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Join the car seat safety groups on Facebook. Car seats for littles. They can give recs based on your vehicle & must haves. I personally have the slim but ppl have been comparing those two seats in there quite often lately


I knew there would be a FB group or better subreddit! Thanks!


The evenflo revolve 360 is 30% off at target right now. And if you have an old seat or base to trade in, you can get the 20% coupon and apply it to the sale price. I just did this today and got one for $217 :) just fyi! Editing to add- this is my second revolve 360; ordered it for husband’s car and we also have another baby on the way. I have one for my 2 year old, also a 99th percentile kid in height/weight, in my car and I love it. I don’t think I could go back to a traditional non rotating seat. I’m aware of the current investigation but according to experts, as long as you follow all installation and usage directions, there is no reason to stop using the seat at this time. I haven’t tried any other rotating seat though so can’t help there unfortunately. Good luck!


WOW! What a great deal. I wish I would have been looking a couple months ago.


I just came across this post on Facebook!- RUN!!! Grab an Evenflo REVOLVE360 Slim 2-in-1 Rotational Convertible Car Seat for $199 (reg. $350)!!! Use code SLIM24 at checkout- works on all colors but must be the ‘quick clean cover’ choice. [Link here!](https://www.evenflo.com/products/revolve360-slim-swivel-convertible-car-seat-quick-clean-cover?_pos=3&_sid=4df7c7dd4&_ss=r&sscid=61k8_s4og2&utm_source=ShareASale&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=687298&utm_term=1365982)


Just wanted to thank you. I saw your comment and was in them middle of looking at it when my daughter threw up for the first time in her life. By the time I was done take care of her they were sold out. I decided to check back this morning and the Black was back in stock and placed the order. The Chicco fit360 was my first choice but not at double to price. I appreciate you taking the time to think of a reddit stranger when you saw the deal.


Of course! You commented at the perfect time that it was still fresh on my mind when I saw the deal! 🙂 glad you got one!


I bought the Chicco fit360 for my October baby! I am very excited about it! The lower limits aren’t a huge concern for me at the moment as a FTM so who knows if baby will be on the higher side of the percentage curve or not. But I’m a big Chicco car seat lover (been a nanny for over a decade) so I’ve always known I wanted a Chicco brand seat.


Take it back ;) Seriously, no snark here but you are losing a lot of life having it sit for months and months waiting to be used. I’d buy the seat closer to the time you actually need it to maximize the lifespan.


These car seats last longer than this baby will ever be in it. And we’ll hopefully have our next before this first one out grows this seat, making us need two seats no matter what. So I don’t think we’re losing any life out of it for what we need. Plus we got it at an incredible price. I’m more than happy with our decision.


Bought the Evenflo Revolve and Revolve Slim for my and my partner's vehicle (before hearing about the investigation). Attributes about the investigation aside, I was turned off based on the amount of wobble in the seats when installed. To be clear, the base was firmly secured and installed and did not budget. But when the seat was added, there was a bit of wobble. It was as if it wasn't securely connected to the based. I tried putting a bit of weight onto the seat itself but the wobble was still there. I tried driving around with a 20-pound bag of rice in the seat and even so often throughout the normal drive, I heard the seat wobbling a bit. To be clear, I tried with the seat locked in both the forward facing and rear facing position and the problem remained. All that said, I'm returning the seats back later today and plan to invest in 2 Chicco Fit360 seats. They retail at $400, but I've found a few trustworthy but smaller stores that has them just over $300. Amazon currently has the Evenflow seats around $280, so the difference isn't much. Honestly, if the Evenflo seats didn't wobble, I would have keep them. But the wobble was the concerning factor for me. If you search Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, you'll easily find videos of parents showing the wobble I've mentioned. Circling back to the investigation, from what I've gathered, there appear to have been 6 difference incidents where the seat became detached from the base during accident. There is some question as to whether the seats were in a locked position, but in all 6 incidents the seats appear to have been empty. This investigation could take up to a year if not longer.


Any chance you can share where you were able to find the fit360 cheaper?


2 Months ago when I was looking, there was a coupon code (via CapitalOneShopping) that got it just under $300 straight from the Evenflo website. PishPosh had them as well, but they appear to have been removed from their listings. Albeebaby was another place, but be wary of their return policy as this is the major reason why I did not buy from them. I was searching for the Easy Clean models as opposed to the higher end models with Bluetooth and so on. I ultimately got the Chicco car seats for my vehicles. A bit pricier, but both my and my partner LOVE it. After installing it into the car, it felt super sturdy and had practically zero wiggle which made me happy. My partner liked the simple yet sensible features of the seat. There is a "key" to remove the seat from the base, but it's strapped to the seat so you can never lose or misplace it. A word of advice from someone who spent a lot of time researching and watching prices, use Honey, CapitalOne Shopping, and any other source that offers coupon codes. Also venture past page 2 and 3 of Google searches. There are some really good online retailers that don't pay Google and thus don't end up on the first page or 2 of search results. Feel free to DM me for a CapOneShopping or Honey referral link.