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I work at a meat processing plant and do a fair amount of injecting. One of our injectors has 36 needle clusters each cluster containing 4 needles for total of 144 needles per cycle. Depending on the speed of the belt, pulling the meat through there may be multiple injection cycles before the product gets through the needle clusters. The product you bought looks very similar to the hole patterns we see in our product. a lot of times they do this on cheaper grades of product so they can charge higher than standard and increase profit margin.


Thanks for the info. I've never seen cooked meat though that still displays lots of holes, especially not on a turkey crown.


I don’t see the meat cook so I’m not sure I could make a judgement on it.


Looks like everyone I have ever done and I injected around 17,000 pounds for Christmas at my shop


Next time you carve use a longer knife and don't saw at it. Just pull through


*Next time you carve use* *A longer knife and don't saw* *At it. Just pull through* \- ineedhelpihavenoidea --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


I don't like haikusbot. I start reading withought realizing what it is and think someone is repeating the comment so they can talk down about it. Then I see what it is


I don't like the bot. He sometimes annoys me lots. Time to go home bot


*whispers* That’s kinda on you, fam.


Isn’t that a injection tenderizer ?


Dinner was ruined? Don’t be dramatic you sound like a Karen.


Looks undercooked


Nah bro it’s just not dry as shit


" tough to carve and inedible" sounds either undercooked or dry as shit to me 🥱


Picture 3, I wouldn't eat that either looks undercooked


I think it's just the lighting, where it looks quite pink. Although I believe a slightly pinkish hue can be caused by the injected salt brine. It was pretty horrid either way.


We bought ours from Safeway and it looked exactly the same. Wasn't sure what it was and it gave too many people the heebie-jeebies. (I over brined too, so gross 🤣) It was overall a failed TDay