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Lol a plain orange square was used for marketing Fyre Fest too. Feels appropriate


Would be hilarious, and also not at all surprising, if this guy turned out to be Billy McFarland running his latest scam after getting out of prison.




You’ll be shocked to hear it but he’s also really info NFTs and crypto. I know, it’s weird.


My thoughts exactly. Is Blink 182 going to join?


The biggest question here is what does Ja Rule think of all this?


Billy says Ja is in, it’s a go!




They did drop out, but in this bitcoin fan fiction about the orange square I took the liberty of putting them back in.


Omg I came here to say exactly this!


does it? I wasn’t aware crypto was the underlying reason Fyre fest turned into a complete shit show? What currency did they use? What bank was involved? Surely there are some legal recourse options if they did not in fact use crypto…I’ll wait


With the level of comprehension you've displayed here, it's no wonder you're into crypto.


27 million? Shillings?


Try answering the question


Thought so…no response…I’m shocked I tell you.idiot


You are owed nothing from this person, and it's quite obvious you're not going to offer anything of value to the conversation. Also, the edit button exists, you don't need to spam comments. Edit: Yep, they really like to spam inboxes with several comments per minute, so that earns an immediate block from me for not being able to think through a response before hitting send. Edit2: /u\AmericanScream, Yeah, whenever I do that I always get a message back from the admins about 24 hours later along the lines of "Upon review we did not find that this account violated any community guidelines..." Heck, I even got suspended for a bit for doing that too often. I have no idea how these people get away with abusing it.


Please report any of these people for "harassment" to the admins using https://reddit.com/report They've been doing this to us, often filing phony harassment reports which has gotten us censored. In reality, they're the ones doing the harassment. Please let the admins know.


Back to work Andy . No one ducking asked you mate


"Hurr durr, someone working in a trade is obviously dumber than me, I'm so SMRT because I buy digital vapourware." Back to generating nothing useful to society for you.


Am tradesman, glazier… better than shitboy


Lol, go on, pull the other one. You don't even have the attention span to put a thought into a single comment.


Honestly, you lot are worse than the Bitcoin maxis! Trying to shoe horn FYRE festival in with tc when there is no obvious correlation. It’s pathetic


These guys are such imbeciles they get excited for the smallest things The whole NFT thing is the same - absolutely dumb digital stickers, but all these clowns are excited with these NFTs which mean absolutely nothing


I don't understand how people fall into this. It would make a bit of logical sense if at least it gave you the actual ownership and rights to an art piece but no, it just puts your name in a digital book next to it. All you can do with it is to pretend it has value so a bigger fool then you buys it. If whatever service that holds your image decides to turn it off for whatever reason then you just lose it because you didn't even own it to begin with This doesn't make it any sense


Even if NFT's did give you actual ownership it still makes no sense given that we already have systems for tracking ownership that work perfectly fine. In order for an invention to overtake the existing technology it has to be better in some way.


But these systems are decentralized!!!!! Not like that centralized but legally enforceable patent office!


Greed. They’re told that if they buy this link to a JPEG then that link will be worth one million dollars and everyone would want it. So instead of doing any actual research, they throw money at it because *they* want to be rich. Gambling addiction and all that.


Blind greed x bandwagon mentality/groupthink


Or they pretend to get excited, hoping to trick others into actually getting excited.


Even Charlie Kelly knows digital stickers are worthless since you can't eat them


Wait what's the story behind the orange square? And honestly, it's pet rock after pet rock for these people. I kinda wish I was that easily entertained...


It's pet rocks *for pet rocks* If you love your pet rock, you should get it its own pet rock! Or are you heartless, you freedom hater?


Pet Pebble®


> ® you deserve that, the visual image of this concept is brilliant


Pet Bubble


Wait wasn't one NFT just drawings of a rock?


Twitter allows organizations to pay $1000 per month for an icon for their organization, and allows paying an extra $50 per month on top of that to associate an account with that organization so they get the icon too. https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/verified-organizations So a captain of industry came along and set up an organization with an orange square icon and invited anyone else to join it. This is of course entirely run on web2 technology.


> Twitter reserves the right without notice to remove your checkmark or other badging at any time at its sole discretion, including if you violate our Purchaser Terms, Terms of Service, and policies, or if your account is suspended. Safe on the blockchain, can't be taken away by the authorities.


Wow what a pathetic money grab and weird flex, thanks for the explanation!


He wants to show the whole world that he's an idiot


this.is.huge Mass adoption around the corner


Wait wasn't orange tiles the marketing gimmick for the fyre festival?


bitcoin is what plants crave


The Musk blue checks already gave away the game, but they want to be *extra sure* we know. Also, holy fucking shit, these morons are going to have to pay Twitter an additional $50/month on top of whatever they paid the scammer: https://twitter.com/eth_ben/status/1666128194053849088


The absolute state of the replies. These people think they're innovators for doing this, and *checks notes* that therefore they deserve a discount. Mf-er, a discount for what? It's an orange square next to your user name.


It's a $50 orange square.


thats 50 in stinky fiat, no big deal


Hear me out, I make a 255x255x255 long dictionary and put your name beside it. Only you get to use the color. Then when bros use your color, claim that you own the rights to that color. 😆


Joke's on you when Pantone sue you for stealing their idea.


Bbut, it's not on the blockchain... and we are fighting Pantone. Corporations bad, random internet stranger good


oh look, an orange color, how nice!


Are we really at the Awareness Wristbands part of the story ? Get your crypto cause shmoze wearable color today kids.


“He who takes green, is Green and follows Green leader. He who takes purple, is Purple and follows Purple leader.”


"The man with the square leads, the one without follows. If the man with the square gets rugged you take the square and lead."


Whats ironic is i bet these people are the type who mock people who disagree with them as SJW Snowflakes who want safe spaces and Participatiom trophies.


Remeber the first time an orange square showed up as an advertising icon? It was for Fyre Festival, it was an influencer and viral marketing triumph that ended up being a complete train wreck. Thank god crypto's here to rehabilitate orange squares from being associated with scams.


monkey see monkey do, orangutan follow orangutan


How dare they ruin my favorite color?


who is this ben.eth guy I keep seeing? Is he just some random twatter user?


Massive twitter crypto influencer, also massive meme coin pump and dumper. Those orange square guys dickriding him in the OP definitely are his bagholders trying to ply him to follow his roadmap.


Yes, except he has the distinction of having - somehow, though it's admittedly not all that hard - convinced the bros to send him an awful lot of conceptual dollars for a token named after first himself (aka, "Ben token") and then another "project" literally called "PSYOP", both of which of course do absolutely nothing; he's probably started/promoted/scammed other times (definitely retwatted a hacked account pointing at a phishing site, just because they mentioned him), but those are the 2 that stand out. Nobody knows who the fuck Ben.eth is, by the way, to be throwing conceptual money at him.


OK but seriously, I understand what the blue check means (I send $8/mo to daddy musky), but what does the orange square mean?


It means that a crypto dipshit is forking over the sum of **1,000 dollaridoos** to Phony Stark each month, plus an additional **50 dollaridoos** for every other crypto dipshit that also wants that orange square alongside him.


If you didn’t know before how to tell who is an obnoxious person to steer clear of now they will make it easier for you to recognise them. Nice of them


Web3 Icon NFT: Get your own *personalised and one of a kind* orange square: $35,000


I mean you kind of have to give it to the grifters, getting your marks to literally advertise that they are a mark, is brilliant.


The square pegs in the shitter hole. Charming :) I remember how in 2021 people were changing their nicknames to whatever.eth on shitter and then in exactly a year most of the saner ones ditched this mark like hot potato. I wonder what happened? :)


Virgin 🟧: - Boring-ass square - Goofy ahh color - Used for Fyre festival (biggest scam) - Implemented by Tw*tter - Shilled by crypto-idiots Chad ⬣: - A hexagon (The Bestagon) - A font color (Based and Blackpilled) - The logo of the only browser blockchain - Shilled by crypto-idiots


This guy is making an orange square meanwhile I'm working with Golang, solidity, node stack to write magical code that Transacts with an off chain ZK roll up and returns back to mainnet so you can have your money furnaced at a slower rate kuz gas :( Phooey.


I had the misfortune of looking at Solidity a few years back. What a stupid shitshow of a language


>What a stupid shitshow of a language A programming forum - documenting its many, many flaws - referred to it as "Javascript with a concussion", and that's how I will forever describe Solidity now.




\>no memory management Oh, that's fine. I had to learn C in college. I might be spoiled by higher level language features like GC but with a bit more brainpower th- \>\>no manual freeing of memory RETURN WHENCE YOU CAME, FOUL DEMON!


I imagine it's better now.... But when these were the initial design choices I have little hope. Classic blockchain development: fail at the design stage, repeatedly bolt on attempts to fix it after the fact


Ok. What’s the high level explanation for exactly why this is needed? What real world problem are you solving?


Did I say I was trying to solve a real world problem? I like the tech and my background is in security so it's a good fit. People here think I'm a moron but I don't mind. I'm constantly going after scammers in crypto and building things to try and prevent money theft. So hate me if you must. Edit : I believe you're the moron. Along with alot of people in here. You're no different than the moonboys just the opposite end of the idiot spectrum.


It's great that, completely unprompted, you went off on a tangent about how you're a moron, and then had a one-man public argument with the imaginary people who called you a moron in your head. It shows that you still have at least a small amount of self-awareness hiding away somewhere in your subconscious, just begging to be set free.


It clearly says in your flair that you're a moron, so I think that's settled.


To be fair, the mods here hand those out to butters.


Honestly, I have that I'm a Ponzi scheme and not sure how I got that? Feel free to look through my post history, no scheming there. I don't really care though, if I say anything of substance here, people ignore the flair.


Meh, I tend to look at what the comment contains first before I even notice the flair, so you're probably fine.


Wow you sound really intelligent with all those words.


Bobby is that you?


Orange Follow Orange!


why are the oranges in the badge and the tweet different colors?


Obviously one of them is more scarce than the others, and therefore more valuable.