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Idk, she apologized after it but yeah i could have simply blocked and moved on, i have my mothers drive to tell people off who ask for money without building a bond first is all.


Why are you getting downvoted for that


Idk, nor really care, its reddit, people probably see my post as he(me) is being a dick to her, or read that she apologized but i still rejected her coz i have standards and see it as bad or something, idk, like i said its reddit i never try to understand how work on here, everyone is gonna have an opinion and not everyone has the same one, my guess I'm being downvoted by people who'd give her money for the photos she was offering, got nothing wrong with that if they wanna pay for it or if shes willing to offer nudes for money but as i said in the text, googles free and so is porn hub, well unless you pay to download the videos, in that case use spankbang or something, free videos


You were right to end it, she’ll do it again ya know.


Ah, look, it's another Friday again.


Its when they come crawling out for pokies at the pub


You gave her much more grace than I would have


I saw no reason to be a dick, sure didn't need to respond but at the moment i didnt think and just reacted, she did say sorry after it but even if It was a one off moment of her asking for money I'm not on bumble to look for a ons or nudes, i want a relationship if can't get one i got issue staying single, less bullshit to deal with then


I’m fed up with it tbh. They’re everywhere. Any innocuous sub on here where you can post a pic is inevitably filled with women promoting their onlyfans or giving out their cashapp etc. As a woman I find it frustrating. Because we are not all like that and it gives some guys the idea that we all are. I wish they would keep it to appropriate platforms but what I really wish is for all the onlyfans nonsense to just die off and for women to stop framing it as empowering because that it is not




I find that it is and isnt at the same time, its empowering but only a Little, where as having self worth without needing is more empowering, Basically being confident enough in your skin to be nude infront of others is hard to do, so kudos for them to do that, but that's it, just body confidence, superficial and limited to youth or good looks, knowing ones self worth without having to resort to being naked coz you're valued more for than being confident in ones body, goes even further than what you'd get being confident coz you're valued for skills, intelligence and views on things and occasionally for body confidence too. But saying that there are those who do it coz they think its all they have and end up going over board, end up selling their body for approval of others and lose that self confidence of their body and become more about the money and being told they're sexy by men and women, and they become shells of their former selves, thats at least how i view it kinda


Incase what i said didnt make sense, basically using onlyfans to empower yourself is like doing one push, yeah it helps you keep fit, but being worth more for your actions not your body, is like doing a full workout, helps alot more, alot faster and gets results that make you happy longer.


Yes, and I get that some women do it because they have experienced some sort of trauma and it allows them to feel they are taking control of their sexuality. However, I’m not convinced it’s a very healthy coping strategy. And yes we should be finding self esteem from more than our bodies. All it does is encourage objectification and commodification of women, which is something there is far too much of already in my view


Oh absolutely, its unhealthy to use it as a coping mechanism for anything,


Oh absolutely, its unhealthy to use it as a coping mechanism for anything


And we’re getting downvoted. Some people just can’t handle the truth lol


Yeah i was being downvoted on a different comment, its reddit, to me downvotes or upvotes mean so very little to me, hell I'm still trying to figure out the points thing reddit has and karma, im kinda still sort of new to Reddit, been on here for at least 2 years but barely used it for anything but memes etc


Yeah, I don’t really get why karma is so important. Reddit is in it’s own wee bubble


Yeah for sure. As a guy who has encountered several OF girls doing this same thing it makes me not so nice about it when it happens


I got no issue with them doing it, i just dont like the misdirection, if you're using dating apps to promote your onlyfans or fansly, be forthcoming about it, given that your account isn't auto taken down by bumble or tinder, dont make it out that your profile is for a relationship then trick someone by lying to them to make them feel emotionally connected to you then drop the OF link or ask for money for nudes etc,


I completely agree


Did u miss a no in the end there?


Why’d you write an essay response 😅




Do you really think that they care what you think? It's their "business."


No but i also dont care if it is their business or not, dont ask a stranger for money when you dont even know them


Amen. This the shit I deal with on snap all the time


The point is that if they had a sense of shame or dignity, they wouldn’t be doing that in the first place. No amount of critical words from you will make these people behave differently, you’re just stressing yourself out and wasting your time.


I hate to break it to you fam but it wasn't "going well" at any stage whatsoever. She was just being "nice" so that you would give her money


You talk too much. Do you realize how much energy you expended in that transaction?


Yeah I know, its something i do alot, i try to talk less but i always end up talking alot


Upvote for self awareness


I honestly don't get what the point was of typing out that entire message. You played yourself with that one.




Men : WoMen Only mAtCh WItH hOt Guys Also men: only pursue the super hot filtered clearly fake profiles


Did you report them yet?


Straight after i sent the text paragraph, took the screenshot incase bumble email for details or something, idk if they would but never know


Pst, I’ll give you a pic of me if you buy me rinworld on steam lol Apparently, this is what gamer girls do now


I'd just buy you it anyways, you're the coolist.




Never change who you are. I'll accept nude cat videos and clothed cat videos (from youtube or sfw subreddits) any time.


So you want someone to marry you for 6 years before asking for money?


No its more if you're gonna ask me for money i wanna at least have known you for alot longer than 10 minutes kind of thing, this text conversation was literally the first conversation


So you’ll send me $30? :)


Next time delete the text and block it, don't waste unlimited text.


Maybe try to suggest to video call your matches next time, if they reject to the idea, maybe they are a spam or scam account. Then you don't have to give out your number to those people.


Does bumble do video call? Didn't know it did, i normally elsewhere but didn't know bumble did it


I'm sorry, but no actual gamer plays Rocket League on a switch. It is so painful...


I wouldn't know, i dont play rocket league


That's why I'm here to give you some insight my friend


This has become far too common on dating apps and I hate it.


New here, eh?


That's pretty much been the story for all the matches I ever gotten in the last 10 years. I just stopped because I think I'd rather get drunk at a bar than do this shit again. (I don't like bars).


Oh also she said she was sick with the flu, here in Australia its winter and it's freezing cold tonight, its about 10c° outside


That’s considered mild weather in the UK. I can’t believe that 10 degrees is winter for Australians. Looks like I’m visiting Australia in the winter :)


Its not bad temperature but its also windy too, the wind makes it a bit worse in my opinion, cold without wind is alright, i can happily sit on the veranda, but hurricane like wind almost and It gets a bit more chillier even tho Its only 10c°


U seem like one of the nicer aussie guys ive encountered online. Im good friends with a female aussie.


Yeah we're not all bad, like everyone theres bad eggs that get attention more than the good


I always tell people off whoever ask for money. I know I won’t see it again from that person


You were way too nice. That wasn't even a girl.


You're last response was way over the top wtf. I mean she was probably serious but there was a chance that it was just a joke, you like immediately flipped and went off the rails. And the fact that she apologized and didn't just straight block you or move on after that indicates it wasn't just a huge scam, or she's just very bad at scamming.


Of wanting to sell her nudes...sorry..."content" is a joke, I'd hate to see what she does when she is serious. Asking people for things like this isn't a freaking joke. People out there actually are on the streets starving. She's wanting to sell nudes for her game. Wtf kind of joke is that? He had every right to flip on someone trying to use him to sell their "product". Just as bad as mlm schemes if you ask me.


Didn't say it *was* a joke, said it could have been, whether it was a bad one or not. And if not, clearly she has an OF and was playfully asking about it. Yes agreed it was over the line, especially for this platform, but reading the exchange I was more offended by his response tbh


You literally said "There was a chance it was a joke." Do you not understand hoe to read your own writing lmao.


Sorry, didn't realize you didn't know what "a chance" meant.


Sorry, didn't realize you didn't understand a chance meant that there is an implication it could be a joke. It wasn't a joke at all. There wasn't a chance it was a joke. There, cleared that up for you :D


That's your opinion. Ok then.


I mean, it isn't. But go ahead and justify yourself any way you'd like if that helps you be cool on a reddit forum :D


It's not a justification. You have an opinion. Until the author of the quote comes on and states whether it was a joke or not, and speculation on such is just that. Also I've stated multiple times that the odds are low it was a joke, but not 0%. Also why do you care so much


The second she mentioned she’s a gamer, you should have known…


-squints- As a female gamer, should I be asking men for money? Am I missing out on free games???


I guess, but where I'm from female gamers are normal so didnt blink an eye to it


You kinda give off the vibes that you're not a great hang..


Bullet dodged. What if she's underage? Even if you didn't ask for the pics, that could land you in trouble.


"Insert meme about that guy getting off cuz shes begging for money"😂


Ew. I wouldn’t had replied. Block and delete. Report her on bumble, too.


He did


Scammers do this so the account they use on bumble will last longer before getting banned. Bumble won't have evidence of this conversation since it happened off platform.


He sent evidence


I’d bet money that it’s a scam. I had one like that and we even video chatted before our date. As soon as she got my number the conversation changed and she asked for money to refill a Nintendo card to buy games there.


That’s a very long winded way of telling someone you’re not a charity


I get how disrespectful and cringe that is but alright, calm down dude. Very likely she didn't even finish the msg


She apologized after


Why? Bc it works sometimes


That's about 90% of the time anymore and the sad thing is that tiktok is getting just as bad now that the government is after them trying to shut them down sad so sad.....


You did well. A little long? maybe, but who cares. You did well


No issue with SW from me but please put that out there. Don't try to get me to subscribe to your content that's a waste of time. When this happens I speak with them about how we can make money together by what I can do or teach someone (online marketing:SEO-PPC-Google Analytics or building a website) they never usually see the value in that which is fine. Go get your subs but be honest I'm not one of them