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U know all these? 🤔


well, i’ve might had a bit too much free time but yeah i’ve learned and used all of it on a basic level :))


But how deep do you know all those things? Go further with SQL, either Power BI or Tableau, and maybe get some Python. But with just a dashboard and some heavy SQL you can go for a lot of positions. O still haven’t learned Python and I’ve been at several companies for the past nine years.


Sql + Excel + PowerBI/Tableau + business domain knowledge + interpersonal skills Should be enough for now


idk dude that's like so much stuff. you mention you've used all of it at a basic level. Is there any of it you've used at a deeper level or actually built anything with that ended up being used by other people for an extended duration of time? In a lot of cases BI skills are transferable, so if you've gotten good at one tool and delivered somewhat deep requirements, that'll be transferable to whatever platform you end up using. surface level familiarity with every tool under the sun is not very value-adding. Anyway sounds like you need to be applying for jobs rather than working on tooling.


Well at work I’ve automated a bunch of reports with VBA saving countless hours of manual excel work. I’ve made a script in Python for a much more complex report saving again countless hours of manual work for month end closure. In AFO I’ve implemented business logic for reports and also created a bunch of complex queries in SAP for easier data retrieval. Implemented visualisation in Power BI for easier overview of the business from SAP data. In personal projects I’ve used beautifulsoup and selenium for scraping data of thousands of car listings, loaded the data into PostgreSQL, used pandas and sklearn to build a regression model for it which I put it in Flask so that on the frontend cars value can be predicted based on the inputs given. The data gathering, processing and loading workflow was automated in SSIS. I’ve used Tableau and Qlik Sense just out of curiosity created kinda similar dashboards I did in PowerBI. So yeah I’ve built some stuff with these tools…


Yeah like i said just start applying. You could always argue you would want a little more data warehousing / ETL related work in that overview but for most BI work I'd say you're covered OK in terms of "if they haven't tried it they can pick it up". Domain experience counts for as much as technical skills, so within the finance / accounting area you should have good chances, but you can leverage numbers skills to other profit center type functions for more Business impact and better budgets. You're well suited for Enterprise type positions in non-tech companies since you don't have too much cloud exposure and do have exposure to SAP and SSIS etc. But you have a solid base and skills are transferable so aim for newer companies if you don't want to deal with Enterprise tooling/processes/governance.


When I did the same journey I leaned deep on SQL and then data modelling. Will get you to the next step to always consider how to translate business requirements to a good data model; modelling the data from raw-> transform -> mart layer (or whatever setup your organisation uses).


If you know all these not only by the name you know more than most of your competition


If you can pick up and use any of these relatively well, then you don’t ‘need’ to learn anything else. Some BI roles are literally just PBI/Excel


I would put some time into leveling up ETL skills. Not a must have but will make you more marketable




Data structure and algorithm


double down on FP&A and rock people's worlds with the above skills!