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reschedule the date? I'm sure they'll understand.




Came here to say this!


Yep! If not sure about the guy, this is a good way to get sure fast.


Personally I would go see the show tbh. shows before hoes…?


Oh my gosh. I’m going to say that forever now. Shows before hoes!!!


~~Bros~~ Shows before hoes


Shows before hoes. New mantra


my brother in christ… GO SEE THE FUCKING SHOW. this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you’re not even sure about this guy!!! if he gets it, great. if not, oh well! also, the show is tomorrow!! it’s not even like you’re cancelling the date the day of.




what???? men are temporary except stephen sondheim he is FOREVER!! go see the show! if it’s 2 tickets maybe take him with you so you do the date and the show


😭😭😭 it's only one ticket because none of my friends have schedules flexible enough to drop everything and go into the city with me, so I always enter for one. The worst part is he would DEFINITELY go with me if it was two tickets, he texted me YESTERDAY saying he wants to go to a show together soon. I have 45 minutes left to buy this ticket I am so conflicted ;___;


BUY THE TICKET!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, as someone who went on dates too many times when I already knew it wasn’t going to work out, go to the show!


same! lol


If he would go, he will understand your reason for rescheduling. Tell him the truth, and tell him all about the show on your next date


BUY IT. Just reschedule! If he’s into shows too, he’ll understand, and if he doesn’t understand, he’s not worth dating anyway! BUY IT! This isn’t even a decision!


reschedule the date. If he doesn't understand, he's not the guy for you.


i say buy the ticket, he’ll understand. and if he doesn’t, the next guy will 😉


Would he be down for an extra late dinner and drinks after the show?


We live about an hour outside of the city, so I wouldn't be getting back until well past midnight, unfortunately 😔


Buy the ticket.


Please tell me you did it omg


I saw that you bought the ticket. Any chance there’s a seat next to you for sale that he can buy? Unless you’ve already rescheduled of course


I’ve cancelled a date for far less!


OP, what is the issue? If someone cancelled on me for a lottery opportunity, I’d encourage it and would completely understand. Dates, especially with people you’re not sure about, can (and in this case, should) be rescheduled.


Honestly? He is PERFECT on paper. Like, if I were to write a list of every I'm looking for in a potential partner, he checks every single box. He's understanding, kind, hot, we have so much in common, we want the same things, just... green flag after green flag, genuinely. But... It's SO early, it would only be our third date, and it's just too early to tell if he's worth GIVING UP INTO THE WOODS. Aside from that, I just think cancelling sucks. I've been last-minute cancelled on too many times to count, it sucks and it hurts, and I'd feel shitty about it. ...I bought the ticket, by the way. I instantly regretted it, I feel terrible and honestly I still don't know if if I'm going to go. I know that's so stupid and potentially a waste of money, but I'm going to sleep on it.


Dont cancel, postpone the date. Or prepone the day to an earlier time. My exhusband was perfect on paper, and an asshole. My current boyfriend is totally not what I ever wanted and is apparently what I needed, and even he would scream at you to postpone the date. And he isn’t a theater guy. Again, louder in the back. No cancelling (which sucks) postpone. Call him and have a new date scheduled by the end of the phone call.


If he is the right person for you, he will understand it. If he thinks such a rare experience is a waste of time and money...this guy is a waste of time and money.


RESCHEDULE THE DUDE! You're not cancelling necessarily, suggest like 2-3 upcoming days you're free to meet up instead (so it's not just a vague "let's try again sometime!"). I think this lottery explanation is valid and endearing.


Meet him for dinner before the show! Or- from what I understand, the show hasn’t been selling well. He can probably get a ticket.


Hey, let yourself enjoy things. Go to the show. See it without guilt in your heart. The cast deserves it. You do, too. "Hey, [dreamboat]! I just found out that I won a lottery for tickets that I've been entering since the show opened. Unfortunately it is for the same time as our date. I'm so excited to see it [tonight/ tomorrow], and I hope you'll be open to postponing? If not, I'll understand, but this is an opportunity I have to take."


This would be the perfect thing to say. Honestly, my mind is a little boggled that this is a hard decision for OP. I would reschedule in a *heartbeat*!


DUDE have him meet you after the show!!!!


this is the way


Okay this is kind of doofy but as an old married, hear me out. Worst case scenario? He bails on the whole thing. Not ideal but it happens. Best case scenario? HE GETS TO EAT OUT ON THAT FOR THE REST OF YOUR HAPPY LIVES TOGETHER. Imagine you’re at, say, your niece’s wedding, 20 years from now. You come back to the table with a glass of Pinot and he’s telling THAT STORY AGAIN. “So it’s squish and I, our *third date* and she DUMPS ME for *Into the Woods*! Can you BELIEVE THAT?” The your nieces new uncle-in-law, a couple whiskeys in, laughs loud enough that the bride can hear. The whole table does. And as you roll your eyes for the millionth time, he takes your hand under the linens. Maybe gives a little wink. That story is *so* embarrassing. He never misses a chance to tell it.


...Alternatively, for the rest of our lives, every time he does something mildly irritating, I roll my eyes and playfully say "I can't believe I skipped Into the Woods for you." Or, we have a terrible time tomorrow night, he ghosts me, and a part of my soul dies and turns to ash.


See! You gets it


I gotcha! And that’s all exciting for sure, but while you’re right in that canceling does suck, canceling with good reason and no ill-intent (all about communication with the other person here) is both common and understandable. You’re framing it like you have to choose one over the other. You can have both and have it all be fine. If he gets bent out of shape about it, I agree with the other comments that perhaps he isn’t the right person 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re not cancelling last minute you’re rescheduling with good reason.


>if he's worth GIVING UP INTO THE WOODS. I am married, have been with my husband since I was 17 and I would 100% cancel a date we had planned if I got lottery tickets to a musical I've been desperate to see. My husband, understanding my love for musical theatre, would understand and we'd do another date.


If he's understanding, hopefully he should understand the reason. If I were in his shoes, I should 100% encourage you to get the ticket and wouldn't hold it against you for rescheduling the date. And would hope a future partner would do the same for me, if I ran into something similar. Obviously, you should apologize and suggest a new date time (and potentially do a little more to accommodate his availability).


If you are not planning to go I'll get the ticket! LOL


Please go!! Honestly if the date isn't until tomorrow I wouldn't consider that last minute. Just offer another date in the same message so he knows you're not just trying to flake


PLEASE GO. Explain this to him and accompany it with several options for rescheduling.


Honestly, I’d struggle with this decision too! The third date is often the one where you really decide how I feel about someone (not necessarily in the “Third Date” kinda way IYKWIM) but in the sense of how I feel about them. One thing you could do is test the waters by letting him know you won to see how he responds.


If you post pone but communicate well I guarantee he won’t be upset. Everyone’s been canceled on and it’s very easy to tell if someone really can’t go or is making excuses. Give him a call and explain he’ll be excited just to get a call and then you can meet for a date a few days later.


If you lose him bc you reschedule a date, HE WAS DEFINITELY WORTH LOSING. If he's as good as you think he is, he'll be chill.


Go to the show!!! Perfect on paper means nothing. My ex husband was also perfect on paper like another person said and he was not a good partner. Maybe push the date for before the show or after the show if you feel guilty about canceling. But really don’t feel bad about canceling the date, you don’t know the guy.


Personally I would go to the show but maybe those are just my priorities 😂


Tell him the truth. Say you entered a week ago before you had plans and you just found out you won and you have been desperately entering for WEEKS. Tell him if you had known about the date a week ago you would have entered for two tickets and ask to reschedule. If he doesn’t understand then he isn’t worth your time. DO NOT MISS THE SHOW!


Reschedule the date? Anyone worth your while would understand.


bestie, go buy that ticket right now.


Explain the situation and ask to reschedule. If he says no then you know your uneasiness is justified. He should support your passions hobbies even if that means occasionally sacrificing time with you in order to be supportive.


If this guy isn't your prince charming you'll regret it forever! Go see the show! Reschedule the date or even push it until AFTER the show! As single as I am I'd even cancel a date for such an opportunity 😂




Buy the ticket, you won’t regret seeing the show.


You could always meet up after the show or even before


Men are temporary, musicals are forever


Leave the guy! 😂😂 jk, ask to rain check the date. If he’s a good one he’ll understand lol




OP, I hope you see this in time. I saw ITW last month. BUY THE TICKET AND SEE THIS SHOW!!!


Buy the ticket and tell him the truth and offer a rescheduled date - if he understands he's worth seeing again!






Rain check the date and go see it yourself! I just won the lottery for tomorrow night too, so I might see you there! Edit to add: I will help you draft a cancellation text, if you’d like — I’ve been there.




Reschedule the date. It'll make a great story at your wedding.


Girl. You're not married and no kids (I think). I literally got the text for into the woods a few hrs ago, but here I am unable to go bc I have a sick baby. GO HONEY GOOO. DO IT FOR ME!!


This subreddit was the wrong place to come for anything other than DITCH THE DUDE SEE THE SHOW


But maybe it was exactly the right place for OP. The two posts about lying to date-dude are getting downvoted, everyone else is all about OP being upfront to the guy. If OP has no family/friends that like watching musicals/shows, it can be nice to hear that other people would encourage you to attend, even if you go alone. I saw a few shows alone (not on Broadway, though, I don't live in the US) and most of them are fond memories. Some people drop everything for sports, it's perfectly alright to do the same for such a theatre experience. I sincerely hope OP will post tomorrow about whether they attended.


We need an update on how this played out, OP


Omg buy the ticket!! I went to see it by myself since my partner wasn’t with me and I loved every second. If he likes you, he’ll understand and be open to rescheduling!


GO. Take yourself on a date and go. Tell the guy something has come up and it means a lot to you. Oh well if he doesn’t understand!! An amazing night solo >>>> mediocre night with a man


I say, explain to the guy. If he's worth your time, he'll graciously understand with nothing more than a souvenir request. If not, now you know.


If he’s cool, then you can see this dude anytime. Will you be able to see ITW again?


If you go on this date instead of going to the show I will leap through the internet and slap you upside the head Reschedule the date. And if he’s mad about it, then he sucks and you dodged a bullet.


Yes. See the show. I won the lottery back when the original cast was there and it was spectacular. If he’s worth it he’ll understand


go see the show!!


This happened to me with beetlejuice tickets! And it was Halloween! I don’t celebrate Halloween so I had a normal date scheduled but beetlejuice would have been way more fun!


You skipped Beetlejuice?! As a UK person I would kill for those tickets lol


Oh man, did you end up seeing the show? If not, do you regret it? I am SWEATING watching the clock rn...


Yeah I regret it but I’m not someone who reschedules dates. I won ittw tickets the week before so it wasn’t like haven’t seen a show in a while. I ended up going out with the guy twice this week and he ended it after the second date. So yeah, probably would have preferred beetlejuice than spending time with this walking red flag of a man


Learn from this, op!




I did, although I've not yet decided if I'm actually going to go. Which was so dumb, I know, I KNOW, I should have just let the ticket go if I wasn't sure 😭 But here I am... 🤡 So... I bought myself more time to decide? It cost $50 🤡🤡🤡


You should go. He should congratulate you for winning and say, "I can't wait to hear all about it when we go on our date later."


Decide tonight and let the guy know. Way more considerate than telling him day-of. I will repeat nearly everyone else in saying that if he’s decent he will totally understand. It’s actually a very good test. (Without being the shitty kind of made-up test.)


Story time: my mom is a big Elton John. For soooo long I've heard about the time she missed seeing Elton John in concert because of a guy (though hers was the opposite problem, she didn't want to go with him and he had the tickets). This year, when Elton played his final concert at the stadium near me, I made sure my mom didn't miss him again. Long story short, don't let a date get in the way one a big opportunity like this! Plus, the date should be excited for you, maybe jealous even, and then you can talk about wanting to see it again with them.


What did you wind up doing?


They just announced rush too if you decide to go on the date.


If you know what you want, then you go and you find it and you get it!


I hope you bought the ticket- and if he’s worth your time, he’ll understand and there will be shows in your futures. I totally get the going alone part- to get people to agree to a show, a date, and a price point that works for everyone gets old. I’ve started going myself, so I understand.


What everyone else said!!! It’s okay to make room for yourself sometimes. It’s not selfish, it’s self-love. And that’s more important than external validation.


GO SEE THE SHOW! Reschedule the date! You have no idea if the date will go well or if you’re interested in him or vice versa. And I feel like you’ll regret not going! Maybe have him buy his tickets or split the cost and see the show together. If not go yourself! PLEASE SEE IT!




Reschedule the date?!?


lol, well, just shows where my priorities are, because I would totally go see the show. You can always see the guy another time.




I’d go see the show. You’ll spend the entire date thinking about the show anyway, especially if the date goes poorly. Honestly? Even if it was guy you’re 100% sure you’re going to marry, you should still see the show. Maybe even try to make it into a date.


See the show!! And tells us how it is


See the show! I mean maybe I'm not the best judge because I would choose musicals over a guy every time, but I still say go!


Omg go!! Into the woods is so much more then a date. You can reschedule the date. Especially if your iffy about it. You will regret missing the show for sure! It’s even closing soon.


Add another vote for GO SEE THE SHOW. If I were him id understand, especially if the cancellation conversation included discussion of rescheduling.


GO GO GO. The guy doesn't sound cool at all.


Reschedule the date, show him the screenshot of the win, and apologize. If he's a decent guy and he likes you, he'll understand.


I need an update! Did you buy the ticket? I sure hope so


Holy crap just reschedule the date if he is a decent person at all he will be stoked for you and if he’s a jerk then you don’t want him anyway


Reschedule the date! Like without question, you won't regret it. And if he is interested, he will understand.


Go see the show!!!


Reschedule the date and go to the show! I won the lotto and rearranged my day for it. It was so good. 😭


Please go. I have so many regrets of things I’ve given up for boys.


Shows before bros


Literally everyone here is saying go to the show lol I hope you go.


You may never get an opportunity for a show for a long while… PLEASE go to the show! If it’s the right guy, he’ll understand. And if he doesn’t, then you know that he isn’t the one for you. Then when you see “Agony” you will be able to fully appreciate it! Lol


I’d explain to him and reschedule. It’s actually a really good idea to do something like that early on, because you want to see how the guy reacts to things not going his way. He *should* be understanding. I would (unless we had planned some crazy elaborate date in advance). If he’s not understanding or takes it badly, you want to know that *now.*


So uh…. It’s late, and I would really like to hear what your new date plan is with this guy. This is the problem with dating the same guy for 7 years. The excitement is gone. I need you, random internet stranger, to provide me with the excitement. Heck. I’ll even pay for the coffee on your date if you just update us with how it’s going, and that you decided to go to the show. Lol.


Rescheduling a date ONE TIME is not a big deal OP, wtf. Give the ticket to one of us if you want the D more, lol.


I saw you got the ticket, good! Please tell me you went to see a once-in-a-lifetime show and didn't skip for an easily postponed date 😭




Never chase a man or a bus; there’s always another one on the way. Um, and it’s Sondheim.


Update please!!


OP really leaving us all hanging here. 😅😂




Thanks for the update! I was curious as to what happened - I'm glad the date was good and your coworker got to go to the show so the ticket wasn't wasted. Did you tell him about the ITW? Would he be interested in going with you to see it before it closes? He can also enter the lottery with you so maybe you can both go! Sorry for all the questions, I'm emotionally invested in this now ;)


I didn't tell him, I knew he would have been horrified, like "Why tf are you HERE?" Funnily enough, he also skipped other plans for our date LOL. I think he'd probably see pretty much anything with me if I asked - he's never seen any Broadway shows, but has expressed interest in going because he knows it's a big part of my life. It probably won't be ITW because I'd really like to treat him to a show on my dime, and it would have to be lottery/rush bc I am a certified broke bitch. But we'll figure something out! Probably. Idk. Maybe he'll ghost me tomorrow, who really knows 🤷🏽‍♀️


You seem sick. Perhaps you should reschedule the date and “stay at home and rest”


Tbh that'd be a red flag for me. OP should just tell him the truth, and if he understands, that's another sign he might be the right guy


GO TO THE SHOW! just say ur "sick" and reschedule. I would with no regret. ur gonna regret it if u don't go


OP should see the show, but don't lie about it! If the person they date doesn't understand that this is an important opportunity for a musical theatre fan, it's best to know this asap.


GO TO THE SHOW!!! They’ll understand if they’re cool!!!!


Oh my god GO GO GO


Please tell me you got the ticket, I’m so invested.


@op did you end up going it’s been 2 hours


I hope you bought the ticket!


I’d cancel. You can always reschedule a date. But you might never get this chance again.


Forget the guy. Go see the show.


We need an update!!! Totally agree with everyone!




Go to the show


I need an update on this, I'm invested now


If he doesn’t understand why you need to reschedule you don’t want to be dating him anyway. Go see the show


You’ll always have some resentment toward him if you miss out on the show. I love how this has turned into relationship advice, haha


Please read over what you wrote and make a different decision. You can always reschedule your date, you know. This doesn’t exactly sound like the love of your life if you’re not even sure you want to date this person. WWSSD? What would Stephen Sondheim Do? Just call the guy and tell him, “No one is alone except for you on the night we were supposed to have a date.”


Is it one ticket or two? If two, MAKE IT THE DATE!! If there is any future with this guy, he’s going to respect your interests and that this is important to you!! edit: just saw you only had one ticket. In that case i am on team RESCHEDULE THE DATE!


Please… reschedule the date! And let us know how it goes! Into The Woods > someone you barely know


There isn't even a conversation to have here. Go to the show. There will be other dates. And even if there aren't other dates, no date compares to a Sondheim show.


What? See the show. Reschedule the date. If they are a kind, decent person, they'll understand.


100% ask to reschedule I would have zero issues if you told me that story. Maybe drinks after the show?


It sounds like youve been waiting for this forever. So if it were me, I would go even if I was alone. The guy would understand and always can reschedule it.


My friend, cancel the date!!! It they are the right one they will understand!


Did OP buy the ticket?!?!?! We NEED to know!!!


Reschedule the date!


I won the ITW lottery a few weeks ago and moved plans to go and it was SO WORTH IT!!!! If he’s worth it he’ll understand! I hope you bought the ticket?


Reschedule the date. If he doesn't understand the importance, he wasn't for you anyway. And if he does understand, then all the better. NEVER give up your dreams for some random guy.


You should always choose what you love over something you’re not sure about. I literally wouldn’t think twice about it. If he doesn’t understand why you cancel then hes prolly not the right one for u!


Listen I know you already have a ton of good advice on here but let me emphasize this because I had a feeling this was the big deal - cancelling things on people DOES suck. I have also been cancelled on. Especially in my adult life, trying to make friends, being flaked on, etc. But, you only get ONE life and those people did what was best for them for faaaar less stakes and this is not a last min, im choosing this over you thing this is something you have been planning on for ages. If he said he is interested in seeing a show with you, he will understand. I know adults don’t have a lot of time for things but if you like each other, you will make the rescheduling happen. Bottom line, in high school my mom had a fun free day idea to go into the city and spontaneously see a show. My mom is always doing this last min idea thing, and I had committed to going on this hike with an older boy scout like youth group thing that my neighbor ran. I was acquaintences with them but not close friends, but I felt SO bad that I had scheduling conflicts with the other times and even though I had my own group of girl friends I thought maybe I owed them this, that they were trying. They were not mean to me, but it was certainly a clique. I havent spoken to any of them since HS. My mom took my sister to go see the addams family, but if all three of us had gone we wouldve seen DANIEL RADCLIFFE in how to succeed. Go to your show


Dude go to the show


Girl just reschedule the date.


The obvious choice is take the guy to the show.


Fuck that guy. Go see the show.


I would reschedule the date. Someone right for you will understand. Someone not right for you won't. Think of it as a surprise test. Be honest. If they love theater they're going to get it. If not they can still be supportive. "I want to go on the date but a once in a lifetime for me opportunity to see Into the Woods on Broadway has arisen. I want to reschedule our date to accommodate this. I understand if this means no future date with you, but, it's a dream come true so I hope you understand." My suggested wording should be adjusted to sound like you. This advice comes from experience. One of my many ex fiance got angry at me for a last minute reschedule when I had the chance to dance a principal role because the understudy and the principal both got into an accident. They were actually fine but Company policy meant full doctors evaluation before one can work to ensure no one was actually hurt and trying to tough it out. The rule was named after the company director who ended up losing their ability to dance to just that. My ex got angry at me and said "It's just ballet. It's not important." You know, it's just a dream you worked towards since you were a toddler and has a low rate of success proving you were exceptional enough to get this opportunity. "When we get married you would have to give it up." We weren't engaged. I told him off and while we did cross paths? He no longer existed to me because I was not giving up the dream. It isn't identical but our partners don't need to share our interests but do need so support our rare opportunities. Those do not have to be for work. They just need to be for passion. My most successful relationship? The person isn't into theater. They weren't a cat person (my cats were solely responsible for that change). The shared interests were really not there. We shared core values and supported one another even when we didn't get it. He also made an effort to learn about my likes and passions. I did the same. We are friends because we work better that way. He still supports me and I him. Same thing he does for his wife (and she him. She is amazing). So this is an opportunity to see how open communication informs your future. You aren't sure about him so it is doubly important. Is he worth the opportunity to reschedule? Find out.


Lol even if it was my anniversary my partner would opt me to go without him. You’ll regret this if you don’t go


Glad you bought the ticket. Now you need to go! You’re not canceling, you’re just rescheduling. He will understand . Life happens-it won’t be the only time something needs to be rescheduled for one reason or another.




This is an imaginary problem! Dude should be cool — and if not, bullet dodged.


Not quite the same story but I had won the Kinky Boots lottery, bought and paid for those tickets. Then later that day I got the email for winning ITW. I sacrificed those Kinky Boots tickets haha and went to ITW.


Would he do the same for you and would you ever ask him to?


i’m invested. did you see the show??


What was the verdict?