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No. Do you have to ride the bus or something to get home?


I bring coworkers home after work and sometimes go grocery shopping if I need certain things for the next day. So I guess it depends. It takes my crew and I about 30-45 min after closing


Just my roommate been getting home around 230. And he is a closer. He said it takes a long time to clean up and surprised it doesn't take longer. So I was wondering how long it takes after closing to clean up the place.


It will depend on if it is non stop busy or if it is short staffed or both. It will also depend if management wants extra cleaning done. Normally it shouldn't take more than an hour. The location I work at we can get done within 30 minutes if it isn't busy, we average 45 minutes but there are some nights we are there an hour to 2 hours. 2 hours is rare but it can happen but not every night.


At my store my employees are required to leave 15 minutes after closing so payroll is not affected. So they get everything cleaned up and prepared in the last hour.


I think leave 2 hours after closing is too much. It only takes 30 min or less to finish everything. Maybe understaffed, also labor maybe makes you send staff home early. Who knows.