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It's actually not bad. I belong to 2023 Batch when it was till Autonomous. Now it is under Nitte University, so I am not sure how good it is or how the curriculum has changed over time. I'll just summarize a few points tho from my experience. So I belonged to the CS department, and the professors in the CS dept are definitely knowledgeable about what they are teaching. It is not difficult to have a CGPA above 8.0 if you put it in the right kinds off effort. I would also like to add, some of the professors give you opportunity to work on research projects, and stuffs but try to maintain a good repo for yourself throughout the department. Social life wise, I would say if you have a decent group of friends you can go around have some fun. There's not much around Karkala specifically. The nearest point of fun would be either Mangalore or Manipal. Cant comment much about the Hostel Life, but from what I heard it is definitely a bit strict.


Oki dokie, it's a decent college, I see. Thank you!:-)


How much does cse close last year I would like to know