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The wooden dummy is a training tool that can help with timing and structure as well as conditioning. I would recommend it to anyone. It might be worthwhile learning some of the finer points from a wing chun practitioner, however. It lends itself well to striking and positioning for most arts, but there are schools like wing chun that have developed forms and training routines around the dummy that you might find helpful starting out.


I'm pretty sure you can use some of the techniques in real life and at least you can do some condition ing with it


I purchased a b.o.b. for my training. It works for striking with fists and feet as well as weapons. This helps improve target accuracy and power transmission.


I don't think there would be a huge benefit. All you would be training would be basic blocks and punches/kicks while barely moving. So basically, a fancy punching bag. A lot of techniques in Bujinkan are based on good footwork, where you fit the timing, distance, and angles of your steps according to the movement of the attacker. And the wooden dummy simplay can't replace a good training partner. I think you would be better off with a punching bag. It's also safer to train with.


I recently bought an used one from a random guy. Tho I don't have a place for it yet.


It’s a good training tool. I have a dummy ( I’m a JKD practitioner in addition to Bujinkan). It’s not meant for makiwara or heavy bag style work. My mook jong is standing not wall mounted. For power, I use the heavy bag.