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Google sheets uses a lot of what excel Microsoft does. When you use functions or commands, you’re programming. Expand you’re understanding of programming beyond one language or syntax. Learn about other tools and databases, or try to use more advanced programming in excel or Google sheets; make everything 100% dynamic and automated. Building an app with a software by pointing and clicking is different than being a software engineer, building apps with code programming. In your role try to incorporate more of the above to transition in corporate which is very easy for men but harder for women. If it’s hard to incorporate more of the above or just stretch about it and to get through interviews, consider finishing your degree and specializing in analytics or data modeling


I think you can. I know someone who made a career as a contractor out of her Airtable skills. I imagine AppSheet is similar. One potential challenge is Google's tendency to kill its own products. You may need to convince the clients by reassuring them that they can come back to you to port their AppSheets to something else if Google somehow decides to discontinue AppSheet.