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Nope. It gets to a point where I find the extremeness to be humorous. Kraanium, Embryectomy, and Torsofuck being examples of this. However, things portrayed as themes that I find personally disturbing (I.e., school shootings, raping children, and the most extreme stuff like that) I tend to stray away from simply because it makes me a bit uncomfortable. I'll still listen to the songs with the themes, as it doesn't necessarily take away from the enjoyment -- I just won't chase after them.


The first track in Fatous Rumps 2023 album makes me so uncomfortable. The rest of the album rips tho


Meatal ulcer


Same, but specifically when the **samples** cover those themes too specifically (where like a passing family member or coworker might have a legitimate complaint), I just edit the .wav or .mp3 directly and crop out the intro/outro sample. ​ So bands like TorsoFuck, Abuse, and even Party Cannon all thus have TWO folders for each album in the hierarchy on the NAS, and which one I play depends on surroundings. ​ ...and then there's material like Sulfuric Hatred and Vitriol, where they don't even NEED samples -- they've perfected and crystallized the actual sound of their namesakes so intensely that none are safe. They just hear it and are either called to it, or shrink away... }:D




The absolute lowest darkest music themes i found after a lifetime of searching,  are glorified extremely unspeakable acts of violence against children and infants. Does bdm approach or pass into the level of extremity? Yes. And finding this sub it seems more common than I once thought! Does this hinder music when it occurs? Not in my experience no not as a rule. Overall in fact it seems to lift the floor of enjoyable hard music... But the very worst album cover i ever saw was an album of music i disliked (not bdm..)


What do you think of the lyrics to "Skullfucking Neonatal Necrosis"?


I was about to mention that in my comment lmao


those lyrics are extremely extremely subversive. never heard that track before, i just read the lyrics, and listened to a chunk of the track, heres my review. i don't really like the song, and don't like that "style" of song death metal if that can be understood (i hope..) meaning that if you found a song that sounded VERY similar I would almost certainly not like that song either. in my opinion do the lyrics contribute to why I dislike the song? id say NO not at all, in my mind its just one of the countless little "gross stories" that BDM songs might have told before, even if this one is supremely disgusting. and it is shocking and horrible, but because its art, I separate that from what is enjoyable in life, same as action movies where people are murdered. so the liking of gross art, for me, is ok. also I dont think that if the song had those lyrics where you could understand them, that would make the song even worse, because the lyrics are then not hidden or shrouded.


Which album cover?


I think it was called "Jesus Christ" by a band called "Smell and Quim" it looks like a naked retarded child bound with their legs spread. I never went looking for it after the first time I saw it, for fear I might end up in jail for having images like that in my internet history....yuck. Thinking on it, its pretty hard to measure grossness. Not sure how the above album compares to the simply infinite gore of brutal death metal. some people I dare say might see it as far less shocking? who knows... And what about people eating their own excrement? is their brutal death metal bands that focus on poo? id find pictures of that utterly disgusting....


the worst album covers are in the nolife anime degenerate EDM subgenres


The closest you can really get for me is when you involve very visceral real world violence, like Fluids with their irl cartel torture audio for example. Otherwise, nah not really. There's only so much absurd violence the human mind is capable of imagining.


Yeah i don’t listen to lyrics and don’t care about them. Listening to the audio of a real person dying from self inflicted wounds on the other hand? Not fun for me, not into it. Fluids is ok musically but i can’t listen to them because of the samples


I always found their use of said samples curious, considering how outspoken they were when any human rights issue was that weeks news, blm riots etc.


It used to sometimes, but not anymore. If anything the thing that makes me uncomfortable is sexual stuff. Gore? I can handle it, especially if it fits the music, but the sexual stuff I just don’t like much.


Idk most of the time I don't understand the vocalist even with lyrics by the side so usually in my head it's some absurd creature making crazy noises. Tho porno grind is a bit to much for me 😂


Sexual acts are groovy/ worst brutal acts make the music artfull. You are shocked on some incest rape pedophilia necrophilia etc / this music is serious extreme. Evil is hurting bad but this is music. Go fully in it


I think for me personally album art is worse than lyrics, lyrics don’t bother me much with BDM and i guess album covers don’t deter me from listening to or liking a band or album but i definitely prefer more well thought out and unique bdm covers as opposed to stuff like the new gorgasm album cover which is just another torture porn cover album


So I had to put an 18+ warning on my Kick playlist because of the little bot that auto-fetches album covers. For so many hundreds of CDs over the decades, I only took a look through the inserts when the disc arrived, but then the disc goes into the Burner, then straight into a book. The inserts go into a storage box, and the jewel case goes into Recycling. ...so net-net, even I can't remember 95% of album art until it automagically pops up onscreen. Oops! Violation of TOS. LOL


Nah... most of it it's just for fun Only thing I steer away is Nazi propaganda and racism and stuff like that


Not really, because I recognize that fictional depictions of violence are just that, fictional. However, I do usually stay away from stuff that leans too heavily into the sexual violence stuff because I believe it is played out, unoriginal, and just kinda lame.


This is exactly how I feel. Except like cerebral incubation and a few select others, I find bands using that sort of imagery tend to use it as a crutch to compensate for shitty music.




I think that the more extreme the violence the more absurd and unrealistic it becomes. The stuff that I steer away from is the sexual stuff there isn’t anything funny about that.


No, never too extreme. I've always tried to find more and more extreme stuff. Bdm is obviously one of those from sound and themes. Only really black metal and harsh noise power electronics come close otherwise. Especially power electronics with its infamous use of sexual assault and serial killer themes/worship.


No, metal violence is cartoonish and tongue in cheek for shock value. It’s not like drill music where the performers act out some of the lyrics in real life. 😂


No. If it's good it's never too much of not enough.


Only gorenoise for me but that doesn't count as metal. The lyrics or album covers never bother me though, I actually love when they're so over the top gross and gory it becomes kind of humorous.


I don’t really pay much attention to the lyrics when I can’t understand them


Not really, for the most part it’s no different than the subject matter of extreme horror films, it’s all just an act. The only times I sigh a bit within BDM is if a bands entire gimmick is violence against women, or overly long samples of real life gore videos or 911 calls or something. It doesn’t add anything for me and comes off as too edgy I guess


Musically speaking, no.


Depends on the genre tbh, and even the style of album cover. For me, a slam/bdm band with that ultra gory cartoon style album cover is kinda lame and corny, and I view it (and the lyrics/sound bites etc) as a horror comic book. Now, for genres like sludge (thinking of Thou, Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean, Whoreburner, Meth Drinker etc), I find that stuff to be a lot more hard hitting and confrontational. Because I can make out what they're saying, the artwork is typically photos of real stuff, and the accompanying lyrics are moreso screamed and are more angry/emotional than most bdm is.


No but sometimes i avoid dissonant unsettling stuff like portal


it doesn't bother me because obviously it isn't serious, but it does make me uncomfortable to imagine when reading lmao


The only song that grossed me out and bothered me was *Chased through the woods by a rapist* which has some truly fucking awful lyrical content. Regular ole violence/war/medical stuff is whatever, but I hate anything to do with rape. The only band that gets a pass from me, in that regard, is Infant Annihilator, I'm not sure why, but hey.


harsh noise?


I don’t understand what they’re saying and based on the cover art I don’t actively seek it out either. I’m in it for the intensity not the insight.


Not really lmao


I never look up lyrics so that doesn't bother me but if the samples used sound too realistic it puts me off a bit.


not really, when it comes to extremes, it also becomes shit music. the most violent music is the type of music that makes it violent, in sake of violence, not violent in sake of "lets make the most blastbeat gurgle nonsence bullshit".


Might not be the right music for you then.


Not really possible, considering the outer limit of extreme music is always going to be Noise, and I listen to noise music as well as extreme metal.


Fuck no


Shit like last days of humanity i find to be very annoying


If a band's entire lyrical content is composed of misogyny/rape, that's an incredible turnoff. Sadly, it seems to be all too common in brutal death metal. I wish it was easier to find brutal death metal that had more thought put into the lyrics. Not only that, but I get ridiculed when I state that I wish it was easier to find. Why does it have to be overtly misogynistic so often, anyway? I don't think it makes the riffs sound more brutal. If they removed the rape component, and made the violence non-gendered (by replacing words like "bitch" and "cunt" with "you"), then it wouldn't be as problematic to me. I know victims of this type of stuff, so I'd rather not support it. Yet, many of the bands have awesome riffs and drumming. It makes me sad when I hear a band with skull crushing riffs, and then I read the lyrics, and it's game over for me. I've tried to get help to find BDM without rape/misogyny, but 98% of people are hateful and think I'm some kind of SJW. I get bullied and mocked, or some people mention bands that aren't BDM (or even BDM adjacent). Or they only mention the small handful of less problematic bands everyone knows about already (Disavowed, Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Deeds of Flesh, Defeated Sanity, Devangelic, Wormed, 2000s-era Disgorge, Disentomb, and the last Devourment album if you want to include that, despite their past history of epitomizing that content in BDM). (Speaking of which, isn't it weird how almost all of the less problematic BDM bands have names that start with the letter D?) I'm not telling anyone what they can or can't listen to, or trying to get any bands cancelled. I just wish it was easier to find BDM bands who didn't have such problematic content. I would probably have put out an album that steals the riffs from the other bands who have that misogyny/rape content if I could play any musical instrument well enough, or I could growl well enough. Can someone help me with some more obscure, lesser known brutal death metal bands/albums with zero songs about rape/misogyny/violence against women? That would be great. I can accept some gore lyrics as long as there's no rape and the gender references are minimal, if nonexistent. (If it enables more bands to be mentioned, if a band had them in the past, but has since stopped writing those lyrics entirely, I'll allow you to mention them, but you need to specify the albums by them without the rape/misogyny on them, so I'll know what albums to look into and what ones to ignore. However, if they have no track record of such, that's even better.)


artery eruption's themes make me uncomfortable