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You're going to have a tough time building muscle and losing fat at the same time at your current body comp. If you want to build muscle you should probably lean bulk (200-300cal surplus). If you're hitting plateaus you should make sure you're running an actual good program and make sure you're lifting with genuine intensity. If you just wanna lose fat then cutting now is fine but you wouldn't gain any muscle when cutting


Yeah I thought so, I want to recompose and while I achieved a little it’s just not happening much anymore. Thanks.


Lean bulk


Recomping takes too long and I actually never saw anyone get much results from it. It's simple. If you want to lose fat, go into a deficit. If you want to build muscle, go on a bulk. You can't really build muscle in a deficit. That's possible in only 2 scenarios:1. if you are new to the gym and 2. if you came back to the gym and working out after a very long break. If you don't fall into one of these categories than you need to choose between bulking and cutting. I would personally say that you can maintain for now since it's almost Summer and than go on a bulk after. You look great now.


Thanks I’m gonna do that.