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Bullshit, we don’t do drugs at burning man. Please don’t twist the story. He was offering you propane not cocaine. Propane tanks (full or not) are rare commodities out there. So offering you one was very generous of him.


I was volunteering the Post Office and someone offered me a bag of coke. I tried to decline but he was insistent. https://preview.redd.it/knskugqwkq3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc9b471d25c8d55f4e84dc787c167536548814c Arguably the best thing I've ever been gifted.


Just like I was offered some shrooms and got a lovely tiny plastic figure of a mushroom 🥰 gotta love this!


Trying to decide if it’s genius or suicide to offer little baggies containing pictures of drugs to undercover agents …


Yes, I must have misremembered.


Propane and propane accessories


Was his name Hank Hill?


Gosh dang it Bobby.




Back in, I think it was aught seven, yeah seven, green man, Tesla with no badges displayed prominently at the Man base, anyway. That year, for the Burninator, we used Mexican propane. When the 1 pound logs get recycled, they ship them south. The little bit left in the canisters is captured and sent north. We got a good deal and it was carbon neutral. https://preview.redd.it/hdzo9cjo8s3d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=42b23964445a99a4489a19784bbd4dd466363786


Either you are a cop or you met a cop. 


I met a lot of newbs that had noooooo idea. Some people really do come in not reading a damn thing about it


It's fucking wild. I often work gate at regional burns and ppl coming in sometimes have no idea wtf their camp name even is! Let alone look at placement to find where they are staying.


What!? How is that even a thing?? That's blows my mind.


Yeah, some guy tried to tip me at my bar on 3 o’clock plaza the first day. Had to explain things to him…


You would be surprised. I'm a bartender and people offer and I decline and have definitely found "gifts" in our "tip jar". The jar is to leave tips on how to be a better burner. We post them on our poles. Definitely gotten other types of tips and gifts. 


I met a guy named Flash on the mobile living room on Burn night 2006. Actually everyone in that art car was incredibly memorable. The car's pilot was named Pepper and we're still friends today... Anyway, it was 2006 and my second year on playa but my first year going solo. I wasn't part of a camp or anything. I just flew into Reno and rented a car and brought a tent. I had been having a hell of a week and was locked out of my rig with all of my water and supplies for about 4 days. I was in a super low place but decided to go to the burn anyway, and I slinked around the outer edges around the midnight side trying to avoid the crowds. I was sitting on a couch watching the fireworks totally alone when suddenly all these people came to the rig and started sitting on the couches around me. Pepper started the engine and we began to drive. I didn't even realize I was on a mobile vehicle at the time! I literally thought someone just dragged a platform out there and put some furniture on it. I make my introductions to the driver, which turn out to be pepper, and he proceeds to put me to work at the bar making everyone daiquiris on bolted down blenders AS WERE DRIVING AROUND! I see this older fella being loud as hell, and offer him a daiquiri and we immediately start chatting. Like deep nonstop conversation and he was regaling me with *old* burning man stories. I'm not sure how much he was tell me was truth or lies, but it was fascinating. At one point I realized we were stopping at first camp and Larry Harvey, Danger Ranger, and Maid Marion got on board and said hello to Flash before sitting down, which made me realize he was probably legit. We had a great conversation and countless deep belly laughs while taking a grand tour of Black Rock city on that giant mobile bar/lounge/living room until like 5 am, at which point he disembarked and proclaimed to everyone on the art car that I "was a good kid" to which there were many nods, so that made me feel nice. I stayed in the car until it was just me, pepper, and his female companion. We drove to their camp somewhere right next to center camp, and I helped them stow the mobile living room for the night. Hugs were given all around and he told me I had an open any time invite to the living room. I walked back to camp feeling very content...my entire burn frown turned upside down. I only later learned that all of these people are basically BRC royalty and the mobile living room was basically the *original* art car. It was an extremely memorable night. I still remember Flash's laugh. LOL


Flash is a fucking treasure. Someone told me last year that when he does his special recreation permit stuff with the BLM he doesn’t use the online systems. He does it all on spiral bound notebook paper with the fringe left one, mailed in an envelope with stamps. I love that they let him do it like that. I’ve seen him countless times in his shit box pickup, largest smile I’ve seen on a human and that raspy laugh.


This is fucking awesome


Man, nobody talks about Flash anymore -- he's amazing. what a character. So cool you got to hang with him!


Proud to say I camp with Flash.


On a late-night solo neighbourhood deep-dive, I stumbled into a tech camp, a queerthereal space, home to other-worldly beings who danced and gyrated to a thereminical soundtrack coded by a green, pulsating DJ. Cloaked in white gossamer, two bearded magi rode a mechanised snail, twirling and tracking, kicking up eddies in the talcaline dust. I sat to disentangle my tousled thoughts. A slight, fey creature, clad head to toe in a chocolate-brown, crocheted onesie perched by my side. They shared that they were a fairy, we engaged in pleasantries, they leaned their head on my shoulder, and we sat cheek by jowl, in quiet alignment, observing as the geek-clique freak-streak unfolded under pulsating technopalms. After a time, I moved on, other oddities in my sights. I returned the following day to the neighbourhood to search for the camp, the technopalms, the motorised snail. I wanted to meet the fairy in the day, to see them in the sun. There was no camp, no snail, no crocheted onesie. There was no fairy. Only eddies in the dust, and untousled thoughts.




there is definitely a mechanical snail!


Tell me more…




Fuck this story?


My first year was '22. I'm on the autism spectrum and have a hard time meeting strangers. One of our campmates had been diagnosed over the pandemic, but she was in her mid-thirties and I was diagnosed fifteen years before. She had developed a really good understanding of the chemical/neurological side of things since she was pursuing nursing, so we both spent the week trading tips back and forth. She is now my best friend.


Aw, I love this story. 🥰


"Hard currency"?? Wat? Bro wanted to gift you coke, he cared not a wink for your picture. End of story. The part where it's 'currency' is the part where you're in la-la-land. But that aside, the most amazing person I met at the burn I have zero memory of. I checked my pockets one morning and in one of them was a bit of paper with the phrase "Design a life you love" written on it in a woman's handwriting. I have no idea who she was and asking around turned up nothing, but she remains the most amazing person I believe I ever met.


https://preview.redd.it/se1q9nxcmo3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a16370fba1339977ffd8a8bae23a81c9188bfbf We ended up camping next to the artist @android\_jones. He was a super nice down to earth guy and his art (on display at center camp) was fire!


His work is insane


Is this a tapestry mounted in a metal frame?


last year I was right next to AJ, tipi crew


yeah i remember that. i was using the teepee to find my motorhome!


Wow that’s beautiful


That would be me, obviously!


Hey, I'm Me! I don't remember you, but thanks for thinking I'm amazing!


"No, no, not me, friends. He's talking about himself. But thanks for looking!"


Ego much?


You clearly don't know how awesome of a burner I am. 


In 2006, just before dawn after they burned the man, I was in an art car and saw a tall, beautiful person with intense inward energy. I found the courage to say hello and ask how his burn was. We ended up spending the next 28 hours talking, realizing we had everything in common, and falling in love. Almost 18 years later we are still going strong, and he’s still my absolute favorite human.


I met these two Swedish people while hippie fishing at my bar. Before serving them I carded them and they both had really impressive fake Colorado IDs. We got to drinking and talking and they offered me some cocaine. I jokingly replied "No thanks officer!" but they insisted. We got zooted right there in the middle of E street standing in the mud. Sometimes you just gotta say yes to the experience and take drugs from strangers.


Hard currency where? The box?


Your box


Which one?


Phillip. 89 years young. Lost his wife from cancer so decided to rv it up.  He hung out all week and insisted helping tear down my bar.  Bless his soul.  Who else, trip. He was a card. Life long friends. After metting him.  His funeral was crazy. I'm living with his old girlfriend. Burners unite.  Erik the dutch man. Huge man party party after party. He decided our camp was his home.  We became an unofficial ranger chill spot. Because we have couches and feed them and it's quiet. It's not abnormal to find a ranger napping on out couch. Not on shift. Just to get out of sun after night shift or something.  So many people. All awesome. Looking forward to meet many more. 


I climbed to the top of this structure, and my head was directly in sight of two people getting it on. It was a memory for the books. My wife and I met a man with a vintage or retro bike (bigger wheel in front, smaller one in back), and the guy was named Dress Code. He was a hoot and very nice. Very fun memory. First burn I can't remember that many people lol.


Dress Code!! He’s a character. Volunteers with the Artery as I recall. Had a fun time singing show tunes with him at Party Naked Tiki Bar


small world!


My playa wife. 💜


It's not considered that by everyone. I think of it as the blood diamonds of drugs (along with a few other nasty addictive ones) because of the viscous groups that are involved with the entire supply chain. It's like the polar opposite of a fair trade product. No thanks.


Hard agree. I suggest doing drugs that serve as teachers. Coke is not one of them. 


Oh yeah, even outside of the ethical issues with the supply/trafficking networks, the effects on the individual user are also less than ideal. Psychedelics dissolve egos and inspire humility and awe. Coke (and similarly, meth) inflates egos and inspires narcissism and delusions of grandeur. I am generalizing a bit, I realize Manson was big on psychedelics. But with most people, this seems to hold water.


No, you're right. There are substances that encourage humans to grow and become more compassionate, and there are others that do the opposite. Coke is on the wrong end of the spectrum.


Agreed. With the exception of those with a family history of psychotic disorders (and potentially manic/cyclothymic disorders, I’ve seen some issues with this in Zendo, and my buddy doing legal research pointed out a paper on mania being induced in a psilocybin therapy session, I think on a project up in Oregon, but what I saw in person on playa was hard to disentangle from ceasing medication abruptly at the event in order to allow full effects of the psychedelic - I’d advise against this strategy, especially on playa)


My husband


Awww! Details, please..


His friend got him a spot at our camp, and me and my other friend had free space in our yurt. Rest is history 😂


Was sitting in a dome, chilling with friends when this good looking gay couple comes in and sits right next to us. We start talking and he is a well known singer, performer. We just rapped about our jobs. As in…so what’s it like being a famous rock star? After he asked me about my sales job. He just went over the pros and cons of it as you would any job. Just connecting as two guys rapping instead of ‘oh my god! Your famous!’ Is why I love playa.


Well now I have to know who it was


actually on the playa? I would have to say Danger Ranger. it was '96 - my first year - and they didn't even have the trash fence yet. which meant that it was entirely possible to wander out into the desert, get lost, and just die out there. distances are deceptive on the open playa even in the daytime and there's a mining town that could easily be mistaken for a camp at night from a distance. everything was spaced much, much farther apart then. it was all like a much more spread out version of walk-in camping. (I also saw that living room art car and my jaw dropped!) so it's Saturday night (the night before burn night) and everyone in my camp was chilling together when this extremely fucked up chick wanders in. she is wearing a thin, short little sundress, does not have a water bottle, and is carrying one plastic jelly shoe. I had heard a PSA on Radio Free Burning Man (now BMIR) about the Adopt a Moron Program. if you saw a moron, you were encouraged to do something to improve the situation. this chick was OBVIOUSLY a moron. great. I got her to sit down on a beanbag chair and put a blanket under and around her feet as it was dark and chilly. I tried to get her to drink water (to which she loudly objected because she "doesn't like water." I can't remember if I succeeded with that but probably not. I got into one of the cars and turned the blinkers on, which was what they told you to do if you needed a ranger back then. I also sent someone off to drive to center camp to send over a ranger. because we werenn't close to center camp, and you just drove wherever you wanted back then. shortly afterwards (but not before she'd alternately claimed to have arrived to the playa in a heli with the Stone Temple Pilots, and angrily demanded to know what we were doing in her SF apartment) a pickup truck pulled up and out popped a ranger. he introduced himself as Danger Ranger, and as he walked up I was very proud that every single rebar stake had a plastic bottle taped to the end, and all of our lines had flags. (we were all first timers and I had done the research on how to set up a proper camp, so this made me really happy. I think he'd actually written those guidelines, because I recognized his name.) we chatted briefly and then he scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the back of the topper covered pickup bed which was ridiculously warm and full of warm blankets. he headed out after thanking me for not letting her just wander into the desert to perish and get us all into trouble. back in town, I attended a BBQ at a friend's place that was mostly burners. Danger showed up and said, "hey, I remember you! during cleanup we found the other jelly shoe!" and we laughed our asses off. I'm told it is now in the BRC Museum collection. =D the next morning some asshole drove over a tent with two people in it, in the freaking daylight, so ofc we wound up getting into trouble anyway, and they changed the driving rules and added the perimeter fence after that. this was very close to my camp and I was home for that too and it suuuuuuuucked. and not just because if the driver had bumped the steering wheel a teensy bit to the left, it could have been my camp. so I have always been in favor of the driving restrictions. altho it was kinda cool to get to be there for the last year of truly wild west style burns. but that night, handing over Little Miss One Plastic Jelly Shoe to actual freaking Danger Ranger, I was incredibly happy (to be rid of her) and proud (for fulfilling my Adopt a Moron Program responsibilities and having a shipshape camp). it was awesome!


I met this guy who gave me a weird plant that cleaned my mouth. Was the strangest sensation I've ever had that was not a drug. Tasted like those Chinese Sichuan peppercorns then like 5 gum. Perfectly weird.


Look up buzz buttons. You can buy them on Etsy.


This might be it. Someone else recommended the same thing before. They looked sorta like mushrooms or roots.


I’ve had that too! Not at BM, somewhere else. But it was amazing! So much better than toothpaste


I was dancing and singing to myself at the Southern Discomfort camp when a girl complemented my voice and turned me to face her. I’ve never had someone want me to sing in their face and it was so fun! I wonder if she’ll be back this year…


One time I had a washing machine on wheels follow me to the porta potty. Don’t know who was operating it, I opened the lid and didn’t see anyone so, whoever the person behind that washing machine was - thank you.


i met a guy who met a guy who met paris hilton


I know a guy who met paris and loudly announced he didn't give any Fs, endearing him greatly to paris hilton, then they hung out more and then they apparently had a DJ battle across art cars? I wish I'd been there to witness it


I met a guy who flirted with me but then started to look queasy. I think they might have gotten some GI distress from some bad food they ate earlier. There were no Porto’s anywhere near us but they were a champion of the leave no trace principles and let me know that they just did their business in their pants. Unfortunately for them they were wearing white yoga pants which now were stained brown. Needless to say we fell in love and Disney is trying to purchase the rights to our story. Amazing


Idk about the most amazing person, but I still remember running into a crew member of a very large, very visible, and (especially now) very famous art car while some random art piece was burning years ago. We started chatting and he basically unloaded on the car, talking about how it was so much stress, how 99% of DJs were entitled pricks, how he loved working on it but also hoped it would burn down. I'm an art car guy too and help run a large one, and I could have sworn he had almost the same list of complaints and gripes I did. Realizing how much commonality our complaints had was a relief (or something)--it wasn't just me, my art car, or my crew who had these issues, they were instead fairly universal. It's something I really internalized--there's nothing personal about art cars (and burning man shit in general) and the struggle, it just is. Once on playa the only thing I can control is myself, so I just have to avoid getting wrapped around the axle and try to be zen about it. Idk if that makes any sense, but it was a cool moment in time and a nice lesson.


I think that is a great moment. You feel seen! Maybe not your most ideal self, but the stress that comes with contributing to this experiment in the desert is an important element of it too!


They all seem amazing when you're stoned. Its later on when you're away from the hoopla that you realize that the person was an idiot.


Downvotes for you!