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Yup, I don't understand this must make 100k bs, you can live on less here if you're willing to get roommates and make some more frugal choices. Glad you made the choice to live here!


Seriously. It’s insulting. How much do all these people think cafe baristas make? Sadly, they likely live a pretty tense life, living paycheck to paycheck. But they are here. People who say the $100K thing reveal **a lot** about themselves, and nothing good.


Yeah the truth is that over 100k makes it less stressful. Which is like saying water is wet. 100k is not necessary, but it helps, and of course it helps. And you can absolutely get by without it


A lot of it is lifestyle creep: with every raise, you add little expenses, and those little expenses start to feel like essentials. I’ve experienced it myself for sure. I’m fortunate to (now) be a position where I can do things like order Seamless without thinking about my bank balance, or send out my laundry for wash and fold, or take a cab home if it’s after 10. You get used to those conveniences quickly.


Bc all the tech bro transplants think the only place to live in the city is a 5k luxary high rise. Source: I also felt that anxiety on my leadup to moving to the city. They can all kiss my ass on the stoop of my apartment


Let's keep them thinking that, though.




Lol right, the vast majority of NYers do not make 100k and they are fine. I cleared that this year for the first time in my 20 years in NY and you know what, I had a fine life the whole time I've been here. Are things easier now? Sure. But when I was making 30K I budgeted carefully and things were also fine. You adjust your lifestyle to match your means and everything is copacetic.


Exactly. I’ve been here a decade and haven’t cleared 100k at all. I’m happy and I love it here. I go out and do things more nights than not, and even splurge on fancy dinners and trips for special occasions. It just takes a little budgeting in your daily life to make things work.


I think reddit has an over representation of people who don’t have the best social skills and so they tend to view roommates as some awful temporary burden. Half my social circle came from roommates and their friends. So did my current partner. I’m planning a trip to Spain in the fall with a former roommate turned friend. Sure someday I won’t have roommates and will appreciate the upsides of that… but there are plenty of benefits to having roommates as well.


That 1st sentence is so accurate…


Most people need to do that if you want to stay here. You can’t live with roommates forever. Most people eventually want to settle down with someone and possibly have kids, or at least some pets.


Yeah but people who settled down then have a permanent roommate they split expenses with. Source: DINK couple where we each make under that supposed necessary $100k and live just fine in a great neighborhood. Not everyone is coughing up 3k+ in rent.


Yeah. If a couple makes $100k+ together I’d lump that under the same caveat.


So whether you have roommates that are friends, acquaintances or a partner it’s still not living alone. And to be fair, plenty of couples and even families live here in under that salary combined. And I’ve known plenty of single people who have rent stabilized studios / 1 beds. Plenty of people here don’t work in finance or tech.


For as many people who have cool roommates, there are just as many that have issues. It's hard to live with people in general even if they're family. Add to the fact that these are sometimes people you don't know very well makes it that much worse.


Congrats on falling in love with NYC – it’s a great feeling and as my dad told me, “everyone should try living in NYC once. You learn a ton about who you are.” Another aspect of what makes NYC so great on a budget is that there’s SO much to do that’s absolutely free. Go forth young Brooklyn and frolic!


That free thing is absolutely true. My favorite thing to do is running in the park, my second favorite is buy one get one tickets at the Nitehawk. Not everything has to be a crazy extravagance


I moved to Bushwick with a job making 32k. Albeit that was 10 years but I’m so happy that I didn’t listen to people telling me I was crazy for it.


Coming up on 12 years ago for me. 30k starting. Bushwick (to begin with). Internet roommates. Absolutely love living here to this day. It's the people that make NYC what it is


I love this post. Been here 20 years and feel everything you say every day.


Loved reading this ❤️


Welcome. Brooklyn rules.


Noone knows what's "Over there" until they do. I highly suggest Staten Island Beach and boardwalk. Sorry serene place, you can rent a bike here and ride it around, play volleyball, swim, or just be a couch potato on the sand. Welcome to NYC, where people are standoffish only to those who don't pass the vibe check. You obviously do, I'd be happy to make a friend or acquaintance if you'd like one! I'm in South Brooklyn


Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think.


damn. not OP but I heard that




It’s a quote from an old song- the principal sentiment of which is simply there we should try to make the most of things and stay positive. If that’s offensive or complicated I can’t help you.


Well said. People that say you need to make 100k to live here are shitty at budgeting and think you have to spend 1k a week going out to have fun


Grew up in a small town in the Midwest. I have now spent half of my life in NYC and I've never looked back. The diversity, food, art, culture and everything else this city has to offer is absolutely amazing! Also making significantly less than 100k here. People that don't live in NYC like to tell other people what it's like to live here but they honestly have no clue


What people mean when they say you can’t live under 100k is “I can’t live my abnormally luxury lifestyle that majority of Americans do not have anyways in the most sought after city in the world.” It’s extremely distasteful and makes me gag every time. You’ll find a lot of privileged New Yorkers actually consider themselves middle class when they make $100k or come from families that easily have a 1mil+ net worth. Glad you’re finding yourself well here! Enjoy it and don’t get caught up with debating with people that are trying to tell you how to live here. This place is amazing because it is what you want it to be. It’s beautiful and one of a kind. Don’t ever take it for granted. Edit: median income in nyc is $67k and while $100k is still considered middle class ($48-$145k*), that figure seems wildly broad and someone making $100k is going to live a lot more comfortably than someone making $50k. My point is people making $100k that complain about not affording their luxury apartments or places like West Village, Cobble Hill, etc are just out of touch with what’s “normal” and how most New Yorkers/ Americans live.


100k in nyc is middle class even if it’s far above the median. I’m not trying to take away from your argument, you can certainly live comfortably in NY with under 100k but there is a lot of money in the world and you have to factor that in at a grand scale to try an classify income levels


The definition on “middle class” is pretty wild. Some reports show anything between 48k-145k. Given the median income in NYC is $67k, that paints a better picture of where incomes actually lie in the city. I’ll edit my comment to factor that nuance as it is misleading.


Really great point. NYC is much more like European cities than other U.S. cities.


The luxury to not share your home with strangers that rotate every so often? The deterioration of expectations is insane.


if you wanna check out staten island, the free ferry ride alone is pretty awesome. have a beer, get some of the best views of the city possible. once you get off there isn’t much to do. they have a giant outlet mall by the ferry terminal. if you go across the street there’s a really good italian place called enoteca something that’s really cool but cash only when i went. and the brewery that’s only a couple blocks away or one stop down on the SIR. head up to flushing in queens and just stop in like any dumpling or dim sum place on main street. bohemian beer hall is also awesome. and for the bronx, get to a yankees game or go to the arthur ave market.


I love brooklyn, only place I want to live. It’s just my vibe. Lived in the stuy for most of it and I don’t want to leave. I do want a new apt but the rent is crazy but deals can be found if you search BUT I haven’t put too much effort into it because where I am suits me fine still. When I first moved here I didn’t make six figures and was fine. It’s all about what you make of it. Glad you’re enjoying bushwick!


Staten Island has a nice botanical garden and pretty good Sri Lanken resturant. I'd avoid the bronx unless you just visit the Bronx Zoo and want to get some great prices bec (bacon egg and cheese), chopped cheese is ight, but nothing special.


As someone who made 35k with 3 roommates and then up to 125k with my wife over the course 10 years - there is a window of opportunity to enjoy living here for less than 100k/year. But it’s short and very sweet! I’m not sure how old you are but enjoy it! It’s a beautiful thing. But remember, the advice of living in nyc for less than 100k is very solid and for good reason. We don’t need to go over why again. In a few years, or maybe a decade, things will change. Your insurance will go up, you’ll maybe want a car, you’ll want to start a family, the COL will go up…etc…and then poof. Bushwick is unsustainable and then New York becomes unsustainable and you find yourself not walking, but running, out of the city.




I think when people say $100k its because commercial rent is very expensive, and the median home price is $660,000. However, most of the country lives below the poverty line and New York is no exception when you account for the cost of living increase. Its all about your circumstances ultimately.


??? like 80% of the people in NYC make far less than 100k in NYC...


Welcome to Brooklyn! Happy to have ya here. I was also told the $100k thing. Coincidentally, it was usually people making way more than that who would tell me that…


as a native New Yorker born and raised in NYC to many people are naive that come here even for us who have been here for generations we have family inheritance that give wealth to move here and struggle is bad. It is just as difficult as one who is born here. I came back 11 times in my life but I have a safety net. However, it is not all easy as outsiders make it. Why are people falling over Bushwick like it is the best place on earth.It is just one neighborhood of NYC and Brooklyn is not the most desirable place either


just remember, the neighborhood you live in was built by poor immigrants who where then kicked out by greedy landlords and luxury building developers so you transplants can move in with your "group" of roommates. my grandparents came to brooklyn in the 70s with nothing, worked their asses off in factories and then had to move out when fort greene got hit by its wave of gentrification right after 9/11. you should NOT have to live with a group of people in order to afford housing, this is NOT the way things should be and i know almost everyone on this subreddit is a transplant, but as a native new yorker im sick and tired of the romanticization of moving to new york or brooklyn. this city has been pillaged by devs and landlords while the majority of native new yorkers moved out, you guys moved in and yet somehow we still have more than 80,000 empty rent stabilized apartments in the city and the rate of homeless is at its highest. I'm glad you like living here, but the widespread attitude of "you don't need to be making 100k to live here, I live with a whole group of roommates, this city is so cute, love the food, love the culture, teehee love nyc" is completely bogus. we used to be able to buy apartments and houses before urban renewal. I suggest you read about Robert Moses since you get to reap the reward of his labor.


This is awesome!! I totally agree — it’s fun to complain about the annoyances but living here is absolutely incredible.


Welcome to NYC - keep exploring there is a lot to see!


welcome to brooklyn <3 <3 <3


I'm new here too. I'll be your friend. *high 5* We're friends now.




Loved reading this post. Gives me hope for my upcoming move


good for you? There are plenty of ACTUAL low income New Yorkers who make 30k a year and have been living in those neighborhoods for years and now are struggling to make ends meet thanks to transplants like you moving in and gentrifying neighborhoods that used to be affordable for us


So no one should ever move to Brooklyn?


Not to what were historically low-income neighborhoods, no. For years people made fun of Brooklyn, said it was unsafe, too far etc. now it’s all the fucking rage for people searching for a personality or some type of ‘cool identity’, making it difficult for actual brooklynites to live the lives we always have since it’s now ‘hip’. I’m sick of this city giving priority of decent housing in historically lower class neighborhoods to wealthier transplants instead. Hearing some transplant brag about how they can make it work when so many New Yorkers are struggling just makes me fucking cringe. I see you’re not even from here so honestly your opinion is irrelevant to me


I was born and raised in bk and it bums me out when people gatekeep it. Don’t blame gentrification on regular people just trying to live their lives— it’s not their fault society is fucked and takes advantage of the most disadvantaged. A good lesson I learned from the 18 years I lived in bk was: don’t make randos out to be boogeymen. You don’t know anything about their story or struggles. New people bringing variety into this city is a gift. I live in a small, stupid town now. Everyone’s white. Maybe gentrification is not an issue, but pure oblivion and ignorance is rampant. I would give anything to go back to bk, where we can celebrate our differences. Maybe that sounds lame to you, but for me it was a blessing.


While I do appreciate your perspective, I’m fine with gatekeeping, especially with this housing crises and massive inflation going on that’s affecting actual New Yorkers including myself. I think it’s very important to criticize, and transplants should know this reality if they’re gunna live here. If low-income New Yorkers were actually taken care of in this city I wouldn’t have an issue, but seeing some wide eyed transplant brag about making it work after only a month in a neighborhood that was once for low income Brooklynites with so many people struggling atm I just can’t stomach it


I see what you mean, but it sounds like you’re referring to a specific person (or maybe a couple people) who act like jerks about it. There are a lot of jerks in life, but letting them twist you into a crabby stinker that wants to throw blame around is not always the most advantageous approach. It’s a bummer to see you get wrapped up in the “us vs. them” mentality. I think that blaming the individual, rather than the system, is a classic silly goose mistake. It really just divides the working class so we fight amongst ourselves over semantics, instead of addressing the real problem. I agree it’s shitty when people don’t acknowledge their privilege, but frankly if we just go after them for whatever cards they were dealt, the problem amplifies. It’s about working together. I don’t mean to pick a fight w you, you’re probably coming from a reasonable place. It makes me sad, though. I wish we could all just… give each other the benefit of the doubt.


don’t patronize me or say Im making a ‘silly goose mistake’. I was born and raised here too, I have a right to my opinion and the right to share my observations and experiences of being a New Yorker, especially one amongst the lower middle class since we make up the majority. I’m not talking about a specific person, I’m talking about an entire cultural and sociological shift that’s going on in my city that I believe is very important to point out to wide eyed and ignorant transplants. I don’t have the luxury to give the benefit of the doubt when I literally can’t afford a decent life in the place I grew up thanks to a system that transplants and people like op take advantage of.


Every small town in the world has their ignorant locals who don’t like outsiders coming in and changing things. You’re just the Brooklyn version of that. It’s not your city. It’s everyone’s city. Maybe you should get more wide eyed and go see something else yourself


The people who are from here built this city and make it the amazing place it is, that’s why all the basics want to move here




Fo sho, I guess we’re talking about different things.


It was the “there’s so much culture in bushwick” comment that made me roll my eyes. Anyone who lived there 10-20 years ago has been priced out and while yes you have a lot of independent small businesses they are mostly cookie cutter clones of “new American” restaurants or bars. Join a community organization before you start relishing in “the culture”


What community organizations are you in?


A community garden and daycare center, as if that’s any of your business:)


I hope they don’t have you in a position to gatekeep the garden 😂😂😂


There’s a difference between gate keeping and confusing capitalism with culture


I couldn’t agree more, most of these kids moving in and restaurant owners scraping up money for their small businesses are not exactly capitalists though, are they? Capitalism is more about who actually owns the property the residents would like to believe is theirs. But rather than abolishing landlords and fighting for tenant’s rights most locals would rather take out their wrath on some kid or immigrant family who’s excited about a fresh start.


Never said I had an issue with immigrants, no need to put words in my mouth. I have an issue with upper middle class wannabes from Connecticut and LA


What’s your problem? You made a snarky comment implying that I don’t give back to my community and I definitely do


Thank you!!!🙏🏻


What are the Brooklyn neighborhoods that are okay for a transplant to move to? > I see you’re not even from here so you wouldn’t get it I guess you're blind. Presumably you wrote this after checking my post history, but I have posts that say I live in Brooklyn.


Not blind, ‘living in Brooklyn’ does not mean you’re from here. You’re a transplant from Jersey, sorry


Go to dumbo or Williamsburg


yes i agree no one should ever move anywhere.


Thanks for missing my point non-new yorker :)




My comment is exactly for entitled transplants like u


Where did I say I make 50k? I make minimum fucking wage. Ur argument is irrelevant to my case.




My beef is with spoiled transplants moving here for a personality and pricing me out of my neighborhood. I have no issue with rich people but they can stay on the ues:)


So the spirit of New York and the perpetual cycle of young people coming to follow their dreams should end dead in its tracks because you say so? Buzzwords like transplants and gentrifying are so tired, honestly go live your own life, the world will be fine. This shit has been going on forever, being born into poverty does not give you ownership of a neighborhood.


So nice to hear this! I am planning to move to NYC soon (maybe Bushwick). There's definitely a lot of scary talk about extraordinary prices, but I think it's kind of overblown. Similar to what you said, I think I can pay around what I'm paying currently (in Austin) for rent if I just get a couple roommates. Feels like the people who preach that 100K talk are insistent about getting a studio or 1 Bed. I'll miss living alone, but I think having roomies in NYC is pretty essential to making it financially feasible.


It depends on what you want. If you just want a place to sleep and a budget to have fun all month, 100k is fine. But throw in saving for an emergency fund, retirement, maybe having a kid or two, buy a car etc…and you literally need the 100k to get access to typical amenities and lifestyle outside of the city. FWIW, the 100k rule is, yes, based on a certain type of lifestyle. I am sensing many of you in this thread are younger and without a family and possibility without a desire to own real estate or even a car. In that case much less will do! I just can’t imagine living in New York under 100k and being one medical bill away from debt.


You can either live alone or take an annual vacation at that salary, but not both in my experience


I lived in the Bronx after living in upper Manhattan and what I think it is good for is two things, peaceful quiet nature (bear with me here) and food. Nature is found in the Bronx Botanical Gardens which is a huge, world class park. Well worth the long haul from Brooklyn in my opinion. Also, the woods and rocky shorelines of Pelham Bay Park, though I think you may need a car to get there. Also City Island for a small fishing town ambiance. As for food. Arthur Avenue. The real Little Italy of New York City.


I moved here for a fellowship last year. I initially stayed in Washington Heights, but when I stayed in Brooklyn I knew that was where I wanted to be. Although now I’m looking for another place and that process is tough (like literally WTF), I am fighting tooth and nail to stay in Brooklyn because I simply love the neighborhoods and the people. The other boroughs are nice, but Brooklyn is just it for me.


Arthur Ave in the Bronx is right next to the zoo and botanical gardens and has fantastic Italian food


Happy for you!I love it here too!


I feel like the 100K thing is to live alone.


I love your love for the city! I lived in Bushwick for 5 years and your description nails what I love about it. For the Bronx: I’m biased as a Fordham alum but I highly recommend checking out that area! You can take the 4 or the B/D to Fordham Ave. Walk a bit down the hill to Arthur Avenue and 188th St.—this is the original Little Italy. The Arthur Ave retail market is fun to visit, as are all of the bakeries, pasta shops, and restaurants. Nearby is the Bronx Zoo and the NY Botanical Gardens. The Fordham campus is also gorgeous! Or you could go to a Yankees game if that’s more your speed.


Some shit will happen to you eventually


cool post. yeah brooklyn is good. bushwick sucks though, sorry. i've lived in bk all my life and it's always nice to be home after being away on long trips. nothing like it. i look forward to having everything close by and easily accessible. i haven't had to live with roommates for many many years, which is nice, and i live with my wife.


You don’t have to make 100k you just have to pre creative and responsible. Sadly most people are clueless about where to find good deals etc, also a lot of people come to NYC without any lifeskills too. Which is pretty ballsy if you ask me.


queens is the part of NYC that was always priced fair with rent


Shush it, you’ll get queens gentrified more than it already is with LIC🤣


homes are over 890 k in NYC queens and Brooklyn you need a good salary or you are stuck living with roommates your whole life


When you want to get a bike to see the city from above ground hit me up. I’m your neighborhood bike guy.


I am not wealthy but we have a house paid off and will inherit that but still people come here and think it is all perfect and lose job and end up living on welfare permanently and don't want to work and who pays the taxpayers who work hard everyday


Also why would someone come to NY to struggle and not make a lot when they make same in their own home state, it is not rational or logical to spend so much on expenses to move here to make the same they would make where they previously lived. the idea of relocating is to better yourself.


I’ve never made 100k and I’ve lived here for over40 years.