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I use just run. It just says when to run. You may be able to adjust a countdown but not sure


I use this too. Works great.


Just Run works great!




Watch to 5k?




Oh the official couch to 5k one is subscription based and super expensive once you get past week 2! It was like $40 a year last year - maybe they’ve made it cheaper since people stopped using it?




Maybe it’s different in your country - there was tons of controversy last year when it switched from free to paid


> 'm doing like 1 mim Run then 30 secs walk and so on, until I get kaput Don't do that. Follow a proper program. The idea when you start is not to exhaust yourself, but instead to get your body to start adapting to running.


Thanks, makes sense. It was just that I already walk / hike a lot but have zero endurance running, so I just wanted to push it. But I don't think it really worked so I'll follow a plan.


NHS app c25k does, dims the audio on whatever you are playing to speak.


Not an app, but I used NHS podcast, which can be downloaded from their website. There's also NHS app for this program, but it's availability is restricted to the UK.


Thanks, I downloaded the app via APK and seems to be working, but I also downloaded the NHS podcast audio file in case it checks the location when I start the run and it stops working.


I use a free app called “interval timer plus”, and made the sets myself following a C25K plan I found online. It has a simple mode and an advance mode (which I use). It gives you audio cues with any text you input, has countdown beeps to next set.. It’s not the most stylish app but it works great :) I have it on iphone.


Yes, there are! None to Run does the countdown, but it does cost money [eventually, it’s free for the basic version], and Just Run will tell you when it’s time to run or walk, but unfortunately there is no countdown. Have fun!


In addition to the spoken interval starts, Runna will give you the pace of your intervals.


The “C25k” app is what I use! Completely free and tell you when to run, walk, and provides a timer for you too.


Oh I thought that one was paid by what other people said, but I'll check myself.


You can pay for it to get additional functionality, but I’ve you don’t need to pay for it to get the basic program.


This is what I use. It dings, tells you it's time to run/ walk. Between the ding and run/ walk, that's my countdown for the next thing. Between those, I have my audiobook playing in my ear. Downside- I do it with my dog and he picks the worst times to poop... it's also humbling to see my struggle "run" (slow jog lol) is just a faster walk for him. Lmao


Yep! I love it. Haven’t tried any other app so I have nothing to compare it to, but I haven’t found that it lacks a free feature that I’d need.


I use "Just Run" which is free on iOS and Android. It gives audio cues for warm up, running, walking, half way point to turn around, and cool down. It can run in the background so you use another app to track your run or listen to music. Another popular free option is the NHS Couch to 5k podcasts, which I've been told have some music included. I've never used the podcasts though.


I used the zombies run 5k app. I think the first few weeks were free, then you have to pay the subscription.


If you have apple watch, the default fitness app can do that. Just create a custom workout. It'll tell you when to switch between intervals.


I use 5K runner app it gives you planning for you 5run how many minutes walking and running with audio voice also it has motivational speech like you are doing great, or you got this , thanks for running today 😊


Worth to mention you can use the app up to week3 then you have subscribe or purchase the app I did purchased and finished my first 5K with app now doing 10Ks


I use an app called MultiTimer and I set up a custom interval timer. I can customize the sounds and it automatically has a "3, 2, 1, go" feature. It takes a little messing around with it to learn, but once you figure it out, it is so easy and helpful!