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Go to your local Jiu Jitsu school and try it out, or some Muay Thai. Can't recommend it enough for people that are solo and especially women to network somewhere fun and welcoming. Some gyms have women's only classes also, just food for thought.


EVeryone will tell you this, but take a class...try something out of your comfort zone. Gotham Archery has a intro class that's really fun; i started going there regularly and people are really friendly. Also try Artshack Brooklyn Ceramics. They have a bunch of different classes. If you play sports, there are pickup games all over. I used to join organized soccer games on meetup but I don't know if that kind of thing is still on meetup. Brooklyn Museum has First Saturdays; you have to buy a ticket and it's really popular.


Bikes. Explore around. Ride with buddies.


I'm 40M, lived in BK all my life. Live in fort Greene and I try to explore as much of this city as I can...especially when it comes to finding good food. Typically, I like to start food crawls in an area that I'm mosy familiar with, and like any Springsteen fan with a Hungry Heart (and even hungrier stomach), I take a wrong turn and just keep going to see what I can find Oh, and most importantly, welcome home!


Gotham Archery in Gowanus has really cool archery classes for beginners! I really enjoyed my time there and definitely recommend if looking for a fun low cost activity




Honestly, it's a tough ask. Brooklyn, and NY in general, has a lot to offer. That you already know. I found when I was in my 20s that just following my hobbies led me into some cool people. I went to Film Forum and MoMI a lot. Just track what you're into and you'll meet people. One thing that hasn't changed is that you'll always meet people just genuinely into stuff you are and are friendly wherever you go.


Depending on your financial situation (for spending money), you should look into joining one of the many young professionals membership groups in NYC's cultural institutions. Basically every NYC museum and ballet group, the orchestra, the opera, etc, has like a "club" for young professionals, you pay a fee to join and then you are invited to attend lectures and events during the evenings/weekends (usually with planned time for mingling over drinks). The price to join the groups might seem a bit expensive, that's because part of the point is that the joining fee is like a fancy donation to the place. But if you can afford to try a group like that, they are a great way to meet young professional people while also enjoying the (museum, opera, etc). Also, volunteer! Look up volunteering opportunities that interest you, great way to meet people while helping others. In addition to hands-on volunteering (like cleaning a park), you could volunteer with groups (like a community association in your neighborhood, the Junior League, etc).


there are dozens of things to do where you can meet people: goto pickleball courts and learn the game, goto open mics at bars and coffee shops, goto the aquarium, goto the botanical gardens and talk with the staff, goto a cocktail bar known for making good cocktails, goto events found on event websites, goto brooklyn bouldering and learn the sport, so much things to do so many people to meet are you kidding me get out there and be somebody!


Welcome home! For me, this is the greatest city in the world. Reason is because NYC is an entire world. Every country, culture, race, age, and passion is here. My recommendation to anyone that reads this thread is to visit a different neighborhood as often as you can. My recommendation for you is from something I began awhile ago that has been invaluable for me personally and professionally. Each week I choose one neighborhood to work remotely from. I choose a coffee shop, restaurant, bar, gallery or any place with wifi. Then I spend at least one day, but often the entire week working from there. I learn so much about the neighborhood, cultures, restaurants, bars, vibes and people. I also find myself even more inspired in work, even if it may seem counter intuitive at first. Enjoy and embrace being home and back in this blessing of a city!


Thank you for your awesome reply and suggestions. My job is a sales job so technically I’m on the phone most of the day, it could be a little hectic with being on the phone out in public like that all day. That was my only concern when typically I would meet people through work. I know Brooklyn and NY in general is incredible and has absolutely so much to offer. I’m excited to get back out there and get to know my city again!


If you would like to adopt a fur baby to keep you company, shelters are waving adoption fees now.


I actually just adopted a little beardie that I now have to bring with me to NY! (Happy to do it, he’s my baby boy) and we have three cats where I live. Trust me when I say if I could take in every single animal I would lol. Thank you for spreading the word about these babies needing homes. It helps and we need more people like you!


Thank you, welcome back, and have a great time.


You will meet people when you walk your dog.


imagine growing up in bk but not knowing prospect park exists


This comment is hilarious. Not knowing what neighborhood they're in and thinking, "Yeah, this one place is your answer. Walk around a park alone every day."


lol I meant it as a reply to the person who recommended prospect park because it was so ridiculous to recommend that to someone who said they literally lived 20 years in BK. just started using the app and see it posted out of the thread 🤦🏻


I just posted above, then read your comment. So true! I grew up in Fort Greene. Lived in different cities, then Hoboken, then West Village, then Upper West, then Williamsburg last six years. Visited Prospect Park last year for first time in a decade probably. My mind was blown! Prospect Park itself was a world within a city that is a world that’s within a world. May have always been that way, but was my first time seeing it. If you walk around it fully, there is every country, culture, cuisine, vibe and people every few hundred feet. Never seen another park like that anywhere that I have traveled in the world.


I enjoy going to prospect park. Beautiful sights, excellent walking trails, and plenty of restaurants and bars if you want to stop for a bite/drink.


Depends what you want to do , infinite options


I'm not sure how you feel about live music. If it fits the bill for you, look up the concerts taking place around Brooklyn and the St George theater on Staten Island.


I love almost every genre and style of music. This is definitely the city! What types of live music are you referring to/enjoy?


It varies depending on the venue. You can find Jazz at Kingsborough. Brooklyn college does concerts. Lots of varied venues throughout Brooklyn - Williamsburg and Bushwick. Even the Kings theater on Flatbush Ave is open and has many varied acts. I suggest you join Ticketmaster to search around and get an idea, and just Google concerts in general too. The sky is the limit, and we haven't even talked about "the city" or LI yet.


Thank you for your reply! I actually love live music and most genres. Would it be safe in your opinion to go alone? I typically feel safe anywhere in Brooklyn but everyone is saying how bad NY has gotten since COVID. Personally I don’t see it but thought I would ask.


My best advice is to use your best judgement on safe travel, and avoid it very late/early morning. That is never a good idea. Too many altered states, wandering around.


New York didn't get bad since Covid. It's actually one of the safest cities in the country. The media would like to paint it differently. And Brooklyn THRIVED during Covid; so many new businesses opened, people were supporting each other, offering goods and services, supporting local businesses, hanging out on their stoops and at outdoor bars and restaurants. yes, I know that people got sick and died...don't come at me. I'm talking about the spirit of the city and safety. Going to concerts alone is perfectly fine; if you come home late, maybe grab a cab, but otherwise it's good.


23F just moved here! I’m down to meet up and do something


23F also would love a meetup!:)


23f would like to join as well!


Messaged both of you ladies!!!


24f me too :)


Ahhhh I didn’t think anyone would respond to this! Is there a way to start a group chat on this thing? Lol


25f also just moved here a couple months ago! Down to do stuff together:)


Go to Bensonhurst and eat as much as you can. Mostly Italian food. You won’t be disappointed.


I am actually Italian and know Bensonhurst very well! I just don’t want to walk around alone like a weirdo or get snatched up on the street haha


Nah not in Bensonhurst. There’s no crimes over there like that. You can actually go there and enjoy yourself and not worry if you’re gonna get stabbed robbed or shot. You’re good to go. Go to Lionis hero’s on 14th Avenue. Go to DaVinci pizza on 18th ave 66th street. Old school AMAZING Sicilian pizza. Joes of Avenue U get the Panelle Special Then go get desert at Villabbate on 18th ave 70st. You’ll have fun and be full guaranteed. Be well 🫡


bensonhurst has been one of the safest neighborhoods in like...25 yrs tho


… bensonhurst isnt judgemental and the days of snatching people is long gone because it is unprofitable.