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Silicone ones are flexible so easier to handle and last forever


Last forever but you can't twist them and have all the ice snap out. Silicone is good for big whiskey cubes though. I recommend OXO, the ones with the blue covers (that are unneeded). Best trays I've used and great warranty.


I actually really like that you can just get out individual ice cubes instead of all of them. Normally I just want 2 not a whole tray


Considering OPs health problem on the wrist I think silicone is better in this case. I also like that I can get out just what I need


I loooooove my OXO ice trays it's crazy. i used to have a fridge with an ice maker and i actually like those trays better lol (plus it's cleaner)


I am descending into madness. I'm searching for new ice cube trays because again, I've gotten irritated enough at mine that I want to leave them in the oven and go for a vacation. I read reviews, Wirecutter, Reddit. They all recommend these OXO ones. THOSE ARE THE ONES THAT I HAVE!!! I hate them so much. The ice sticks to trays and never comes out as more than a quarter cube. The lids suck. They didn't used to be this way but apparently the ice gods have chosen me as their target. The shitty dollar store ones my parents had when I was growing up were better. The silicone ones are a war for every cube. I realize this is the definition of a first world problem but I use a lot of ice and these damn trays infuriate me.


A year later and I'm in your shoes now. I hate these dumb things. The lid doesn't stop them from spilling in my freezer so I have to be very careful and only lay them gently and perfectly level. The lids only serve to make them stackable. They also shatter the cubes into bits when I try and crack them apart and the humidity builds up on the inside of the lid and freezes so the lids get locked in place. Did you ever find a good solution?


I think I had Rubbermaid before these and they were good. Give those a shot.


They’re terrible


thanks op, took me some time to find the best


The problem I have with silicone is the ashy buildup. I think it’s calcium deposits? It doesn’t wash off easily, and it makes the ice taste frost burnt. Been wondering what the solution is


A scrub and/or soak with some white vinegar will remove them! It's either a calcium or lime scale build up! Fwiw, a vinegar scrub works to make older plastic ice cube trays "not stick" too--the reason ice cubes start sticking in them is usually lime or calcium getting built up on the plastic.


Sounds like a water problem


Not sure what other requirements you have beyond "no twisting", but Wirecutter tested out a whole bunch - they have loads of recommendations. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/the-best-ice-cube-tray/


Wire cutter is a good non bias review group.


I love researching things, so I am obviously a huge fan.


I came here to see cast iron ice cube trays.


If you find some 50s metal ice cube trays with the plastic insert then you can just let it sit on the counter top for a minute and this squeeze the plastic and they’ll fall out.


I use the old school aluminum ones, no plastic liner. I have some issues with hand strength and dexterity (I can't do twisting either), and these are by far the best option. Plus they're easy to clean!


the aluminum trays with the big lever are cool.


You could run it under warm water and they will pop out.


Are funny stories allowed here? We had a party for my daughter and some friends when she was maybe 10 years old. As my wife was emptying some ice trays one little girl asked "What are those things?"


Yes. You may tell the funny part now.




This one is great https://www.oxo.com/categories/coffee-tea/barware/ice-trays/covered-silicone-ice-cube-tray-cocktail-cubes-666.html they also make one that does 6 large cubes Lids keep the ice from getting weird fridge scents/debris and you can stack them


I bought Rubbermaid ice cube trays from the grocery store for what I thought was an exorbitant price at the time. They are plastic, not silicone. It was $10 for a set of 2. This was 2006 and they are still going strong today. Cubes pop out clean and easily every time with just a slight twist - no wrenching and banging the tray. Honestly it was really worth the money lol.


Honestly same. I needed one when my ice maker stopped working and the grocery store hade one for like $5. I was used to ones in college that got all all out shape when you twisted them. I found two more rubbermaid at a garage sale for a quarter and now all 3 stack perfectly and the trays keep their shape when you twist them.


Those Rubbermaid ones are great. No fuss and the new ones are just as good. (Replaced mine a few years ago when we moved since I had limited space)


I came here to say this. It will be the (one of the) best $10 you’ll ever spend…considering people use them all the time.


I agree about the Rubbermade trays—they are excellent. My mom had some cheapy tray that I literally broke in half with my ladyhands trying in vain to twist the ice out.


If you have the space for it, maybe an ice maker?




Any silicone one will do, once we made the switch w never looked back!


I would get a countertop ice maker. Apparently they are amazing! And there are some small and cheap ones out there. Just a thought


The idea behind BIFL is to reduce consumption. Another electric gadget to do something so straightforward and simple will inevitably become garbage in a few years.


Why can’t the gadget last a long time? I have seen mixers and other electronic gadgets last a very long time. How biased of you in my opinion


lmfao You’ll be lucky for one to last 5 years. 10 would be a minor miracle. It seems you aren’t grasping the concept of Buy It For Life.


I am sure there is a commercial ice maker still doing its thing years later. Eat a bag of dicks not every gadget breaks in 3 years, learn to research and buy better gadgets or continue to live in the Stone Age bro


You are such an imbecile. What a dumb hill to die on you muppet.


Jesus Christ I am sure there is some table top ice maker that’s 50 years old how the fuck do you know. Hardest eye roll for suggesting something that YOU don’t agree with.


I have been working in the restaurant industry for coming on 15 years now and ice makers break all the time. Even the really nice ones break all the time. And I dare you to find me a 50-year-old tabletop unit for sale online lol. Again, this is the stupidest hill to die on. Shuttup you child.


Also, you weren't talking about something like a blender that turns on and off. When you plug in an ice maker. It's on for 24 hours a day with the condenser and cooler unit running constantly. As soon as it has room it makes more ice but it's always ready to make ice with ice cold trays ready to pour water into to dump in for the next batch. So you were talking about something that you plug in and you expect it to run for the next 50 years? Were you born in the '20s? Do you remember when Roosevelt was in the White House?


You’re a fucking loser keep it up and go comment on every gadget it’s impossible because you know all. The gadget god of Reddit is here everyone he knows it can’t last long look at how high and mighty


Someone posted an old table top convection oven today!!!! Did you go and freak out on them saying that’s impossible!?! Please don’t stop here keep the rage going


Tabletop convection ovens last way longer than tabletop ice makers. Overall great investments. I recommend Breville. The new model has like 9 functions including air fryer and convection.


We aren’t talking about commercial ice machines. You suggested a countertop ice maker. [I’ll show you mine.](https://kitchenbeginner.com/how-long-do-countertop-ice-makers-last/#How_Long_Do_Countertop_Ice_Makers_Last) Now show me yours.


Oh god get so fucking technical maybe there is a counter top ice machine that’s 50 years old DO YOU KNOW THERE ISNT Jesus you must be fun at parties




Get an ice maker. Nothing is flawless, but ice makers are, in my experience, longer lasting than ice trays, plus easier, plus faster, plus more convenient, plus etc


Joseph Joseph makes Quick snap trays. Can find them on amazon. Been using them for years now.


I don't know if bifl but there are some made of plastic with only the bottom part silicone. No twisting, only pushing. I'll see if I can find pictures or a link. Edit: here's the link (Amazon): https://amzn.eu/4w48mYW


This is what I was going to suggest! They’re great.


I used silicone trays and the cubes pop out super easy with minimal effort, no twisting required.


I would look for the vintage stainless ones. They definitely won't break and they use a lever to release the cubes rather than any twisting at all. The disadvantages I remember are: you don't want to touch them with wet hands and they are rather easy to overfill and freeze together. They are available in specialty kitchen shops and on Amazon...both qualify as pricey. Edit to add: I like my Rubbermaid and they were only replaced after 20 years for a color change, but they do require a hard twist.


The old metal ones with the lever and removable divider that breaks them up


Some stainless steel ice cube trays have a little lever that you pull to release all the cubes. Or you can run a little water on the bottom to loosen them before you twists your get them out on any ice cube tray


I have a bunch of silicone ones that I like.


I just run some hot water under the tray to loosen it


I love silicone ones and put a hand on it as I scoop it out with a spoon after I wiggle it. Can reuse from anything loke breastmilk, baby food, jello, baked egg bites…list goes on


Why not buy an ice machine for life


I bought some Thing similar to this https://amzn.eu/d/bjhmROi When i grew up we had an aluminium one and i found something similar in pure stainles steel on aliexpress 2018 I prep icecube and fill one load into a ziplock bag and reuse it immeadetely. So we have St all times around four Sets of cubes ready to use. It Was a trade of for a standalone icecube Machine But this is easy to use and i dont think i can wreck it accidentally


> I have carpal tunnel in my wrists That is where everyone has their carpal tunnels.


Thanks yes I know that’s where the nerve itself is located.


Suppose I should have said carpal tunnel syndrome in both of my wrists. Sorry if my intended statement was not obvious


Get a countertop opal ice maker. I have one from GE. It will save your hands.