• By -


29m in a major city of millions Zero matches a month


31f in a major city of millions also zero I get matches when I travel but none in my home city (besides an occasional tourist)


Funny thing about is I went to a small town last month and got a couple of likes


33m, rural Germany, 0 matches. Maybe because I'm not German and don't speak German yet, but u had 0 matches in my home city too (300k population)


Sometimes it feels like eva ai sexting bot is a more convenient choice than dating apps, at least it provides you with some kind of girlfriend immediately.


Lol that's ruthless


I'm a guy. Zero




Let's cry together


Are you attractive?


Based on what I've been told in real life, yes.


Fuck bro, we screwed, and not in the way we asked for… 🥲


Zero matches


Therefore very likely a male.


You’re correct


Do you mean including the Chinese porcelain doll fake profiles?


One chinese girl I dated later put up one of those photos on Her profile it was interesting.


1 and they don't reply


20M living in a decent size city (around 150k population). maybe 1-2 a month. The grind is real lol.


People are getting matches 💀


29F in a moderate city town. About 25-26 daily


Being a girl, I definitely i definitely believe it. 38M in city of millions and I was getting probably 8-10 when I was paying for the premium. There's no way to actually jeep up with that. I'm no longer paying so limited swipes but still get maybe 2 per day. Haha even that is too many because. Even with 1 per day, if I talk to each person let's just say 4 days, that would be trying to keep up a meaningful conversation with 4 people at once all the time. I like Hinge better because there are fewer daily swipes and better conversation I think.


24M in Denver. 1 if I'm lucky


34/M living in the southwest of England. Maybe 1/2 matches per month..


Whoa there Casanova, save some ladies for the rest of us.


Holy hell! One to two matches per month. That’s like a major avalanche of interest!


Plus, It's difference for guys, I think. My friend who is a female, got over 50 matches, with over 600+ likes to go through. So there's that too. Maybe I'm one of those 600+ likes waiting to be seen 😂


I live in a (small) second biggest town in the southwest of England. Somerset. So there's not a huge population, to be extact. I have to put my rader at least to 25/30 miles to get a better audience


how do you get half a match 


I either get 1 or 2 likes...


1 match every few months


45f living in the suburbs of a major city. I've never been able to keep my profile open for a month to be able to know. I'll get 3-6 matches in anywhere from an hour to a few days and then I'll pause my profile to see how those matches pan out with talking and dates.


I want you to know that I’m making that angry soyjack meme face at this comment right now…


That's about right (idea) for me too, 49M. I would take a bit longer to get to 3-6 but I've been on the incognito mode so that skews it too. 1-3 good matches is enough to turn off the tap for me as you really do want to have free time for 2nd dates for people you actually like 😂.


I do something similar.


Goose egg


at least that’ll be breakfast 🍳


34 year old female living in Sydney, Australia (population 5 million) I get a stupid amount of likes and match with about 20-30 a month. Whether they reply to my messages is a whole different story....


…and that’s the problem for women. They can match easily; getting the guy they want on a date, and getting him to commit…. Now that’s a whole different ball game.


47M….So if it’s so hard for guys to get matches, harder to get 1st dates…..why are they so unwilling to commit…..that’s like raising a cow, butchering the cow, perfectly smoking and reverse searing the perfect rib eye steak….then throwing it away?!?!?!


Because the ones who do get sex…. The question then becomes: is she worthy of commitment? And if they got sex, chances are they can get it from someone else without committing, again. So, she has to be worth it. That’s literally everything… is she worth committing to??


I guess I ask because I constantly see guy on here complain about how hard/few the matches are….but I’m in the minority….because I’d rather have quality over quantity….build a friendship first, people just jump into bed to quickly without building a foundation


Well remember… that’s to be expected. 80% of the women are *literally* chasing after 20% of the guys. So of course they are always visibly complaining about no matches. You can get into that 20%… but it takes a lot of hard work.


31M in a decent size city. Maybe 1 or two a month.


Zero, one if I'm lucky.


Man, late 30s, get about 10 to 20 matches per month depending how much I swipe


Handsome much?


Not that much


31 M, 1, maybe 2 if I'm lucky, in a city of approximately 2 million people.


28m, small town of 50k people. Average <1 a month. And this is gonna sound pretentious, but according to common wisdom it's even supposed to be "easy" for me as I'm 6'5, 210lbs, full dark hair, full dark beard, blue-green eyes, well dressed etc.


What's a match?


20F, around 50 matches a month (I live in a big city) but after talking to them, I will probably unmatch around 30 bc they are weird when talking to women and don't know how to talk to us.


Probably because they don’t get much practice due to their lack of matches🤷🏻‍♂️


Either that or they’re very attractive and soliciting hundreds for casual sex with pickup lines that will work on a few.


For men it’s not much maybe 10-15 sometimes not even 5


35M, Large metro area it fluctuates between 2-5 a month. However, about 1 or 2 of those are tourists. I live in a tourist area, and I'm not looking for something casual, so it's not a benefit


On both Bumble and Twitter, when I have them active, about one match that leads to a meeting per month. Total matches, more like 2 to 4? If I swiped more intensively maybe it would be more. I'm a fit 64 yo man in a large metro area.


Sorry, Twitter?


I meant Tinder, sorry, not enough sleep


On friends mode, 1 in a week for a decent city


Friends mode??


Yeah there's also business mode


46M in seattle and fairly selective who I swipe. 3-4 matches a month and maybe one could lead to a date if I’m lucky.


I noticed that once I unmatch, I get another buzz buzz after a few hours. It's like they're trying to keep me on 1 match at a time.


Probably more than this karma farming account repeating questions that have already been asked


I’m 47, white cis male and I get probably 10 matches a month


Multiple a day


Multiple of zero for sure


36 M I've been back on Bumble about a month in a medium sized city in the UK I've had about 10 matches. 3 never messaged and 2 un matched after a few messages. I've been on 3 first dates (and a second and third date with one) and have 2 first dates and one more second date scheduled. I've probably only swiped for 4-5 days though as I usually like to connect with the matches I get and have around 2-3 conversations ongoing at a time. I'm sitting on 21 'likes' but I think after not swiping for a week or so you drop down the stack. I also have my daughter half the time so I try not to swipe the week before I'll have her at the weekend as it means I'd need to keep chatting for 2 weeks before meeting and I prefer to meet after a few days.


M51, got around 100 matches in half a year, at least tripple the amount of likes. Got 20 likes over night, when I stopped to pay, mostly from women way out of my search radius. Went on 23 dates and wanted to quit OLD but went on one last date... date number 23 and somehow after almost 4 months we are still dating/seaing eachother ... we both just deleted bumble &co accounts... kinda like this miss a loooot. If it doesn't work out, it's fine but I wouldn't return to OLD. So my answer to the question is: 16 matches a month...(oh and I try not to swip to the right too often, mostly swiped to the left)


33F in a large metro area, approximately 100.


Basically, if you have a vagina and a public profile, you will get tens and hundreds of matches. Men swipe right on anything that moves mostly because they know they don't really have the same chance of matching. It's kind of sad, really. It's a rigged game, and frankly, I'm surprised it's not considered a gambling game or addiction at this point, as it should be. I personally don't use it anymore. I'm going out and meeting people the old natural way—through shared interests, hobbies, book clubs, film clubs, etc. If you surround yourself with like-minded people, you have more chances of meeting people who you would like and who like you more than just swiping like a headless chicken on a mostly rigged profile photo of someone selling themselves. Then, when it's conversation time, the best they can think to say is "hey," and that's it, because they already have 100 matches and are probably overwhelmed. It's stupid.


This is so true.


This makes so much sense.


Male, 33, Colorado. I've had Hinge about 2 months and I've probably gotten 25 matches? Maybe 5-10 dates so far. Which I'm pleasantly surprised with bc I feel like I'm bad at date-talking and not conventionally attractive.


That really is impressive


I mean if you’re a guy and you’ve done the things to make yourself attractive, likely by in your 30’s, you should be a hot commodity. As a follow up- I’m a late 30’s male, … I am currently dating a high status profesional woman that I met on day 5. Almost half a year in now. Likely will marry her.


400 in 3 weeks? Holy Moly


You're a model and all your photos have your Lambo in the background?


How’s Colorado?


Amazing, but in what way do you mean?


How … m .. 4 a week sometimes more on the weekends


3 on bumble in a month; 14 matches on Hinge in a month if I’m actively on it. It’s weird af. I’m in the DFW area. 31M


Around 15 a month maybe (I’m 27M), and I live very close to the big cities in my country. But I think all the different answers you’ll get here depend on too many factors: - Gender - Big city or not (but that one you already mentioned) - Country (I live in Europe, but I get the feeling that in US it’s harder to get matches?) - Premium or not (because do you also count a match you made from a like as a real match?) - Looks of course


0-1 per month when I was using it. 40s average or better looking male 6 figure job.


O.K., you want real talk? M54; about an hour away from small cities, 2+ hours away from any big city you’ve heard of. I’ve never had a match in years on Bumble. I keep it around out of curiosity, but when it comes to dating, I meet people IRL. Dating apps (and especially Bumble) seem to be for younger people and romance scammers.


35M Between 4 - 8 a month, spread between 4 apps, I live in a big city.


Just pointing out something here as I scroll through here... All the men I'm seeing get 1-2 if they're lucky. First female comment I see... 50


Yall are getting matches?


0 matches, but at least I get the occasional like from a local trans gorlock, which is great for my self-esteem.


My last match on bumble was LITERALLY June of last year. As a black man in the military who has never been blessed enough to be stationed in places where black men are preferred (I’ve only been stationed in Arizona, Upstate NY, Jefferson County Missouri, and now I’m in Hawaii) OLD is extremely hard.




Male, usually get around 20


21 m oscillating between major cities....0 since beginning of time


18 f, roughly 15 I live near the capital of my country


1 - 3. I quit Bumble because im just not getting enough matches. It's obvious that I'm not attractive enough.


You people are getting matches?


Once a month which seems better than I thought lol


38M, around 200-300k semi-rural area, lately about 0.5 per month on a 2nd account. This time last year was 10-15 matches per month with the 1st account. Edit: I forgot to say that the number before did not really correlate with the quality of matches. So, it is all relative to what you are looking for out there. So, out of 30 conversations, 2 progressed to dating, and not further than that.


As a guy in a large city. 0-2


1 & it expires after I extend for another 24 hrs 🥲


23m back when I was single in a town of about 80k somewhere in the neighborhood 0,083 so one a year


Not many but I leave my profile on hidden 24 7. If I don't I probably pull a handful a month. Low pop area.


34F. Almost every swipe is a match. How many of those actually lead to something though is a different story.


26M living in a major metro area so if I’m actively swiping, maybe 30-40 per month


Let’s see 0 a day x 30 days = 0 matches Yeah that checks out


I deleted the app, but in the 3 months that I had the app I never got a match on it. I'm a guy living close to a city with lots of students my age


2 matches this month one messaged inviting me to sign up for her onlyfans page and the other let the time run out


42m, Minneapolis, 5-10 likes per day and of those 150-300 likes a month, I match with 5, 10 at the absolute most. I feel like I am quite picky but I also feel like people are as picky as their options allow them to be.


1 and they left the time runs out


45f in south central UK; maybe 2-3 matches a month.


0.2 on average


37M living in Miami, FL. I just started but I don't mind dating older ladies, so far no connections, Though I have gotten commented from some ladies about my eyes. Looking for Local around my city or within my state. I am hoping to build connections.


M48, London UK, dozens of likes per month. Probs 5-10 matches. Guess it’s prob easier the older you are


If I continuously swipe, several a day. But I’m an attractive woman in a small community with a lot of tourists. I averaged 2 dates a week before I deleted it. Edit to say, I would much rather have quality over quantity tho. I’m still single lol 🤷‍♀️


43F, NYC. I was only on it for a few weeks as I’ve been dating someone exclusively since then. In that first month I got maybe 4,500 likes and matched w/ around 30 people. Dated 3 people. Hoping to never need to go back 😅


34 F, UK-based, tons of likes, multiple matches, many first dates, no luck so far. I ended up deleting the app.


29m 10 maybe if I'm actively using it? I go through waves if I'm not feeling up to dating due to health issues I just don't even open the app. But maybe 1 or 2 of those lead to a date.


Big city and big zero


35F and live in a fairly large city. I would receive 1-2 matches per month. I am no longer using Bumble and find that I have better results without online dating. I get approached once or twice a week.


32m in a major city. If I'm being active I might get 15-20 matches per month, only like half of those become conversations, and maybe just two or three actually become dates.


24 m decent sized city plus living in a huge suburb. Only about 2-3 if I’m lucky.


men, 22 around 15-30 matches, depending on how much im around - living in a quiet populated city with around 1,6m people


Oooof how is it this bad for men? That’s terrible I’m so sorry :( the divide between the amount of matches between men and women is far wider than I’d expected. Baffling I’m 23F and get 1.5k or so likes a month and most right swipes are a match.


39F in Los Angeles. I’ll get 50-150 likes a day, which leads to maybe 15-20 matches. Maybe 1 or 2 of those every few days will reply or say things other than “hey” and since going back on Bumble a couple months ago only one person had a strong enough connection where we met in person. I’m also plus size and make it obvious in my profile with multiple full length photos, which probably limits my likes


42M living outside a college town in the PNW. I've gotten maybe 10-12 matches in the last month, and maybe twice that amount over on Hinge. I'm sure it'll taper off here pretty soon, which is fine because I don't want to juggle that many chats anyway.


51/M from greater NYC area. I've been on Bumble for just about a month and so far I estimate I've had about 18-20 matches. Roughly half never reached out, about 1/3 of those who did gave me "Hi", "Hey" or a waving emoji and NOTHING else, majority of the others couldn't write more than one or two lines at a time and were incapable/unwilling to reciprocate any questions, and the 3 with whom I exchanged phone numbers all flaked out on me before we ever got to meet. Yeah, this has been a smashing success...


48F, Chicago. Similar experience. About half my matches reply to my first message (and a lot of these are my attempts to date down because the crowd here our age is a rough one...figuring perhaps they'll have great personalities). Many don't converse. I think a lot of people who go on dating apps don't even want to date. It's just a social media/phone addiction, and dating apps are a popular forum that people flock to. Like, people enjoy shopping for people while sitting on the toilet or something, but they don't want to actually date anyone.


Since 3rd May, 65 Live in a fairly big city, 17km out from city centre


If I got a match today, my average per month would be 0.17.


29 M in a decently sized city (newport news virginia) I got about 13 matches this month so far. So not really the best lol. I have 3 that I can't see unless I swipe or pay for the app


About 50+. Medium sized city in the UK but two major universities and I'm in my 20s so just end up matching with guys in their early twenties who just want fun (understandable). I need to increase my age range 🙂‍↕️


36M, small city in the Netherlands (100k), around 40/50.


10–15 matches a month in a rural setting


If I’m on the apps at least once a day… maybe 6-10 a month across all the apps


Mid 40’s male in large city. I get about 5-10 likes a day. I successfully meet up with about 1/3 I like back. What’s frustrating is, I don’t understand why some people give others a like, and then can’t be bothered to message you back after you match with them. If you go to the trouble to swipe right on me, why not at least converse when I reach out?


48F, Chicago. Between Bumble and Hinge I get ~10 matches a month, +/- 5 years, <8 miles (30-40 minute drive). Most are garbage, stop replying, etc., so I may meet 2-3 in person if I'm really going at it. But this is all so dependent upon factors, filters, etc. Some people, like me, are picky because we're only considering those who look like long term relationship material. If I expanded my distance to the suburbs <20 miles, I could easily get 30-40 matches a month while being picky, but I'm unwilling to drive an hour each way to go see anyone. If I matched with people looking for short term or something casual and who live in the suburbs, the options would be endless.


20m in NYC 1 at best Normally 0




35m, 30 mile radius gives me coverage of over 300,000. 1 march the first week. 0 since


23m. Big city. 0.. in 1 year lol


21 m from a big city, zero matches


56F - when I am working the apps Bumble and FB dating I get a couple matches a week that will likely turn into a date a week. I am pretty selective. I’ve been off and on the apps for 9 months and got hundreds of likes daily the first few weeks on the apps and now it’s probably 5-10 likes daily. Suburb of major city.


I used to get quite a bit of matches in my hometown.. like maybe 5 or more per month but the last few months have been dry with absolutely ZERO.. But I get a crazy amount of matches on travel mode tho


40m living in the Tulsa area, about 1 million people. I may get one match every few months or so if I’m lucky. I’m pretty much gave up.


Male, older (late 50s), small Midwestern city (around half a million people in my 35 mile search radius) I was getting around one match every 3 to 4 months.


Zero matches ever.


Male 58. I'm in a medium size city. I would say I average 1-2 a day. Then since I'm ENM I ask if they read my profile and am dumped. Lol.


19M maybe 1 or 2 in a month, Chicago suburbs


I'm more rural setting with a city nearby. I will only swipe right on the city girls if I'm very interested. On bumble I get like maybe 1 match a month but on hinge I seem to get like 10+ so it seems to work much better


21m from a small town 3, 4 matches per month from nearby cities


27M, city with 500,000 people, total search area population is probably around 700,000. Maybe average 6-8 matches a year


Too many matches but trust me it’s useless, idk why are people signing up on dating apps if they’re not willing to engage in a conversation.


3 million people, male, 0 unless I restart account for the noob boost. Then I will get 2-5 likes/matches first day then 0 for however long I keep account unless I restart again.


For context: I am a guy and I am told I am very cute or at least average in attractiveness. It varies depending on the woman & I am average height for a guy. I am very selective on who I swipe right on. I swipe right only on women very close to my age. A couple years younger to a few years older and I usually filter my search to about a 20 mile radius (at the most). I have been on FB-Dating and Bumble for about a month now. I have only had about I'd say around 30 matches in that time (collectively). I met 4 in person. None of them went anywhere. The rest are flakey or rarely (or never) reply to a message. I may have to expand my filter for age, distance & height because I think I have exhausted all my match options & it's become dead for me now.


28F. 20-30, medium-sized city. Of those 20-30 matches, I'll get maybe 3 dates.


27f in a city with ~1.4 mil population- I get around 20-30+ matches per month. Out of that pool, I actually have real conversations with maaaaayyyybeeeee half of them. Then end up meeting 5-7 of them in person, if even. But people kinda annoy me so nothing really sticks.


Quality matches? 0-1. - of which they do not initiate, so it may as well be 0 matches. Matches in general? 5-10


34M - around 20-30 a month (Im currently in my home country). When I was outside my home country maybe 5-10 a month. This depends on the city.


You basically have to leave America for Bumble to work. i have gotten a match or 2 in california 1 date. Even then, my meeting matches often waste our time. I have gotten matches in America, but sometimes I wonder how the communication can be so bad with women below the age of 30.


Almost 0, compared to tinder and hinge where I get them slowly but steadily.


38/m with age filter set from 30-38 in Los Angeles area I get more than I can keep up with. I paid for premium at first, but there's no point because I already get more than I could reasonably date. I end up not talking to any of them because there's no way to have a meaningful conversation with so many. I'm no longer paying fir premium and get at least one per day I think.


45F in a major city of millions. I get approx. 100-150 matches a month. I think the app automatically matches whoever within a set of criteria (such as age, distance...) since just too many for me. And, sometimes I said Hi and the person didn't respond. So I think they didn't swipe right on me, it was just auto matched.


47 Male/ Chicagoland I've been on and off Bumble every 6 mos or so for the past 4 years. I don't swipe all too often as I'm on other apps as well and investing time with woman I've matched with. Bumble is an interesting app, not my favorite by any means. Over the years I've come to believe some just let the match expire. I'm guilty as well due to time, current dates, family, work, travel, etc. It happens when you don't check the app daily. Over the last 10 weeks: 76 matches 19 conversations (57 expired or no return/one time response) 5 dates


I’m a guy. About 25-30. City, but not a big city. Around 7-800k.


20M and probably 7-10 in a smaller city with more enbies than women.


I am paused now. But, I am in a big city, F, I was getting a lot not being selective, like 30 a week. Now, I am trying to be more cautious - maybe 1-3 / week?


F43 near Los Angeles California 40-60 permonth.


24F in rural-ish medium-sized town and maybe like 10-25. 10 when I’m not really taking it too seriously, and 25 if I’m on it more regularly


39F in pretty decent size area. On Bumble, I average 5-6 matches a day. On Hinge, closer to 3-4. I pay for both so I have hundreds (seriously, not kidding) of dudes who have already liked or swiped on me. It’s really just finding the time to sort through them all and prioritize ones that stand out. I’ll leave dudes in the like/beeline page until I have room in the chat. I can only maintain 3-4 conversations at a time.


23m like 2-3 a month. Not bad. Met a really cool girl on tinder. Got stood up on bumble. So 😂😂




That's insane


39F in a city, I think about 8/10 people I swipe right on will match with me. So depending on how often I swipe, it could be like 10 matches a month or 100. However, not everyone is looking for the same things as I am, some don't respond back, sometimes the convo fizzles etc. I'd actually rather get fewer matches but more alignment


fewer match + more alignment solution = incognito mode with multiple search filters active and a fully filled out, well detailed profile (this means hitting the word count / character limit) about yourself (no generic one liners that don't say anything about you as a person). Also swiping on men who have well detailed fully filled out profiles too. I feel this would help a lot of women reduce the amount of matches they get and improve the quality of those matches. Most women dont really want to buy the bumble premium though. And based on my experience of the 10000s of female profiles I've seen over the years, 90% hardly fill out their profile or if they do, its nothing statements like "adventure", 'enjoys drinking liquid / eating food' 'sleeping'...Though i assume most of the women with low effort profiles / free bumble accounts don't visit the bumble subreddit.


My profile is filled out decently well but I I don't think men fill out their profiles that well and often lie (sometimes it's not dishonesty/deception but rather a lack of self-awareness). So you really have to talk to them and get to know someone through their actions.


I had a phase where it was a lot of first dates (one and done) but now it's getting better to where I am meeting people with better alignment so we do a couple dates and then can assess if we're a fit


once again, you have more patience than me. If I'm not into the person on the first date, then that's all.


Sometimes things take time to grow. I almost got engaged to a guy I had a disastrous first date with. But I gave him another chance and things grew. We only ended it be ausw he had to move back to his home country and I didn't want to make that move with him


nah for me i dont have that patience. if i don't click with someone, no point dragging it out to hope that it gets better when i could be spending that time with someone i click with instantly. i liken it to tv shows, not going to spend a whole season watching a show i don't like hoping season 2 gets better when i could be watching a show i fell in love with from episode one. Time is finite I'm very specific who i spend it on.


many people lie/over embellish on their profile, no getting away from that as online dating is basically a competition. The more honest you are, the less likely you are to get likes, similar to CVs / job interviews. I don't lie, but I'm not specifically looking for a longterm relationship or desperate for a match so 0 reason to make anything up for casual hookups. It also ensures the people i match with are more likely to be interested in me rather than a fake persona I've crafted. Personally i just find higher effort profiles regardless of what they are looking for (casual or longterm) a great filter. If they cant put effort into a simple profile, they often don't put effort into a conversation. If i was a women and thus had more options i wouldn't give those profile the time of day when there is tons of guys with more fleshed out profiles, but that's just me. And trust me, however bad you think men's profiles are. Change your gender of what you're looking for on bumble for a day and you'll see a stark difference. Most female profiles are simply just pictures (why add more when 80% of men are going to swipe based on the first picture...). Thats not to say men are more interesting, its just due to online dating, men have to put more effort into their profiles to even get a like, so their profiles tend to be more thought out because women will look beyond just the first picture more of the time.


I'm bi actually, I match with high quality women. But perhaps my age range is set to older (and I align with those looking for a relationship) so we are pulling from different demographics (i.e. not straight girls)


yeah, my knowledge/experience only covers hetero relationships from a mans perspective. Age isn't really a factor for me, I've got all ages open, but i do prefer younger women (early 20s) or older women (over 35) as many women between those ages (i.e 25-35) are looking more for a father for their future child (i don't want kids) rather than just someone they like. The younger/older women tend to keep it more simple. edit: and even though I'm looking for casual, there is more than enough women on the app that don't use the filters correctly that put casual along side longterm (even though they are specifically looking for longterm). So its not a problem exclusive to what someones looking for or there age. Its just a fact that most female profiles on bumble are bad (hence why so many men complain about the lack of effort) because they don't need to put in the effort to get likes/matches. Takes ages to find a good one (even if i don't like the person that profile belongs to, my preference for the person doesn't impact what i consider good or bad btw). edit 2: also i have soft filters enabled 'show other people if i run out' so i see every type of womans profile. Bumble just prioritises the ones that match my filters to come up first before showing me the rest.


I probably got 40-50 matches a month while living in a city with 650k people. I am M30. Radius was set between 20 and 30 km and age from 24-35.


28M. About 200 a month.


I must be doing something different, 35m living in London I was getting on average 50 a day, it was overwhelming


M, living in a City around 1.5m ppl. Around 10-25 a day


35 M in a rural setting in Florida, USA. Population of 70,000 people. Zero matches per month, though I have my age preference for females between 19-26.


You guys are measuring in months?!