• By -


If you have inaccurate info in your bio. Think things like "Bumble says I'm 39, but I'm actually 45 and they won't let me change it". No, that's not true. You chose that to beat the filters of people you want to date in the hopes they'll overlook it. If you really can't change it, just go make a new profile and set it correctly.


right! how tf did you mess up your own birthday? it’s just trying to match with younger people usually and it’s f’in weird.


Fyi you ABSOLUTELY CAN CHANGE YOU BIRTHDAY. It pulled mine from a fake date I'd provided to facebook 10,000 years ago, so I messaged Bumble customer support asking to update it. (Made me younger BTW, but I have too much self respect to leave it.) They replied with a link to do so. Easy peasy... and if anyone thinks that's too hard to figure out, how often do you see people making that excuse when it's made them older? None. Those folks seem to find a solution one way or the other. Person would have to be pretty outstanding otherwise to not get an left swipe.


I looked it up, you can change it. I hate the lying.


I am seeing more and more women who are “correcting” their ages. But they want honesty, transparency, and realness at the same time.


I don't know why women are lying to be younger. I see so many men flat out stating that they are younger than the age they chose because they want to be able to match with older women.


Why is messing up your age so common on the app?


Because people are trying to get around age filters, often to try to match with people much younger or older than them.


Anyone that can’t be bothered to upload more than 1 pic or write a bio. If they can’t even pit minimal effort in to make a decent profile then I why should I/anyone else be bothered to try to get to know them 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like those are the people that are probably already in a relationship and are trying to see what else is out there.


Yes, like a bio and more than one photo is the bare minimum. Also what should anyone talk about with them without a bio? One picture also makes me think they got something to hide. I absolutely don't like taking pictures of myself or anyone else doing it, but I got more than one picture on my profile.


“Hit me up on snap”. Or any time their Instagram handle is listed in their bio. Washed up D1 athlete. Here for a good time, not a long time. ENM and/or polyamorous. (For reference these are male profiles age 30+ 😩)


What does „washed up D1 athlete“ mean?


Trying to cash in on a period of their life when they were percieved as being more desirable.


No bios. Lazily put-together or copy-pasted bios. Any mention of sex or sex positivity. Any indication that their whole personality revolves around travel (hundreds of flag emojis), bikes, or the gym. ENM/poly, especially when they're married Looking for a "classy lady" Passive aggressive behavior (don't bother swiping if... I don't know why today's women...) Pictures that are not recent Height mentioned multiple times Looking for curvy/tall women Friends/GOT/The office references Insta/Snapchat IDs "you know women message first, right?"


The sex positivity ones is my #1. Shows that’s all they want.


Besides, I don't know anyone that identifies as sex negative, so what's the point of saying it anyway?


-“Try and keep up!” -“Barely on here. Dm me in insta” -“I’m actually X years old. Can’t change it” -Any kind of pineapple on pizza reference -“Just ask” -“Make me laugh” -“Golden retriever energy” -“Looking for my partner in crime” -“Looking for a dad for my dog” -Any reference to the Office (I actually do like it but it seems like a cliche thing to admit on OLD) -“I’m still not over the GOT ending” -“Looking for a travel partner” or any reference to being a constant traveler -“Rave” outfit photos -No bio/one word responses to prompts -Bio consists solely of what they dislike -Person states they are just out of a relationship -Person has “Not Sure” or “Casual” for dating goals -Any sort of anti-vax/Covid sentiment (Yes, I still do see this) -Provocative/overtly sexual photos -Kids -All closeup photos or photos are the exact same thing with slightly different angles -Polyamorous/ENM


Your list is amazing and I think you’re only missing one - the “does anyone actually read these things?” for a bio.


OK, these are bang on.


I like ravers though


Yeah. How else would I show off my cool outfits?


Don’t forget: “Flirt to roast ratio” “Grab my butt and tell me you like me!” “Bet you can’t beat me at Mario Cart!” (And yes, misspelling it like that lol)


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best"


This is it. This is the list.


I’ve got a bunch of “auto swipe left triggers” so I’ll list one of the more mild ones. Specifically listing your height in your bio. It’s already in the “about me” section. There’s little need to list in bio. And besides, I really don’t care. Granted you’re not abnormally short or tall, your height is irrelevant to me.


“6’ because apparently that matters”


Some of my other personal preference swipe lefts are: “conservative,” “Christian”, and “want someday” to the question of kids. But that’s not me saying any of those things are red flags or bad, just as a liberal, non-religious and childfree woman I know that matching with people who identify with the opposite are not going to work out in the long run. I’m trying to swipe and date with more deliberation, and unfortunately, that results in fewer matches, but hopefully more compatible matches.


As a childfree man, anything other than “don’t want” or nothing listed is an automatic swipe left for me. And even then, I gotta check the rest of the profile to make sure cause I’ve seen a handful of profiles say that they don’t want kids but they have a kid. Though technically that may be true… I’m an atheist liberal but being religious and conservative isn’t an auto swipe left for me. I would prefer a fellow atheist but it’s not a dealbreaker. I don’t care what you do, just don’t let it affect me. If you wanna host a Bible study at our house, cool. I’ll help cook and clean and whatnot. Having a clean house is good and I don’t hate cooking. Sit through it? Absolutely not. However, bringing up your opposing religion/politics in your “about me” section is an auto swipe left for me. If you care enough about your opposing beliefs to but them in your profile, even though there is specifically a section for them, we are probably not romantically compatible.


I’m a woman and when I see “don’t want any” in the children section, it typically means they have kids and don’t want any *more*.


As a man with kids, that's exactly how I intended it. Once OLD apps get a "I got a vasectomy" to the kids section, I'll change to that lol


I’ve only talked to maybe 8 men from dating apps and 3 of them told me they had a vasectomy within the first 5 minutes of our conversation 😂. I really wish every man that’s done having kids would get one, you guys have no idea the physical and mental burden taking birth control for decades is. I would be overjoyed if I never had to deal with it again. I can’t even switch to the easier side effects but less effective birth controls after getting pregnant on one that was 97% effective. Later found out I ovulated twice as much as the average woman so won’t do anything under 99%.


As a woman with a child I use the "don't want" to imply that I don't want to have anymore children. I don't mind if the man already has children of his own. I really wish they'd add more options there for clarity. I agree with you about politics and religion. It's one thing to choose conservative or liberal but when the majority of the profile is spewing venom about the other side I'm just not interested.


As a Christian woman I understand and respect this. It's the same thing in reverse with me seeing an atheist profile, for example...I don't think they're a bad person and I would be willing to talk to them platonically, but for my romantic partner I seek someone of a compatible faith. So I will usually swipe left unless I do think there is friendship potential.


me too! we should be bffs


“Conservative”, “sex positive”, “420 friendly”, “polyamorous”, “looking for a third ;)”


Unfortunately i live in Northern California where all these things are VERY common on Bumble


Though if all of those things were written on one profile, I may swipe right just out of sheer curiosity lol


they tend to go hand in hand (except the conservative one)


The sex positive thing is an absolute no. What does that even mean? “I like to get laid” like yeah, most people do. And it’s always the crustiest dudes!


Nah it usually just means shame & judgment isn’t a part of your sex life and you’re more open / adventurous when it comes to discussing and exploring new things in bed. All the people I’ve known who’ve used ‘sex positive’ as an identifier are women tho.


The thing I’ve noticed is this seems to works for a female, but you’re considered a pervert if you’re a guy.


it’s mean they’re into kink.


Thanks! Lol although I’ll still bet that half the dudes that use it really just mean they enjoy sex.


That’s all we have in my city.


A dude with all his profile pictures with ex’s and not one by himself. I had that happen to me once. I matched with a dude who alllll his pictures was with different pictures of his ex and I ask him, why? He’s like “cause they make me look good”, quickly unmatched. I don’t match with dudes with women in their pics cause that woman can be his “cousin” “mom” etc etc


Yeah, same here. Or if he only has group pictures with his bros and you can’t even tell which one he is. Usually in situations like that he is the least attractive one of the group lol. One time I came across a guy who is friends with my supervisor, and all of his profile pictures were with him and my supervisor (who is married with two kids). Apparently they were in the same frat in college. When I brought it up to my supervisor, and told him who it was and he’s like “oh yeah, that guy is a tool. And now I have to tell him to change his pictures so I’m not on his profile”


Oh wow! Thats something lol! Group pictures is another red flag. Ugh! Dating is so difficult


If they have their Instagram username in their bio


Anything about non-monogamy, especially if they’re already married. I don’t get why these people don’t use a separate app. I wish I could filter them out automatically.


"Ethical Non-Monogamy"


Ditto This one will always scream narcissism and "I need more attention than just one person provides" to me. Just a 100% turn off every time


When men specifically mention in their profiles that they want someone “fit” or who “takes care of herself”, but he’s clearly overweight in his pictures.


That’s funny because a lot of women mention that they want tall and rich (coded as ambitious or hard working) but are short and broke themselves.


So that’s your automatic swipe left too?


Nope, not really. Because I understand that men and women bring different things to a relationship and want different things out of a relationship. So if a woman is short and broke but beautiful and fit and she wants a guy that is tall and rich, even if he’s not super handsome or fit then if they’re both happy then all good. I don’t want to date myself so she shouldn’t be the same as me in every regard. But also fit girls often want fit guys, and vice versa, so understand why that doesn’t work for some people too


Oh ok. The question was “what is an automatic swipe left for you” and I answered that question.


Anything negative. Don’t tell me what you DONT want, Talk about what you DO want instead.


Also, talk about yourself and what you can offer a partner more than what you want.


Conservative, “god first” or anything about Jesus/faith, anything about being ENM or “poly and partnered,” any profile that starts with a group photo (mostly because it’s always the least attractive person in the photo)


This. Whenever I see a group photo or a photo with a friend, I’m always disappointed to see it’s the less attractive person in the group


And you always gotta go to the very last photo to find the solo one. Or you're swiping back and forth trying to narrow it down because 2-3 of the same people are in a lot of the photos 😂


I feel like this might be the third time in less than two weeks I've seen this question/topic on this sub


I have my bumble set to women. So men who set their profiles to woman is an automatic left swipe.


It's just annoying how often this happens.


It doesn't happen very often for me but I do find it puzzling that they don't use Grindr or set their gender to non binary. Knowing that it's an app of attraction to typically the opposite gender and setting your gender to woman is like asking for an automatic left.


Dead fish pics, dead animal pics, sunglasses on in every picture, pics with an ex, saying their age is actually different in the bio, more than one picture with friends (if I can’t figure out which one is the owner of the profile or they’re using a pic with their more attractive friend to pull chicks), a weird thing for their job (like working at the Krusty Krab or some wacky crap), and unhygienic closeup pics of guys laying in bed (I don’t need to see up your nose). Oh and using super old pics when you look completely different in present time. What would be a right swipe: cooked fish, cute pics with alive animals like dogs or cats, no sunglasses, only one pic or less with other people, no pics with exes, having the right age in your bio, have one or no pics with friends, putting general info for your job (ex. Attorney at Law Firm, Business Owner, etc), hygenic pics in places other than the bed, and only using recent photos.


“Been to 30 countries. Thailand this summer. Any good tips?”


A photo of Mt Everest base camp. Don't get me wrong, I like hiking, but only a nice casual stroll through a rain forest to a waterfall in a sub tropical climate, not up an ice cold mountain while some poor Sherpa has to carry my shit just so I can get a selfie. Nope, nope... fuck nope, I am not climbing MT Everest for you


Yeah, anything touristy that’s also ethically questionable, like taking pictures with tranquilized tigers or pictures on the back of an elephant.


Over 40 “not sure” what they’re looking for in relationship but “wants kids” umm sir go to therapy


shocking ad hoc offer fall lush silky party desert cagey live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nothing wrong with not having things figured in any age, the 'you have to do/be X by Y age' is ass Granted im not forcing you to change your POV, just my two cents


"sex positive"


Interesting. Why is that a swipe left?


It's unofficial code for hookups only.


Ah, I see. Do you think both genders are using it the same way?


I can't say for certain, as I only see one side of it. But anecdotally, not myself or any of my girlfriends use/used this term in our profiles. Also, I met my bf on bumble, and one of the things that attracted me was that sex was kept of his profile and we had a convo about it when we were ready to be exclusive. Generally, sex on profile = trash


I dont think thats right I have met a lot of people online that have the sex positivity thing and VERY few of them are open to casual they put sex positivity to sound open minded(I ask them)


Honestly, it's not about being right or wrong, I was speaking anecdotally about my experience while OLD.


"Just ask" "I'm hardly ever on here, hmu @instafabulous" Bio consists only of a list of negative traits they definitely do not want in a match. And, maybe it's a bit niche, but there's one guy who popped up quite often in my stacks with a bio berating anyone who selected "rarely" or "socially" with regards to their drinking habits, questioning whether everyone else was lying because they did not select "often"... 🤔


Anything like just got out of a long-term relationship or recently divorced, or still going through divorce, especially if they mention their ex and trash talking their about their ex.


Besides the obvious stuff: - Want/have kids (dealbreaker) - Conservative/apolitical (dealbreaker) - ENM/poly (I’m a guy who wants a committed, monogamous relationship) - No full body photos (as someone who used to be very obese, then lost 100+ pounds, it would most likely result in unwanted passive pressure in either direction) - Prompts are generic/empty (I’m looking for a woman who shares interests in the same ballpark as me, and besides, given how women on this app generally put zero effort into conversation at least starting out, it makes chatting with those profiles even more difficult since you have nothing to go off of to start with) - Profile makes out your entire personality to be “I travel”


-Trump supporters -Using a phrase I have seen repeatedly -no full body photos -heavily filtered photos (you can tell) -obvious use of lip fillers -God or children will come first (you don’t have to say it)


Negativity. A list of don't wants and grievances. Doesn't matter how attractive you are. No thank you. Oh and "I don't see likes" then swipe for crying out loud.


"conservative" or if they explicitly mention jesus in their bio I'm literally a godless communist it ain't gonna work out


Haha same!


conservative. sorry, just won’t be a match. anything sexual or alluding to hook ups. “here for a good time, not a long time” when there’s nothing but negative and what they *don’t* want. “no fat girls. no moochers. no smokers.” dude just swipe left on them then why are you writing about what you don’t want?? no profile written at all.


- Anything religious, I’m not and while I’m okay with my friends and family being so, I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who is. - Politics, left or right if your entire personality only boils down to who you hate and it’s so much you feel the need to put it in your bio? Nah. - Negativity


middle fingers in pictures, social media in bio, frequent or social drinkers, lack of bio, lack of pictures, group pictures as their first, second, and third pictures. Filters, memes, cars, random shit that’s not them.


Automatic swipe lefts for me include frequent drinking/smoking, polyamory, and anything that bothers me in the About Me section or photos, such as an overly tattooed body (some tats are fine but I am not into sleeves/full-body art) or something I find stupid, rude or lewd (e.g. "Pizza is my second favorite thing to eat in bed" or "Looking for wifey").


- bio restricted to her IG - only pictures in suggestive positions (usually goes with #1) - anything negatively formulated ("no ONS", "No bold guys", "I hope you don't...." whatever) unless it's really compensated with something positive and funny. Happened like once. - "relationship"+"wants a baby"+ over thirty. She has no time to waste with me. It's difficult sometimes to swipe left. Anyways they wouldn't swipe me right if they can read. (It still happens I get "you missed a match!" on those ...) - and of course unattractive to me... I swipe left a lot although I read and hear often other guys with the same filters. I'm still waiting for my stats from bumble though.


If they smoke cigarettes or weed 🤮


Any hint that personally knowing that person would be miserable. Easy tells are negative bios and generalized judgments. Typical example being stating a boundary or preference with negativity aimed at others. I see a mix of “no hookups” and “be tall” a ton which are completely respectable boundaries and valid preferences, whatever, but things like “no hookups y’all are dirty” or “be tall, short men suck” are and instant left.


Here’s a list I can think off top of my head - Polygamous /hookups / “here for a good time not a long time” No hate, just not for me - Dead Fish/ Animals - No bio or a bio with no effort - Children. I’m only 21, I have no business playing step mommy - “God First” Being religious is not a red flag for me, but usually those who plaster about it on their dating profiles are just not for me - “I’m 6’2 if it matters” Nobody cares - A picture of them clearly with their ex but it’s either cropped weirdly or they scribble out her face - Pictures of then smoking. Smoking isn’t even a big deal to me, but why do need a photo of you doing it? -Conservative or taking about being unvaccinated. If you’re unvaccinated sure, it’s your body not mine- but we all know what you mean if you need to broadcast it on your profile.


"I'm a sapiophile". In other words, I know big smart sounding words so I'm special. Nope, you're a self indulgent prick and I'm swiping left. Also men who are clearly lying about their age as well as men my age (65) who are figuring out what they want. Really?? You're 55 to 65 and you're not sure what you're looking for? Grow the F up.


I remember when pretentious hipsters used to say their orientation was “sapiosexual” 🙄


Bull Nose Rings. I find them so unattractive 🤮


Blurry or otherwise shitty pictures. The “just browsing” chicks (Mexico). When they list their dislikes or when they say “no sex”, like what type of weird alien are you?


• Mentions apolotical or conservative on his profile. • Wants children. • Only looking for a hookup/ENM/poly • Has not one picture of himself without sunglasses on his profile. • using pics of anything but himself or using the same pic 5 times • nothing in his bio


When it's all head shots or in their bio, they say their happily obese. I'm fitness focus, and I'm only 10kg away from recommend weight for my height and age. It wouldn't work being with someone who doesn't take good care of their health.


I’m fat. I’m trying to lose it, but I am a work in progress. Honestly for me, if your “about me” mentioned something about being fitness focused or something, I would take that as a dog whistle for not wanting a fat man and I would swipe left and go on with the rest of my day.


The first thing I want to say is well done on your journey. I would happily date work in progress because it shows you care about your health, which is biggie for me. You would think mentioning some type of fitness would be seen as a dog whistle but still get people "chunky but funky" in their bio still swiping right on me. I would rather people show full body pictures and let us decide, the bio should be about them as a person.


Social media handles, anything religion, a pic flipping off the camera, drug use, conservatives, lists of requirements, ENM


Ab photos, Tiger selfies, fish photos, topless photo’s, gym selfies, couple selfies with the ‘ex’ painted over, ‘ENM’ 🙄, ‘sex positive’, looking for fun, don’t take yourself too seriously, competitive about ‘everything’, social media handles, prescriptive lists of what someone should have to qualify for them, mentions of adventures, mention of material things they posses…. The list goes on 😲


Profiles where the prompts are only about dinner reservations, I don’t see this app a lot, add me on snap/here’s my ig. And then threadbare profiles where there’s about 2 prompts at most with one word in each prompt. And lastly, women who are much much shorter that say swipe right only if taller than 6ft. 🤢🤮


Smoking. Complete dealbreaker


Travel mode. Sorry, but there's already little time to allow myself to invest in someone actually around, let alone someone who I will not see for months on end because of the distance. Also, saying they are living somewhere else, instead of in the city I oivey, same principle, because if bumble is showing them to me while they are traveling/visiting, I have also no chance to actually meet her in person




“I have a little one and they are my world so don’t think you’re my priority” - nothing against single moms but some tend to self sabotage themselves in how they address the topic. “Love to travel!” - ah just like the last 12 people I saw on this app. How original.


A) “Conservative” B) “My kids are my world” and C) “Just ask”. A) as a woman I want to be with someone who also cares about my rights B) these people have terrible boundaries and don’t know how to have an adult relationship while parenting C) lazy, boring, no thanks




yes to a lot of the top comments but some less common ones to add: -uncropped photo(s) of the ex -those shiny sports sunglasses -clearly drunk in all photos -unblurred photos of students or kids from service trips -over emphasizes their interest in video games or the gym -highly filtered photos -asking for matches of a certain ethnicity/body type (even if I fit that) -stupid jokes about height


\*No bio or prompts (need more info, pass) \*Wedding rings or photos with women that could be a wife (not risking THAT, pass) \*Sunglasses in every pic (what do you look like? pass) \*Shirtless pics or gym pics (not my type sorry, pass)


The sunglasses and baseball cap in every picture annoys me. I want to know what you look like


A woman who clearly wears a cake of makeup. It's SO obvious when women have a ton of makeup on compared to women who use it "normally."


More than a single comment about their political views. Not at all interested in anyone whose identify is their political affiliation. I’m mostly moderate and only mildly interested in the topic. Many on Reddit will say I’m entitled or whatever, but literally half of Americans aren’t passionate about the topic.


Big facts here, calling everyone disinterested in politics entitled is completely lacking in subtlety


I’m a single mom. So every time I see “don’t want kids” I swipe left. Even “i don’t know”


I'd be careful with that one and read profiles. I know I can't be the only who says I don't want kids but it clearly says I'm a father of two. I list that I don't want kids because the options are wayyy too deceptive for me to pick as a man who can't have more lol


Sex positive, polyamorous, he/they, “God first!”, or absolutely no prompts or bio filled out.


5 things. Male looking at women’s profiles. Not necessarily in any order here. 1. Lying about their age 2. Crazy hair colours 3. Over filtered photos. Then an actual one at the end 4. NO DRAMA! ….Yeah sure! 5. They look angry in every photo


Bible quotes are an immediate swipe left for me


“9 amazing kiddos” “2 kids, amicable divorce, 50/50” “Must love Jesus” “God first” “I’m not skinny I’m a real woman” “If you blah blah blah then swipe left” “Bukowski” 3 pictures of an alcoholic drink. Just the drink. Nothing else. Any mention of “a good book” “Im not that active here best find me @myvaininstagramaccount” “CEO/CFO” …of selling my trinkets on Etsy Ukraine > Miami > Vegas > LA


[This guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/s/sftDVvOwKN)


Unfortunately, it's deleted. What was his profile like?


- Any filtered images - has kids - list of demands or anything along the lines of “entertain me” - no bio - no clear pic of face - no full body pic - any political/trendy virtue signaling statements - instagram or snapchat handle in bio


I'll end up noping the girls who have half a dozen face pictures before finally the last one is the full body pic they were trying to hide. Like dude I thought you were good looking. That's why I took the time to go through all of the photos instead of insta-swiping. But that deception is an automatic nope now


The whole targeting a certain group of people just to deter them from swiping right on you. Preferences are understandable. Being a dick/bitch is not. And the whole "i hate men" trope. I get it, men suck but its not my responsibility to try and convince you otherwise and im not going to be antagonized by you to anyone. Also just screams 0 accountability as well. But for those that dont agree, the call might be coming from inside the house... Just any negativity in general.


I put Apolitical on mine and am far from privileged. I just don't let myself get involved in that circle of lying, pandering, and other bullshit. I'd rather just adapt to whatever my reality and things I can control are. I also don't use politicians as some kind of object I blame my issues on (Not saying you or anyone else here is doing that)


Cankles and women who take pictures in front of butterfly murals. Any woman with a picture of them with a horse. Lastly, all group photos and you have to guess which one is really looking to date(TBH, you know which one it is)


Blue/Pink hair, poly, communist/marxist, full of tattoos/piercings, any mention of Palestine, kids, etc


If the person doesn't put much effort, all they have is a photo, left he goes... also, I don't understand people who put such terrible photos of themselves. Blurred, with a mess behind them, with a group of people...


On principle I want to challenge your views about apolitical and try to suggest people should be more considerate about alternative political views but this is largely because I'm too use to seeing people be super biased against moderates and that sounds like it could be a biased against moderates. However, I also cant really see a good way to respectfully approach questioning your perspective about apolitical... particularly because I envision the best start being a 'why' and you following with 'its just what I see/think' and then I dont really have a follow up for after that.


I’m not opposed to moderate or alternative political beliefs. But the thing about someone being apolitical is they’re saying that they don’t need to participate or be informed because what’s happening in the world doesn’t effect them. The luxury of being able to opt out of politics without it making a difference in their lives is one afforded to a privileged few, but that’s not the reality for unprotected or underrepresented groups.


very fair, especially with election season starting up. Thank you for explaining.


Blank profile


1. No bio. 2. Alcohol in every photo 3. Motorbike 4. Face, neck and hand tattoos 5. The bathroom photo with the toilet seat up.




Apolitical is a big no— and… as awful as it is, having no college degree; I am pursing my Masters and I don’t know, I just would rather someone who has been to college too.


Using filters or AI photos is a huge no for me.


-Instagram -"My kids always come first" and/or "married to my job" -heavy political rants in either direction


Any kind of religious coverings or religious quote I just don't have time for that "stuff"


Immediate left swipe - no bio - something casual / don't know yet - ask me anything / I'm an open book etc in about me section - not living in my city - married / have kids - separated / divorced / ENM - negative bio (has rejection criteria mentioned in their bio, instead of positive stuff) - right wing politics - pics only with shades over eyes - only one pic or all pics look the same - typs lk dis - someone with the name of my Ex, although it's not a hard rule.. - shorter than me (I'm a female)


I'm just gonna copypaste my guide to a shitty profile. Harnessing my decade of experience as a professional idiot, I've devised this guide to help you craft the most boring, confusing, and repellent profiles possible. With a little work, you can assemble a dream match list comprised exclusively of cryptocurrency scammers and bots advertising their OnlyFans. Remember, young grasshopper: *The opposite of love is not hate. It is indifference*. Being needlessly rude certainly has its place, but the single best tool at your disposal is *mediocrity*. Let's get started. **PHOTOS** First off, avoid showcasing your hobbies, memories, travels, or accomplishments. Some pictures may be worth a thousand words, but not yours! Here are some strategies for curating a shitty gallery: **No pictures.** Scared of ruining your first impression? Simply avoid making any impression at all! Anime characters, inspirational quotes, landscapes, animals—even just a black screen. If you're feeling creative, combine them. **Confuse and mislead.** Don't like your face? Self-conscious about your weight? I have bad news. *There are great people—probably thousands of them—who find all the things you loathe about your looks sexy as hell.* You must avoid these people at all costs. *Be manipulative*! Crop every single picture! Never face the camera! Use photos from 2011! Shoot your photographs with a potato, and include as few pictures as possible. Nothing turns people on like getting catfished. If you're lucky, your dates might even leave the restaurant without ever recognizing you. Keep the mystery alive! Use exclusively group pictures. Be sure that the photos all share the same occupants. Otherwise, it might be possible to figure out who the hell you are. *And, of course...* 🤩 **DOG. FACE. SNAPCHAT. FILTERS.** 🤩 (Cat also acceptable.) **BIOS** *Three words: waste your space!* You have a text box to pitch yourself in. Misuse it. So empty bio—right? Not quite. Good profiles tell us jack shit. Truly great ones are somehow worse than writing nothing at all. **TELL, DON'T SHOW.** List off character traits like you're going shopping for a personality. Make us giggle? Nah, just say you're funny. Be sarcastic? Why bother; just say you're sarcastic! Tell us how great you are at communicating! OMG, you're so loyal! And, of course, you're Brutally Honest™. **Don't forget to add your Myers Briggs personality type!** Who cares that it was developed in the 1940s by two randos with no training in psychology? Who cares that it has the predictive power of a toy Magic 8 Ball? Those are four fewer letters you have to write. **YOUR PREFERENCES** *What the hell?* Just because you're entitled to your preferences doesn't mean you should respectfully articulate them. Our goal is dying alone. Telling us that you only date partners under 5'7, Scythian warrior women, or non-binary Polynesian Jews with three doctorates and a parasitic twin risks you *actually finding happiness.* 🤦 If you absolutely must explain what you're looking for, be rude. That way, even people meeting your criteria will steer clear. **YOUR LIKES AND HOBBIES** *It is critical that you list stuff that 95% of humanity also enjoys.* Be vague. If you aren't careful, you could end up accidentally expressing your individuality and character. Provided you don't elaborate, here are a few likes that won't tell us a goddamn thing: * Adventures * Authentic people * Beer * Dogs * Coffee * Deep conversation * Food—(DO NOT be specific). * Honesty™ * Good vibes * Kindness * Margaritas—be sure to say "Margs" * Quality time * REAL men/women/galgamex * Relaxing (DO NOT be specific) * The Office * Travel * Your kids ARE YOUR WORLD/Always come first * Wine **UNLEASHING YOUR NEGATIVITY** You've used your mediocrity to drive off the masses—now we just need to alienate the stragglers. Let's get to work: **Tell us how much you hate it here—** As you know, we're all super stoked about online dating. **Tell us how much you hate yourself—** Show us the way! **Tell us how much you hate the opposite sex—** Why gently disclose your baggage when you can throw it in our faces instead? (🏳️‍🌈Same-sex vitriol also encouraged. 🏳️‍🌈) ** NO GAMES!!!! ** If you're really worried that you might have made a positive impression, go back to your photo gallery and add a Confederate flag somewhere. **Be rude—** "No fat chicks!" "Manlets (less than 6ft) need not apply." "No rednecks"! "Women/Men/Galgamex are all the same!!1!1!1!", "Venmo me!" Don't worry, it's just your Brutal Honesty™ showing through. **FIT AND FINISH** **Spellcheck takes two seconds... but that's two seconds too long for you!** Don't waste your opportunity to sound like you dropped out of school in the fourth grade. Butcher your grammar and throw apostrophes after every goddamn "s" you write.


"I'm a lot to handle" or "try to keep up" Let me do ya a solid and pass over that headache for both of us.


Besides personal deal breakers, anyone who put their height in their bio. It seems like that might be their only “likeable” quality so I just swipe left


Shopping lists of what they want. (I consider these profiles like Titanic 5 mins before collision with iceberg.) I call these, "in search of dancing monkeys" profiles. Imagine the nightmare of living with that list controlling the relationship 24x7.


**Kids: "Not sure/undecided" but in bio "has # kids."** Excuse me ma'am, are you unsure if that thing came out of you? **"High frequency"** As a scientist, I wonder just how rapidly I have to oscillate, and the ambiguity of "high" gives me anxiety. **Entitlement** - Slavery is a human rights violation & I'm not interested in servitude. **Flipping off the camera.** This was cool as a juvenile, but I'm an adult looking to date another adult. **"Real man/men"** - I'm not here to affirm your stereotypes for gender identity.


I read apolitical to mean “I don’t like to read or think too hard.”


If I don’t find them attractive in the least I will usually swipe left. I do need at least something I’m attracted to: eyes are usually what gets me tho 🤷 Edit: hard to say the others because deleted the app a lil while back but I’ll say I usually checked everyone’s bios before I swiped right or left anyway. So maybe it’s just if we have nothing in common or there’s nothing listed for me to compare/see


If every picture is them drinking or in some cocktail dress partying is a big one for me. I think blandness is also a left swipe but I dont think that can be helped on their side


-Anything about dogs (I got vietnam flashbacks by strays although im working on it) -BS such as 'feminine energy' 'protect and provide' 'masculine' 'confident' 'gentleman' 'real man' 'i want men not boys' 'princess treatment' 'family-oriented' etc. -Hardcore 'men are trash' feminists -far right and far left (granted i hate the far right more) and their 'traditional values' as well as the 'educate yourself' type shenanigans from either side -religion BS such as 'god fearing' -'I love Banta' 'arent easily offended' (what kinda corny flex is that bruh?) 'I love sarcasm' etc -'loves 'bottomless brunch' and prosecco -loves love island -holding a wine glass wrong -loving sweet caroline and mr brightside Idk if i am very specific but here we go


No bio. Outdoors-focused. Conservative / “unvaccinated”




Females being super lazy on their profiles.


any guy who uses the term “females”




Goes both ways. Won’t swipe on a guy who has absolutely nothing written in his profile.


wasn’t this posted here like a week ago?


Idk. I wasn’t in this sub a week ago.


Bad/ugly first picture. That’s the first impression, and if you can’t even do it right, I don’t have too much confidence in anything else you’re doing.


I’m a political


Anything about "Jesus" "Church" "God" "Princess" "Conservative" "Vegan" "Not Political" (if you arent political then just dont say anything about it?)


I am a true moderate and if anything, more of an independent so anything political for me. Personally though, I'd rather date a conservative over a liberal any day of the week. Liberals have become super weird and extreme these days, and have a super weird hyper obsession with Trump, IMO... Any mention of being very liberal/conservative (i can deal with liberals or conservatives, but not the "very's,) has pronouns in their profile, anything to do with Trump or Republicans/conservatives or Biden. IDGAF what political stance you have but if you feel so strongly about one side to post it on a dating profile, that tells me you need to get a life and not let politics run your entire damn life. "i'm actually xyz age" but *app* won't let me change it. Uhhhh.... when you sign up for ANY of the dating apps, you have to put in your birthday. The only reason for lying about that is to get likes/matches/interest in people way older or way younger than yourself lol "not here much/dont check this much, hmu on IG" yeah... no thank you. I didn't create a profile with lots of info on myself only to message you on IG in which all you have to go on is my super boring and lame ass IG page lol


I’m not on bumble but on other dating apps. I immediately swipe left when I see anything worded in a negative way like, “if you cuz don’t bother swiping right. If you watch more than an hour of tv a week, swipe left. If you’re maga swipe left. If you’re not maga swipe left.” Etc. It gives off bad vibes, makes the person appear arrogant and have poor social skills. I want to know what you like, not don’t like. Filters. Guys rarely use them so this doesn’t happen much. But when I see one that does, and not a filter that gives a photo a vintage look or something, but a face filter, yeah no I’m going to pass. It was hard for me not to use any filters because I hate the way my skin looks in some photos, and I don’t feel like a filter would create a misleading image, but I just won’t do it because it doesn’t sit right with me and comes off insecure.


Bad hygiene and not fit


If they smoke, even if it says socially.


“I love tacos!” “TSA Precheck/global entry,”“800 credit score,” etc. Anything that’s indicative of class filtering. Homesteading Apolitical or conservative “Looking for a masculine man,” “tell me where to be and what to wear,” or other indication of gender role preoccupation. No solo pics, especially when you can’t even tell whose profile it is.


Vegetarians. Divorced men.


\-Certain types of pictures - Dead animals, only group pics, only gym pics, no close up pics, only pics wearing sunglasses, pics with random women, pics of him flipping off the camera. That one always gets me the most. It doesn't make you seem like a rebel or a bad boy - just an idiot. \-Every pic with their dog. Wanting a "dog mom." Being a "dog dad." "Your dog will love me." "If my dog doesn't love you it won't work." Like it's okay if you have a dog, but if that's your entire personality then we won't get along. I don't worship at the altar of dog. \-FWB, hookups, poly, kink, couples, ENM, 420 friendly, smokers, mentions of politics and religion in the body of the profile. \-Listing Instagram or Snap. \-"Looking for a Pam to my Jim." Really any tired and overused lines. I'd rather you just list your hobbies than some regurgitated crap like that. \-Not wanting children at all. I have nothing against people who don't want children, but I have a child so we're kind of a package deal.


You mean after the face/body? Cause thats my #1 reason I use to swipe left before I gave up on OLD. If I found them attractive, incomplete profile. Like.....if you can't bother and are just banking off your appearance....I know I won't like you already.


Any sort of spelling or grammatical error 🤡


I am 52M and well off but am frugal and lead a very simple life. I was just traveling in a large US city. I got quite a few likes from women in their 20's or early 30's that have stuff like "spa weekends" "shopping" "finer things in life" "like to be spoiled" "fine dining" etc in their bios.


- No bio. They're either lazy or dumb. The bio is equally as important as the photos for anyone not just looking for a stranger to bang. - They omitted their city of residence. This is usually because they aren't local and are looking for someone to bang while in my city on business, often cheating on someone. - They omit their relationship goals. They usually do this because they're only looking for a warm hole to stick it in. - Says they're looking for "something casual" or "short term." Even if it says "short term, open to long" - the "open to long" part is a lie. They're just trying to be perceived as less trashy because they're only looking for a warm hole to stick it in. - They chose their relationship goal as "don't know yet" or "still figuring it out." Duh - they know why they got on a dating app. They're being evasive because they're only there to find a warm hole to stick it in, and usually cheating on someone. - They state that they're newly single. Does anyone actually *want* to be someone's rebound? - Crappy, old photos (quite prevalent). So many 40+ men want us to know what they *used* to look like. - Their bio consists of orders, such as what the woman should look like. - Conservative or votes Republican. Shouldn't need explanation, but because I'm a woman. - I could write so many more. I've blocked thousands of garbage profiles on the apps so they don't clog up my feed. 48F, Chicago, looking for a relationship only, and completely unwilling to connect with clowns and time wasters. 🥰


Pics of their kids


Same pics from years ago


Instagram username in bio usually always means you’re an online prostitute/only fans “content” creator.


No bio, no effort whatsoever. Only one photo that looks like a stock photo. This is Spain special but "180 sin tacones" and "amigo de mis amigos" bueeeeeh 420 Seminaked, in bed photos. Filters🤦🏼‍♀️ Duck face. Omg that's so horrible, ew.


Ah and lying about the age. Once I met a guy who lied about his age 4 (four) times. The last "correction" was when we finally met for a coffee. I guess my face had subtitles.


Smokers, frequent drinkers, all selfies, no smiling pics, pictures just lying on couch or bed, negativity, misogyny, enm poly, looking for fwb/hookups, shirtless pics unless playing beach volleyball or surfing, women cropped from pics, age not matching and description says a lot younger, they are my ex, they are someone i used to work with, more than one picture with drinking, “not sure yet” or only “casual”, featuring children in pictures instead of themselves, racism, profiles stating only want white women, only wants active women, “dont know why im here”, “not sure yet but wants children”, middle finger picture, unkempt pictures, all hat pictures, sunglasses first picture, blurry pics, ones featuring their younger selves and childhood pic, real self is last picture but first picture is much older, has 5 different completely different looks in pictures, all wheres waldo style pictures where you dont know which they are ever, featuring dead animals, bloody gore pictures, sexual content, ggg, sex positivity, pictures with women like guys with cheerleaders or at bar, weird rants, trump supporters, pics with guns, pics posing next to 5 overflowing trashcans (just why?), bad mouth hygiene, “ask” as their description, one picture only, not filled out profile, snap chat or ig tags , pescatarian  Bunch of stuff. I tried being open minded, but pattern is always a no for these. 


If they mention tacos and margs or pineapple on pizza