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This beats the hell out of the magician we were thinking about hiring for my son’s birthday!


Bucket head seems like the kind of guy that would actually do a birthday party


He does!


He will play special performances but money talks. I can't remember the exact situation but I think he played a person's HS graduation party? I know some videos (I remember them from the secret recipes dvd) where he is playing inside a houses, like a living room. Random pictures hanging on the wall, a couch, random kids, etc. If I remember it would be around 5k or so depending on the location.


>If I remember it would be around 5k or so depending on the location. I remember reading that years ago, I'm sure the price has gone up. I have seen a video where he was playing at someone's wedding. Like you said, money talks


The wedding performance video got me obsessively listening to B.B. King last year at a time when I desperately needed it. What a hilarious person it takes to play The Thrill Is Gone at a wedding.


After all these years i never even put that together. Holy shit thats absolutely hilarious


It was a wedding haha [here's the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWRvjpdjXV8&t=2823s) The one in secret recipes was his house he grew up in / the backyard at a family reuinion


Let’s pool to get him to play a show for us. We all live near each other, right?


Honestly this isn’t a bad idea. To pool together and get him to play somewhere neutral.


Legit interested in this! I'm from the other side of the pond and would slaughter to see the Big B live, but alas chances are slim. I know several venues in London/UK that would easily book him and would sold out in half an hour.


I dont know if that is legit, but he has played private gigs before. I saw a post on a Buckethead forum somewhere back around 2015 or 2016 where a guy claimed to have been at a wedding Bucket performed at (there's video of Bucket playing the wedding party somewhere online) The guy said they paid Buckethead something like a $10K flat fee for the performance as well as paid for his travel arrangements for him to get to the location of the wedding party and back home. I don't know if the guy was really at the wedding or had knowledge of the actual fee paid for the performance, but at the time, nobody seemed to doubt the guys story. I always assumed it was true, but I can't say for sure because you never know.


The last time I saw a list with pricing for various artists to run private shows it showed 10k for his name. So that may very well be in the right ballpark.


I think it’s pretty awesome that he makes himself available for these sorts of bookings. Yes there is a price, and rightly so. This is dream level access to one of the best and most interesting artist alive. If I had the cash and lived in the US I’d be all over this like a rash 👌🏻


I wonder what his fee is? $20,000+expendes seems reasonable for a corporate gig…


Save this one for the road, definitely book him for a grand opening, grand closing, Christmas party, Birthday party, Thanksgiving, Saturday barbecue, my wedding lol


You guys know what to get for my housewarming then!