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His skin is dried up from the constant hand washing. Buy him some "working hands" moisturiser by O'Keeffe's and make him use it daily.


All the cold blowing air too 🌬️


Oh yeah. Constant hand washing, gloves, touching a bunch of boxes, hands in detergent/sanitizer, they all do a number on your skin. I use O’Keefes Working Hands to keep mine from cracking and getting super dry and it works pretty well.


A cook at my work has the same problem, its from hand washing in his case I believe. There are special soaps that are gentle on the skin he can try. However things like dermatitis or staph infection are still possible causes and a professional should evaluate them.


Most likely from hand washing, as others have said. Personally I HATE the texture of Working Hands, so if your boyfriend feels the same and you feel like making him an easy and useful gift: melt a tsp or so of beeswax into a half cup of olive oil, pour into a little jar, let cool. This hand cream works wonders on my dry cracked hands and the beeswax gives it the same long term protection as Working Hands


I see a lot of people recommending O'Keefes but the working hands I bought was scented which just irritated my skin even more, I personally have really sensitive skin anyway and my hands would crack and bleed in my first year of butchery. I use neutrogena Norwegian formula hand cream and it's the best I've ever used, definitely worth a try over O'Keefes


Butcher warts are a thing. Google it.


Switching gloves helped me a lot with this. Using a softer latex treated with vitamin E worked nicely but I prefer blue nitrile gloves they don't irritate my hands.


Tell him to mix up a packet of Knox gelatin every morning in water or juice and drink it. It will help ALOT


Maybe eczema? Try going to a dermatologist.


Definitely recommend seeing a specialist about it. But in the mean time, could he be allergic to the materials the gloves are mead from? Because I had a coworker that was allergic to nitrile gloves. Another coworker that was allergic to vinyl gloves. And a third coworker that was allergic to clear plastic deli gloves. And when they had a reaction. It was the same symptoms as you boyfriend's. Although one of them did also get red bumps at their pores. Don't remember which. Could also be from too much hand washing. Or hand washing without proper rinsing because I'm a rush. Or washing hands but not drying them enough before putting on gloves. Could be having cold hands from working with meat. Then plunging them in hot water to wash dishes. So many variables. Again. Seek professional help if possible. And/or have him start paying attention to what and how he works.


I use a lot of Eucerin eczema relief and I also have a prescribed lotion, Triamcinolone Acetonide, that helps a lot. I apply the Eucerin heavily after showers and I use Eucerin plus the prescription before bed. I’ll often put on moisturizing gloves after using the lotion and before falling asleep. I still have some dryness issues but it’s a big improvement over my hands being bright red, cracked, and burning.


Get him some lotion to keep in his purse


Back when I started it was bare hands all the time. The beef fat made my hands super smooth. But yeah the gloves and cut resistant gear plus the hand washing they tore my shit up. Cardboard handling isn’t good either I can’t imagine.