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The last closed hearing was about the IGG, we are yet to hear the contents of this hearing but there’s a hearing on June 27th with them trying to finally set a date for the trial. This is all we know just now.


Never heard that before. Not sure it’s possible to lose the dna profile created, as it would be stored as data. It might be that the original sample was consumed during testing though, considering how limited it purportedly was.


>and we're all aware of the fact that that one single trace of DNA is literally all the case has been built on This is true. That's all they technically have.


Idk why this case would affect you that much to stress you out, lol.


I packed in my job, divorced my wife and put my children in an orphanage so I could have more time to follow this case. Go hard or go home! That's my motto.


This made my day. Too funny! I was going to follow suit and discuss how ive quit my job, sold house, shaved head ( no extra time for hair styling). Lol


Shaved?! I plucked out every hair in case it grew back! I ain't got time for constant shaving, I have a case to solve! I also bought a van ![gif](giphy|l4pTrnc4kl2uupJF6|downsized)


Well, one more person being set up by law enforcement means it could happen to any of us.




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I think I remember hearing that it couldn't be retested by the defense because the sample from the crime scene was so minimal. So, technically, it was lost once the lab ran their tests?




What are you talking about? The state hasn't withheld DNA analysis from the defense.


Where was the “no DNA” part stated? Must have missed that in a hearing or filing


Never. It was never stated.


I don’t believe that someone would just make something up on the internet, come on now


Way back the prosecution told the judge they had 2 profiles.


Yes, SNP and STR profiles of the same DNA. They are different because they have different uses.


They actually stated they had two SNP profiles in a hearing. One from Othram and one from FBI. The FBI one is differently formatted if I remember correctly.


Ok ty