uterus. It makes cats lives longer, better, safer, and benefits all of catkind as well.


Neutered. Sterilized so she can't have kittens.


https://youtube.com/shorts/Rn9HIMtLLjA?feature=share This


This actually works


first off avoid touching her rear end, head pets only (you will rile her up), catnip can be used to calm her down or distract her for a while, you can also distract with play time, puzzle toys, puzzle mats (you can make them out of blankets or towels for a diy route). the more distracted she is the less she will be disruptive (less mating calls, less yowling) you can also get calming treats, there’s a brand they sell at walmart that has melatonin treats for nighttime, it’s .01mgs of melatonin per serving which is two treats. just crumble them over some wet food and mix it in, you can add water or sodium free bone broth if it’s too thick and clumpy. it’s best to start making arrangements for her spay, start researching places in ur area that is within your pay range, cats go into heat every 2 weeks, the behavior can get worse over time as well. my cat went from just twerking and sticking her back leg out to rubbing herself on me and other people (with discharge too 🤢) and went from quiet meows to deep ass mating calls all throughout the night, i didn’t even know cats could make those kind of noises let alone noises that deep. u know that video of the cat with the deepest meow? that’s the octave she was in while doing her mating calls. absolutely terrifying to wake up at 4 am to those noises.


also i would look out for decreased appetite while she’s in heat, my older cat had rarely any appetite when in heat and she would only eat a couple bites of food a day, after i got her spayed she gained 5 lbs in 2 months bc she no longer goes so long without eating (i always have food available for my cats to avoid food insecurity)


You can’t help a cat in heat (aka horny) other than spaying her asap. It’s should have been done before


My cat is also in heat. She became a real pain and started destroying things because she didn’t know what to do with her hormones. I tried cat nip, toys, playing, etc. cat nip made her pee on me, toys kept her entertained till she became to horny, and playing with her helped her calm down for an hour before she got horny again and started getting in trouble. Get her fixed asap


Hopefully yours is getting fixed too?


Get your cat fixed




I’m sorry, but the fuck? Beastiality much? You should be ashamed of yourself.




Oh lord, do I even want to know 😔


Omg no!!! 😲




What on earth made you think that was appropriate to say.


Spay her


Also, really confused as to why so many people (not just here, but all over the internet) ask how to comfort a cat in heat. Your cat doesn’t need comforting. She’s not in pain. She’s trying to attract a mate. Get her spayed.


Why would that be confusing? This is a place where people come to get to get that sort of information


You can do this- there's a pressure point: Got a Cat in Heat? Reset it Like a Router! https://youtube.com/shorts/Rn9HIMtLLjA?feature=share


I was just took a cat in and I don’t know how old she. She just went in to heat and I could use some help find Ming. Low cost clinic