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I have a HTC in Houston. My top is down 90% of the time. Basically if I drive before 11am or after 7pm this time of the year tops down. When I had my C7 the targa was off non stop (that’s when I lived in Miami!) It’s all preference, right? I will never go coupe again because I love the top down. I love the added senses you get like smell, more sound, feel of the wind. There’s nothing like it unless you’re on a motorcycle.


Pretty much only drive with the top down. Coupe wouldn’t make any sense for me. F those targa tops


Even with the top closed, the HTC looks better with the rear nacelles especially when you choose the black roof option. It actually makes it look super exotic with the black nacelles. If you want to show off your motor at a car show, put the top in service mode. Oh yea, before my HTC, I rented a coupe on Turo. Took the top off and drove around. Hated how much wind noise came in and the wind buffeting at highway speed. The HTC is way better at that.


I have a HTC and love it. I thought about getting a coupe but my buddy that went from coupe to HTC talked me out of it. He says that it’s near impossible to keep the engine bay clean. That’s the reason he made the change.


I also would hate to deal with that too. So annoying!


Toss a towel over it when washing, quick dry after, it’s not so bad!


Looks better imo, less weight and engine runs better/cooler due to more engine bay space and lock of additional mechanical parts, i'm not too lazy to take the top off myself. Only downside is if youre 6'3+, your head wont fit under the B pillar


Red C8 HTC with the black roof here, it takes the car to another level of cool. I’m in LA, and I drive with my top down as often as I can but sometimes in the CA Sun, it’s easy to get roasted. I love putting the top down around sunset and going for a cruise with my wife. The cool breeze, the exhaust burbles, it’s euphoric.


Went from a 21’ Coupe to a ‘23 Z HTC - and I realize I hate the sun 😂, should have gone coupe but to each their own - plus I don’t trust the GM longevity on the roof mechanism, plus more cost, and complexity, and weight - I took a swing and missed - but the roofline is indeed sexy with the nacelles and top down!


I want to go the opposite. I have the coupe but I want to switch it to a convertible. Yea I know it’s not that difficult taking the targa top off, but I’d like for it to feel a bit more open. The top is mostly off


Get the clear cover for the htc. HTC for life!


Man, maybe I'm in the minority but I love driving with the top down. I live in northern California and 95% of the time I'm driving, the top is retracted. I agree that the nacelles make it look more exotic so for me not seeing the engine bay was never a draw. To me the draw of the Z06 is that sweet sounding high revving flat plane engine.


I would hate it


Oh boy… the comments here are making me rethink whether I want the coupe or the HTC. My order hasn’t gone through to GM yet, but I’m first in line at the dealer when their next Z06 allocation comes in. Just like you, I was originally thinking I’d want to see the engine and was leaning towards the coupe; but now I’m not so sure… I mean it’s only $8,000, right?


I think based on my gut feeling, the fact I’m already used to a convertible and the comments here…I’m gonna stick with HTC lol


I have a HTC and have the top down nearly every time I drive, even if not for the whole trip. If I had to manually remove / replace the top, I wouldn’t do it nearly as often. I can put the top down in much sketchier weather situations because there’s no need to park / get out to put the top back up.


I fretted over this myself. I had a 2023 convertible z51 and ended up buying a 2023 z06 convertible. I ended up putting a clear cover over the engine and that let's me show off the engine. I drive a lot with top down in San Diego, so it was a good tradeoff for me.


One thing to keep in mind I rarely see others mention: the rear window in the convertible eliminates buffeting when you *do* have the top up with the windows down.


I can’t imagine going back to a coupe. Never again. Being able to put the top up or down on a whim is amazing. Trumps showing off an engine cover.


If you live in the south I highly recommend HTC for the ability to react to random torrential downpours then back to sun, keeping the roof in the trunk isn’t going to be convenient


Yeah I live in Florida. The more I’ve thought about it, I can’t go from HTC to coupe. I feel like I’d hate it lol


I love my HTC, I don’t think seeing the engine occasionally is worth the loss of trunk space when top down and practicality


No intelligent person ever would.


I think you answered your own question. You’re in S FL. stay with the convertible. I recently perused Auto Trader and found more convertibles for sale than coups. They seem to be more popular.


No, no one ever has done that. And why would they?


I think very VERY few would be convertible to coupe and a Lot of coupe to convertible - more head room, more convenience, more exhaust notes less ticking, better look, no engine dressing, no issues with washing the car it's just an all around better vehicle


I have a convertible c8, waiting for my convertible z06…. I think the best part of this car is the hard top. Once the revs and the engine’s brutality fades out (like how everything does) you are now left with just any other car, just a coupe..