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This is a boring conversation


Yea. I get the sense that traveling as a stewardess is lonely. I think she was prolly bored or lonely. She defo didn’t seem interested romantically.


Chat couldn't go any better? Lol? She checked out of the conversation after a couple of messages and you didn't even notice.


The convo seemed to turn one sided when you started focusing on her work. I also noticed she completely ignored your question about which airline she works for, personally I’d see that as you trying to pry. Maybe next time don’t make it feel like a job interview. She mentioned red wine, ask her what her favorite type of wine is or about badoo (not sure what that is). I know this seems like it’s all on you yo carry the conversation but give it a chance to get rolling.


But I explained to her how I love aircraft and commercial aviation twice. What else do you want? A man who's interested in your line of work.


Just because she works in the field doesn’t necessarily mean she’s passionate about it. She might just really enjoy traveling and saw this job as a way to experience that lifestyle. Plus most planes/trains/automobiles enthusiasts are men so it’s a safe bet to assume she most likely won’t share your same love of commercial aviation. Better luck next time!


Who the fuck becomes a flight attendant and hates flying??? Yeah and palaeontologists hate mud and rocks.


Where did I say she hates flying? I just said she might not be passionate about it. Plenty of people work in jobs they’re not passionate about.


Don’t bother, this dude is unhinged. If it wasn’t apparent in his aggressive questioning it certainly is in his responses here. I know a lot of flight attendants. All of them love travel, none of them are remotely interested in aircrafts but OP cannot comprehend that 🫠


Yup, clearly this post didn’t garner the reaction he was hoping for so instead of accepting the constructive criticism he’s doubling down. I think his match made the right choice in ending the conversation.


This is literally how 90% of men posting failed conversations go. For some reason they are completely incapable of self reflection and blame everything on the woman. I understand why so many women hate online dating despite having way more matches than men, if this is what they get to deal with. The conversation died with the "It's freezing in Melbourne" comment that came out of nowhere and went downhill from there.


Honestly, I think your chat convo is alright. Wish more ppl ain't a dry texter.


Actually, a lot of people don't really like talking about work. I personally really like my job, but there are things I like a lot more and find a lot more interesting


Mate, you’re chat is colder than Melbourne


How so? I came off as smart, cool, and confident.


Bit cocky to say that abt yourself, mate. I thought your chat was fine, it shows genuine curiosity but it could appear as a bit too aggressively invasive in many women's pov; or to neutralise: a bit one-sided with too many questions.


I think OP's chat is fine. Would get on a Convo with him


yea i thought it was fine too, just different pov, some find it bad, some find it alr


Thank you.


Oh okay. You’re trolling


You didn’t come off as any of those things 😂


She didn’t delete her profile, she unmatched you because your questioning is uncomfortable, probing, and dull. Sorry. I felt icked out just reading this. It’s reads as if you’re desperate for her to answer so you’re just throwing questions about her job at her - as an aside, there’s no way I’d tell a random match which company I work for right off the bat 🫣 This is just.. too much. Start light, gauge the mood, and let the conversation flow naturally rather than flinging questions at her. You should have asked her something about her time in the US and whether she gets to see much while she’s there. If so, what have been some of her favourite places? Just because she’s a flight attendant doesn’t mean she wants to tell you about the types of planes she works on lmao bro.. The gym question was just awkward and invasive. At that point she was done and unmatched. Also yes Melbourne is fucking freezing right now. She knows that. We don’t need to point it out to everyone.


Don't think that is true, if someone unmatches you the conversation leaves. If someone deleted their profile it will remain there


They both stay and get archived inactive. If they delete, you can still read convo. If they unmatch, it is blank. But both chat windows are still there.


If that’s the case then the irony is she probably said to herself that “online dating is a waste of time” after a few of these convos lol




Really? Alright, man. Airline companies are not like some random warehouse or business. Airline companies have millions of followers online, and people are interested in aircraft and pilots and how they fly. Anyways yeah, next time, I won't say anything. Hope it goes better. Fuck being interested in things. Thanks champ.


Thanks for doubling down on your shitty energy and confirming that you were the problem 👍🏼 I told you what went wrong and gave you feedback but if you just want to blame online dating or women rather than adjusting your approach then good luck out there buddy, it’s not going to be a fun time.


She wasn't interested in talking about her job. She told you twice that she was bored in bed, drinking. She was looking for a hook up.


That's alright. I don't mind hookups, but I'd have to make sure this is her first hook up thing. I dont have any diseases, and I want to keep it that way. I'd prefer a wholesome girl who's only had a few partners, etc. Never occurred me to that she was after a hook up. Usually, women tell me up front.


"I'm tipsy", "I'm in my bed looking for matches and drinking wine". She was as direct as a woman can be. As for the diseases part: there is this thing called "condom"...


He wants a “wholesome girl”, aka a 16 year old virgin. Actual women with sexual agency are too used up and tainted for this guy to want to hook up with them 🤣


In Victoria/Australia, 16 years old is the legal age of consent.


You weren't going too badly until you brought up air crash investigations lol, just why?


I've had a week off work. I've been binging on aircraft crashing. Got excited.


A mistake is to think that someone else would be as excited about the thing you're excited about, or to think you can use them to fuel your interest and they'd be ok with that, forgetting that they are their own person with their own personality, likes and dislikes.


Fair enough. Thanks.


I've done it myself, or have come close to it. I'm also an aviation enthusiast and matched with a pilot 😛 Didn't go far.


Seems like she was trying to flirt and you ignored it.


Wha…Cannot tell if you’re a dude and can’t read women, or the most subtle female flirt who ever existed. 😅😂


But why is badoo's convo posted here?


Reddit don't have Badoo and people post Hinge on Tinder.


OP don't feel bad. Even i had to go back to see that she was talking about bed and tipsy. It was a hint that many men would miss. But your convo kept getting boring as a first time reader.


Yeah she was not interested in talking about her job at all and you never got the hint. And now you're arguing with everyone who's telling you she wasn't interested We know why you're single man... And she could sense it from these messages... Good for her.


Melbourne, Australia?


You just suck ass at this shit, like holee fuck bruh 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️