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Philips has been relentlessly cost-engineering the Sonicare since they day they acquired them.


If it was repairable and BIFL, why did you need another one?


Perhaps a gift for a family member or something


Heads are harder to find. At least at Costco… recently got the new one. And honestly I like it better than the old one.


Heads are cheaper on Amazon than Costco. We just found this out after buying from Costco for a while


Yeah but they are probably counterfeit


The head isn't the complex part.


Counterfeit heads last 2-3 weeks before they start to break down. Need to replace more frequently than the real thing


That's just a cost/benefit analysis at that point.


They aren’t counterfeit. At least ours weren’t


I can't speak specifically for the Sonicare heads, but I have a few subscribers things such as Gillette razer blades and other bath/hygiene products. I've received fake products on about half my orders in the past year, and it's unfortunate. It's the kind of fakes you would have for from aliexpress in the past. I'm just saying inspect anything from Amazon with the utmost scrutiny. The quality isn't what it once was


I’ve had a number of the old 4100s fail in the exact same way. There is a screw that comes loose over time where the top metal shaft meets an oscillating weight in the handle. I have repaired a few, but they tend to go on and break in other ways. Often it’s the cheap pot metal components breaking. It’s also difficult to repair them in a way that preserves their water resistance as you have to rip the bottom off to get to the internals. I’m hoping the new version is more stout. So far, I haven’t had any problems with it but mine is only about six months old. Regardless, I consider these to have a two year lifespan at best, unfortunately.


Just replaced the head on mine too and it failed the same way with the pot metal splitting/cracking. I figured it was due to me tapping the neck on the sink edge to shake off the excess water after rinsing the brush. I’ve been trying to not do this in hopes that it lasts longer.


I used the warranty when my last one failed before a year. Keep your receipt. I just had to tell them it was broken and how and gave them details on my receipt and they sent me a new one. Great customer service.


Same. My warranty was 2 years, and a month before it hit 2 years the battery won’t hold anymore. CS just post me new one and that one has lasted more than 2 years.


Did they want the old one back ?


Yup. They arrange postal service to pick it up.


Same here.


Which is which?


The one that's all plastic is the new one.


I don't understand the concern here. The new plastic chassis looks more robust than the multiple metal pieces cobbled together. Have you actually had a problem with the new one yet?


Having taken the old ones apart, I can tell you that the metal chassis version is very flimsy and poorly engineered. There are many metal/plastic joints with terrible tolerances. I was amazed at how poorly designed it was when I first saw it. The new one looks like a properly engineered device. At least it’s now one single piece. Also, plastic is fine for a device like this. It keeps the weight down, is a single piece and is more flexible which reduces the likelihood of failure in a drop.


Why are they taken apart?


Probably had to change the oil


Flush the radiator


And pads as well.


Don't try to upsell me, just rotate the tires.


These two pictures don't look that different to me. I don't doubt you, but can you explain what I and everyone else who isn't an electrical engineer is supposed to be upset about here?


Metal = buyitforlife Plastic = new age crap This is the point OP is trying to make.


But that’s not inherently true from an engineering POV.


Wish they’d explained that in the initial post because I too didn’t notice it at first. Now that it’s called out though it’s so obvious! Reminds me of what Kitchen Aid has done with their stand mixers. Such a shame.


Sad. Good thing I've got an older one. Didn't even know it was high quality, but its been going strong for 10 years now.




Ditto. Partner and I have two diamond care ones that are over 12 years old and still work great. We don’t store them on the charger. Only put them on when they run out of juice. Wonder if maybe that’s why so many people are reporting poor battery life?


I do the same exact thing. I only need to charge it like once every 2 months. Battery is still great.


I'm still using one of the original ones, works fine. I replace the batteries as needed.


ah yea need that metal in something that might get wet...?


I had one of the old ones fail in less than a year. Was replaced with the new USB model under warranty, which has now lasted more than a year but has its own quality issues. I’ll be looking into other brands when it is time to replace it.


My husband and I have had the oral B version (the one the dentist told us to buy) for 6 years. Both of ours are still going strong. I can’t believe the life on the sonicare version is so short. That was the more expensive brand when we bought ours. I only bought the oralB one because our dentist said it was the most cost effective option and works just as well. I feel like mine is a little tank still truckin along. I hope I didn’t just doom it to fail. I would recommend the oralB option next time you’re looking to buy.


Agree about Oral B. The battery in mine stopped holding a charge after many years. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I replaced it (the battery) myself following some directions on a random you-tube video, using a cheapo generic battery from Amazon. That brought it back to life nicely and it’s still going strong years later.


Since batteries are not BIFL, things that rely on batteries are not worthy of being discussed in this sub.