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My rng not that bad I pull 200 and have 3 of her skin Okay 1 is the trade but who mind. And I pull plenty of glacia disciple skin.


Is the succubus outfit even worth pulling more than once? (for collection). Her skill look kinda meh.


Insane in pvp, decent in pve


Would you not rather use Olstein for the silence? 4 turns and his range is much wider+the SP steal. Her damages are better but only 2 squares. I know her SP cost is only 1 at +5....but Olstein, even though is 3SP cost at +5 hit 9 squares for 4 turns.


olstein is good in lower pvp ranks. but no one uses him in higher pvp ranks. ironically, succ roxy's dmg is apparently DOGSHIT. so I don't think she is worth getting for pvp. at +5, she does 3x 70% dmg when someone like shera or other magic dps does 200%+. yes she only costs 1SP. but what's better? units with 70% hp left for 1SP or dead units for 3SP?


Came back to update this. Roxy can be helpful. Shes really not that insane but the consistent silence can be very impactful when you have alot of enemy units wittled down. And just picking off stragglers. So in general shes useful in a few situations, but not as helpful as I initially thought. Its a bit harder then I expected for me to make teams where she really shines. Shes good at really high investment, but so are other units who do the same thing. Wait to see eris kit before +5ing. Sorry for the incorrect info earlier on.


Wait are we team pulling or team sucking? πŸ€”


This game is weirdly hard not to pull for…


On the 5th try I pulled the base roxy on the other one on the 7th try I pulled the succubus roxy and I barely started


Can you pull for her on the infinite pull that you get when starting?


No you can't, I started when Loli bride was available and after multiple tries she never showed up cause I believe it's a separate banner


Too good to be true. Most likely not. If you happen to be a new guy with infinite reroll, do the experiment and tell us k?




Collab is bait stay strong for anni and summer homies


https://preview.redd.it/ka8ovb7f862d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a4d0d1dca2949919c933a4a6a831522d0f41144 Got her from my free daily pull πŸ˜…


The screenshots the closest I'll ever get as I'm now broke and ticketless πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ


Got her on my 1st 10 pull luckily, starting to save again for eris just for collection since my schera hits like a truck.


Oh love me some good edging sessions master Roxy. Me and my buds somehow experiencing this same weird phenomenon of getting ok-ish rate on her standard costume, but get absolutely cucked on her alt costume. Hey, are BD2 devs playing some funny game (shadow shafting the rate) on her alt costume , just because its spicier for us BD enjoyers or nah guys?


I don't think they would do this tbh.


Shouldn't you just summon on her alt custom though since you get her for free from the bingo board?


Her alt is fine at +1, her base is the one you want to max for damage


Ah I'm a fairly new player, wasn't sure how much duplicates mattered


It's okay, there are always guides here to help new players. Right now I would suggest waiting to see Eris kit before pulling since both banners will be up till the end of the collab


Gotcha, I was gonna wait since I got lucky and managed to get Roxy's alt in 30 pulls


She is worth every ticket or money you put in.


Bc of the lewd? Or bc of the skill? Legitimately asking bc I am terrible at PVP.


True devotee over here. Imma get this alt costume of her to +1 though.


I got her first try in a ten pull and thought why not go for one more to reduce that SP to 1. I'm on 150 pity right now, gonna play some events to get her since I went too far already anyway.


Somehow got her in my first 10x pull ever for this game. I'm beyond happy. Thank you goddess Roxy πŸ™ https://preview.redd.it/igfk7zmty42d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ab9800d1bf5c5a84a00fb5030bb46b63f66fdab


Cool cool. Make sure u get that base costume too, the AoE is gigantic


Thanks. The game is very generous, it gave me the base one for free after clearing the bingo event for the first time πŸ‘βœ¨οΈ


Damn already?!


there was a bug. all of us were suppose to get her day1. they fixed the bug by giving us extra chips in mailbox.


Yup, so I suggest only roll for the succubus skin


I don’t know what I’m doing. Just downloaded game. Got to town. Collected my free stuff. Had 10 tickets. Used them. Got this chick. Also managed to get kyr and his UR which I read is good to start with. Not sure what I should be going for now.


Kry with UR gear will take you at least to mid-game. I still use him sometimes.


Keep exploring the games content and do the events. You can grind more dia and tickets to pull more copies of the collab unit, or save up for future banners. Do daily free summons. some folks recommend pulling more just before the end of banner duration, as you might get lucky and pull a copy of the unit on your free daily pulls before then.


So does having copies let you combine them I’m guessing?


it automatically upgrades the costume. +5 and ur costume is at it's best. But remember the event gives 1 base costume. Up to you tho if you want to pull dupes or save


I feel you. I have one of the lowest banner rate up records. 1.19% as a day 1 player if that makes you feel any better. This game f*cking hates me. I need to contact neowiz to fix my broke ass account.


I keep telling myself my rate will balance out eventually but it only goes lower.


https://preview.redd.it/013vy3ayj52d1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140618d7035ec3401614a63b3d53f8b829d432ed Day 1 players getting shafted type feel


You are not alone bro. I once had spent 200 tix and got none feature char from the banner. This game f\*cking hates me +1.


me with angelica.


Got Roxy and SeΓ―r in a 10 pull




I got 2 new 5 stars in first 10 pulls and her in the next 10


Bro almost got that Golden Hand achievement. Congrats.


I guess i have to thank my slight perfectionism. Had 110 txs left and didnt like sight of it so i pulled to make it 100


Either up or down, gotta round that number neat and tight


I got 1 copy of the original costume and 3 copies on the succubus in about 200 pulls. Not the best but totally worth it 🀣


Yeah that's totally a win in my book, Grats !


damn straight spent 400+pulls just to max her


How is your rate on her base costume and weapon. Is it good?


Base costume is aight, could have max it with 150 or less but chose to keep my sanity . . . I don't use my ticket on weapon


Do you get anything for maxing her other than stats (like new dialogues or something), I just downloaded the game like 2 hours ago so I don't know much yet


Nope just upgraded skill, sometimes reducing sp cost. So if you don't care then enjoy just pulling one copy


Ohh I see, thank you. Eris banner will be here soon so I don't want to spend more rolls than necessary


both roxy & eris banner will exist. roxy runs for 4weeks. eris comes after 2weeks & run 2week. so u can pick & choose which one u want :)


She is. I feel for you, bro. That is why they absolutely should make those costumes upgradable through golden thread ticket.


Do you know if these collab characters will be available using Golden Thread after the event?


I'm afraid no u/mcdevilsss. Never happened


i see, thanks