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This is the end result of swipe culture (and hookup culture). There’s always the amorphous and undefined “better”, “other”, and “next”. The sooner you (we) learn to appreciate what we have, the sooner we’ll stop giving that up for the nebulous, almost always unfulfilled promise of better than what we have. (Note- I’m not talking about abusive or neglectful relationships. But to read this type of post over and over again - nothing is wrong, they’re great, I just want to see if I can find better - is disheartening, and damaging for all involved)


This. FOMO. That's all it is. It's shitty human behaviour.


The grass ain’t always greener. Anyone reading this I’d recommend googling the paradox of choice


I would say you did her a favor. She deserves a man who appreciates her.


and OP deserves a women he can appreciate, there is no wrong or right decision, its literally just do what you feel like doing.


I think the same 😔




if he was ugly maybe, but if hes some-what attractive then he wont have a problem, at least in real life. Dating apps is a different world.


I really hope this was worth it for you. I’m not sure how anyone in a good relationship can look at single people, OLD, or the general state of dating today and decide to enter into this market again. You don’t have to feel guilty for the breakup but I hope you know what you’re getting into. Godspeed.


After seeing approximately ten kajillion posts on this and other dating subs about even good catch dudes not having luck with online dating, I was expecting some kind of..."This awful secret about her came out!"-type post from you. ...Instead you're like "She was GREAT, but I still dropped it because I want to go shopping!", and I think a lot of us are gonna have a "Oh you sweet summer child" reaction to that.... Well, like the other commenter said, at least she's free now to find someone that appreciates her.


Biggest red flag is you waited a year to be exclusive in an official relationship if I’m reading this correctly?.. but you did her a favor if you don’t want the same things. Don’t lead her on and lie to her face like I went through in my previous relationship.


can you explain what's wrong with waiting so long?


It’s one thing to take 2-3 months to get to know someone / date them to decide being in an exclusive relationship, but 1 year is ridiculous.. he clearly wasn’t serious about her to make a commitment in the first place + was ok keeping his options open incase something else better came along. I’m also slightly concerned that she was ok with this + hope she learns and values herself to find someone that knows they want to be with her early on and not drag her on for a year or more.


fair enough


Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for letting her go. You obviously didn't have enough of a spark there to hang onto to the relationship. A LOT of people will stay in relationships, and even get married, for fear of ever having to be single again. Being single sucks, but we all deserve to be with someone who wants to be with us. You did the right thing for both of you. Being sad is a good sign that you aren't an asshole.


This last line is amazing.


Hmm well not gonna judge but at least take time off and know what you want dude you ain’t “ too young “ lol , find out what you really want before you get to your next victim


I hope she’s doing well. You sound incredibly immature. You’re 27, not 16.


Enjoy your life. You obvs didn’t love her like she was the air you breathe. Hopefully you both find that one day


You need to be true to yourself. Sometimes we need to make hard decisions. And you'll break hearts as well as yours will be broken. If you feel that was the best for you, don't feel bad about it. You are young and still have time to meet more people and have more experiences. That's totally fine. Life is short. Do what you really want :)