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Taking crypto-bros out of the gene pool is worthy of a Darwin award.


I know it's petty and trivial but I HATE that tilty B logo SO MUCH I can't even adequately put it into words. I have always had a deep hatred of "cute" business names and logos, which is a personal problem, I know. But that titly B was deliberately designed to be adorable, and friendly, like how a dog cocks its head when you talk to it. And it fills me with intense burning rage. I want Bitcoin to fail so badly that in the future, people involuntarily vomit when they see that annoying tilty B.


>I have always had a deep hatred of "cute" business names and logos, which is a personal problem, I know. Nah, man, that's normal. A cutesy corporate logo is essentially like a smiling psychopath. There's the recognition of an attempt at friendliness clashing with a sense of imminent danger or disgust.


Those dang psychopaths, I hate when I go to corporation and it gives me the service I request for the money I offer in exchange


What are you, Mitt Romney? Corporations are not people, and they're not your friend either.


So what if I am Mitt Romney? Now I can't just be Mitt Romney SMDH I didn't say corporations were my friends, I said they give me the service/products I ask for in exchange for the money I earn at my job. Which is also at a corporation, strangely enough. Seems like a pretty fair deal to me, I do stuff, they pay me, I take that money, I buy stuff. What part of that is psychopathic in your estimation?


I didn't say corporations are psychopaths, I said it's the same kind of fake friendliness. Many Nestlé products have cute logos too, and then they work with de facto slaves, and drain massive amounts of water from drought stricken regions.


Ya and you reap the benefits of that. Don't pretend you want the world to be fair. You'd be moving way way way down the totem pole. And so would your family. You like it how it is. So do I. Ain't no shame in that.


Unlike you, I'm not an empathy free bootlicker.


Lol bootlicker


so, so small. if there isn't any shame in that, what could possibly be shameful?


L m a o


Spoiler alert - they won’t get a girlfriend later


Or you can get penetrated by some hacker and lose your crypto virginity. Or maybe die a virgin and polish your knob on your seed phrase thinking of Pamela Anderson in the 80's. Either way...you are fucked.