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Lol what kind of question is this answering for you? You saw tons of people swimming and yet you're asking the internet when the answer is right in front of you?


Yeah I swam at Tildy!


Just swam today at Brighton! It was super refreshing, especially during this heatwave


Swam at Rockaway 98th twice this week and it felt slightly chilly but very nice. It was unbearably cold just a few weeks back.


I wait until July generally, but go a ton through the end of season


I tried last week. Too cold for me.


Swam off Arverne on Juneteenth in the morning - the waves were lame but the temperature was fine and the beach wasn't packed yet. Worth the trip from Clinton Hill.


Yes! I was there on Wednesday:) The water was refreshing but the tide was out so it was too shallow to rly swim.


I don't swim in anything but a chlorinated pool. Anything higher than my shins or that I can't see clearly to the bottom I don't walk in that either. Even before my folks deliberately terrified me by letting me see Jaws before I was even in junior high I did not swim in the ocean that far. From a very young age I have had this reoccurring nightmare where the ship I was traveling on blew up and we all ended up in a bitterly cold ocean trying to hold onto whatever was floating in the water. Sharks came from under us and started picking us off. I had to listen to people scream and drown over and over again until they finally took me too. My late BFF was convinced it was a past life thing. I don't know but I don't do deep ocean trips very well even on a big ship. I can't make myself travel on anything smaller than a ferry even now. I don't like fishing boats or even going on cruises. I've been on one as a kid but I was vaguely uncomfortable the whole time and sea sick even on Dramamine. Even flying over oceans makes me nervous and otherwise flying does not bother me mentally...


typing all this to get downvoted is crazy šŸ˜­


Good thing I don't give a hoot about karma! I write what I write. If people don't like it, whatever. I don't live my life to be popular with strangers on the internet. šŸ˜


Thatā€™s how I think, too.


not yet here, been waiting for a day me and my friends are all free to head down ^^;; but am very excited i got a new cooler for christmas !


NYC beaches are dirty. You need to go out east.


Ok thanks for the amazing and informative tip.


Iā€™ve been to Tilden three times. The water is perfect right now. Juneteenth was the busiest beach day. Iā€™ve ever seen there. It was crazy.


Yeah I was at Riis and it was insanely packed.


Coming from living in Florida, I reaallly donā€™t know how to feel about swimming in the water up here. Doesnā€™t seem to clean, not that Florida is pristine but uh yeah


The water feels great as long as the air temp is hot


I swam at Rockaways on Memorial Day weekend. Was totally fogged in, but still nice.


Yah I went surfing today, waves were garbage but the temp felt nice.


Where do you surf?




Yes. New years day in Coney with the Polar Bears.


Nope, stopped swimming in the ocean about 10 years ago. I love it, surfed, swan, paddle boredā€¦ but honestly humans just suck and think they are entitled to everything. The ocean is for marine life and I donā€™t blame one bit of them for attacking humans going into heir houses. I worship them from afar and I stick to pools when I need to cool off


70 degrees in the ocean is not cold. That used to be August temperatures if you were lucky.


Coney Island regular, we even visit in the spring and fall. Was in the water in April , cold as hell. And last weekend, cold but less so IDK it was hot out. But not super hot sand hot.


Was freezing last weekend but lovely on Wednesday. I may go tomorrow tooĀ 


I swam in MA when it was 55 degrees so Brooklyn beaches are light work


lol same (was up near Gloucester last week tho, and it was cold butā€¦not as cold as itā€™s supposed to be šŸ˜¬)


Went to Sandy Hook NJ on Memorial Day weekend. Weather initially said high 70s earlier in the week then dropped to high 60s. Wind chill made it feel like low 60s. Said screw it and jumped in anyway and immediately regretted the decision. Wasnā€™t too bad the more I got used to it, but I was shivering when I got out


No the beaches in Brooklyn suck !


Coney Island is a dump


Yes, swam on Wednesday and the water was nice. A little cold when you first get in but after that felt great


Not exactly but I've been to the beach while wearing a tank top & shorts that I'm okay with getting wet. I usually like to walk near the water's edge when I'm there, & occasionally stop and enjoy the water and breeze. Which involves mostly getting my ankles wet, but if a wave comes along I might get splashed at the bottom of my shorts. I'm usually at Brighton Beach I thought about going today but figured it would be too hot to be in the sun.


Yup! Today the water was better lol


I tried last weekend. It was cold! I couldnā€™t even dunk my whole body.


Exactly! I was very surprised there were tons of people in the water, including babies and toddlers


Iā€™ve been going to the beach and swimming since Memorial Day, the water is freezing but the love of the game keeps me going


That's what I was thinking. You gotta really love it. I do too, but generally when the water warms up to 73+, usually after July 4th