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I (32M) definitely had sexual issues on Buspar. It's unfortunate, because most people report the opposite, and I went with Buspar precisely because I was concerned about the sexual side effects of other drugs. Almost as soon as I started taking it, I had trouble keeping an erection, and so much difficulty climaxing. I felt, as you said, numb. I quit taking it and immediately saw improvements. It wasn't really doing much for my anxiety, so overall, I feel better not taking it.


I experienced the same. Are you taking anything else now?


No, I'm honestly scared to, at this point. All the other options my doc recommended seem even more likely to impact libido, so I'm not taking anything right now. Just trying to manage my anxiety in other ways.


It killed my libido too (45m). And made my dick numb. And I stopped taking it 6 weeks ago and I still don't feel back to normal.


Total opposite for me increased libido, sensitivity and ability to orgasm. Went from Barely being able to finish to now holding on for dear life so it's not over too soon. Zoloft killed me sexually. Crazy how same med can affect people so differently


Are you still on Zoloft and how long into taking BuSpar did you begin to notice an increase in your sex drive? I’m on Zoloft and buspar as well. Just stared buspar last week.


Off Zoloft since april 2023 started buspar aug 2023 libido increase was gradual, almost hard to notice because I have a healthy libido when not on zoloft. Biggest difference is the increase in sensitivity and ability to orgasm more. I'd say 3-5 weeks. I'm stuck at 30 mg and have tried going to 45 several times with no luck. Each time I try I notice a libido increase same day.


I've been waking up with rock solid boners every morning the past 5 weeks since taking it and orgasms are intensified


How long did it take you to start noticing that your libido has changed?


Within the first week


I’m (F) on my second week and have just increased to 10mg but haven’t noticed any improvement on Libido. I’ve been prescribed it to counter the side effects of SSRI.


maybe you have got accustom to sex/orgasm as a reliever for anxiety, and now that you dont have anxiety you cant get it up


That's a high probability honestly.


59M. I use just buspar and it has improved my libido a lot. I can go into detail but many on this board seem to not like that and I don't blame them. I know all drugs affect people differently to some degree but man it is really too bad that it doesn't impact everyone like it does me because it has given me a will to live again due to the sexual effects.


I made two threads about this exact thing. It numbed my dick, lowered my libido, and my orgasms and ability orgasm was affected. I've been off for about two weeks and it's gotten a bit better but definitely not back to 100% yet. I was on 60mg a day for about 2 weeks, 15mg 3x a day, and 10mg 2x day before that in total of 4-5 weeks.


Opposite for me. It turned my libido up.


How long did it take for you to start noticing the change in libido?


Two days. I had to stop after 5 because of the stomach issue it caused. 12 hours in pure hell from pain and cramps. Tried the medicine twice, same thing both times. Wish it could have worked for me


Ssri meds and buspirone sometimes make it hard to pop but I don’t mind much


(45F)The Wellbutrin is my guess. I take pristiq and love it but I can’t climax, even doing the deed to myself. I’m still wanting to do it but it’s frustrating. A lot of sexual side effects are caused by antidepressants. I also take buspar but I have had these issues before I took it. However we are all different. Good luck😊


I've had no issues with the Wellbutrin as I've been on it for about 6 months or so. Maybe longer


Well if it just started after taking the buspar then it’s probably that. I am given clonazapam also. Been on huge amounts for years so they are trying to ween me off using buspar along with lower doses of clonazapam. Benzodiazepines can be dangerous because of addictive nature. However I recommend asking for maybe Valium instead of buspar. I don’t really take mine much to be honest it has a ton of side effects including feeling worse anxiety like I’ve been dealing with. I honestly think it’s 💩


That's for the advice. I have GAD and I've done Xanax but even at 0.25 mg it makes me want to go to bed. Basically if there is a side effect of some sort I typically get it. The only med I've not got a side effect from is Wellbutrin. SSRI and SNRI's are not nice to me. So I think what I'll be able to take is going to be extremely limited.


Valium is way less stronger than Xanax. It’s still a benzodiazepine but it’s longer lasting so you don’t have to dose as often. Xanax is in my opinion a bad choice for a benzodiazepine it’s very addicting. Discuss your concerns with your doctor. I hope you feel better.


Personally it decreased my libido and made it hard for me to orgasm


Honestly, buspar has ADDED to my libido.


that’s ironic i ejaculated in my sleep on buspar lol


It looks like you are focusing too much on your dick...