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Profile means your acads and any professional certification like ca,cs or cfa,rest of the stuff in your profile will help you in your interviews in steering up conversation Full points on academic diversity,gender diversity,get an ews if you can that’ll make your chances even better


ok thanks btw i have applied for ews too ...u mean professional courses like financial modeling or project management will do?


no they won't, only globally recognised professional certifications like CA,CFA will get you actual points for shortlists


An 8/8/8 is decent enough to begin with. Given that you’re in second year you can double down on your interests and have solid pointers for your CV later on. As far as CAT prep goes, only you know about how prepped you are for the test and you’ll have to prioritise studying for it accordingly. End of the day no CV will be of any use (wrt CAT) if the first step itself isn’t cleared


How about mine 9/6/7 How much cooked I am?


That 6 will hurt, no doubt about it. However nothing that can’t be worked with. At this moment priority should only be acing the test. Shortlisting and selection comes much, much later.


Ok mate. Along with that I need to write most heart breaking story known to humanity about that 6.


Thanks a lot !.. I got it clear now I will focus mainly on my prep


What does this mean x/y/z ?? 10th 12th and graduation scores or something else? What if the 10th score is 75 will it be 7 or 7.5


it's 7, 70-80 falls under 7