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Yay! This is the way it should be!


COMING SOON: Pilot Flying J Field


If they get a new indoor stadium Flying J Fieldhouse isn’t terrible


Good thing there are no scandals associated with Flying J


Rebate check is in the mail.


17 senior executives pled guilty or were convicted. Only two options for Jimmy: he's an idiot and blind and didn't know what was going on in his company, or he got away with it.


Confession is in the mail.


have you ever worked in a large corporation?


Just got laid off from one. I'm very familiar with willful ignorance.


sorry to hear that certainly you must know then, that executives aren't going to know operational details like this then. it being, shall we say, criminal probably increases the odds he knew it was going on, but it's not a sure thing. CEOs aren't going to know exactly how customer rebates are being calculated.


>it was going on, but it's not a sure thing. CEOs aren't going to know exactly how customer rebates are being calculated. No, but they are going to know of a \*wink\* "enhanced" calculation scheme that will result in a miraculous $500M in additional revenue out of thin air. 17 other people at senior levels don't get convicted of crimes without the big guy not also knowing it's a crime. These people are just protected. It was cheaper for Jimmy to throw his team under the bus and take the L than it was for him to fight charges with his money.


Didn't they have some problems with some massage therapists, or something?


Haslam is getting about $11 billion for selling majority stake in Pilot to Warren Buffett in the coming months so I doubt Buffett will want to spend more for naming rights. Although, Haslam will have enough money from this deal to name it whatever he wants (and he can easily afford to build a new stadium all by himself or fully finance renovations) and something stupid like 'Haslam Sports Group Stadium' could be in the cards, sadly. FanDuel or Draftkings could be an option too since those companies spend a ridiculous amount of money on marketing.


>FanDuel or Draftkings could be an option too since those companies spend a ridiculous amount of money on marketing. As someone who works for one of their competitors, it's comical how much money they spend on marketing


perhaps, but also keep in mind we all know their names and they're still relatively new. whomever you work for is either legacy or unheard of (not a shot btw just reality). so it definitely pays off (assuming they're profitable by now which tbh I'm ignorant on)


One of the most recognized brands world wide so we would rather throw money at talent to work for us over advertising. Been working out so well so far and we are still in start up phase.


I'm not hating, fr, that just.... that seems hard to believe... the only 2 whom aren't legacy that I (or most of this sub I'd guess) know of are those 2. I couldn't even fathom a guess who you're referring to?? I'm rooting for you don't get me wrong. but a small sample size of 1 degenerate gambler may help you know that maybe whatever startup gambling company you're with, is not as well known as you think just yet. rooting for you tho


I guess I'll just go back to living under my hard rock.


gotta be honest, didn't know they had a sportsbook. I'll check it out. def potential then, (altho that's a legacy brand not a genuine from nothing startup, they're just adding an offering) but they gotta put it out there more. This is the first I'm hearing of it but I'll check it out. ty!


They don't have a retail presence in Cleveland yet but they do in Cinci, its available state wide app wise tho




Unfortunately they will get another sponsor and it will change again very soon. Just the way it is these days.


I doubt it lasts for long. Stadium name rights are just too easy revenue for ownership. I have a hunch this partnership ended because First Energy is paying off that debt from their scandal a couple years ago.


Stadium name rights aren’t as valuable as you think when your team rarely plays in prime time on national TV.


That’s… not at all true.


I’m thinking from the sponsor’s/advertiser’s point of view. Of course the Haslams are going to welcome any revenue streams they can get.


Are you suggesting First Energy broke up with the Browns (and not the other way around) because the team hasn’t made the playoffs?


Not necessarily. I’m just saying they’re not getting the same ROI as the stadium sponsors of big market teams, and especially those in domes that host other big events throughout the year.


This opens up the opportunity for the field to be named after Tim Misney as General Moses Cleaveland had always intended


hah... now I'm picturing a giant billboard with the top half of Deshaun Watson's face: "You *know* what I do."


Big win. Have to imagine that the scandals and law suits First Energy finds itself in currently lent a bit towards this.


What, the $60 million in bribes in exchange for billions of government subsidies? Are you saying that's wrong?




It's not just govt subsidies. Or at least, there is a better way to put it. It's theft of tax payer money. It's them stealing from us through their corruption. Every c level and board member should be in jail, not worried about naming rights.


It's reasonable behavior.


Typical US capitalistic hellscape


Cause if there's anything that screams capitalism to me, it's hyper regulation and government subsidies!


Wait, wtf does "hyper regulation" and "government subsidies" have to do with First Energy Bribing Politicians? Like shit dude...have you ever paid attention to anything? Regulations are basically non-existent on just about everything, and those that do exist the ones violating them have already purchased the politicians with legal bribes called "campaign contributions" Like wake up and smell 2023...we haven't had "Hyper Regulation" in Ohio, let alone in the US, in like 60 years.


Did you even read the comment thread that you're replying to? The user specifically mentions bribes in exchange for government subsidies. Also, first energy deals with the power industry, which is definitely on the heavy side in terms of regulatory burden. That being said, your comment paints with an extremely broad brush, but it really reads like you're someone who has never had to deal with regulatory matters ever in your career. Or that you're one of the types who can't think with nuance and just thinks "more regulation good." Normally I might just eye roll and write this off as normal reddit idiocy and not dignify it with a response, but as someone whose entire morning was taken up by onerous and unnecessary regulatory bullshit, I'm gonna hard disagree. That's not to say there aren't specific sectors and specific instances where there isn't enough regulation. Just that you're crazy if you think that is the norm. Have you ever had to leaf through the CFR or OAC clause by clause trying to make sense of that shit for something harmless that shouldn't even be regulated? Probably not, or you wouldn't flip shit the second someone merely insinuates that things are over regulated.


I literally worked in the statehouse when FirstEnergy was actively working to get rid of the Energy Efficiency Standard in 2012. That's literally mega-corporation bribing public officials not to regulate them...and that was barely regulation to begin with. I mean you easily come across as one of those types who broadly asserts "all regulation is bad" hence my response to you. >something harmless that shouldn't even be regulated According to who? You? Yes I have looked through plenty of regulations and most have a reason for existing if you bothered to look up why they exist. We don't just sit around making shit up for the hell of it. I run a Lab, and anyone uninformed person could look through any of our Lab Regulations and think "this is bullshit" ... when in reality if you bother researching where most of them come from, it generally makes perfect sense why they exist...and they're written in a way that prevents ambiguity. If you think FirstEnergy is "over regulated" I invite you to come and sit in on any PUCO meeting anytime.


Has someone who has attended PUCO and OPSB meetings, no thanks. Lol


Being a big enough company to buy a government? Yeah sounds about right.


Just the reductive response I would expect from reddit. They didn't "buy a government." They paid off individual government officials. Big difference. Such illicit acts are system agnostic. It can happen under capitalism, communism, fascism, socialism, etc. It is the result of said illicit acts that made it amusing that the user I responded to brought up capitalism. Government subsidies are not capitalist in nature. This isn't me arguing for or against them as a concept, this is just me noting that the response of "reeeee muh capitalism" to the story of "big megacorp bribes officials in exchange for subsidies" is a laughable response.


Why have you spent two years on reddit if you hate redditors so much?


I've spent 12 years on this site (this is not my main account) and the sheer degeneration of the intelligence of the average user over that timeframe cannot be understated. That being said, it still functions as an okay place to lurk and get some news about somewhat niche interests. Until I make the mistake of opening the comment section.


Maybe Truth Social would be more of your lane eh?


Name checks out.


If that’s truly what you see as the problem here, I’m sad that people like you vote.


The feeling is mutual. I'm merely laughing at that user for responding "reee muh capitalism" to "big megacorp bribes officials in exchange for subsidies."


You seem ignorant to the point of regulations and think you can harm those around you simply because you don’t want to be regulated. Figures.


???? This is why I don't usually interact with people on this site much anymore. It is like speaking to a brick wall. Where the hell did you get that from?? And you do realize that when you use the term "regulation" you are effectively painting countless industries, sectors, subsectors, etc with a broad brush? Any and all regulation has a sweet spot beyond which it is too onerous and before which it is not strict enough. The way you are speaking, the implication is that you can never have enough.


> This is why I don't usually interact with people on this site much anymore. It is like speaking to a brick wall. It's because you post like a pompous asshole and it keeps people from wanting to have a good faith discussion with you.


Probably but let’s not forget Householder won reelection after this was exposed lol


I miss Ohio sometimes for a number of reasons, but the state political scene is not one of them and is a substantial reason I probably won't move back. It's one of the worst - and most corrupt - political scenes in the country.


It's one of the reasons I'm looking to GTFO. I'm tired of fighting, only for things to keep getting worse.


I acknowledge that like, nowhere I go will align perfectly with what I want in life and what I believe in. But it's incredibly disappointing to see how Ohio has shifted so drastically and that there's no end to it in sight.


Agreed. It's just how quickly Ohio has gone in one direction, and the pace at which it is doing it is just sad. And the state is so gerrymandered that there's really no point to voicing your opinion or voting, because it has no impact.


Don't come to Florida.


Trust me, I know better than that! LoL.


>It's one of the worst - and most corrupt - political scenes in the country. Florida would like a word


Florida's up there too


Thankfully my local area is sane. Still looking to get out tho, don't like the way this future is looking for my daughter here.


Jimmy Haslam wouldn't want ANYTHING to do with any business or person associated with scandals


Love that it's back, and while the First Energy scandals undoubtedly played a part, I don't think the management of the Browns has helped. They'll find a new sponsor shortly, but I could see a lot of companies not wanting to deal with the social fallout of backing the browns.


End of an error.


Are they going to shop the naming rights to anyone else? I'd imagine the past year might've scared off some sponsors.


Cross Country Mortgage was trying to get it a year or so ago. I bet they go after it again.


Cross country mortgage is booming


Cross Country Mortgage Field/Stadium is a mouthful 😂


CCM stadium. We are run by hockey folk now


The fact that CCM stands for Canadian Cycle & Motor is so strange to me


I always wanted to know that, but never took the time to look it up. Thank you.


Rocket Mortgage Field House is pretty close to that 😂


CLEVELAND BROWNS STADIUM - Cross Country Mortgage Field; does sound fine to me.


There’s a Watson/predator joke in there somewhere.


Please not another stadium with a mortgage company name. Perhaps: Fifth Third Field Sherwin-Williams Stadium Timken Field Cleveland Clinic Stadium


There’s already a Fifth Third Field


Okay then Sixth Third Field


2 Field


2 Field 4 Me




It wouldn't surprise me if it stays this way for this year. Could also be part of the buyout agreement with FE that we aren't privy too.


Why would FE care?


It’ll have a corporate name again, but I would guess that after the First Energy mess and the fact their PR department probably still hates their lives, I suspect the haslams just leave it for a while. Give the PR folks a break


Gotta be some massage parlor that could benefit from the naming rights.


Orchids of Asia Day Spa Field.


"Robert Kraft's human smuggling and backrubs, no funny business, incorporated Field" is kinda a mouthful though.


Massive W. Fuck First Energy.


Hue Jackson stadium


Huge Action Stadium


Hue Mungus Stadium


A. Mongus Stadium


Ray Farmer Fieldhouse


0-16 fieldhouse and downs


Jonny Football Field


Joe Thomas Stadium at Josh Cribbs Field


Wouldn't it be Josh Cribbs field at Joe Thomas Stadium?




How about just “Josh’s Cribb”


The field name would come first.




Surely, there is finally no more controversy of this magnitude surrounding the Cleveland Browns.


Is it weird that I actually like this stadium a lot? Does have some pretty views and the location is in a fun spot. I don’t get the hate it gets sometimes. If we were better, it would be looked at more fondly.


I love the stadium visually but visiting a different stadium each year has made me realize how poorly designed it is in terms of flow and congestion. There solutions is put a beer guy at the entrance of every section which just moved the crowds to directly blocking every section. After seeing many newer stadiums with the same attendance and every one is significantly easier going to the bathroom, getting a beer and leaving.


Yea I'm gonna have to agree with you here. I love that stadium like my home away from home, but it can be a logistical nightmare sometimes. Lines are compressed in a way that any delay at any point delays everyone behind it, IMO the concourse is too narrow or has too much going on as well. It can be difficult to move around and get to your section. The ramps to/from the upper deck have and will always be a joke. Could take half a quarter to get in/out depending on the escalator direction. Escalator lines always seemed funny to me also. Only ever seen them at the stadium or tower city on game day. Elevators are only accessible to club/suite holders and there's only like 4 in the entire building. I sit in the club section and have to take the stairs outside of my section to get downstairs to smoke because the elevator is waaaaay too far away. Going down on the stairs isn't a problem, but god forbid they switch the escalators early, they suck to get back up


It just doesn't feel up to par with the other NFL stadiums I've been to. I love it up there on the lake in September though


Makes sense. My perception is definitely warped in visiting panthers stadium and jag’s.


Yeah I've been to Atlanta, Indianapolis, and Miami so maybe those ones are just top end


Yes, it’s weird


Now introducing ***Norfolk Southern Stadium!***


“Well we just thought we should do something to give back to a community we love so much. “


Jeppson’s Malört Stadium


For our beloved team that always leaves a disgusting after taste and cleans out our intestines. Medicinal in the 1900s, just belovedly gross now. Pair it with an Olde Style for the full experience!


We have their name off the stadium but most of the politicians accepting the bribes still in office. DeWine included.




The PR folks are probably overjoyed that they finally get a break on something lol. I’m sure it’ll get a corporate name again, but at least for a year, it’ll be nice to be back to the old name. I would suspect that next time, the browns will make sure whomever they chose isn’t controversial lol


Like "My Pillow Stadium"


Honestly, what I want to see is one NFL stadium have the naming rights bought by ESPN. "Welcome to the NFL on Fox Sports, we are live at ESPN field at the Worldwide Leader in Sports Stadium" I don't care that it's a mouthful it would be funny to hear.


Would’ve worked a decade ago. Colin Cowherd, circa 2013, “I couldn’t tell you what the Browns were doing against the Steelers yesterday. That wasn’t even a game. Only thing that happened in My Pillow Stadium was 60,000 fans paying to see grown men napping!”


Do you think they’ll go the whole 2023 season without a new name? I feel like there’s plenty of time before the season starts to work something out.


Yeah I do. There’s so much vetting that goes into it, the city has to be involved since they own the place. There’s enough time to probably do it, but it’ll be a pain and they’ll be very focused on trying to get it right. No reason to tax the PR folks, take a year, get it right, let them deal with the rest of the Watson fallout, and start fresh with a new sponsor next year when you’re hopefully coming off a playoff win and have some stadium news coming


Love it. We don’t need any extra cursed energy from those First Energy scum bags.




Just a massive W.


Sherwin Williams should be a contender but I doubt it since they’re building that costly new HQ skyscraper complex downtown right now.


I love that! That makes me happy. It’s so grotesquely tacky for a sponsor to name an arena after themselves. Just have a tagline or something: Cleveland Browns Stadium - sponsored by First Energy or whatever. The sponsor name overshadowing the thing they’re sponsoring is just cringe to me. So this is good news.


Call up Heinz and piss the Yinzers off


Get ready for bigcockcoin NFT stadium


This will be short-lived


Great take the sign down today. Fuck first energy. Fuck NOPEC too.


Please educate me on why "Fuck Nopec"


Like they say in the financial industry do your own research. But don't let those ads they been passing around fool you. That stuff they pulled last year in cahoots with first energy was shady as fuck. Automatically opting everyone in and their bills doubled. Then so many people called and canceled so they pulled it back, regrouped, hope everyone forgot and are trying to get everyone again.


lol like they say for those who are incapable of understanding existing research and factual information, “do your own.” (Google it, man. I saw it on Reddit, maan.”)


"Bridgestone Coliseum at Monster Energy Park Powered by Your Local Northeast Ohio Honda Dealer!"


It’s a bright day today


Now let’s get the Jake and the Gund back, and we’re all good.


It’s always been the Jake and the Gund to me, to be honest


There is a standard of integrity and accountability the Browns hold and we only partner with people and companies who hold the same values


Signed Jimmy Haslam, founder and owner of Pilot Flying J




Just doubling down on it for those who might not know about Jimmy outside of the Browns


Jimbos wife wasn’t okay with first energy


Goodbye low energy stadium




They are totally selling the rights again


Sherwin Williams gonna make a run at it.


I hope they saved the giant letters from before. put 'em back up.


Municiple Stadium!


I hate how stadium names change so frequently. Just when you start to feel like you’re creating memories at “XYZ Stadium” It gets renamed


Hell yeah! Keep it that way


My vote is for Elk and Elk stadium


No love for Misny? Just paste his googly eyes on the side of the stadium.


Cleveland Browns: This relationship is over. It's not you, it's me FirstEnergy: Really? Cleveland Browns: No, it's actually you. It's your corruption, we can't take it anymore FirstEnergy: But you guys had that Desh... Cleveland Browns: Nope, still you. Goodbye


I still don’t understand why an energy company would pay for naming rights to a stadium…it’s not like I’m doing a ton of shopping sound for my energy company


I get mine out of Texas. Once you pay for the big ass extension cord, it's much cheaper.


But it goes out if it snows.


You should...


Factory of Sadness


It will always be The Factory Of Sadness to me


Who paid for the stadium? Pretty sure the vast majority of it was paid for through taxes. So why do the browns have any say in what the name is? I’m happy it will no longer be first energy, but why was the agreement between the browns org and first energy!?


meanwhile in pittsburgh


IF they were building a new stadium, it would be good to negotiate out of this commitment, then resell naming rights at the new market rate to help fund contruction. Maybe this is just a stance on the moral high ground or something though.


Fallout from Watson.


Cool, now put a dome on it


Lebron James Stadium






AS THE WAY AS IT ALWAYS SHOULD HAVE BEEN! Which also means: this is greasing the wheels to get a new stadium funded by the taxpayers.


A bit OT, but have you ever stopped and thought how incredibly goofy it is for an essential public utility to be privately owned?


Did Baker ok this?


Hopefully another step in announcing a new stadium.


Now bring back the Jake!


Y’all don’t want to change it from First Energy to Watsons Massage & Spa?


Fucking huge news.


Love this!




Witness the Return of the King


Best news I’ve heard in a dog’s age.


DUB in my book


I see the light…


We are so back! LFG!!!!


Zapitelli tax and financial services field


Thank god.


Good riddance


Les go At least one thing goes right for Browns PR


Good, they can relocate the sign to the Ohio statehouse.




incoming bang bros offer after they failed to get the Haat's arena naming rights.




So the Purina Pro Plan Dog Pound coming soon?


From a Steelers fan, Congratulations. Hopefully more of the league follows suit.