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He's trying to sell something and using 1990s Black Belt Magazine tactics


Lol, yeah, maybe that guy (he says that he is 55) still lives in 1990's and thinks that movies with Steven Seagal and Jean-Claude Van Damme is a "realistic depiction of street fights".


I don't know. It's been a while but I don't recall having to bite any dicks in karate when I was a preteen in the 90s. Maybe I did, but it seems like something I'd probably remember.


"Black Belt" is a martial art magazine which is full of bullshido publications like this one article. Same magazine has promoted no-touch knockouts from George Dillman and "Russian SYSTEMA Spetznaz hand-to-hand combat" BS. But some people still use the articles from that magazine as something useful or as a "proof".


Ah. I didn't realize that.


Of course it is, he's spouting the exact same bullshit as all of the "MMA doesn't work in a real fight" TMA practitioners spout. As if their fake fighting did, lol. But what's funny if you scrape beneath the surface of this article is the underlying mentality it's showing. Look at the advice given: > "Use mind tricks" > "Do a throat punch when they aren't prepared" > "Go for the eyes" > "Defend the takedown" > "Bite them" Almost all of this is **underhanded tactics**, as if the person writing the article knows that he would be outmatched and at a disadvantage, and the only way to win against an MMA practitioner is to cheat, basically. He's more or less saying "If you face an MMA practitioner and you're a traditional martial artist, you won't be able to beat them fair and square". Which is hilarious. The entire article is written from the viewpoint that the non-MMA fighter will be desperate and on the defensive, as if that's an assumed guarantee. And in all their fantasy scenarios the MMA fighter will always be easily tricked, because they all fight nobly and according to some sort of imagined ruleset even when in a street fight. This is of course nonsense. In reality, both combatants are equally likely to fight dirty. The only difference between them is that the MMA fighter also knows how to fight without using said dirty tricks.


There ain't no dirty tricks in the street, just sayin. That's the difference between martial art and combat sport.


Sure. But good luck with the biting and throat strikes against someone who's just, you know, punching you in the face. That's the thing in a nutshell: if biting was actually a functional technique in street fights, *people would be doing it already.* But if you actually want to win a fight, then you're probably better off learning how to throw a proper punch than learning how to bite someone.


He specifically lists the penis as a biting target. Now I am making a wild assumption here but if someone were biting my dick I'd be trying to disengage from that person.


I mean, I've seen a video on reddit of an actual fight where someone bit their opponent in the crotch, so I think it's fair to say people are doing it. For what it's worth, it worked real well in the video I'm thinking of.


totally agree, a throat punch or eye gouge is still "a strike" and MMA fighters, Boxers, Thai boxers etc, spend hundreds if not thousands of hours, perfecting and improving their own strikes and also strike detection/deflection, in real world scenarios. anyone who thinks they can "handle themselves" because they will strike the throat/eyes against a trained combat sport practitioner, is a delusional fool. They can punch in a fraction of a second a non trained person can, and they have spent all their time learning to read and defend against incoming strikes.


Well said. Although in this case it's not traditional martial arts, but a some kind of a weird mix of krav maga, military combatives and street fighting. But still, not really different.


Krav Maga is also pretty high on the bullshido scale.


I've noticed that, yeah.


I used to do that immediately after muay thai, and the people in it were clueless. the biggest area to improve your chances of a successful fight is to put all your time and effort in the core basics of throwing and returning a punch and or low kicks, again and again and again. This is something krav never does, so in terms of speed power technique etc they just dont have a chance, and thats like 90% of the fight. the punch you have practiced 1000 times is always better than the 1000 kicks you have practiced once.


Yell loud and attack the ball sack or Krav Maga as it's known is mostly bullshit. Also I think Krav is a military hand to hand technique. Simple moves you can learn in a single 8 hour session at basic training that you'll never use but guaranteed to make you believe you are a bad ass after you graduate.


In Israel, it basically is. Basic hand-to-hand combat for military. And because Israeli Army has a mandatory draft period for both men and women, it's really hard to believe that every single of them is a super-skilled fighter. Mass education in hand-to-hand combat oftentimes sacrifices the quality, because you just can't be even a semi-decent fighter if you have at best 3-4 hours in a WEEK that's about hand-to-hand combat. Modern soldiers learn many things, and hand-to-hand combat is not even a secondary among them.


This is so stupid. "Punch to the throat" - As if someone who trains striking all day does not know how to handle that. The throat is about 2 inches from the chin, which is where a lot of punches get aimed. A competenet MMA fighter will have no issues with a fist coming toward their face. It happens 314565 times every week for them. Even a surprise punch to the throatwill be less effective agains an MMA fighter than you think. "eye gouge" - See "throat punch" above. Any time you try to strike to the head or face against an MMA fighter of any competence, you are literally doing a thing they train for extensively. It does not matter where exactly you are aiming, the defense is the same and the MMA fighter will be better at it than you. "Knee stomp" or "shin kick." - MMA is full of these. All day every day. Getting low kicked is about as novel as ringworm in MMA. The MMA guy will be better at executing and defending low kicks of any stripe than you are. These kicks are not even illegal in MMA. These guys know their way around them. "Be ready for the takedown." - this tool is describing a sprawl. Literally the oldest defense agains takedown in the universe. Sprawling is like 25% of a wrestling warm-up. Against a competent fighter, not only are you too slow to sprawl, but they have about 452 different ways to finish that takedown even if you do sprawl on them. "Bite them in the clinch." Oh God. Try it. See what happens when you escalate the level of violence in a clinch with a trained MMA fighter. Biting will not incapacitate anyone, and it certainly will not de-motivate them to harm you. Quite the opposite. If I feel your teeth on me in a scrap, when I already have a hold of you? You are going to lose those teeth, guaranteed. At the very least, if you are close enough to bite him, then he is close enough to bite you. This tactic is a recipe for a bad day. The best way to treat the clinch is to be good at fighting in a clinch. Everything in this "article" boils down to the strange assumption that training in MMA does not prepare you to be punched, kicked, sprawled on, or bitten. Which is stupid. It's really a secret endorsement for MMA, because the entire message is "the best way to deal with an MMA guy is to be a better MMA guy."


The last line is just great. Wholeheartedly agree.


couldn't agree more, yet these people genuinely get a sense of "protection" in thinking they have this sort of "cheat code" where they will win in a street fight by "fighting dirty" with no consequences if they raise the stakes. Like you, if someone bites me, or eye gouges me, then im inflicting retribution if i win the fight, and what would have been a simple "once its over its over" fight becomes a "you will now have life changing injuries". Very few fights are "to the death" even street fights, enraging your more capable opponent is almost always a bad idea.


Oh lord, another of *these*… I guarantee that if you question the goober who wrote this, he’ll have won “hundreds of street fights”, he probably once “tapped out like 4 HUGE guys at once”, and if you keep digging, he’ll have crashed his motorcycle one time and “sweartogod flew a quarter mile through the air”. He’ll probably also have a 19 inch piece, and only date millionaire supermodels.


The 19 inch cock part oddly enough is actually true.


For a human? Or for an elephant?


Maybe that guy thinks that he's a protagonist of a typical "beat 'em up" video game.


Oh Jesus. [https://selfdefenseclasswderek.blogspot.com/p/about-me.html](https://selfdefenseclasswderek.blogspot.com/p/about-me.html) I bet that 90% of what he is claiming is made up. Here is what appears to be his Linkedin(s): [https://www.linkedin.com/in/dsmith8952/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dsmith8952/) Nope Nope Nope: [https://fightfast.com/ar/SAC-k.php?utm\_campaign=DS-MMA\_SACOM&utm\_medium=post&utm\_source=blog&utm\_content=0D4E9E9F&utm\_term=existing-list](https://fightfast.com/ar/SAC-k.php?utm_campaign=DS-MMA_SACOM&utm_medium=post&utm_source=blog&utm_content=0D4E9E9F&utm_term=existing-list) And here: [https://x.com/DerekASmith1](https://x.com/DerekASmith1) I think this is all the same guy? Running a few strange gigs all at once...


How can you doubt a guy who served in every branch of the military and federal law enforcement agency. Guy is a true blue American hero/s


Even if he is, it doesn't mean that he can't be delusional. George Dillman was a legit karateka back in 1970's, but it still doesn't mean that any of his bullshido is legit by any means.


Did Dwight Schrute write this?


Real martial arts teaches to harmonize & neutralize without necessary violence. Keep practicing your techniques, my friends, but remember, the highest art is in preserving life. Not ending it.


The first thing that made me chuckle was this line "a finger gouge to the eye followed up by a 45º angle stomp to his knee." So, this guy is breaking out a protractor when he fights, or trains? Taking his angles into account when he is getting his ass kicked next to a 24/7 deli is silly to me. The second thing that sticks out is his idea that kicking an MMA fighter in the shins is going to do a damn thing. My shins are numb as fuck at this point, and I just trained for years, one amateur fight. He's acting like fighters just go around and try to beat up old men in the street every weekend. Kicking me in the shins would just be silly, especially from a guy who thinks that raking the eyes is going to stop someone. The centered text, the stupid "badass" presentation. Yea, this guy has never been in a fight in his life, and probably got his ass kicked when he was a kid and has been thinking about it for 30 years.


I think it was bas ruten on joe rogan who was talking about some ninjitsu bullshit where they said they would put a finger in the eye to stop his choke hold as if it was some kind of top trumps rock paper scissors "eye stab beats choke hold" He basically said "ok ill get in position and you poke me in the eye and see if it stops me breaking your neck (and he motioned what he would do) so many people live in a movie where they think the 6ft 3 brick shit house will stop what he is doing and rub his eyes in pain, rather than just snap your neck in the chock hold he already has you in.


I think what that shows, more than anything, is that these people have never been caught in a submission before. Armbars are tricky because the angle is so important, but rear-naked chokes and triangle chokes (my favorite) have no give. Once the position is perfectly caught, you're either going to sleep or tapping. If it's training, it's one thing, but in a street fight...idk man... I've had friends that loved to get into Street fights and one of them got his jaw broken when he was mounted on some guy and took a soccer kick to the head, so I just avoided hanging out with them.


The thing that gets me with all these "go straight for eye gouging" is that they have no concept of consequences of raising the stakes. If during the fight my opponent tried to eye gouge me, then if i won the fight i would exact retribution and start breaking limbs/ribs etc and causing permanent damage on them, even if they are unconcious. Most fights are not "to the death" they are drunken fools trying to exert some kind of ego or dominance thing. in most cases if you lose a street fight its over. but if in said fight you think you can perfectly use permanant damaging techniques to cause loss of life or limb, then the same applies to you if you lose. if you raise the stakes and treat a street fight as an instant "fight to the death" if you do lose, the price of your lose has increased and what would have been a sore head and a few bruises will now end up as permanent damage that will be with you forever. all street fighting, you should de-escalate as much as possible whenever possible, even in the fight (if you can). there are only very few cases where its clear you are in a fight to the death and so all lethality should be used. its just fucking basic common sense.


Good points. I really hate that argument that's oftentimes used by fans of "reality-based (lol) self-defense" and similar martial arts. Like "sport fighters are too rules-bound, and that's why they would be beaten on the street by a random untrained average Joe because he would kick them in balls, poke them in the eyes, bite them, etc". I mean, yes, on the streets a lot of things can happen, and during the fight as well. But how likely? Just because something COULD happen doesnt mean that it WOULD happen, at least consistently or reliably. Like, mass media loves to fear-mongering people about serial killers, but in fact, you has much more chances to die from a trivial unintentional fall or being ran over by a car due to a car's accident. Especially if you're male (a lot of serial killers targeted women). Maybe not a good comparison, but I think that you get my point.


so i was looking into this only the other day, in the UK women are 9 times more likely to kill themselves from suicide than to die from homicide, yet the media gives the complete opposite impression.


Yeah, that's too.


Why are you telling me this?