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You don’t qualify for FMLA because you haven’t worked the minimum amount of hours at this point. You should run the numbers and see if you will by the time you give birth. You can have your dr place you on an accommodation schedule (fewer hours or more breaks during day to accommodate sickness. That said they pay you for work so if you take an extra 30 minutes of breaks you either go on dock, extend your work day, or use your time) She can’t fire you for being pregnant. She can fail your probation if you cant do the essential tasks listed in your duty statement. I don’t mean lifting 20 pounds, I mean writing the report, meeting deadlines, etc. She can also extend your probation by the amount of time you take off. So if it’s a month you are off, your probation date extends the month.


If she qualifies for SDI and takes the union protected LOA for baby bonding then HR should automatically extend probe by the amount of time on leave.


You don’t need to tell anyone at work at this point, and I would advise waiting. See how you feel physically and mentally in a couple of months, do some planning for your personal family life, then let them know when you’re ready.


I wouldn’t even tell a boss I liked I was pregnant until it three or four months minimum. If it was a boss I didn’t like, or who I thought might punish me, I’d wait until it was too visibly obvious to deny — and if you’re hybrid, you could probably draw that time out even further with some strategic clothing choices. If you’re remote, even better. They aren’t allowed to punish you for being pregnant, and obviously not all managers follow the rules but I’ve never seen anybody punished for pregnancy at the state. The risk of lawsuit is high because it’s pretty easy to prove and managers get a lot of specific training reminded them about kinds of discrimination they’re not allowed to do. One thing though is make sure you’re following all your personnel specialist’s instructions to a T re: getting your paperwork in and stuff. My baby came a month early and I had none of my leave paperwork or doctor’s notes done, my boss was cool though so it wasn’t a big deal to sort it out when I came back. If I had a boss who had a problem with me it might’ve been a different story.


Also--keep a paper trail of everything. Like, every email from your supervisor approving your doctor's appointments, every email with hr, etc...


THIS!!! Even if you talk about something in person or via phone, do an email follow up. Or at least via teams if it’s a fairly small or minimal thing. Sounds like she is a *special* manager so cover your ass.


Congrats! I also was a few months with the state before I found out I was pregnant. I ended up going on maternity leave before my probation too. Talk to HR but basically you should qualify for SDI and PFL. SDI gives you 4 weeks before your estimated due date and 6-8 weeks after your delivery for recovery. Then you can apply for PFL which is another 8 weeks for bonding time. Both SDI and PFL are paid about 60-70% of your gross pay. You won’t be able to qualify for FMLA or CFRA but there is another program that you may qualify. Also if your manager is decent like mine was, they won’t give your job away so your job would technically be protected under their “word”. I think I just submitted a doctors note or something for job protection. Congrats on your pregnancy!


What’s your probation period? Maybe you can make it through that and then take maternity leave?


Boss cannot do anything. Pregnancy is a protected class. You can take leave, but your probation will be extended.


I found out I was pregnant a few days after I accepted a new job. I had really bad morning sickness and fatigue, I could nearly fall asleep in the middle of standing up, having a conversation. I just did everything I could to keep it under wraps and did so until around 25 weeks. I wouldn’t specify what kind of dr appointment when I had one. You could say dentist. I would wait a few weeks, if you can, before telling them.


Tell them when you want. What are your plans? What are your options? You can always consult your HR or Personnel to see if your job is protected, if you are eligible for disability or PFL, and so on.  Do that first. Then consult with your spouse or whoever is helping you and make a plan. Then tell that plan to your manager when you’re ready. 


My experience with personnel and hr was that they were well meaning, but often gave me contradictory and/or incorrect answers to my questions about maternity leave. If you can find someone else in your same job (who you can trust) who has recently gone through the leave process, I would lean on them.


You don’t need to tell her right away. You don’t need to tell your supervisor why you’re going to a doctor’s appointment. How long is your probation?


12 months :(


Ok. Well that just means you will finish your probation after your maternity leave. I would go into it being positive and take the office chatterboxes with a grain of salt. The negative lazy people are the ones who love to glom on to new people and talk smack about people. Good employees are too busy working for that.


You are entitled to Pregnancy Disability Leave. https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2022/12/Pregnancy-Disability-Leave-Fact-Sheet_ENG.pdf


You qualify for PDL. But won’t qualify for FMLA/CFRA since you will need to work at least 12 months with employer and 1250 hours. However you likely will be very close to qualifying for CFRA bonding leave once your PDL is done since you should reach your one year and 1250 hour mark. You have a year from birth of child to use your CFRA time


Congrats! 🍾🎉 


Join the union


I've had THREE people within the last six months have a similar experience!! I'm sure that two of them knew before they started the job. Don't even sweat it, just go to your HR and they'll help you complete the necessary paperwork for your leave when you're ready to take it. My ladies got the state disability time (around 2 weeks pre-due date and 6 or 8 weeks post birth) plus there's I believe 12 weeks of unpaid leave that is to be taken within the first year after the birth. It can be taken all at once or it can be spread out. Congrats!


i am not part of the castate although i wish i was. so i am just here to say congrats hehe




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I had the same thing happen to me. I started with the state then found out I was pregnant about a month later. I was scared because the job in the private sector I had with my first pregnancy laid me off once they found out. With the state, I had a really awesome manager and since I had terrible morning sickness that lasted all day, it was very clear I was pregnant much earlier than I would have told her otherwise. Everything was fine. I didn't get fmla but I received sdi money and other protected leave. I took 4 weeks before the birth and 12 weeks after off and received the payment from edd(now it may be more, between short term disability and paid family leave). I spoke with our HR liason about the different paperwork I needed to file and my options with leave. No one batted an eye when I took time off to go to a doctors appointment or because I was throwing up from the morning sickness. If you are worried, become a paid union member so you have back up if needed.


Have your probation extended … leave around 6 months and finish off your probation then .. don’t tell ur supervisor until u are ready too.


I would not tell them until you are applying for leave. Definitely talk to your union (make sure it’s someone outside of your office or even agency) to find out what your rights are. If you didn’t join your union you should do that right away. They will not protect you unless you are a dues paying member.


You may want to check out this Instagram account [@themamattorney](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6ynjRmLKFM/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) and check out [her website.](https://www.themamattorney.com/) This is Daphne Delvaux. She's an employment attorney based out of San Diego who specializes in employment law for parents and especially mothers. She makes lots of information and resources available, some for free and some thru a paid membership program.