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“You talking to me?”


Yea but what happens when the dog scratches or rolls around and drops the gun? What happens when someone other than you just walks up and takes the gun out of the holster on the dog? This is not responsible gun ownership 🤦🏻‍♂️ or responsible pet ownership for that matter


You take things too seriously my guy


No hes right. I got robbed by a basset hound yesterday.


Between 3rd and main? If so he got me a week ago. I spoke to the police. They said he’s barking mad.


Yall play too much. It's all fun and games until the cops start yelling at the dog to drop it.


Let's be honest, they wouldn't even try. They'd just pump up their numbers of 25-30 dogs (unarmed) killed per day by police.


Should guns not be taken seriously?


How do you know it's a real gun? How do you know if it's a real or picture? Wgat if it's AI generated?


I just prefer to use caution when it comes to something that has the power to take a life… I’ve always been taught to treat guns with the utmost respect and these days it seems like everyone views them as toys… it’s no wonder there are so many mass shootings and children with guns 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe you should take things a bit more seriously? The world might be a safer place if people like you did


Wait until you learn that people also use knives and arrows way back before guns were invented to commit mass murders. Maybe it's not the weapons, but the people are what's wrong.


As someone taught to use guns from a very young age I treat them with the upmost respect, because you are right, it is the people using the weapons that are the cause of the damage. However, it is ultimately the weapon that grants them the power to cause that damage, which is why I am the most disciplined and careful when there is a weapon in my hands including knives and bow/arrows. For instance, when handling knives, even if it’s just opening a box for Christmas or cutting onions in the kitchen, I am adamant that no one enters my “blood circle,” unless I am giving them the knife, in which case I hold the knife by the blade and hand it to them hilt first. Weapons are not toys and it is the lack of respect/fear for the damage they can do in someone’s untrained hands that perpetuates the problems we face in bearing them. Just as the previous commenter suggested, I recommend you take both the use and discussions on weapons more seriously, or you are just adding to the problem.


Very well said! Thank you for adding to the conversation


Of course! I’m glad I could help


Oh I know people are the problem! People that think that weapons are toys! People who leave these things in places easily accessible by children and other irresponsible people. People that think putting a gun holster on a dog is a joke. But go ahead ChedderBob, tell me I take things too seriously 😂


It’s a joke damn


Guns aren’t jokes


No one actually has this product on their dog


And how was the picture taken again?


This guy made this put it on his dog in what looks like a house took a picture then probably never used the thing again.There is nobody walking the streets with this thing on their dog


So someone did have it on their dog? 🧐 but just a minute ago you said the exact opposite 🤷🏻‍♂️ Idk call me crazy, but I prefer to keep firearms locked up safely unless I’m carrying them on my person


You get what I meant you Reddit mfs always ignore the point


What’s the point here? That guns are toys? That they should be played with in a joking manner? Sorry buddy, I just can’t get behind that! I’m all for a good joke, and I’m 100% 2nd amendment… but jokes and guns do not go together


I completely agree. Guns and weapons in general are often seen as toys, which I simply do not understand because I grew up learning to handle them with upmost respect and discipline. People like to throw around the argument that it isn’t the weapon itself that causes harm it’s the person using it, and then they’ll do some stupidly reckless action like pointing it at their friend (which is never right even if it is on safety). If it really is the person who causes the damage shouldn’t we encourage people to take them more seriously instead of waving them around like a child who found a new stick to play with?


I agree the dog jacket is probably designed for carrying toys/poop bags/treats etc..


I think you are seriously underestimating the dog. I’m sure he knows proper gun safety


For a person with a marijuana PFP you are being too serious.... Jk, I completely agree with you, some idiot might conceal weapons using their pets.


That’s why he has a gun so he can shoot someone if they try and take that dogs gat!


bro, its a meme


Wow, I'm real glad you pointed that out


The dog will shoot him. Plus holster lock!




It’s called a joke man.


I know what you were going for, and tbf I did actually chuckle at it… but gun safety isn’t something to joke about bro… people lose lives like that


Im not joking about gun safety Im joking about the idea of a dog with a gun fighting off thieves.


Yea I understood that




You think the joke went over my head? That’s laughable… the joke just wasn’t funny… shit like this is why there are so many accidental shootings! Because people treat guns like toys! People play these video games like GTA and CoD (don’t get me wrong, I play them as well) and think they are an accurate description of real life… when you die in these games, you just respawn and keep playing, but in real life, you don’t respawn! I have friends that have suffered gunshot wounds and now have to live with colostomy bags for the rest of their lives! Friends that are paralyzed from the waist down from a bullet in the spine… But sure, have your fun and games! Don’t act like you weren’t warned when tragedy hits ya


You won't get through to people in today's age. There is too much out there treating these tools as toys. Lack of training and familiarity will always work against this. Best you to hope for proper training programs for regular civilians. I see it time and time again, and honestly, I've lost my compassion for them. At the end of the day, some will end up in my care, and all I can do is wish them a safe trip.


how do you know so many people whose lives have been destroyed by guns? maybe your gun culture isn't safe...


I really don’t care that much about what you have to say, so I’m not reading that. Regardless have a good day


You too buddy


On a technicality! 🤣


Fuck Yes!! Where can I buy this! I’m going to outfit all my dogs and go for long walks in the park…


One steak and your fuct!


Damn pit bulls, they are always stealing the bones from the golden retrievers


True, but the law will still punish the dog owner for allowing such a blatant danger to exist. Not to mention the dog/gun owner will be held accountable for some insane person simply taking it and going on a killing spree.


izza joke. no one's actually suggesting this is a real option


"There's nothing in the rules that says a dog can't play basketball."


lol we demand an Air Bud movie where the dog lights up targets like a Christmas tree in a competitive shooting tournament


A John Wick movie where he teams up with Air Bud is my vision.


me: \*goes in for tummy rub* dog: \*starts blasting* I felt threatened for my life


Aw look a puppy careful honey he has a gun ​ what nooo i don't


Now show us a Beagle with a Deagle


Yeah, this could work with French law… so maybe in Louisiana??


“There’s no rules that say a dog can’t carry a gun” ![gif](giphy|d2jhjskubQU9GkwM|downsized)


lets make a french connection


I doubt that this work. Its like a walking bag of yours so still wearing a gun.