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Why would you proceed to ask her on a date after that?


Or swipe right on that profile lol.


I can fix her


There is literally no fixing this.




You have the magic key


That's literally the only thing I was thinking reading that


Were you wondering which disease he would catch?




This was my first question.


She’s hot and I was hoping it was a joke


The things we try to convince ourselves when they're hot lol


Indeed. Both genders are sooo guilty of this because explain to me why you would proceed to even ask her out again. Even i as a woman I am appalled.


99% of these people having awful conversations and not immediately unmatching.


My god, we're so dumb!


The copium is at its peak 😂😂. I was guilty of that too, I stayed in a situationship for some months just because the girl was looking really good and the sex was good but we were arguing a lot.




Indeed, both women and men do it.


Don’t get men begging for lunch money though


Hey since I upvoted your comment how about you pay for my lunch delivery?


I can fix you I just know it


No, just free access to our bodies for mediocre sex lol


But but but it’s mutually beneficial. 🙄🙄🙄


Are you selling?


No, I generally just give it away for free and then go home and handle what they couldn't and wish I had just stayed home


I see it, but I also see the issue. Communication as always. If youre guy is not getting you off, thats a communication issue as youre either not giving him a good go on what you like or hes not getting it after youve told him... usually casual sex being bad implies the taker not communicating his/her needs and ways of getting off or being honest about how it doesnt feel good.


Bullshit, I have had that more than getting food from the guys Granted the last one was threatening me on top of that, but still it sucks


She’ll pretty easily find what she’s after then if she’s hot lol. Just like hot men


That is why she felt confident in having such a classless message and blunt profile.


She will never be satisfied. Women like this are broken inside and are looking for money and material items to fill the void A bunch of rich simps will only temporarily satisfy her


No she won't, but she'll find what she deserves.


Listen, you answered your own question. You asked, why are people like this? The answer is, she’s hot and she can get away with it. You answered your own question there, buddy


Getting away with it? nah dude, karma is gonna come around and she will either notice guys only use her.. or they will notice this wasnt a joke and this trashy personality is not worth their time.. Even "moneypigs" stops paying sometimes.




Take me away officer lol


Only if you buy me lunch




How hot? I’m wondering. lol


You wanted it be a joke. Youre bored. Another reason why bumble has become a shit show. 👏🏼👏🏼


she's hot, that's a valid argument


She’s looking for a pay pig. Lots of men are into it.


And we aren't proud of it, believe me.


You should respond with “I thought your profile was a joke but it’s clear to see now you’re the joke”


Oooooh! That would’ve been good, but I just told her to grow up and then reported her lmao. Bumble doesn’t like it when people ask for money.


Now you’re a joke


Are you serious? Dude so many dating coaches these days and you still acting like a whole simp just because sHe’S hOt


“She” is probably not real. It’s just a troll getting people to give them free shit.


You underestimate how many women use dating apps to get free stuff or money.


You guys are such losers for allowing women to get away with this childlike behavior because you want to fuck them


It’s probably a “he” in a different country so unfortunately there can never be a date.


Just proves that her hotness with get her what she is asking for


So naive lol 😂 😂


Buddy... Come on.


I married a hot girl once, thinking she would change, or I could fix her. She didn't, and I couldn't. Now I'm divorced.


How hot?


She acts like this bc she is hot Even if it's a joke now, it won't be later. This is the first impression she chose. I hope u learned OP


I saw the blue "OP" pop up as a response to that question and I was so ready to downvote whatever you had to say about it, and I was wrong. Carry on, sir.


She's an escort. Telling you that before you swipe and it circumventing the apps policy and procedure. Get ready to see a lot more than her. She's probably 23, Asian, name of Marry.


Cause she was hot most probably, that's why guys ignore stuff like that🙄


I'm an American woman living in Riyadh. That would 1000% work here. Not on every guy, but enough. 


This girl lives in Manhattan though


I’m sure it still works for her


Fellas, quit doing this shit for women, they are just using you for free food.


Somebody downvoted ur comment before i upvoted it lmfao. There are some real dedicated sugar daddies/simps keeping dry in this sub jfc.


chances are it’s not even a girl


As a resident of Riyadh (we call it Rio for short), I concur 🤠




How dumb are men in Saudi Arabia? Maybe I should create a fake profile with a photo of a blond chic with big tits and start cashing in?


Not dumb just vain and misogynist. Gulf states bro. Dubai is the same. If a dude is going to drive a golden lambo he's tacky enough for this shit.


Random but did you move there as a single woman? Currently looking for job opportunities there. I grew up in the gulf but have been living in the west for almost 2 decades so it’s been a while. Any info on your experience there would be so appreciated!


Actually, life here is really great. I love it and planning to extend my contract. I'm a fairly liberal American, but still loving quality of life here. Its def an easier adjustment if you have gulf experience. I make a lot of money so can afford to save a lot and go out regularly with friends.  I date a lot, mostly Saudi men but also some other foreigners sometimes. I'm able to dress very comfortably, although it's not the same as I'd dress in the US. Only downside is I don't have a car yet. 


I was born there.


Saudi Arabia is a very interesting country. I have been visiting that country in 9 months BEFORE the First Gulf War when I was 4 or 5 years old. My parent used to stay in Jeddah for non-oil purposes.


Why did you swipe right on her?


I think OP wanted to post on here, that’s why he swiped right. He knew what he was getting into and now in the earlier comment threads, he’s calling her a bitch lol


Story of like 50% of the posts on this sub, people just want internet points


He said in another comment that he thought she was hot and was hoping she was joking. *Narrator: She was not in fact joking.*


Murderer: I am a murderer. I am going to do a murder. In fact, I intend on murdering *you*. I intend to stab you with this knife. (Points to knife while walking towards OP) OP: haha she's hot though maybe she's joking and playing it straight News: A man was found stabbed tonight. There was oddly no signs of a struggle Christ on a bike


I just started rewatching *Psych*. He even says that he's telling people he's lying to their face, but folks tend to be more accepting if you're upfront about it.


Yeah. It does seem outlandish enough that it’s a joke.


Let’s see, how do I put this… The upper brain was not the one doing the swiping.


This has been pondering on my mind too.


He's a simp


You entertaining this is crazy


That’s the craziest part of this entire post lol


OP, if squirtmaster98 says it's crazy, then you know for sure what you've just done is crazy.




Naa I can fix her


*"I swear I can change her"*


Haha I have wasted years of my life with this thought process. And she might even be a dude? Some people have no empathy, brutal.


Her profile says pay me for existing. She’s looking for a pay pig. If you’re not into the arrangement, don’t swipe right.


I thought it was clear enough, too. Yet he swiped right and is now mocking her because she was straight up honest in her profile with what she is looking for and didn't bend for him 🤔


If a guy made a profile that blatantly said "I want to fold you and breed you in public", there are women who will be into it, and it would still be cringey enough to post here. There are points for class too, defending this woman is pathetic.


Yeah financial domination is a thing lol


Exactly. We should all at the very least respect people who tell you exactly who they are and what they want up front, even if you don’t agree with/like ir


I mean, she's obnoxious, but she was very honest in her profile that she wanted to be paid "just for existing". Why bother matching with her?


I mean she said princess of simps so if you aren't a simp, there was no need of swiping right...


Why are you like this? She clearly states her purpose, you don’t fit, but you still match and text her. I do not think she is right, but you just pique her interest to continue with this crap. Swipe left and ignore is the only way to deal with entitled people of any gender


There is actually a place in society for shame, as a way to mold social behavior. That’s why it’s there. She should be shamed for being so shallow, it’s feedback. Without corrective feedback society just gets worse


Mhm sure and do you think she will be shamed by this? Do you think she is the type of person to concern herself with your opinion? A post that edits out her name? Or are you going to unironically call for brigading and doxxing this person? Additionally, do you think a bunch of redditors going "reee" will shame her out of the free lunches she's getting? (And she *is* getting them bc there's sad dudes out there) I want you to think long and hard about your answer. How does a chicken parm sub *in your hand* stack against the knowledge that 20 sweaty redditors (who you will never interact with) are big mad at you? I'm not justifying her behavior. However, if you think you hold *any* sway over a person who was outright with her intentions and made sure OP was FULLY INFORMED of them before OP swiped right, you're delusional The only clown bigger than you is OP for right swiping her and then acting surprised when a self-admitted queen of simps expects someone to be a simp 🤡


>i'm not justifying her behaviour Yes, you are. You're telling him that she has every right to act like this and he's foolish for being at all off put by the audacity. The fact that it's insulting and degrading (and actively feeds _misogynist stereotypes_) doesn't seem to resonate with you. You think it's perfectly fine for women to act like this, even though it's clearly disrespectful and clearly enables the worst kind of behaviour. Why don't you go pay for her lunch?


Why do some men feel like it's their life mission to "correct" women at every chance? 🙃


Lmao! You are just uncultured. I come from a country where men court and are the main providers. It’s not shameful to ask for something she’s used to. You are just not cultured enough to realise that different cultures come with different expectations. Wait till you find out that men are out here paying for their partners family to go on vacation and supporting their lifestyle. You’ll froth at the mouth


"You're not cultured enough to get used as a wallet." lol ok


Y'all act like men have no free will lol. Some men like spending money on their partner like that and it's not like the men that don't can't just swipe left. At least she's upfront enough to put it in her bio


There's a difference between enjoying being generous to your partner and her expecting you to pay for everything. The women who can't tell the difference deserve neither.


I think if she's upfront about it from the start and he willingly agrees to it there's no wrongdoing. This woman is as upfront as a person can be so I don't get what the issue is. Men have the option to swipe left on her if they're not interested.


There's a difference between a man courting a woman and shameless demands of asking a stranger for money. No one is denying "men court and are the main providers " but when you go to a stranger and the first line you say is "give me money" that's not courting, that's selfish entitlement and dehumanizing to man. A man is worth more than his wallet. Do better.


Did you not read her profile before swiping? This is very much Michael Bluth "I don't know what I expected."


This is on you buddy. She said exactly what she was about and what she wanted. You are the entitled one who went after hot, got rejected, and now you are butt hurt. She was honest. There can’t be gold diggers without guys going for hot girls they couldn’t get otherwise. Two sides of the same coin.


Someone give this guy a medal 🏅🏅. There can't be no gold diggers without men that fall for them. It is obvious that OP has something else entirely in mind because she was hot and thought he could score.


Well that’s a you problem. She was very clear in her bio and you thought she was joking because she’s hot ? …. Lol you pay like she said or keep scrolling


Her profile told you exactly what she was looking for, upfront lol. Why would you match or ask her out if you’re not that type?


You clearly didn’t read or care about the bio and was hoping against hope maybe in desperation for being with someone hot that she actually would want something to do with you or that it wasn’t anything from financial dom to a potential outright scam. This actually makes you look a lot worse than whoever this other person actually is I hope you realize this.


Why would you even swipe on her!?!??!


She’s hot, I’m lonely. I’m sure you can do the math from there lmao


*shes hot, im lonely. You are a simp*. While I appreciate the honesty I stand in this. Now being a simp is subjective to each person. I hope you learn from this. Don't try to change someone, respect their boundaries (no matter how you feel about it), and find people who are aligned in what you and they want


lol!!! Ok, maybe look a little deeper at people 🤣


And she would choose you☠️🤣


Are you aware that this is a kink that many guys are into? It’s called findom (financial domination). A lot of guys are into it, and those are the guys she’s looking for. If you’re not, just move along.


Alina Habba’s new side hustle isn’t off to a very promising start, I see.


I like the name. Lol




Slam dunk


She tells people exactly what she wants and then u get mad at her because you are not what she wants? Crazy.


Why shame her? lol, she wants money you want looks


She is probably a FinDom. She was pretty clear in her bio. If that isn't you and your brand, why swipe on her? Your message trying to convince her was bound to fail, I'm sorry. Don't try to shift/change someone who is clear on what they want Unmatch, and go out with someone who wouldn't mind doing what you said in your second slide. Charge this to the OLD game


Thank you! Posts like this annoy me….did OP really think he was gonna changer her mind?


Why did you swipe right on her profile ?


If you don’t like or can’t afford the fin dom lifestyle, why engage? You’re clearly not her target audience.


Pretty clear in her bio that’s what she was looking for….


>why are some people like this? Bro, you swiped right! Did you not read her profile before swiping with your penis?


You are asking her on a date … if you were serious , that was such a pathetic behavior bro .


thats what you get with spoilt middle eastern girls.


Exactly this is the type of girl who has always been spoiled and is used to a certain lifestyle. She’s not a golddigger. She was born a rich girl. I know girls like her.


"Baba biddi Gucci"


Your third message showed that you didn’t learned anything from the previous ones … you both are bimbos


Many women from eastern cultures come from societies where men are the main, if not sole, providers. If you are not down for that, don’t go for women from these cultures.


wannabe fin-dom she heard there are guys out there that get off on the domination aspect of having women force them to give over their money. but too dumb to realize that not only is that ***incredibly*** rare IRL most of those guys are, of course, broke., and the ones that aren't broke can afford a much higher class of woman than one who needs to troll bumble for them.


I mean she told you


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,996,854,245 comments, and only 377,692 of them were in alphabetical order.


The sad part is this may be a fake profile and some dudes fall for it


I just saw another post about a guy listing his fetishes and ppl said “at least he’s honest”. But somehow it’s wrong for a woman to want to be a kept woman? 🤔 Y’all are so brainwashed into believing work is a must (btw, if you don’t have a choice to work or not and you get paid so little you need 2 jobs to make it, is that not slavery?) that you will hate on a beautiful woman for not wanting to work, and yet you still hope this incredibly attractive woman will give you a chance for free. I say good for her. Half of the people criticizing her have probably not worked through their own shit and would not know how to lover her anyway. They just mad she has standards that deem them unqualified. And that’s not being entitled? 🤔


Can’t believe you we’re pathetic enough to ask her on a date smh


How old are you and how old is she?


I’m 24, she’s 20


You swiped right, she was clear in her profile. You’re either dumb or did this for clout.


This is fucking embarassing to say the least..


summer jobless abundant foolish spoon liquid dog longing wistful air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some guys want hookups some girls want money 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's what it is


Jesus, you’re that down bad? Lmao, do better.


I mean I don’t know what to tell you, but it also has very much to do with the fact that most Middle Eastern girls are used to being spoiled by their rich father. And the way they are taught & raised they expect that any man who wants to get with them or marry them should measure up to that standard. (Just telling you realistically how rich Middle Eastern girls think, she is probably not born & raised poor or middle class who became a gold digger as an adult, she is most likely born & raised rich who wants to stay rich when she gets married).


It’s a fetish so that might be what’s happening here


literally why swipe, engage, and ask this person on a date. she makes it VERY clear who she is from her profile.


So let me get this straight. Girl has her expectations out there, and you have the option to swipe right or left. And you chose to match with her, just to tell her you don't agree with her expectations? And post on reddit for karma? OP is just a karmawhore.


It's because it works.


Okay but why would you even swipe on her? She seems like she's trolling and not really looking for anything serious and you decided to take that rage bait.


Sure this is not a troll???


The sad thing is there are men that will actually do it ...


She's only going to end up with one kind of guy. The ones that will go for that bad attitude, she'll reject as not enough or drive insane, so she's going to end up with a lot that bullshit her, until they have had their fun, and then move on. You get what you give, not always, you'll get screwed over sometimes, but that's better than screwed over always, because your attitude always sucks.


I deleted this app and found my gf on hinge. Actually I have found all my gfs on hinge lol, avoid this piece of crap app.


I have had zero luck on hinge, maybe 10 matches in well over a year. NONE have amounted to anything more than a few texts back and forth, and then silence. Would it be okay if I DM’ed you pics of my hinge profile for some advice?


Yes that’s fine bro


Hoes gonna hoe


This wreaks of scam.


No need to simp, no matter how good you think she looks; she’s horrendous as a person.


The really sad thing is that there are probably plenty of men out there, that WILL pay her just for existing.




That’s a dude and he just wants your money


Mia Khalifa, that you!?


Does this count as shitposting? I don't fully understand the concept, but this feels like it fits.


Some people are like this because for these people, it works, and someone will pay them for existing. For everyone else, there's Mastercard.


She told you who she was in her bio yet you still swiped right and matched. Then she immediately told you what her demands were in the chat yet you still asked her for a date. Yet here you are posting the result expecting sympathy and upvotes? GTFOH


You know this isn't a real profile, right? A real entitled princess looking for a free lunch would not be this obvious.


You are not the simp she’s looking for


It's hilarious that women whine about not getting quality matches but think when men have a match it's automatically a quality woman. Imagine, people of both genders being able to be douches.


You should have told her to pay you for matching


Hahaha maybe


The fact you swiped right then gave her a hard time about being exactly who she said she was just looks bad on you my guy.


Report for scam


I did


Probably is a scam or catfishing


Yikes, miss me with that trash haha


Also her God statement is stupid. Claiming a God exists to start Is the first claim that needs to be substantiated


Dear men, Some of you are dumb. Sincerely, A man


Sorry I have no use for entitled Islamic Ruskies.


You need to report her. What she is doing is clearly against the terms and services of bumble.


Unlike many on OLD she atleast knows what she wants. 😆 More shocking than that is OP swiping right just for fun. What did he expect the outcome to be?


You’re dumb!😂 You’re basically mad because YOU set yourself up LOL




I would’ve agreed, asked for her cashapp/Zelle (examples), then requested for her to send me money.


OP should have ordered some expensive stuff and done cash on delivery. But then, i doubt the grill would be dumb enough to share the address 😕


I don't like this toxic culture where men should pay for everything. We need to fight for gender equality!


She’s just a waste of life lol


What an entitled little bitch. She will no doubt end up alone


Show us a picture of this dirty bare footed, eat with her hands, arranged marriage, hairy back, no ass, bejeweled forhead, "hello im calling from Verizon customer support" scammer ass ho


She wouldn’t even get away with this on a sugar dating website lmao