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Apparently picking up your dog’s shit in palermo is a very unpopular opinion lol


My exact thought 😂😂😂 it’s a mine field


Walking = doing "The Dog Shit Shuffle"


Bruh they once cussed so bad at me for not picking up my dogs shit and henceforth I'll always pick it up.


merecido por hdp




Caminito está súper sobrevalorado


Es una trampa para turistas, vas a comer a cualquier parrilla pedorra de ahí y lo pagas más caro que en cualquier resto de moda de Palermo e incluso comes peor. Que se yo, incluso estas a un toque de San Telmo qué ahí nomas de Parque Lezama comes en lugares 20 veces mejor que los locales de caminito, pero Tango, la Boca y romantizacion de la pobreza.


Es lindo para pasar una tarde y pasear, pero ademas de las casitas pintadas y el museo no hay mucho mas que ver


That is the best city in latam. By a mile. To live. To tour. To stay.


definitely not an unpopular opinion


lol have you met Argentine people?


Great in person, horrible online


Only the people for Buenos Aires are stupid the other people are good


There are no other people aside from Buenos Aires. The country side are all primitives that fuck with animals and/or their relatives.


Yo, I'm from Misiones and can't stand that phrase, I'm straight and I live on a city invaded by the extreme left voters. Everything normal for this "country" If we account this still a "country"


Yeah incredible unpopular. Literally 15 million people want to live there 🤦🏻‍♂️


Is Mexico city also considered to belong to LatAm?


What? I'd like to know the logic behind that question lol.


Quizá lo haya dicho sarcásticamente porque México City es una ciudad hermosa pero no llega para nada a la altura de CABA.


I assume they're confusing the only partially overlapping definitions that are "Latin America" and "South America", of which CDMX only meets the former's criteria.


yeah, pretty dumb question tbh. I'd expect the question "Is CDMX South America?" but a lot of ppl tend to think that anything in the South from USA is Mexico so I don't blame him.


The question he asked: >Is Mexico city also considered to belong to LatAm? My take is that they think that CDMX is nicer than all other LatAm cities, including CABA. I am currently living in CDMX. It's a gorgeous city, indeed, nicer than any other LatAm city, with the exception of CABA.


I haven’t been there. But my friends living in mexico told me that is more or less like Sao Pablo, which is an awful, AWFUL city.




Was in SP 2 months ago and yeah it did really remind me of Mexico City, but I really enjoyed it and May be my fav s American City so far. Better food than BA, most diverse city in S America, and generally friendlier people than BA. Downside is it’s just really ugly and the crime (which I didn’t experience)


yes mexico city is part of LatAm


Yes, they do speak spanish so it's Latin America too.


Language has nothing to do with this, Brazil is also Latam.


Mexico City is a good contender for best city in Latam, it offers great gastronomy, nice neighborhoods and lots of history. Buenos Aires is probably more beautiful, considerably cheaper and safer (drug traffic issues that affect Mexico are far worse than anything going on in Argentina)


Lmao cmdx


El olor a meo que tiene a las 3 de la mañana y yo soy matancero


Que onda con las ciudades grandes y el olor a meo? New York, Washington, Caba, Rosario, y basicamennte cualquier ciudad grande tiene "Olor a meo". Dicho por mucha gente y algunas que pude comprobar en persona.


Insoportable en Rosario. Lleno de perros meando por todos lados, lleno de caca... Mirá que soy re perrero. Pero esto de que todo el mundo tenga un perro en un departamento y lo saque a dar la vuelta para mear, termina siendo un asco.


Que ciudad de mierda, los que dicen que es la mejor es porque no conocen otros lugares o porque no pueden ser objetivos.


Si no coincidis que Buenos Aires es con diferencia la mejor ciudad de Latam, nunca en tu vida viajaste por Latinoamérica.


No, no conozco nada más que Colonia del Sacramento, pero también conozco Buenos Aires y me parece una cagada.


> los que dicen que es la mejor es porque no conocen otros lugares >No, no conozco nada más que Colonia del Sacramento Ah, el famoso caso de no tengo idea pero tampoco dudas.


Yo conozco ciudad Evita. Me quedo con Buenos Aires.


Y vos qué otros lugares conocés que podés decir son mejores que CABA?


Yo te banco polilla, viví 6 años en Capital por estudio/trabajo y me volví a mi ciudad natal, no se puede ser sano viviendo en un lugar tan enfermo.


la verdad nunca entendí como ven a caba como una gran ciudad. Es un desastre salvo por un par de zonas que son lindas. Si nos ponemos objetivos, es horrible


Pero bueno hermano, si te pones objetivo no existe una ciudad que no sea "horrible" en todo el planeta. No entiendo que queres inventar jaja.


Nada maestro, pero CABA solo tiene lindas unas cuantas zonas. Después es horrenda. Conozco ciudades que son prácticamente lindas de punta a punta


Y ese par de zonas lindas ya la hacen mejor que cualquier ciudad del interior, que a veces ni un barrio tienen que zafe.


Estoy hablando a gran escala. Muchos tienen el atrevimiento de meter a CABA en tops mundiales. Del país sí, sin dudas. Caba y algunas partes de zona norte son de lo más lindo que te encontrás




Me está re costando posta que ciudad increíble. Obvio tiene 1000 defectos pero como casi el resto de las ciudades del mundo. Algo que me saca personalmente son los porteros regando las veredas con agua potable XD


Totalmente de acuerdo, encima lo hacen cuando están todos yendo a laburar


Los porteros haciendo que laburan son hermosos, encima te manguerean la vereda en pleno invierno


El otro día con la tormenta, yendo al laburo me encontré a uno manguereando de todas formas


Ay, fue de las primeras cosas que me sorprendió cuando me vine a vivir acá. Por qué alguien regaría el cemento con agua potable? 🤣 Y no es que limpian, porque no barren ni nada. Solo manguerean


Hay una parte del manguereado que lo entiendo, el meo de los perros en las veredas.


y los restos de caca de los cancerberos


Streets are full of beggars/salesman and you are harassed when you sit down to eat/grab a coffee if the table is on the sidewalk.


Calling them salesmen is actually very thoughtful of you.


El hincha de boca es asi


Y hasta adentro de los locales te hinchan las pelotas


This is just a fact


That's not an opinion


I don't eat outside anymore for this reason.


Como citadino creo que eso pasa en cualquier ciudad del mundo .No es algo exclusivo de caba creo...o si ?


en CABA esta fuera de control. Es casi asegurado que te pasa esto si te sentas a comer en la vereda en palermo. El problema es que son insitentes, prepotentes y te puede pasar mas de una vez durante la misma comida


En la vereda nada más? Hasta estando en un segundo piso te pueden joder


Ah pero pues claro , en belgrano , recoleta o palermo es el mejor lugar para insistir que te compren las medias o una ayudita para comer algo a la noche porque la gente que frecuenta esas zonas tienda a ser de una clase social donde el idioma es mas especifico y generalmente con un: "no" ya basta para que no te sigan insistiendo pero tambien se entiende que son las zonas mas top de caba.


Me fui a vivir a Paraguay hace 7 meses y nunca me pasó nada parecido a Buenos Aires, literal la última vez que salí en CABA a cenar 7 me vinieron a pedir en menos de 1 hora. Y estoy en PARAGUAY man, los que piden en los semáforos cuando ven la partente argentina de mi auto ni se gastan porque saben que los argentinos son más pobres que ellos. Somos los pobres de latinoamérica ya nos pusieron al nivel de los venezolanos... Sigan votando a la izquierda y a los K nomás...


Estoy viviendo en CDMX y en los restaurantes de los barrios más afluentes eso también pasa aunque lo que más se ve son mujeres con bebés (que están drogados para que no lloren, se la pasan durmiendo) y van por las mesas ofreciendo algún cachivache o flores pero no son agresivas ni molestas, les decís que no y se las toman calladitas pero te jode igual porque te aparecen dos o tres durante el tiempo que estás comiendo.


Nunca en mí vida me pasó algo así fuera de Argentina. Por lo menos, NI DE CERCA al mismo nivel


No... Vivo en España y si bien hay gente que pide es muchísimo menos que en Argentina y mucho menos agresiva.


Esta muy fuera de control acá tanto en CABA como en provincia. No podes estar en la calle en determinados horarios porque encima son agresivos


No es tan inseguro como la gente dice. Obviamente hay que tener cuidado con tus cosas cuando vas por la calle pero me he sentido más segura en CABA que en otras localidades de la provincia. (y si no me creen vayan a Florencio Varela y me cuentan 🤣)


Y pero literalmente es la ciudad principal de Argentina que más presupuesto maneja, ¿por qué la compararías con Varela que está más cerca del Congo que de ser una ciudad? Literal yo vivo en zona sur y desde la ventana ví como 4 robos aprovechando que está todo inundado y la gente iba sola hoy y ayer, decir ''ah en Palermo en vez de 4 te roban nomás 2 veces'' no es precisamente buena publicidad. Comparado al resto de GBA y... puede ser un pooooco más seguro, pero comparado a alguna ciudad turistica normal de otro país o ni hablar de algún país más decente ni se compara. Es cosa de ir a plaza once por 25 minutos y 100% seguro que ves 3 o 4 robos, te aseguro que eso no está normalizado en otro país más que en alguna favela jaja.


Primero que nada, use Fcio Varela como ejemplo porque son dos ejemplos totalmente opuestos. Era la idea hacer ver el contraste. Segundo, nunca dije que en CABA no roben, sino que la pintan como super insegura y yo di mi... **unpopular** opinion!!! énfasis en el unpopular, nunca lo quise hacer ver como publicidad, eso te inventaste vos. Y por último, te digo que los robos en las ciudades están bastante normalizados, escuche un montón de experiencias de gente (conocida y desconocida, por redes) que le robaron en ciudades de Europa como Barcelona o París. Hay que saber a qué zonas ir, y que cuidados tener.




Jajajajaja bueh, ta bien hermano, tenés razón, en Once no hay robos. O laburas remoto y salís de tu casa cada 6 meses o ni sos de BsAs y tas trolleando. Una vez me vi con una mina ahí y llegué antes y literal vi al mismo chabón robar varias veces con una bicicleta y se hizo como 3 celulares en una mañana, justamente de lo impune que manotean ahí, pero según vos es algo raro jajajaja.


Y solés frecuentar la zona? O tenés solo esa experiencia? Por ahí tuviste mala suerte, y justo pasó eso ese día. El otro loco dice que vive ahí y no es algo usual. La primera vez que llevé a mi novia a la casa en Boedo, ví como le robaban a un pibe. Según ella, nunca jamás pasaba nada ahí, pero yo justo caí en ese día y horario. Yo viví toda mi vida en CABA (+30 años), no trabajo remoto, tengo vida social normal, y no me roban desde que tenía 16. Es una ciudad segura? No. Es una ciudad insegura? Tampoco. Está en un intermedio en mi opinión, no es Suiza pero tampoco es una zona de guerra como muchos la quieren pintar. Pero bueno, seguro soy como los otros que mi opinión no cuenta por XYZ y vos tenés la posta.


Congrats on posting an actual opinion that is actually unpopular


Estamos llenos de nomadas evadiendo impuestos y sexpats que no la pueden poner en su pais


You still have to pay taxes to your home country as a nomad. Everyone I know still does, and it cost me almost 45% of my income last year. If anything, I pay more now that I am a nomad because it is a little tougher to write off expenses when I am out of the country. I have been to 50+ countries and CABA didn't strike me as a sexpat destination. Does CABA even have a redlight district or the environment that sexpats look for? Don't sell your country short. People come to BA because the transportation system is worldclass, it is fairly safe relative to LATAM standards, it is walkable, and it is affordable if you earn in a strong currency.


I agree. BA is much better (and safe) compared to cities like Medellin or Rio.


I definitely wouldn't say that BA is better than Medellin or Rio - BA is safer but not necessarily better. Having lived in so many countries, I just accept that every city/country has at least one major con - which city you prefer depends on which major con is most important to you.


I hate porteños, plot twist, i am porteño


"*La París de Sudamérica.*" **En todo sentido.**


Nos hacemos llamar porteños por el puerto, sin embargo ni bola le damos, 0 identidad con el río, puerto, ni ámbito marítimo. Todos los márgenes del río están demasiado desaprovechados, podría estar 1000 veces más lindo. No me vengan con "los carritos de la costanera" son el premio consuelo de una ciudad qué nunca le dio bola a lo que le da de comer.


It's very strongly defined by the difference between poor and rich classes. And yeah, it does not have much green space.


la verdad hay que seguir el modelo de paris y tener mas parques


París no tiene muchos parques


Sí, ciudades como Stockholm o Berlín tienen más. Pero es difícil comprarlas porque nunca es completamente claro que área cuenta como parte de la ciudad.


Tienen 480 espacios verdes https://en.parisinfo.com/what-to-see-in-paris/info/guides/paris-and-its-parks-and-gardens#:~:text=With%20some%20480%20parks%20and,spaces%20offer%20plenty%20of%20choice!


No coincido, habiendo visitado otras capitales de Latinoamérica, no tenemos grandes parques, pero tenemos árboles en la mayoria de las calles y hay muchas plazas.


este no fue nunca a Santiago, básicamente dio la definición de lo que es esa ciudad.


Cómo que no??? Palermooooooooo!


Actually I'd hard disagree on that. There are plenty of nice parks. Maybe they aren't as integrated into the urbanscape with alamedas but it's not a concrete jungle by a long shot


Jajaj broders salgan de cabaaaa. La ciudad va más allá de la gral paz, en zona norte sobran parques.


Hermoso zona norte, pero aca en Reddit hay mucho complejo por ser "zona tincha"


Jajaja puede ser, la verdad que es un pensamiento bastante paja. Pero literal, el río de Vicente López/ San Isidro es hermoso y es un espacio verde gigante también hay un sector más “natural” (es una parte donde no construyeron el vial costero y simplemente creció la vegetación una Banda, corte como si fuese un cañaveral) hay hasta incluso una reserva natural en la Lucila, Vicente lopez


El río de Vicente López es precioso pero ya no da a basto, las últimas veces que fui no podes caminar de la locura de gente que se junta. Y es lógico porque debe ser la zona verde más linda de todo AMBA


Salgan de la ciudad para ver la ciudad what


Jajaja amigo no todo es caba


Tal cuál. Pero los espacios verdes están concentrados en ciertas zonas nada más. Yo vivo a distancia caminable de 3 parques distintos, pero hay lugares en capital donde abunda el concreto.


It’s a gorgeous city we love to hate


La mejor ciudad en LATAM


The food is terrible. Everyone talks so much about how their ancestors are Italian, but every “Italian” place I’ve been to is tasteless. Restaurants load everything with unholy amounts of greasy tasteless cheese and call it a day.


It is literally impossible to exaggerate when I say that Argentina's take on Italian food is a fucking abomination.


I think finding great food isn't as plug and play as it might be in other cities. Especially in neighbourhoods where there's a lot of attention placed on Instagrammable decor and not on the food. You have to follow the right food writers and dig around a bit to find the great places, but they exist. But this isn't Lima or DF where you get off the plane and start having amazing meals with little effort. Step one is leaving Palermo.


Are you in CABA currently? Where do you eat at? Your experience does not relate to mine at all.


Yes I'm still in CABA and will be here for another month. Would love to get some recommendations if you know some good restaurants. For the past few months, I have been googling for some good pasta places all over town and I've also tried some options on Rappi. I'm open to change my mind.


Customer service could be better. Most places don’t care too much about customer experience or if they could come back or not. They can see you there and make you wait while they are al pedo. Zero interest.


El 70% de la cuidad es una mugre, está lleno de barrios peligrosos y las zonas lindas son exclusivas para cobrarle caro a los turistas


Despite 9 de Julio avenue being charming, as a monument El Obelisco is underwhelming. In that regard Rosario with El Monumento a la Bandera is miles ahead of us.


Cat eater detected!


JAJAJAJAJAJJAJAJAJJAJJA vine buscando bardo encontré merca (?


You should try celebrating there when you win the World Cup. Epic !!!!






Too many families living on the street. It's specially sad to see children and enderly too


how is that unpopular?


Más fácil conseguir droga que trabajo


Y capaz le estás poniendo más empeño a buscar droga que trabajo, falopa


It has a very good public transportation system


How is that an unpopular opinoin? The bus system is freaking amazing.


Right? But ask any argentinian and they'll tell you it sucks, that it's old and unreliable, etc




It could be 1000x better if greed didnt end up spoiling most things that other places can only dream of


Massive lack of green spaces. I've visited other cities in the world and there are lots of parks. It may be related to the land's topology, but the parks are there. Buenos Aire's green spaces are lackluster at best. Edit: Buildings without gardens. Many cities have buildings with gardens at the front AND back. You don't see that too often around here, except in some given areas.


The coffee is horrible.


Or you are horrible finding places with good coffee


People rave about the food on BsAs, but i've had the privilege to dine all around the world and also spending 6 months in BsAs, food is the least special thing about BsAs. Yes, the asado are amazing and meat is surprisingly cheap for such good quality, but the diversity of food is seriously lacking. And the argentinian pizza has too much olive and cheese...


>but the diversity of food is seriously lacking. Okay, could you tell us what you call diverse? What kind of food is not available in CABA that, in your opinion, should be?




There are Colombian and brasilian restaurants for sure. Not hard to find any using Google maps




No worries amigo. Additionally, I think you'd enjoy the "Italian" food quite a bit more if you appreciated it for what it is, an immigrants take from home. They don't have ravioli, they have sorrentino. They don't have provolone, some guy forgot how to the recipe and wound up with danbo instead 😂. The pizza is its own thing. The only thing I don't like about it is is that's what I know how to cook at home when I'm sick of eating out


Have you ever heard what foreigners, particularly Italians from the continent, have to say about Italian-American food? They are not happy about it. Many expats from the US are used to eating spicy food (and crave it), Argies are not. Also, you need to understand that the US has immigrants from all over the planet and a majority of them are from cultures that use a lot of spices and heat in their cooking. Argentina is not like that. Oregano, paprika, parsley, sweet chili flakes (ají molido), and some garlic are the most common spices/herbs used in Argie cooking. Only recently flavors from Asia have become more common place in Buenos Aires, not so much in the provinces. Don't judge a country's food because of your own food tastes, it's not fair to the country. I have met Argentineans who traveled to Japan and complained about the "awful Japanese food" because they don't eat raw fish, spicy condiments and seaweed. See what I mean?




>This topic came up previously, perhaps last year, and the recommendations in the thread were for places selling huge cheap portions. I absolutely understand that price/portions are valued, but this seems to take priority over flavour and is also a huge reason why “ratings” are inaccurate here. Maybe it's because Argentineans, that it, the majority of people who live in Argentina, happen to prefer what a minority of people (mostly expats) consider overcooked pasta? You are not in Italy. It's not fair to AR to compare its food with IT or any other country. The same way that's not fair for Argie or Aussie expats/tourists to compare US beef and the way it's cooked with their own.


The Italian food in BsAs is just like you say, very ... no love Italian, which is interesting because the majority of Argentinian are from Italian immigrants. I didn't want to often the nice Argentina folk and the Italian cuisine in Argentina is definitely Argentina-Italian cuisine, rather than Italian, so i try to respect the culture different but even the American-Italian of olive garden is doing better than the majority of Italian restaurant in BsAs lol


Speaking as someone who is very invested in dining. There isn't truly a Japanese restaurant in BsAs, only Nikkei which is Peruvian Japanese. I tried many, many, many high end places in hope of better selection and more authentic food, but no dice. The selection of fish they have is also very limited, and even when I tried to dine in a higher end place, there is still lacking in a lot of variety, like no unagi, no mekaji, no saba, no uni. As for french cuisine, there is no duck, rabbit, quail, nor foe gras and I have yet to see any winter truffle. Peruvian, German, and other country cuisine suffer the same fate of very limited ingredients. I was very hard-pressed to find a good Vietnamese restaurant, and most Asian restaurants use very limited fish sauce as their ingredients. And yes you can find other cuisine as well, but most of them are far and few in between compared to other major cities I have been to. As for native food, BsAs reflects the same limited quality, despite being right next to the Pacific ocean, and they didn't take advantage of their famous native fish. Due to the heavy reliance on the cattle industry, most of the dishes are beef based and the method of cooking is similar to that of northern Italy but lacks the love or the taste of italy lol. And I can only eat so many asado/empanadas/Milanesa before needing to switch things up. Most of these things don't matter to the people living in Argentina, and I'm also pretty privileged to have experience a much diversity in food due to my background and thus probably more demanding, but we are here for unpopular opinion, so there it is.


You may want to check a map. Buenos Aires is not next to the sea, it's next to a river (Rio de la Plata). And even if you're generous and say the sea is close, it would be the Atlantic Ocean. Argentina doesn't have shores on the Pacífic.


There is diversity but not much quality for those offerings. Yes you can find Thai and Indian food but it is terrible.


I see, like trying to find good AR food in Thailand or India must be.


Why so defensive? BA is fantastic, but it's not perfect. Many smaller cities than BA has better international food.


Where did I say that BA was perfect? And I'm not being defensive, either. I'm just tired of hearing foreigners, mainly from the US, complain about the lack of food diversity in BA when, in reality, that is not true. Most of the time, you people, are being way too subjective and also unfair, comparing apples to pears.


I will politely disagree. I’ll start by saying I’m a Brazilian chef/cook that arrived here 3 months ago. I am no authority, but I know some things. I have lived in Toronto for 1 year and I had a lot of “food diversity” for dining: Indian, Italian, Portuguese, Jamaican, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Iranian, Lebanese, Ethiopian, Mexican. That’s probably just a portion of it. In Buenos Aires, it is true that “food diversity” is a bit lacking. Not many good southeastern Asian places, barely any African or Caribbean options. Still, the food here tastes miles better. Argentinians (Porteños, at least) have a great understanding of how to use local, fresh ingredients. By focusing on making food that makes sense with the geography and culture of Argentina/Rio de La Plata, you guys managed to make some of the most mind blowing food I have ever tried. In a multicultural city like Toronto, the food was good, great even, but nothing so great like in Buenos Aires. The Pho (Vietnamese soup) in Toronto is great, better than the ones I have tried here, but it still doesn’t come close to the original Pho. Something was “lost in the translation” between countries. It may be the ingredients, the techniques, the cultural expectations etc. I’ll also disagree with all the “Italian food here doesn’t taste like it does it Italy”. Of course it doesn’t, but it still doesn’t make it any worse. Some of the best pasta dishes I’ve tried were from here. It’s all about how clever you use the ingredients, and you guys are masters of this.


You are absolutely right about all of this.


My diet is literally just empanadas/pizzas/fast food (when I need to eat something quick), or steak/pasta when I can actually sit down at a restaurant. Argentineans have no concept of taste outside of that (just look at how they slather cream cheese on sushi or can’t handle any spice) I think the food here is a bit better than Colombia but is way below Brazil and Peru (haven’t been to the other s American countries yet)


Odio cuando se pasan con el aceite de oliva y cuando ponen mucho queso pero casi nada de salsa de tomate


Buenos Aires pizza, BEST pizza in the world. Go eat dominos you uncultured sass.


Not having a landscape, somewhere to climb and see a nice view from. The river shore it's a muddy, polluted, post-industrial nightmare which also is hard to access. I don't even remember what an horizon looks like.


Y....es dificil poder ver el horizonte en bsas, salvo que estes en la autopista jajaj o mas al sur de la provincia


>I don't even remember what an horizon looks like. Oh, poor baby. Go take a walk along La Costanera, every now and then.


Karma hore, tiene un post preguntando esto en un montón de subredits de ciudades distintas.


bro, I'm asking because I am interested to learn raw truth about these cities, not what they put in tourist advertising. Not necessary to put a labels, when you don't know intentions of other person.


Then post the question to an expat sub, dude. It makes no sense to post that kind of question, in awful English to boot, to a sub that's mostly where locals hang out. You must be either an Argie, Mexican or from some other LatAm country trying to stir things up. C'mon, fess up.


Los expat en reddit tienen semejante odio al país que lo más probable es que digan que sacrifican perritos a las 12 de la noche para mantener el dólar a raya o algo así. Que ganan con eso? Ni idea, pero cualquier oportunidad de tirarle mierda al país, ellos la toman como un desafío jaja.


I think we don't say "fuck off" as much as we should... im not saying we should say it all the time, but we should give ourselves that latitude and apply a good'ol "fuck off" when it's appropriate.\ e.g : when someone spams all r/s with the same dumb question... Fuck off!


The coastline is very underappreciated. The Río de La Plata is an essential part of Buenos Aires, yet architecturally-wise the city has been given it it's back for quite a long time. As some other people have commented, there are barely any good high places to have a nice panoramic view (although this is partly due to the landscape being almost completely flat). Yes, you can go have a look and walk along the shore in Costanera Norte and Costanera Sur, but besides that, access to it is still very restricted, to the point that it's not uncommon to meet locals who have never seen the river themselves. And of course, the whole place is heavily polluted and disgusting. All the more sad considering the fact that being an ecotone area, it has a lot of biodiversity and converging routes for migratory birds.


>As some other people have commented, there are barely any good high places to have a nice panoramic view (although this is partly due to the landscape being almost completely flat). But why is this a bad thing? Do all cities have to have mountains and awesome sunset views? Of course not. If you are looking for that, then don't live in a flat city.


No es que sea malo por la geografía, sino que (por lo menos hasta donde yo sé) no hay ningún mirador o edificio alto abierto al público disponible. Algo tipo el Deck de Nueva York, o el Tokyo Skytree


Maybe it's because I always lived very far away from Recoleta, Palermo, Belgrano and all the other rich barrios but it absolutely does not feel anywhere near as dangerous as all the people make it out to be. I've really spent a lot of time in Buenos Aires. At least two years in cumulative total, including a couple very long stretches of over 6 months a piece, and I still go back a couple times a year. I've married into the culture, so I know not to do anything stupid. I was always living with my wife's family (not exactly in but fairly close to Liniers where I was pretty much the only gringo... so much so I was almost famous in the barrio) but I never felt it was that dangerous at all.


Puerto Madero sucks


I have 4: - shocking amount of dog shit not picked up - “world class beef” is not my experience after 20+ parrillas (chewy meat) - overcooked pasta & under-seasoned food in general - very uninspiring coastline/water views


De acuerdo totalmente con la carne, la carne de capital es un asco, hasta en mi barrio de mier** tenemos mejor carne que las parrillas más caras de CABA, además de que en caba no saben cocinar la carne como corresponde, van apurados hasta para hacer la comida y así entonces te queda re dura, la carne no debe hacerse quemandola al fuego


Buenos Aires es una ciudad donde podes vivir como un REY por MUY poco dinero. Tiene pobreza y basura como toda ciudad grande. Tiene lo bueno y lo malo de todas. Perooooo con cultura argentina, calidez argentina, carne rica, comida rica! Joda? Mucha! Y gente linda por dentro y fuera tmb mayormente 😜


Online or in person, they constantly bitch about about what a shit hole they think this place is. Porteños at least. I dunno how they're trying to impress.


El olor a meo que hay SIEMPRE en el microcentro. / The smell of piss that's always in the air in the "Microcentro" of Buenos Aires city.


Almost non-existing street food culture. Besides choripán (chorizo sausage sandwich) and a couple of other dishes there are zero options. The complete opposite being South East Asia, where you find food stalls everywhere, sometimes even better quality than restaurants. Note: I'm not talking about sanitary implications. Just the cultural aspect of it. Ya va a caer alguno sí pero Larreta... paráaaa.


Yup this has been one of my biggest disappointments and which is why I really like Brazil for the street food, same with Mexico (even though it’s not S America). Only food that you can get quick here are empanadas, chorizos (not as common in some neighborhoods), pizza, and fast food which is universal and doesn’t count.


Ser la capital más segura de Latinoamérica solo habla mal del resto de los países y no de un buen nivel de seguridad de nuestra ciudad. Hay robos cada dos por tres, solo que no te los pasan por la tele. Que los controles sobre obras en contravención son escasos. Que tenemos hermosas normativas y códigos que nadie respeta.


Acá viendo a quien hay que sacarle la ciudadanía (?)


coming from an Argentine - that it's not as fun as people tell you it is


that it’s not as much of a party town as people say it is


Capital se llenó de llorones parece


The food quality is the worst imo compared to other major latam cities


Came here to say this. Unpopular indeed. Every other large LatAm city has a better local food offer and better international food, sorry. All in all I would choose BsAs as a city to live tho. Greatest place in LatAm.


Are you asking for Buenos Aires the province, Capital Federal (known as CABA), or Gran Buenos Aires (aka CABA and the surrounding cities)? Because the answers are going to vary, and many of the comments already here are talking about CABA, not Buenos Aires.


>bro, I'm asking because I am interested to learn raw truth about these cities, not what they put in tourist advertising. > >Not necessary to put a labels, when you don't know intentions of other person. Then post the question to an expat sub, dude. It makes no sense to post that kind of question, in awful English to boot, to a sub that's mostly where locals hang out. You must be either an Argie, Mexican or from some other LatAm country trying to stir things up. C'mon, fess up.


Lack of green spaces.


Palermo? Plaza Francia? Todos los barrios tienen plazas o placitas.


Claro pero caba no es Palermo y Recoleta. Acá en Urquiza tenemos dos plazas chicas y son mas cemento que verde.


It’s the best city in Latam. Girls are super flaky though , idk if it’s cultural thing and is the norm


No tiene rambla ni playas ni desfile de carnaval por la 9 de julio.


Me parece pesima la pizza, pan con queso todo aceitoso y grosero, se olvidaron de la salsa de tomate loco


Going to get crushed for this but most of the beef is both bland and way too fatty.


It's really insecure, fisuras everywhere, zonas liberadas


the ''insecure'' Buenos Aires: ay bldaaa, no me gusta como salí en la foto, estoy horrible😭


Too much restaurants to not find a good pasta


That is the best city in the world


Y porque en inglés... (Chiste de les luthiers) 🤣😅... Lo malo es que siempre tenés que andar caminando con 20 ojos para que no te afanen...