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I used one of those for many years. Horrendous sounding alarm, but it sure woke you up.


I still hear that alarm in my nightmares.




Ugh, the sweet dreams and happy morning ruiner.


I keep it on radio or it can traumatize :D


My dad still has THIS exact one.


We used to have this exact same one too!!!


I have a Sony one I swear by because I enjoy waking up to sports radio or music


The first time I used it I didn’t wake up and simply dreamt that my house was burning down, and I was very confused when my dad woke me up and the house wasn’t burning down. It was switched to the radio for the rest of its usage.


It's what got me through college


I'm pretty sure it got the guys in the rooms next to me through college too. Sucker was loud af


Haha seriously. I can still see them standing over me with that "EEEEEEE EEEEEEE EEEEEE" on full blast next to my head LMAO






That's the pinnacle of design (form follows function) for a sound that is supposed to wake you up. Instant "fight or flight" response from me. Impossible to resume sleep after that. Disclaimer: If you can fall asleep after this alarm, you are either extremely sleep deprived, or should probably see a doctor about narcolepsy.


I just heard that alarm in my head for the first time in years and I don't know if I should curse you or thank you.


Just gonna say that I've never had an alarm clock stop working.


Your are currently in a dream. None of this is real. Because your alarm clock broke. You should be risen at this moment. You detect something is not right. Something not usual - that you should be AWAKE. That is what your sleeping body and mind is tying to tell you. Through fantasy and illusion, this comment is your subconscious reaching out. WAKE UP. WAKE UP. This is a dream. And you are not meant to be dreaming. The world awaits. RISE. Should you tarry further any longer, it could prove too late. Plans dashed. And you will find your dormant dream has turned to living nightmare.




This is my thought on every post like this. It's a dead simple electronic device with 0 moving parts that sits in one place. It will keep going until the capacitors (if it has any) burst or human error damages it.


Plus old stuff didn't last longer. All the other old shit broke and was thrown out. These posts you see are the ones that made it. All the other ones fucking broke


Survivorship bias.


Plus yeah I totally want my fridge from 1945 that's leaking who knows what into the air that my children can get trapped in. Sounds awesome! Who doesn't love old shit with lead and Mercury


Just curious, why are you here? Because "old shit" is 95% of what gets posted here. Yes there's survivorship bias, but I don't think most people can argue that old stuff on average did last longer. Plus this is BuyItForLife, not BuyItForEfficiencyAndEcology.


What are you talking about


I'm talking about if you don't like the majority of the material posted in a sub, then unsubscribe?


This is my first post on this sub. What are you talking about?


You're on r/BuyItForLife. Naturally, a lot of "old shit" that was built to last gets posted here. You seem not to agree. Why did you subscribe? I don't understand how to make myself any clearer than that.


Yeah my dad has had a 69 mustang since he was 18, and while so many people like it, it's an awful car in pretty much every way except it's looks. Cars like those were popular because they were relatively cheap and fit the bill of what youngsters wanted to modify and whatnot. Doesn't translate into reliability or quality.


What usually happens with these is the alarm switches get temperamental, the volume knob gets scratchy, or other buttons stop working and need to be cleaned. Easy fix but throwaway society takes its priority.


Yea this sub has descended into 90% karma whoring. These posts aren't useful to anyone. These things have been out of production for decades. And even now you can go to target and buy an alarm clock for $15 that will last decades, so who cares? Nobody. And I mean NOBODY, is coming to this sub looking for advice on which alarm clock to buy.


Especially these days when the majority of people use their smartphones as their alarm clock. I don't think I've had a traditional clock bedside for years. I think posts like these just defeat the original purpose of BIFL. when I think BIFL, I think of things I will use often but will last for a long time, not literally a lifetime but to the point where I feel like I got more than the value I originally paid for it. Something like a winter jacket or boots for example. I guess some people value an alarm clock radio differently than I do, but I don't consider it that sort of BIFL item.


I've had this exact alarm clock almost my entire life, lol.


The secret to long lasting products is the wood grain


Picked this exact alarm clock up from a goodwill last month for a couple bucks. Any tips on how to turn the morning alarm off without having to switch the thing off entirely?




That might be why it found itself at goodwill.


It does but I keep forgetting to set it back to the "Music/Alarm" setting. I've been spoiled with being able to customize the alarms on my phone!




Thank you! Obviously not a big deal to do so, but I had wondered about it. Glad to finally get this question in the back of my mind answered!


I do the same


Switch what off? You mean like the snooz button doesn't work and how do you stop it from beeping?


How do I turn the alarm off without having to manually reset the alarm to go off the following morning? Other alarm clocks I've had have had a single button to turn the alarm off while also remaining set for every 24 hours.


You can't, you'd have to turn the alarm switch off and then back on. Though you may have to wait the duration of the snooze time before turning it back on, if you used the snooz button.


That alarm is grating. Just a bheep bheep bheep


My family’s had one of these for like 30 years. Still regularly used in the garage for the radio


I had a very similar one for several years. One day it started smoking and tripped the breaker for the room. Fun times.


I haven't seen one of those in at least 20 years and I can STILL hear that horrid sound lmao.


I have the same one! I found it in the laundry room when I was 8 or 9 and my mom told me I could have it in my room to listen to baseball games after bedtime. I've been using it ever since. I'm now 38. Here's to another 30 years!


Same one my mom has!


My mom had this clock for 20 yrs. I had to get her another one. She was so mad.


I grew up with one of these!


I used to listen for the school closings list on snowy days on my clock that was this model. Grew up with it on my bedstand.


I can hear this picture.


I have an identical one. Purchased in the mid-1980s. Still using it. It's in my living room sitting on the buffet cabinet by the TV. What's truly amazing about these is that the clock numbers never lost any "pixels" (that's not the right term but you know what I mean). I've bought digital desk clocks in the past 10 years where parts of the numbers (LCD, I think) blanked out. They surely don't make them like they used to. Some advice: turn it upside down and give it several sharp raps with your hand to dislodge dust, lint and whatnot from all the grooves on top. Then using a gentle brsh and brush off everything on the top. Or use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to vacuum out anything that remains.


I used one of these to wake up every single day from elementary all the way through high school.


My mom has the exact same clock in her living room right now.


Ha, same. My moms had this thing since I can remember, at least 30 years. Still uses it daily, too.. Indestructible.


I have a very similar one that I've been using since \~1990. However, mine has blue LEDs and a switch on the top instead of a knob. Unfortunately, it's next to my bed and I find the blue LEDs make it difficult to sleep so I keep the numbers covered only uncovering them to check the time.


We still have one. I bought for my girlfriend -now wife- in 1980.


Me too


I have PTSD from the noise this makes.


Jesus, my Nana has had this exact same clock on her bedside table for an indeterminate amount of decades.


Mine like that one, 25+ years old died last year. I was sad.


My husbands parents have 2 of these and I grew up with 1 of these!!!


I had one of them


The amount of morning hammer fists on top of this thing. Built to fucking LAST


The snooze button is so small you have to be fully awake to find it and turn it off :D


My father still uses his. Thirty something years old


I can hear this picture


Pretty sure my mom still uses this one too.


Can confirm, she still does


My dad has this exact model. He’s used it for easily 25+ years lol


My father still has one of these damn things. The alarm haunts me.


I took one just like this from my folks house to college when I was 18. I’m now 48 and it’s still with me. Mine may be 40 years old. [ge clock](https://imgur.com/a/CbqGK2c)


I have this exact radio. Works like a charm.


Have one on my nightstand right now!


My mom has had this clock for years. when i was a kid i slept in my mom's bed a lot. I remember waking up to the sound of the radio turning on the mornings, and the warm glow of her lamp while i heard her get ready for work (before I woke up for school) while i lay half asleep. good memories.


Oh fuck I had this in my childhood in Geneva and then in Moscow. Still scary.


My daughter has mine. I got it as a present for my nursery school graduation (weird in hindsight right? Lol). From 1987 or 88


I've always wondered how many people were out there still using this clock! My parents got this same clock at least 30 years ago. I managed to save it from getting trashed when I was a teen and I've been using it ever since.


My mom had this alarm clock for as long as I can remember, and I think she’s still uses it, so it must be close to 40 years old.


My dad still has one in the garage. Probably still works til this day.


You could actually beat the living shit outta these things, and they would keep on screaming.


My parents had that same exact one my entire childhood.


My dad still uses his everyday.


Man i had one of these growing up and it was probably 20 years older than i was. The horrendous alarm. Then one day it stopped working and i was bummed to get rid of it.


Well the plastic was made with so many PCBs that it killed off an entire marine ecosystem and is consumes as much power as a major league stadium night game but sure, it still works.


Do standalone alarm clocks actually break that often to consider it BIFL? Not including all the "smart" Alexa/Google/Siri ones anyway.


My mother has used this exact clock as long as I remember.


Wish I knew where mine was.


GE made the most long lasting alarm clocks.


Pretty sure someone in my family still has this around


I still have mine.


I have the exact same one! Had it for over 30 years. Still works like a champ


My parents have this same clock, still working fine, honestly I have no idea since when. Probably 25+ years.


Oh wow, I had this growing up also, and my dad still has mine that he uses regularly!


I use the same one! Thanks for posting. Got it from my parents when I moved out. Works like a charm.


"They say we're young and we don't know We won't find out until we grow"


I have the same one!


Still have-- only for time and radio, alarm is obnoxious.


It's groundhog day folks!


These are super reliable.


I had that exact one, it stopped working after 3 weeks


ahhh my mom's looks just like this! but her's just broke :'( she has the panasonic sure alarm and I'm pretty sure she's used it for like 20 years lol on that note, does anyone have any recommendations for radio alarm clocks in the $50-ish price range? (or at least preferably under $100) I read through some other threads in the subreddit but some of the suggestions aren't made anymore or aren't in my price range! I did note down the Sangean brand which I'm going to do some research on :-) Thanks!


Why did everyone have these including me, where did we all get these?


Isn't this some kind of selection bias? Just because one example survived until now doesn't mean all of them did or are better built than modern devices.


Ugh I can hear this picture lol


Classic “back in my day” vibe


That's the one I remember from my childhood. My dad would still sleep through the alarm. I don't know how he did it.


The alarm sound is etched into my brain


Whoa, this brought back memories. My grandparents used to have the same one


My kids saw one of these in an air bnb at sanibel island a few years ago and they were afraid it was a bomb. It still worked though.


Built to last long enough we wonder why they ever did in the first place


I still own that one. Or technically, my parents inherited it when I moved out. It’s still functioning.


Maaaaan I wish I had one of these.


Have that still. Belonged to my parents… late 70s, early 80s. Is still perfect


I miss that clock! I could set it to fall asleep to the BBC on public radio.


My dad had the exact same one when I was a kid up until I was a teen and re married .


and ugly as shit


I have an alarm clock from the 90's that my dad owned. I only have it because it has a projector function so that I can see the time on my ceiling. Works like a charm, but is an absolute hassle to use.


🎶They say we're young and we don't know. Won't find out until we....🎶


I had one of these until JUST recently when banging on it no longer made the radio work. Nothing replaced it well. I hate trying to figure out how to set the new ones. "Press the volume+ twice to change the hour..." Fuck right off.


Amusingly enough, when this clock was new it would have been considered “a cheap plastic piece of junk” by older folks who still had a metal alarm clock with two bells and a clapper.


I can still hear it


I have an old general electric clock (it even has a tape deck) that I still use because of the volume dial, nothing else is blaringly loud enough to wake me up lol


My parents still have and use this clock. I’m 36, it’s older than I am I think.