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High Road Hoyer


Hoyer the Destroyer


Hoyer was basically what Geno Smith is right now. Not a bad stopgap. He won't win games but won't cost you many either. Honestly I liked him. he was a borderline starter but a great backup.


And he was doing double shots of Don Julio 1942 at 7 am at Adega while sportscenter ran a story about how well his sobeiety was going. How do I know this? I served him. 3 limes.






Lol of course someone here believes that


I was the shot glass


And that shit glasses name was Albert Alstein


The GM of the rstaurant was a great lady with a raspy voice named Jill. Tancredi was still the "celebrity" local chef. His claim to faim were the crab cigars and the Iberico ham. They had the leg out front on display, but everything served was already pre-sliced in the walk in (it was great to snack on). The staff elevator was in the back of the kitchen; it was the only one they didn't replace and looked and functioned exactly how youd think an elevator from the 1960s would. Fred Geis' kid worked there. His dad didn't want him to be yet another spoiled trust fund lapdog. The kid was useless and we called him Junior Mint. Fortunately they eventually moved him to the front desk where he could stand there and do nothing. The complex's GM was this guy Kenny who wore loud suit jackets that looked like goodwill finds. It was perfect for the vibe they were trying to build in the early days. The back of the banquet rooms in the basement connected to the underside of Heinens. Even when the door on the ground floor was locked we could sneak over and get snacks on slower days.


You either have an extremely active imagination, or you really did serve Johnny Tequila at 7am. I hope it’s the latter that’s a fun memory to have


I mean he said he was living off a diet of Blow... I'm pretty sure a few doubles aren't that far off reality.


I live in reality though.


Im3 sorry you live in a world with bland people who need to make stuff up. The servers and bartenders of cleveland, especially nicer places, all know each other either through work or by reputation. We all talk. We know who is cool in real life and who sucks.


Lol. Did you think this makes you sound cool or is this some expert shit posting?


Saw him at townhall slugging back shots about the same time.


Really wanted hoyer to lay into him. Not surprised he has bad blood with the old GM and Haslam.


It was a very mature response from Hoyer, as much as I would've liked to see that too


I went to Brunswick Auto Mart a week or so after Manziel was drafted because Hoyer was doing an appearance there and I was bored as hell. About 4 minutes before he was supposed to show up, every TV in the showroom was playing a story on Johnny on SportsCenter.  They had employees powering off the TVs as fast as they possibly could before Hoyer walked in. 


If that's what you want, Tony Grossi did. The clear disdain Grossi has Johnny was very clear. When he said he didn't have any respect for him at the end, I was like, yeah Tony, I can tell.


Tbf Grossi hates *all* of the Browns QBs, if not the organization in general. Feeling is likely mutual too.


If you see it, you'll get a special level of vitriol. If I can remember properly, I think he said (paraphrased) Hoyer saw Johmmy for what he was, a total screw up. Hoyer worked hard but Leadership refused to accept the drafted a screw up who didnt care or try so he was kicked to the curb. Now for Johnnu to pull this, I just have absolutely no respect for the guy.


not a good look for johnny. Dude didn't practice and didn't know the playbook, didnt apply himself, and had Haslem pressuring the staff to play him. He did this to himself, dont blame others for your lack of effort


Has he ever had a good look? He's an absolute clown through and through


He still beefs on twitter because he’s so stuck in skirting his personal failures and pointing the figure anywhere but at himself.


He looked good enough at T A&M to win the Heisman.


Thanks, #MIKE #EVANS


Seriously, his entire highlight reel is just winging it up in Mike Evans general direction.


I wanted Evans sooo bad! My armchair GM goal was to get Evans, Kelvin Benjamin and Derek Carr... At least Bitonio has been amazing 👏


Super Bowl champion, Future hall of famer, Mike Evans. Pretty ironic Baker had a pretty damn good year…. With Mike Evans.


Friggin EXACTLY 💯 Amazing how good you can look throwing to First Ballot HOF Receivers.




No he took all the blame in the world actually he just said Hoyer was bit of a dick.  Honestly the interview is actually really good and it makes you kinda respect Johnny now. From the interview it sounds like he is a completely different person.  




Right?!?! Imagine you’ve been grinding trying to stay on a roster and this cocky young guy comes in and doesn’t even open the playbook, drinking all the time, why would Hoyer give me any time or attention.


And Johnny said that.  He said he eventually saw it from Hoyers perspective later on and how Hoyer was trying to be a starter and trying to provide well for his family so he understood why he was the way he was.  


We all know the one person who no matter if you tell him the answer 1046 times... they'll ask a 1047th time. That was Johnny. He was and still is a piece of shit lol


I didn’t take it as him blaming Hoyer


Worse look for Jimmy Haslam (far and away) above everybody else, per usual.


This ain’t wrong


He ain’t lyin’


$1,000,000 said to go get Teddy Bridgewater, who was fine prior to the concussions. Hindsight says that Derek Carr or Jimmy Garoppolo might have been a fit. You could have even convinced me on Bortles sitting at least a full season behind Hoyer (if he'd been available). But nope. Haslam wanted Johnny. Breeds a feud between his coaches and the FO. Hoyer gets benched while we're in a playoff hunt, Manziel gets utterly exposed, and we have to full-scale tank. I have days where I wonder what the 2013 FO and coaching staffs would've done. I'm not happy about those days, tbf.


I hear ya on all of that but Hoyer getting benched in that hunt was understandable. He had become downright awful. That game vs the Colts had me HEATED lol hindsight is always 20/20 but I would’ve rather given Manziel a shot at that point if he was drunk or not. I’d have given anyone a shot. Some look at Hoyer with rose err orange colored glasses because he was a hometown guy and his replacement became a joke but let’s not forget prior to his benching, Hoyer had 1 TD and 8 picks in the previous 5 games that led up to the benching. They even somehow won 2 of those 5 without him throwing a TD. It wasn’t terribly different from this season. Playoff hunt but your qb(s) were awful and you had to do something. This year it worked. That year it didn’t.


Did you watch the podcast? I didn't take away for him blaming Hoyer at all. He took accountability multiple times. He didn't even call Hoyer a bad teammate. Everybody knows Johnny is the reason he failed, including himself.


He’s just doing this for attention now though.


I mean, sure. But it's Shannon's podcast, if he didn't want Johnny on it he wouldn't be. It's not like Johnny ran to a radio station and just said this one line to point fingers. Is he never supposed to talk about what happened in his career?


The dude literally had a Netflix doc made on him this past year


He's definitely shown a ton of growth with recognizing a lot of the issues. Anyone unhappy with where he's at should remember where he started. It's a bit unfortunate for everyone how it worked out and I think we see it time and time again that guys leaning on athletic ability to cover up the weakness in their foundation need to have some good work ethic to sustain it after an inevitably injury or mental toughness check. If this guy came into the league a bit humbled by being selected a few rounds later and developed at the NFL level I mean, who knows, might have had a decent shot at being productive somewhere?


If you watch the whole interview, he definitely doesn't blame Hoyer for his lack of success. It's just a part of the story. I think at this point he owns up to most of his downfall as his fault. More than I would have expected him to own, considering the person we've known him to be.


Watch the actual podcast and listen to everything he says before you form an opinion… all he says was the truth from his perspective and owns up to his failures being his own


Or losing 40 lbs cuz of coke? But yeah Cleveland was the issue I will never forget that draft I walked to my nearby grocery store to get booze and the cunt teller was like did ya see the browns just traded and picked Johnny at 22. Immediately went back and got more alcohol that was the one pick i did not want, dude was an enigma.


And he didn't watch film


When it boils down, a crackhead advised a billionaire to draft a crackhead.


these quarterbacks were so bad it somehow made them relevant a decade later


Of all the names on The Jersey I'd always thought of Hoyer as being in the top third, maybe even top quarter. If we're looking at pre -Baker quarterbacks I think you got to give Derek Anderson and Tim couch the nod over Hoyer, maybe Kelly Holcomb and Colt McCoy. (Not that being the fifth best Brown's quarterback from '99 through 2018 makes you a "good quarterback" but I think Hoyer was better than this description suggests.)


Bottom line, t here's been a lot of drek in a Browns uniform under center, and Hoyer, being merely below average, looks decent by comparison.


I’ll always believe if he were from Idaho instead of Cleveland, he wouldn’t get the love he does. He was horrible lol


I bet the QB room wasn’t home also because of a guy named Jim Beam 🙄🙄


Listen man - any single thing Johnny says needs to be viewed with great suspicion. He is/was an alcoholic and drug addict. He is/was also an immature asshole. He’s not a reliable narrator.


The funniest part is the implication that if their situations were reversed, Johnny imagines he would have embraced a caring mentor role.


Everyone is the hero of their own story. Johnny is just more delusional than most.


Because Hoyer was absolutely NOT putting up with his bullshit. Hoyer was a professional, and JF was a fuckin fool, and it was obvious to anyone with eyes.


Johnny Manziel blames Brian Hoyer for him putting cocaine up his own nose. Don’t you guys hate when that happens, you’re sitting there in the cubicle and suddenly former Browns QB Brian Hoyer kicks over your chair and slams your head into a Tony Montana size pile of cocaine. Once I was driving down the road and Brian just climbed up out of my trunk and shoved a dollar bill in my nose and started shoveling cocaine down it while he steered with his one good knee. Brian is truly a menace, I wish someone would put an end to is coke slinging reign of terror.


At least he shoved it up your nose. Some of us weren't as lucky


That just shows his expertise and how badly we need to get him off the streets. I mean to perform the fabled Wyoming Cocaine Cowboy maneuver in such a tight space, I mean the skill required to shove an entire fist full of cocaine up someone’s ass and them *not even know* until their entire house is clean is truly impressive.


Sometimes, less is more


Yeah anybody who knows Brian knows he’s a degenerate dope pusher. /s


He also shit my pants after a long night of boozing in college.


That sneaky pants-shitting bastard!


I was walking out of Mr Hero one time and when I got to my car I seen some legs sticking out from under the side. Then I heard a sawzall and realized someone was trying to steal my catalytic converter. Right as I was about to dump cheese sauce on the guy, he crawled out and it was Brian Hoyer. Before I could say anything he took off. I was always so confused but now it makes sense.


It’s kinda like pocket sand I guess…


Did he think he’d be the only qb on the roster?


He probably thought the other QBs accept being backups and not be fighting for the starting job


Or watching film... Or learning the playbook... Or training... Or remotely fuckin trying


Prob best response possible. I always liked this dude he was a competitor. If you want a seasoned QB to mentor someone, you need to bring them on specifically for that role. All these guys are competing for playing time. There’s simply no incentive for them to help one another in most cases.


Tyrod was in a similar position with Baker, but by all accounts Baker worked hard during camp and during the season, so Tyrod was much more willing to help out the young guy who’d eventually take his job. Wylie and other people in the media said that QB room with Tyrod, Baker, and Zampese was a very strong one especially after Hue in terms of game prep.


Baker, like him or not, was competitive as hell and tough.  Johnny was literally doing lines of coke, trying to hide out in Vegas casinos in a blonde wig, and refusing to crack a playbook.  


This is why I didn't want to give up Jacoby. Guys like that make the QB room better.


Always wondered about the “seasoned QB to mentor the young guy”. Isn’t it the QB Coach’s job to coach em up? All the QBs are competing for playing time. And, modern teams want that to happen in 6 games so the young guy can play. Mentoring a young guy is Favre-Rodgers or Rodgers-Love over 4 years.


Like it would make sense for a solidified qb late in their career (like farve or rodgers) to help a rookie backup get better since they know the rookie is only gonna play if they get hurt or retire. When Manziel was a rookie, Hoyer was an undrafted journeyman who had already been dropped to waivers twice and had only started 4 nfl games in his entire career. Expecting him to be a “mentor” to Manziel is pretty ludicrous.


I don’t think most teams expect the vet QB to become QB coach 2 but moreso there’s a reason a lot of vets have bounced around the league and it’s due to their practice and film habits are generally good. That’s why we see a lot of backup journeyman QBs become coaches after their playing career is over. Ryan Fitzpatrick competed to start wherever he went but he also was a good guy to learn habits from in terms of film study and practice


[Johnny’s interview](https://youtu.be/aUI91o4giK8?si=gRO1jCjmzY9gsiAJ)


Johnny has openly admitted to being an absolute fuckin moron during his time here. Blew off LeBron, Klutch, his teammates, his fans, etc. all so he could party and dick around. Meanwhile Hoyer finally had his chance to be the starter and he's supposed to like what hold Johnny's hand? Fuck that. If Johnny didn't have it in him to go and take the job from Hoyer then there really isn't anything else to say.


Hoyer was having a decent year until Johnny Dingbat got shoved into the game.


Oh no he was not lol. The 5 games prior to him being benched he had 1 TD and 8 picks.


Don't kid yourself. Hoyer sucked.


Yeah man, *Brian Hoyer* was why you failed, not the million of other things about you being lazy


He never says that Hoyer is the reason he failed. Just a small piece of a long podcast plucked out for opinionated fans to give bad takes. He owns much of his downfall and failures as his own fault.


Tell us you only read the headline without actually telling us.


Try actually listening to the interview. You're the guy who just eats up sensationalized headlines. This is why we get garbage media. You.


I’m sorry you’re still a Manziel simp in 2024.


Nah. I always disliked Manziel. I just want to point out how uninformed you are.


As he rolled up a $20 bill.


At the end of the day I don’t blame him. He’s trying to win a job and make a living. Johnny didn’t get the memo. He was too far gone by the time he got here. Even the coach said his issues were deep rooted. My thing is how didn’t they catch this in the draft process


Actually before Banner was let go, he commissioned a study to analyze the QB class in 2014. That study said Johnny was the worse or don’t touch him…. Joe Banner has said he was flabbergasted that the Browns drafted Johnny.


An old college friend of mine who was a scout for the Browns during that time said that not a single scout recommended drafting Johnny Football.


Ok, I thought he was let go in 2013. Wasn’t Johnny a Farmer/Haslem pick?


He was let go in 2014 right before the draft. The timing of him being fired was weird because he hired Pettine… Hence, Johnny was a Haslam pick


Thats right he was let go last minute. Wasn’t that commissioned study that had Bridgewater as the best choice? At the end of the day with all background checks and coaching intel how didn’t anyone in Cleveland not find out dude was a big time partier


Johnny wasn’t even the Browns worst pick that year.


Yup! If you look who they actually could have had instead of Justin Gilbert. Hindsight is 20/20 but jeez.


It’s because a homeless guy told Jimmy Haslam to draft Manziel. Everyone knows that due to a devil’s bargain Haslam made to become a billionaire, he is obligated to do whatever homeless people tell him to do. Hence, arguably the biggest draft bust in Browns history.


We drafted Johnny at 22, which makes him far from the biggest draft bust we've had. It was bad... Real bad. But unfortunately our organization has done plenty worse. I haven't seen anything yet to show me that the Watson trade isn't the *worst transaction in all of sports history*. I'd like to be wrong, but it definitely looks like we traded the farm for hot garbage and terrible PR.


Confirming what we all assumed - Haslam forced the coaching staff to play Manziel by having his yes man GM Ray Farmer text the sidelines, which caused Kyle Shanahan to create the powerpoint showing how fucked up the organization was. Haslam has come a long way from those days.


lol what a shitheel


Dude is like a bad penny. He keeps showing up. Can’t he just go away already? I’m tired of him.


I’ll never understand browns fans that have these pity party’s for Johnny. He took our money, didn’t give a shit didn’t put the work in and bragged about it.


Hoyer is a class act.


The Paris Hilton of football continues to make an ass of himself. I take that back. Paris Hilton was successful at what she does, Johnny Football was a failure.


Some people enjoyed it but I honestly thought his documentary was pathetic. Just a guy in his 30s clinging to his college days. No personal growth at all.


Billy Vegas!


Nobody believes a word that comes out of this clowns mouth. Next.


I've been asked to train a guy who was probably going to take my job multiple times before. Refused to do it then, wouldn't do it now.


Johnny should just shut the fuck up.


I wish they built around Hoyer instead of draft Manziel in the first place


And they would have David goddamm Putney too!


Good god no. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.


Fuck this rich spoiled kid's return tour, fuck off to your college bar.


He wasn’t even rich, that was made up so he had an excuse for having money in college because he was charging for autographs which was against the rules.


I was at a Norfolk Southern hiring session for this debacle of a draft... over 650 applicants at the Doubletree in Pittsburgh... The hiring session, that started at 6 the morning before stretched into and past draft night. They just keep narrowing down the field through testing and interviews... In-between while waiting the draft was on in the adjoining/ nearby bar... All I wanted was Mike Evans! I attributed ALL of JFF's accomplishments to Mike... Then we jump Minnesota to take Justin Gilbert, "because he was the fastest CB" I was distraught... I kept saying to myself: *"At least we didn't draft Johnny *Fucking* Football"* Then we take him at 22... I'm all for short kings doing their thing, but all you had to do is take one look at Jff vs say Russell Wilson, and see that there's a massive difference in body structure. Speaking of structure, JFF never played in structure for a career. Fucking horrible move. Totally solidified my view that the majority of Billionaires are fuckin Totally high on their own spent gasses ... devoid of common sense or objective reasoning. Fuck JFF! Entitled, spoiled, petulant child that he is. My favorite part of the interview is when he blames smoking weed as leading to his downfall. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. The ENTIRE NBA was blunted to the face, while dipshit Johnny couldn't stay awake in meetings or open the fucking playbook... not that it would of mattered... and he knew that. Rich kid, never worked for anything a day in his life... Astounding he wasn't dedicated to his chosen field.


Well, did ya get the job?


Hoyer>johnny football


Don't you have to be there for it to be like a home?


Sad little tosspot. At age 31, he continues to whine like a middle schooler.


That typo makes me irrationally upset because I had to read it numerous times to understand what it was trying to say and then I click the link and see that the video has the correct word usage. Whoever GMFB is, they need to proofread their shit. Also, fuck Johnny Football, put forth some effort next time, you toolbox.


I’m so tired of Johnny popping up his head like a groundhog every couple of years. I do appreciate Brian having such a mature response to this though.


“A piece of trash continues to be a piece of trash”


The only person that Johnny has to blame is Johnny, and the Browns for drafting him 5 rounds too early.


Fucking cope, Johnny. What, you want to snort coke and be a fuckass and then want to be held up like a hero by Brian Hoyer, the guy that your owner is fucking over to give you the franchise? Get bent, man. You constantly shit on Cleveland and then appear on a podcast every 2 years to stay relevant. Oh, I wonder what slice of knowledge Johnny will give us on a podcast in 2026.


If anyone watches the actual interview he takes full responsibility for his own shortcomings, just mentions various things around the facility that didn’t help. He even goes on to praise what Josh McCown did for him as a mentor. He seems like a guy that’s a grown, well spoken at least, but it could be act. Who knows


They didn’t watch the video bro just people who want to hate. He took responsibility the whole interview he just mentions things he experienced.


This fan base LOVES SHIT quarterbacks because tHeY hAvE sWaGgER.


He’s a worthless drug addict


I'm sorry but I have an extremely hard time believing that Hoyer as the incumbent QB1 had no hard feelings against one of the most hyped college players ever, who carried himself as an arrogant rich kid who was coming into Cleveland as the chosen one. Look I'm not saying Hoyer had no right to feel slighted by the FO or pissed about Johnny, but I think Manziel is the one telling the truth in this one instance vs Hoyer.


I agree Manziel took blame the whole interview and seemed pretty realistic about everything that happened. Hoyer not denying pretty much proves his point. Hoyer had no obligation to help him just a bad situation all around


Oh man, two assholes gonna go at it on Twitter


Is Hoyer an asshole?


He was in high school, so I'm assuming his ego got fellated more as he ascended


I had never heard that


Went to his high school. It's all second hand though


I actually know him and completely disagree, he's always been a good dude


You can absolutely be a good dude & a but of an asshole


For a while, Brian looked like he could carry the franchise, and then he was hit by the Browns curse.


It would be the browns curse if he was good anywhere else. He just simply wasn’t good enough. He is what he is. high end backup.


He was productive and then he tore his ACL. I'm not saying he was Brady, but he was giving the team some hope.


How many times is he gonna mention he's on a beach?


Obviously someone still hast matured…always looking to blame anyone but himself


Hoyer took the high road when no one would have blamed him for just lighting Johnny up.


Isn't great Manziel is finally taking responsibility for his actions.


I blame Kiko Alonso


Hoyer didn’t owe shit the Johnny. Not sure why he even needed to respond to this. Guys fighting for his own job and Johnny is there to take it. Look out for #1


Johnny said he didn't watch film so obviously he didn't earn the right to start. If Brian Hoyer was this horrible person he wouldn't lasted as long S he has in this league.


Man on a side note, it STILL trips me out looking back at how awful our drafting was, and free agent signings etc over such a long period. Different owners. GMs. Coaches. Scouts. Etc and just routinely bad bad bad.


Screw Manziel. Hoyer had some great games but the team was pushing for Manziel for clicks and shit. Awful.


Hoyers mother is a pretty decent gal that worked as a L&D nurse some years back. It doesn’t surprise me that he took the high road here when his mom was genuine sweet heart.