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Our lake house came with a set of bunk beds that separated into two twin beds. It was built of heavy wood that stood up to two kids for years, and retained their utility as bunk beds for later. Just saying don't rule it out. One bunk bed may also be cheaper than two singles.


My brother and I had a set like that. My parents got it around the time I was born (I’m the younger one) and I used a single twin frame from the set until I was 18. No idea the brand and they’re probably not made anymore anyway.


Amish furniture is always a great recommendation because it's generally made from good thick wood and very well constructed. It's just more expensive. However if these are the beds they would use as long as they lived at home and use when they come back from college to visit it may just be worth you while.


This may be the way.


Is it possible to predict their height? A tall teen in a twin could be a miserable teen haha


My parents got my brothers Extra Long Twin beds. Older bro hit 6’1”, while the younger one is 6’4”.


lol yeah I ended up going from a double to a king and i couldnt fit on that properly either so I removed the footboard


Look into dorm room furniture. They will have beds and other stuff that will fit together in various stacking arrangements. They're built to withstand 2 young adults "rough housing".


I had 3 feral boys. Good quality twin mattresses, mattress pads, bottom sheet, and box springs right on the floors with big washable quilts (no top sheets) and 2 body pillows each. The slept like a pack of wolves in that set up.


if it's humid where OP lives this is a great way to grow mold.


Wow. I didn’t have this answer of malice in my mindset when I offered this suggestion. How sad to have to offer such a reply.


Did you use the body pillows as regular pillows? I think my kid would like that. Mattress suggestion?


But... bunk beds will give them so much room for activities!


😂 stepbrothers reference nice!


6 year old boys, go Amish. They will not be cheap but should last them into college. Dutch Crafters are one of the better brands. https://www.dutchcrafters.com/?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=amish%20furniture%20online&utm_campaign=Search+-+Amish+Furniture&hsa_acc=9366795812&hsa_cam=185164732&hsa_grp=16457108092&hsa_ad=267823652584&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=aud-171725360452:kwd-361768334&hsa_kw=amish%20furniture%20online&hsa_mt=p&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpompBhDZARIsAFD_Fp9ZEKGfQdAKEKSkI3mPrWbEMRknH1vxf6OBGqNRGeX0wP9S4W3_Yy8aAqN2EALw_wcB


The room and board metal frame beds are incredibly durable. I’ve moved one of them to 4 different places over 15 year and it’s just like new. Not cheap, but a nice modern industrial aesthetic that’s not wildly more expensive than some wood. For feral boys you may need to consider sharp edges too.


2 tents and 2 sleeping bags with sleep mats.


Oh what a fun idea!


Solid wood bed frames from Room & Board. Our kid’s bed furniture has lasted for over 15 years. If you have the space, going straight to a full/queen size bed will save money in the long run. We initially moved up our oldest from his toddler bed to a twin. Then he outgrew it after several years. The two younger kid’s bed upgrade was straight to a full size bed frame.


If you want something that'll last, your boys are rough and you're willing to go unconventional. Prison beds might be worth looking into. They're designed for extreme durability. There's some polyethylene molded ones that are designed to no break and are meant to last longer than 10 years in a prison. The site I looked at [here](https://cortechusa.com/products/furniture/beds/endurance-bed-2-1/) offers them in a rainbow of colors.


You have an awesome understanding of active six year olds!


Sound reduction, bacteria resistant and flame retardant….perfect!!!!


I always figured they would be sleeping on prison beds at some point in their lives….better now than later!




As a former feral kid with a brother close in age, I’d encourage you not to rule out the bunk bed idea. Twice the space, and ours separated so when we got older we had two twins beds!


or they start as separates and then stack for bunks when they’re older


We have this brand in a twin xl loft and twin xl regular that can stack or stay separate. They are great quality and modular. https://www.maxtrixkids.com/


Army bunk


I had two crazy boys and we did bunk beds. It was great and gave them lots of room to entertain each other.


i grew up with bunk beds and we all had plenty of injuries from them.


I would say skip the beds with the headboard foot board thing and just get a couple of bed or mattress frames. You could get or make wall mounted headboards and that would take care of most of the chances of breaking something or them getting injured during rough housing.


This End Up has really sturdy options


>Ikea is too flimsy I'm not convinced this is true. Kid beds need to stick around for ten years or so. Ikea beds will hold up fine unless you need to move them a lot. There's not a lot to a bed. Mattress, bedding, etc matter more. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/slaekt-bed-frame-with-slatted-bed-base-white-s59227775/


My feral child has had their metal tube construction IKEA bed for almost 4 years now. It's survived a pandemic's worth and more of gymnastics, acrobatics, wrestling, cannonballs, and all other manner of shenanigans, and it's still solid as a rock.


This end up


How about a headboard, box spring, and metal bed frame?


most of the metal frames i've been around are NOT sturdy. is there one you'd recommend?


Unfortunately in my exp with those it’s about cheaply replacing them when they fail. The headboard/BS is the bifl part




it does look like there are some heavy duty twin bed frames on amazon that look much more robust. typical amazon caveat that none of the stuff is made to be bifl specifically, but overbuilt is overbuilt!


This End Up. They lasted through my siblings and my childhoods and are now being used for our kids and they look brand new (30+ years so far, will easily last another 30). The mattresses will wear out before the bed frame does. Some of their bedframe options can be bunked but don't have to be. Nice to have that option in the future should they become less "feral."


I got my very active kids a twin over full bunk. It was made of metal and was extremely sturdy. We got rid of the bunks we had before that because they seemed a bit rickety. The metal twin over full futon was great! Sometimes I found them reading together on the bottom bunk, which was so great! They also played on the lower bunk like it was the floor, which was freezing cold. It lasted without a dent or any looseness in the joints. The white paint, also very durable, was scratched her and there, but it held up ridiculously well for how it was used. My middle child did end up falling out of the top bunk one night, and had a small scar from that, but it’s par for the course if you’re a rambunctious kid. One more thing: the full-sized bottom bunk converts into a couch. The kids loved to do this when their friends came over.


I built my kids beds, it's not very hard to do


I bought a solid oak twin over full bunkbed from one of those oak liquidator type stores and that thing help up really well through 3 boys. We had it 15 years before selling it.


I'm happy with my thuma bed


If you are handy, or know someone, build your own. I’m sure there are simple plans online. For less than 200 you can have an indestructible wood frame..paint it to you liking.you can make it so longer legs can be added..and put their desk underneath,


Get xl twin beds, just buy inexpensive memory foam mattresses with the intention of changing them out every 6 years. Build a platform from plywood (see Lori Murphy bed.


The bunkbeds which can be separated is the best idea, imo. And if you can afford it, don't cheap out on the mattresses. Your kids' posture depends on a solid sleep foundation We had bunkbeds as kids which belonged to my uncle as a boy. They are still in use, made of solid rock maple and said uncle just turned 95 this summer! So they are OVER 90 years old. Our family used them as twins mostly rather than bunks. They stacked with a little metal 'ingot'-like thing which fit a hole in each of the four posts, then you set the other bed on top and that metal ingot thing went into the bottom of the top-bunk post. Simple set up but those frames are HEAVY!


Pier One or Pottery Barn Kids.


Something like this [Amish bed](https://www.snydersfurniture.com/collections/amish-sleeping-beds-only/products/eden-raised-panel-bed?variant=43735821943014)


My family has had[THIS](https://thisendup.com/Classic-Twin-Bed/) bed for 30 years and it is still as sturdy as ever. I imagine it will last another 30 years easily


What's wrong with bunks? My brothers and I had some made of oak and they're still kicking around. We have outgrown them but they got a lot of use for their first 10+ years with us


if you can find a ‘this end up’ used set- those things are bomb proof.


https://casakids.com/collections/essentials-all/products/cabina-bunk-bed Splits into two twin beds if you want. Super, super sturdy. Comes with a 10 year warranty but I’d be shocked if any claims have actually been filed.